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1、人教版七年级下册第一次月考Unit1Unit3知识点总结训练之单选选择含答案人教版七年级下册第一次月考(Unit1-Unit3)知识点训练之单项选择 1. My friend can play_ violin, but she cant play _chess.A. the; the B. / ; the C. the; / D. / ; /2. Our English teacher is good _ music, and she is good _ students.A. at; at B. at; with C. with; at D. with; with3. Mr.Black is

2、 a teacher and he _ English.A. asks B. calls C. watches D. teaches4. Wang Feng sings many nice songs. He _ many of them by himself.A. reads B. writesC. tells D. talks5. The _ are listening to the speech carefully.A. worker B. personC. people D. visitor6. Can your brother sing _ draw?He can draw.A. a

3、nd B. but C. or D. so7. Can you help me _ my math?Sure. We can meet _ the weekend.A. with; on B. in; in C. at; at D. on; at8. Lily _ English very well _ she doesnt know Chinese.A. speaks; but B. talks; butC. speaks; and D. talks; and9. You draw so well, so you can _ the art club.A. take part in B. j

4、oin inC. join D. take10. Can your sister _?Yes. These are her pictures.A. swim B. sing C. dance D. draw11. Li Ming can _, so he wants to join the _ club.A. swim; swims B. swim; swimmingC. swimming; swims D. swimming; swimming12. What club do you want to join?I can play the violin, so I want to join

5、the_club.A. sports B. computer C. English D. music13. My brother _ the piano and he plays it_. A. can play; good B. cant play; goodC. can play; wellD. cant play; well14. Can Linda sing?_. She often sings at school.A. Yes, she doesB. Yes, she canC. No, she cant D. No, she doesnt15. What can Jim do, J

6、ack?_. A. He likes sportsB. He can do kung fuC. He cant singD. He wants to be in the club16Can Jim and Mary swim? _AYes, he can BYes, she canCNo, they cant DYes, they cant17Bob can play _ tennis but he cant play _violin. Athe; the B/; / Cthe; / D/; the 18Please email me _ sdshzs 666 if you have any

7、questions.Aon Bat Cto Dby19It is difficult to remember and write traditional Chinese characters(繁体字), _we should keep them.Abut Band Cor Duntil20The flight was delayed(延误) by the storm, _ the passengers(乘客) had to wait at the airport.Abut Bor Cso Dfor21He is talking _ his mother and the teacher is t

8、alking _ his students. Awith; about Babout; by Cfor; with Dby; with22We need some English teachers _ English in our school.Ateaching Bto teach Cteaches Dteach23He is good with the _ students.AEnglishspeaking BEnglishspeak CspeakingEnglish DspeakEnglish24We want two good _ our rock band(摇滚乐队). Amusic

9、 for Bmusician in Cmusic in Dmusicians for 25Little Tom can draw _His drawings are very _. Agood; well Bwell; goodCgood; good Dwell; well26. _does Mr. Wang usually go to bed? At nine.A. What time B. How time C. Who D. How27. David, when do you get up every day?I usually get up_ half past six. Im nev

10、er late for school.A. in B. at C. on D. during28. Look at the clock. Its six fifteen.A. fifteen to five B. fifteen past sixC. a quarter to six D. a quarter past five29. You can either take a bus _ go there on foot.A. and B. orC. but D. so30. He wants to _ as (作为) a teacher. He thinks its an interest

11、ing _. A. work; work B. works; jobC. work; job D. works; work31. We have _ things to do this week, but I think we have _ time to do them.A. much; a lot of B. a lot of; manyC. many; lots of D. lots of; many32. The twins _school in the morning.A. is often late for B. are often late forC. often are lat

12、e to D. often is late to33. _ he go to work early? Yes, he _to work very early.A. Do;go B. Does;goC. Does;goes D. Do;goes34. Rick takes a walk in the park every morning.A. has B. runsC. goes D. eats35. To wash hands before meals is good _ our health.A. with B. forC. of D. at36. The mooncake tastes _

13、, and it sells _. A. good; well B. good; goodC. well; well D. well;good37. My father usually works very late _. A. on night B. in nightC. at night D. with night38. Its a _ story. We all like it very much.A. bad B. funnyC. interesting D. early39. He usually has a _ breakfast, and then goes to work _.

14、 A. quick; quickly B. quick; quickC. quickly; quickly D. quickly; quick40. The old man often takes a walk alone(独自), but _ with his dog.A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never41_ do you take violin lessons? On weekends. AWhen BHow CWhat DWhere42My mother usually gets up _five fifty. Aat Bon Cin D

15、for43What do you prefer for lunch, darling?Id like _ such as tomatoes, carrots or cabbages.Ameat Beggs Cvegetables Dfruits44Its _ too late to learn a foreign language. Aalways Busually Coften Dnever45To be a teacher is _. Aa interesting job Ba interesting workCan interesting job Dan interesting work

16、46I have only two tickets of Kung Fu Panda. _ you _ he can go with me.AEither; or BNeither; norCBoth; and DBetween; and47The cake tastes _ and it is really delicious.Awell Bbadly Cgood Dbad48She eats lots_of vegetables for lunch. Amany B. much Clot of Da lots of49To go to bed early is a/an_. Ahealth

17、 habit Bunhealthy habitChealthy habit Dunhealthily habit50She doesnt go to school in the evening, _. Atoo Beither Calso Dor51. She is a_ girl with two big eyes.A. sixyearsold B. sixyearold C. six years old D. six year old52. Does your father go to work by _ car every day?No, he sometimes takes _ bus

18、.A. a; the B. the; aC. 不填;a D. a; 不填53. What do you _ Changchun?It is a beautiful city.A. like B. like about C. think of D. think over54. How do you get _Beijing?I get_ there by train.A. to; to B. /; to C. to; / D. in; /55. There are _ apples in the box and _ water in the cup.A. much; many B. many;

19、muchC. many; many D. much; much56. It took _ people three months to build this great building.A. two hundreds B. hundred ofC. hundreds of D. two hundred of57. Its interesting _ us to swim in the river.A. of B. inC. with D. for58. You can _ the street when the light is green. Dont go _ it when the li

20、ght is red.A. across; cross B. cross; throughC. cross; across D. through; cross59. It takes the old teacher half a year _ the book.A. finish B. finishingC. to finish D. finishes60. _ do you get to Shanghai?By train.A. How B. WhatC. When D. Where61. How _ is it from Xian to Dunhuang?Its less than 3 _

21、 flight.A. long; hours B. far; hoursC. long; hours D. far; hours62. In our school, most students go to school_. A. take the school bus B. on the school busC. by the school bus D. at the school bus63. Please turn to page _ and take a look at the picture on it.A. the eightieth B. eightiethC. eighties

22、D. eighty64. What can I do _ my dream _?A. to make; come true B. make; come trueC. make; came true D. making; to come true65. I am _ of dogs. Please take your dog out of the house.A. boring B. interested C. difficult D. afraid66What do you _ the storybook?Its funny and interesting.Aplay with Btalk t

23、o Cthink of Dtalk about67What did you get for your birthday, Tony?An iPad 4, _ my aunt. AtoBfromC. withDfor68At the party, we have lots of fruit _ apples, bananas and pears.Alike Bfor Cabout Dof 69What time does your father leave _ work in the morning?Aof Bfor Cin Dabout70Hi, guys. Where were we yes

24、terday?We learned the differences _ fact and opinion.Abetween Bamong Cduring Dbeyond71Its dangerous for kids_ in the river.Aswim Bto swimCswimming Dswims 72He often goes to work _ his car.Aby Bin Con Dat73He is only a _ boy. Dont be angry!Afive year old BfiveyearoldCfiveyearsold Dfive years old 74Do

25、nt be _ of the dog. Its friendly.Aafraid Bhappy Cfree Dbusy75It usually takes me half an hour _ to school on the school bus.Aget Bgetting Cgets Dto get答案:1-5 CBDBC6-10 CAACD11-15 BDCBB16-20 CDBAC21-25 ABADB26-30 ABBBC31-35 CBCAB36-40 ACBAC41-45 AACDC46-50 ACACB51-55 BCCCB56-60 CDCCA61-65 DBDAD66-70 CBABA71-75 BBBAD

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