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高考英语 句子成分和基本句型复习附练习 新人教版.docx

1、高考英语 句子成分和基本句型复习附练习 新人教版高考英语复习:句子成分和基本句型主语(subject): 句子说明的人或事物。The sun rises in the east. (名词) He likes dancing. (代词)Twenty years is a short time in history. (数词) Seeing is believing. (动名词) To see is to believe. (不定式) What he needs is a book. (主语从句)It is very clear that the elephant is round and tal

2、l like a tree. (It形式主语,主语从句是真正主语)谓语(predicate): 说明主语的动作、状态和特征。We study English. He is asleep. 表语(predicative): 系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质、状态和特征。 He is a teacher. (名词) She was very tired and looked it. (代词)Five and five is ten. (数词) He is asleep. (形容词) His father is in. (副词) The picture is on the wall. ( 介词短语)

3、My watch is gone / missing / lost. (形容词化的分词)To wear a flower is to say “Im poor, I cant buy a ring. (不定式)The question is whether they will come. (表语从句)(常见的系动词有: be, sound(听起来), look(看起来), feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来), taste(尝、吃起来), remain(保持,仍是), feel(感觉) . It sounds a good idea. The sound sounds strange.Her

4、 voice sounds sweet. Tom looks thin.The food smells delicious. The food tastes good.The door remains open. Now I feel tired.宾语:1)动作的承受者-动宾I like China. (名词) He hates you. (代词)How many do you need? We need two. (数词)We should help the old and the poor. I enjoy working with you. (动名词)I hope to see you

5、again. (不定式) Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句) 2) 介词后的名词、代词和动名词-介宾Are you afraid of the snake? Under the snow, there are many rocks. 3) 双宾语-间宾(指人)和直宾(指物)He gave me a book yesterday. Give the poor man some money.宾补:对宾语的补充,全称为宾语补足语。We elected him monitor. (名词) We all think it a pity that she did

6、nt come here. (名)We will make them happy. (形容词) We found nobody in. ( 副词 ) Please make yourself at home. 介词短语) Dont let him do that. (省to不定式)His father advised him to teach the lazy boy a lesson. (带to不定式)Dont keep the lights burning. (现在分词) Ill have my bike repaired. (过去分词) 主补:对主语的补充。He was elected

7、monitor. She was found singing in the next room.He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson.定语:修饰或限制名词或代词的词、词组或句子。Ai Yanling is a chemistry teacher.(名词) He is our friend. (代词)We belong to the third world. (数词) He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson.(形容词)The man over there is my old friend.(

8、副词) The woman with a baby in her arms is my sister. (介词)The boys playing football are in Class 2. (现在分词)The trees planted last year are growing well now. (过去分词) I have an idea to do it well. (不定式)You should do everything that I do. (定语从句)状语:用来修饰v., adj., adv., or 句子。 表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、程度、条件、方式和让步。 (以

9、下例句按上述顺序排列)I will go there tomorrow. The meeting will be held in the meeting room.The meat went bad because of the hot weather. He studies hard to learn English well.He didnt study hard so that he failed in the exam. I like some of you very much. If you study hard, you will pass the exam. He goes to

10、 school by bike. Though he is young, he can do it well. 句子按其结构可以分为以下三类:1、简单句(Simple Sentences):只包含一个主谓结构句子叫简单句,例如:She is fond of collecting stamps.她喜欢集邮。主语 谓语2、并列句(Compound Sentences):包含两个或两个以上主谓结构的句子叫并列句,句与句之间通常用并列连词或分号来连接,例如:The food was good, but he had little appetite. 食物很精美,但他却没什么胃口。主语 系 表 主语 谓

11、 宾3、复合句(Complex Sentences):包含一个主句从句和一个或几个从句的句子叫复合句,从句由从属连词引导,例如:The film had begun when we got to the cinema. 我们到达电影院的时候,电影已经开演了。主句 从句基本句型(Basic Sentence Patterns):英语中千变万化的句子归根结底都是由以下五种基本句型组合、扩展、变化而来的:1)主 + 动(SV) I work.我工作。2)主 + 动 + 表(SVP) John is busy.约翰忙。3)主 + 动 + 宾(SVO) She studies English.她学英语。

12、4)主 + 动 + 宾 + 补(SVOC) Time would prove me right. 时间会证明我是对的。5)主 + 动 + 间宾 + 直宾(SVOiOd) My mother made me a new dress.我母亲给我做了一件新衣裳。一. Subject (主语) Verb (谓语) 此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这种句型中的动词基本上都是不及物动词,这些动词常见的有:appear, apologize, arrive, come, die, disappear, exist, fall, happen, rise,等等,但可以在其后添加

13、修饰成分,如副词,介词短语,甚至状语从句作状语。Time flies.(主语+谓语) The moon rose.月亮升起来了。(主语+谓语)Birds sing beautifully.(副词) They stayed in a hotel. (介词短语) She apologized to me again. (副词) I had left when they came.(时间状语从句)2. Subject (主语) Link. V(系动词) Predicate(表语) 系动词主要包括:A)be动词。如am,is are,was,were.He is clever. She is a be

14、autiful girl.B)除了be 系动词外,还有一些动词也可以用作系动词,1)表感官的动词。如:feel, smell, taste, sound, look等。This kind of cloth feels soft. That flower smells good.The food tastes delicious. That piece of music sounds beautiful.He looks ill today.2)表变化和结果的动词。如:become, get, grow, turn, go, come, prove等。She becomes more and m

15、ore beautiful. It gets dark.You grow older than before. Leaves turn yellow in autumn.Spring comes. Its getting warmer and warmer.春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和。The facts prove true.事实证明是正确的。 Dont have the food. It has gone bad.不要吃那种食物,已经变质了。3)表状态的动词 remain, keep, seem, appear,hold(容纳), stay等。We should always remain

16、 honest. It remains dark outside.外面天还是黑的。The door keeps open/closed. The classroom can hold 50 people.You stay naughty after so many years.此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语,才能表达完整的意思。主系表结构中的表语常常有以下成分充当:1) S + Lv + N/Pron(名词/代词) He is a clever boy. That girl is her(代词).2) S + Lv +

17、Adj(形容词) She is beautiful.3) S + Lv + Adv (副词) Class is over.4) S + Lv + Prep Phrase He is in good health.5) S + Lv + Participle(分词)He is excited. The film is interesting. 三. Subject(主语) Verb (谓语) Object (宾语) 此句型句子的共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实义,都是主语产生的动作,但不 能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整这种句型中的动词应为及物动词或者可以后接宾语的

18、动词短语。同时,句子中有时含有与宾语有关的状语。作宾语的成分常是:名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句。1)S+VT(及物动词)+名词/代词He knows the answer.(名词) I like her.(代词)2)S+VT(及物动词)+不定式I want to help him.(不定式)常用于这句型的动词有:attempt, dare, decide, desire, expect, hope, intend, learn, need, offer, pretend, promise, propose, purpose, refuse, want, wish等。3) S + VT

19、+ Wh-开头的词 + 不定式I dont know what to do.常用于这句型的动词有:ask, consider, decide, discover, explain, find out, forget, guess, inquire, know, learn, observe, remember, see, settle, tell, think, understand, wonder等。4) S + VT + 动名词I enjoy living here.常用于这句型的动词有:admit, advise, avoid, consider, defend, enjoy, excu

20、se, finish, forbid, mind, miss, practise, risk, suggest, give up, cant help等。5) S + VT + That-从句I dont think (that) he is right.常用于这句型的动词有:Admit, believe, command, confess, declare, demand, deny, doubt, expect, explain, feel(觉得), hear(听说), hope, imagine, intend, know, mean, mind, notice, propose, re

21、quest, report, say, see(看出),show, suggest, suppose, think, understand, wish, wonder(觉得奇怪)。四. Subject(主语)Verb(谓语) Indirect object(间接宾语)Direct object (直接宾语) 这种句型中作间接宾语的常常指“人”,直接宾语常常指“物”。此句型的句子有一个共同特点:谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思.这两个宾语一个是动作的直接承受者,另一个是动作的间接承受者.通常这 一间接承受者用一个介词来连接,当动作的间接承受者在动作的直接承受者之前 时,这一介词往往被省

22、略。I gave him help. I sent him a book.I bought May a book. Please show me your picture. Ill offer you a good chance as long as you don t lose heart.I owe him some money. They told me about your story.I sold my car to Tom.注意:这种句型还可转换为其他两种句型:1)动词 宾语 for sb.;“for”常常表示动作的受益者,或“动作是为谁做的”间接宾语前需要加for 的常用动词有:

23、bring, buy, cash, cook, choose, fetch, find, fix, get, keep, leave, make, order, paint, play(演奏),save, sing等。 He bought a coat for me.Ill offer a good chance for you as long as you dont lose heart. 只要你不失去信心,我会给你提供机会的。2)动词 宾语to sb.;“to” 常常表示动作的对象,或“动作是对谁做的”。间接宾语前常常加to的常用动词有:allow, bring, deny, do(带来)

24、,give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, render, restore, sell, send, show, teach, tell wish, write等。He sent a book to me. Please show your picture to me. 五. Subject(主语)Verb (动词)Object (宾语)Complement(补语) 1. Jim finds his job a challenge.宾补为n. 2. I found

25、the movie interesting.宾补为adj.3. Why did you leave the light on?宾补为adv. 4. We found her in tears.宾补为介词短语5. They encouraged her to try again.宾补为不定式 6. My mother told me not to worry.宾补为不定式7. We heard someone knocking on the door.宾补为V-ing8. Do you smell something burning?宾补为V-ing 9. I had my computer f

26、ixed last week.宾补为V-ed10. You should make yourself understood.宾补为V-ed此句型的句子的共同特点是:动词虽然是及物动词,但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语,才能使意思完整。这种句型中的宾语 宾语补语可统称为“复合宾语”。担任宾语补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。1) S + VT + 名词/代词We named our baby Tom.We elected Obama president of the United States.We made/chose/ him

27、our monitor(班长).常用于这句型的动词有:appoint, call, choose, elect, entitle, find, make, name, nominate(命名)。2) S + VT + 名词/代词+形容词He painted the wall white. They find the house empty.I cut the stick short.我把棒子砍短了。 I got my clothes dirty.I kept the door open. She left her baby alone.I made the house clean. I was

28、hed my shirt clean.常用于这句型的动词有:beat, boil, cut, drive, find, get, hold, keep, leave, like, make, paint, see, set, turn, want, wash, wipe, wish等。3) S + VT + N/Pron + 介词短语She always keeps everything in good order. I always find him in the garden.4) S + VT + N/Pron + 不定式I wish Mary to come to my party.

29、I made him work. I advise him to have a rest.常用于这句型的动词有:a)不定式带to的词:advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, command, decide, encourage, expect, force, get, hate, invite, know, leave, like, love, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remain, request, teach, tell, want, warn, wish等。b)不定式不带to的词:feel, have, h

30、ear, know, let, listen to, look at, make, notice, see, watch等。5) S + VT + N/Pron + Participle (分词)I heard my name called. I saw him beaten by a stranger. I hear her singing in the house.常用于这句型的动词有:catch, feel, find, get, have, hear, imagine, keep, leave, listen to, look at, notice, observe, perceive

31、, see, set, smell, start, watch等。6) S + VT + N/Pron + Wh-word + 不定式He show me how to do it. He told me where to go.常用于这句型的动词有:advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell等。7) S + VT + N/Pron + That-clause He told me that the film was great.常用于这句型的动词有:assure, inform, promise, remind, teach, tell, warm等。8) S + VT + N/Pron + Wh-ClauseHe asked me what he should do.He showed me where I should go.She taught me how I should do the job.常用于这句型的动词有:Advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell.Keep the children quiet, please. 请让孩子们安静下来

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