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1、八年级上册英语作文精选范文八年级上册英语作文-(精选范文)1. 你的朋友mike最近生病了,平时他爱吃肉食和垃圾食品,爱长时间看电视,不喜欢出去锻炼;生活中,他不爱多喝水,不注意休息,请你给mike的病况和以后健康生活方式给出合理建议,可适当发挥,词数不少于60词。i m sorry that you were ill. youd better go to see a doctor and follow the doctors advice. youll be better soon. at the same time , you should have good living habits.

2、 for example , you should have a balanced diet and do moreexercise . you shouldnt eat too much junk food or watch tv for a long time. youd better have a good rest. its good for your health.2. 上周你与同班同学去老年人之家作志愿工作,请以a wonderful day为题,写一篇作文,内容应包括:(1)你和谁在什么时候及怎样去老年人之家。(2)你们去了做了什么事帮助那些老人,及老人们的心情如何。(3)你们通

3、过这次活动有什么收获及感想。要求:词数不少于60,语句正确通顺。a wonderful daylast week , my classmates and i volunteered in the oldpeoples home. we went there by bike. after we arrived, we began to clean the clothes and the room for them. then someof us chatted with them, others sang or read newspapers for them. the old people a

4、ll felt very happy. we went back at about 5:30. we were very tired but happy. we all want to go there again.3. 给志愿服务中心(the volunteer service center) 写一封e-mail, 内容包括:1. 你想做志愿者及想做志愿者的原因。4. 你的特长与爱好。5. 你能为残疾人做些什么及你什么时候有时间做志愿工作。dear sir or madam,i want to volunteer in your service center. because its goo

5、d for us to help others and we will feel happy if we help others. im good at singing, dancing and telling stories. i thinki can bring others a lot of joy. i think i can help thedisabled people with lots of work , such as doing some chores,telling stories to them and so on. and im always free on satu

6、rday. so i hope you can give me a chance to volunteer. yours,mike6. 假如你是心理医生dr.clark,你收到学生lucy的来信。她在信中说,自己很喜欢看电视,但父母担心影响她的学习,不让她看,她有时和父母争吵,很烦恼,却不知道怎么办。请你给lucy回个信,给出解决办法。70词左右,信件首尾已给出,不计入总词数。dear lucy,thanks for telling me about your problem. first, stop arguing your with parents. arguing with them c

7、ant solve any problem and just makes you all angry. remember : your parents love you deeply. second, you should understand your parents. watching tv too much is really bad for your study. third, you can tell your parents what are your think. you could tell them that they watching tv can you help you

8、 withyour study. and you cant watch the too wishes!yours,dr. clark7. 上周mary与父母争吵了,mary非常紧张又非常后悔,同时又不知道该如何做,请你给mary提出合理化建议。dear mary,i heard that you argued with your parents, and you felt very sorry and nervous. ill give you some advice. it will helpyou out.firstly, you should talk to your

9、 parents about the problem. if you understand each other, the problem isnt a big deal.secondly, if you are wrong, you must say sorry to your parents. they will be very last, why dont you help them with the chores? its good for you all to understand each other better.8. 昨天晚上,暴风天兔登陆中国,暴风登陆后你与

10、家长在做什么,当停电后,你们又做了什么,请你结合实际情况,写一篇不少于70词的作文。the rainstorm - tiantu landed in china last night. when it landed, my father was watching cctv news. my mom wasdoing some washing, and i was doing my homework. after a while, the power was off, so i went to bed. my fatherlistened to the radio radio, and my m

11、om stopped to have a rest. what a terrible night !9. 写一封e-mail给报社,谈谈你对课外补习班(after-school classes)的看法,并阐述理由。要求:不少于60词,条理清楚 dear sir,i dont think its good for you children to go to after-schoolclasses. because it can take the children lots of free time. so they have no time to help do the chores or pl

12、ay sports. this isnt good for their health. at the the same time,it can bring them lots of pressure, so they can be tired of their studies. soi think the children should have fun in their free time, not only go to afterschool.根据下列汉语写一篇意思连贯,符合逻辑的文章。上周周末,全班同学到公园去玩。天气宜人,公园里到处是绿树和鲜花。上午,有的同学唱歌、跳舞,有的打篮球,还

13、有的在树下下棋。 吃完午饭,划船、登山,虽很疲劳,但是很高兴,我们玩的非常痛快。天色晚了,乘车返回学校。要求:1. 条理清楚、书写规范、语句通顺。10. 不少于60词。last weekend was fine, so my class went to a park to have fun. thats beautiful park with lots of green trees and the morning, some of us sang, danced, played ball games, others played chess under trees, we

14、 all had fun.after lunch, we went boating and climbing, we were very tired but happy, we all enjoyed ourselves. when it got dark, we went back by bus. what a nice day !11. 格林太太遇到了这样一个难题,她给报社编辑helen写了下面的一封信,你能帮helen写一封回信吗?词数在6080。提示:(1)尽量不想白天的事。(2)睡前做些运动。(3)听一些音乐。 dear helen,i was very healthy before

15、 , but these days i cant sleep well. i always cant stop thinking about the things in the day time. i dont know what i should do. can you help me? thanks a lot!mrs. greendear mrs. green,im sorry to hear that you cant sleep very well. and i think the problem is that you think too much about the things

16、 which happened in the day time. first, you should relax yourself. dont care about too much. next, do some exercise before you go to bed. it will help you go to sleep very quickly. and you can listen to some light music when you sleep in bed. have a try, please.12. 为了提高英语表达能力,预计明天下午你将召开一次以keep our s

17、chool clean 为题的班会,请你根据一下提示用英语写一篇简短的发言稿。提示:1. 不要随地吐痰,不要乱扔垃圾。13. 不在墙上乱涂乱画。14. 坚持每天打扫室内外卫生。要求:1. 词数80左右。15. 请不要逐句翻译。16. 发言稿开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。good afternoon, everyone!we are studying in this school. its like our home. so its everyones duty to keep it clean. if everyone tries his best to do it, itll be nic

18、er and nicer, we can also study is what we should do to keep it clean.first, we shouldnt throw the rubbish around or spit inpublic. secondly, we mustnt write or draw on the wall. at last, we should clean our school every day at the same time.17. 现在的许多中国小孩在家很少做家务,请你就此现象谈谈自己的看法。要求:不少于60词,条

19、理清晰。i think its important for children to do some chores and help their parents at home. because many children in china depend on their parents to much, they often ask others to do something for them. so they need to learn how to do things by themselves. doing chores is a good way to help develop th

20、eir independence and teach them how to look after themselves or others. this is better for their future than good grades.18. dear alice,i felt very ill this morning, i coughed and had a fever and nosebleed. at the same time, i had a headache and sore throat. i dont know what i should do. can you giv

21、e me some advice?yourshelen根据helen 的e-mail, 给她回一封e-mail, 并给出合理建议,不少于60词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。dear helen,im very sorry to hear yu were ill. i think you may have a bad cold. youd better go to a doctor. the doctor may give you some medicine. you should take the medicine on time, at the same time, you should dr

22、ink more hot water and lie down to have a good rest. i think themedicine will work well, youll be better soon.19. 现在许多小孩在家看电视太多,请你就此谈谈你的看法。 now many children spend too much time on tv. i dont think its good for them. because watching tv too much is just a waste of time, and they usually have little

23、time to do their homework or play sports. at the same time, watching tv too much is bad for their eyes. so we should not watch tv too much.20. 你一定去过不少地方吧?写一篇英语短文谈一谈你曾去过的最有趣的地方。在哪里,你感到有趣的地方时什么?如果有机会,你还想再去那里吗?要求: 语句通顺、连贯,70词左右。have you ever been to xian where i was born and grew up? its one of the mos

24、t famous old cities in china as well as in the world. its in northwest china and was originally called changan. there are many places of historical interest, for example, the greater wild goose pagoda. xianis a modern industrial city, too. there are many beautiful parks, shops and museums. you may e

25、njoy the culture of the city and buy whatever you need at the same time.21. 向你的外国朋友eric讲述美猴王的故事,字数不少于60词,语句通顺,条理清晰。once upon a time, there was a magic rock. one day, it broke open and gave birth to a monkey.the monkey had a magic stick to fight bad people. he could make the stick small and could kee

26、p it in his ear. the monkey could also make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects. at last, he projected xuanzang along the way to the west.22. 古代有个郑国人去集市买鞋,只相信量好的尺寸却不相信自己的脚,结果没有买到鞋。请你试着用英语叙述一下这个故事。 提示:1. 量了自己双脚的尺寸take the measurement of his own feet.23

27、. 正当他在鞋店看鞋时, 他突然想起. he was looking at shoes at the shoe - markers when he realized. . .24. 到他回来时 by the time he returned25. 宁愿. . . . . . 也不.would rather要求: 1.词数8010026. 适当运用所给提示27. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。once in the ancient kingdom of zheng there was a man who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes. he

28、 took the measurement of his own feet with a piece of string. then he went to the market. he was looking at some shoes at the shoe markers when he realized he had left the measurement at home. he put down the shoes and rushed home to fetch it. by the time he returned with the measurement the market had been closed. so he failed to get his shoes.somebody asked him, “why didnt you just try the shoes on your feet?”he answered, “ i would rather trust the measurement than my feet.”

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