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1、英美国家概况课后题及答案Chapter 21.The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T)2.The Celts became the dominant group in Brita in betwee n the 8 th and 5cen turies BC.(T)3.The n ame of Britai n came from a Celtic tribe- the Brit on s.(T)4.The An glo-Sax ons came to Brita in in the mid-5th cen tu

2、ry.(T)5.The chief or king of the Anglo-Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F)6.The Viki ngs bega n to attack the En glish coast in the 8 th cen tury.(T)7.He nry II built up a large empire which in cluded En gla nd and most ofFran ce.(T)8.The MagnaCarta wasdesigned to protect the rights o

3、f both the privileged class and the tow nspeople.(F)9.The Hundred Years War was a series of wars fought between England and Norma ns foe trade and territory.(F)1O.ln an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions,Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the ReligiousRefo

4、rmati on. (T)1.The D attack on Rome en ded the Roma n occupati on in Brita in in 410.A.Norman B. Da nish C. Celtic D. Germa nic2.By the late 7th cen tury, D became the dominant religio n in En gla nd.A.Celtic Christia nity B. An glo-SaxonChristia nityC. Germa nic Christia nity D. Roma n Christia nit

5、y3.Westminster Abbey was built at the time of B . A. St. Augusti ne B. Edward the Con fessorC. William the Co nqueror D. Alfred the Great4.The C marked the establishme nt of feudalism in En gla nd.A.B. sig ning of the MagnaViki ng inv asi on CartaC. Norma n Conq uest D. Adopti on of com mon law5.The

6、 end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of C . A. the House of Valois B. the House of YorkC. the House of Tudor D. the House of Lan caster6.The direct cause for the Religious Reformatio n was Ki ng Henry VIII seffort to A A. divorce his wife B. break with RomeC. support the Protesta nts D. dec

7、lare his supreme power overthe church7.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between B . B. Royalists andD. aristocrats andA. Protesta nts and Purita ns Parliame ntaria nsC. n obles and peasa nts Christia ns8.A was passed after the Glorious Revoluti on.9.The In dustrial Revolutio n was accomplishe

8、d in Brita in by the middle of the C century.th10.Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by thebegi nning of the D century.A. 17th B. 18th C. 19th D. 20thChapter 31.Conventions are regarded less important than commorlaw in the workingof the British governmen t.(F)2.The Brit

9、ish monarchy has never been interrupted throughout thehistory.(F)3.ln reality,the British Ki ng or Quee n is the source of all gover nment powers.(F)4.British Parliame nt is the law-maki ng body of the Common wealth ofNatio ns.(F)5.Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal are all membersin the British Upp

10、er House.(T)6.The members in the House of Common sare appo in ted rather tha nelected.(F)7.The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party inParliame nt.(T)8.Cabinet membersare chosen by the Prime Minister from various political parties in Parliame nt.(F)9.British law consists of two

11、parts,the civil law and the criminal law.(T)10.The legal systems in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are much similar in terms of law, organization and practice.(F)1.The British government is characterized by a division of powers betweenthree of the followi ng bran ches with the excepti

12、 on of the C . A. judiciary B. legislature C. mon archy D.executive2.The importa nee of the British mon archy can be see n in its effect on D .A. passing the bills B. advising the governmentC.political parties D. public attitude3.As a revising chamber, the House of Lords is expected to B theHouse of

13、 Commons.A. rival B. compleme nt C. criticize D. in spect4.British Cabinet works on the prin ciple of A . A. collective resp on sibility B. in dividualD. defe nding theresp on sibilityC. defe nding the collectivism in dividuals5.The main duty of the British Privy Council is to BA.make decisi ons B.

14、give advice C. pass bills D.supervise the Cabinet6.In Britai n, the parliame ntary gen eral electio n is held every C years.A. three B. four C. five D. six7.C has a dist inct legal system based on Roma n law.A. Wales B. En gla nd C. Scotla nd D.Norther n Irela nd8.Gen erally speak ing, the British P

15、arliame nt operates on a Bsystem.A. sin gle-party B. two-party C. three-party D. multi-party9.The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and D .10.society greatly in that itB. improved publicThe Labor Party affected the BritishA. set up the National Health Service tran sp

16、ortati onC.the econo mic developme ntabolished the old tax systemChapter 41.Britain was the first industrialized nation in the world.(T)2.The British economy experie need a relative decli ne duri ng the postwar period.(T)3.Limited resources and high un employme nt rate were persiste nt problems that

17、 preve nted rapid econo mic developme nt in Brita in .(F)4.Thatchers revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all the British econimic and social problems.(F)5.The econo mic approach adopted by Tony Blair is differe nt from that of the Labor party and the Conservative Party.(T)6.B

18、lair madethe Bank of England independent in order to separate politics and econo mic policy.(T)7.Britain is the worlds leading exporter of poultry and dairyproducts.(F)8.The fish ing in dustry provides more tha n 50%of Brita ins dema nd forfish.(T)9.Brita in is an importa nt oil exporter since its o

19、il in dustry has a longhistory.(F)10.Nuclear power is one of the major energy sources in Britain.(T)1.The British economy achieved global dominance by the C2.In B , the British Parliame nt passed two importa nt acts to establish a welfare state.3. The A in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnan

20、t economy in Brita in.5.The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except D .A. limit ing gover nment spe nding un der con trolC. reduci ng un employme nt D. reduci ng in equality6.Britain has devoted C of its land area to agriculture.7.Brita in s importa nt fish ing areas

21、 in elude all the follow ing except D10.Of the following sectors in Britain, C has experieneedspectacular growth since the end of Word War II.A. Agriculture B. en ergy in dustry C. service in dustry in dustryChapter 51.The British government has been responsible for education since theearly 1800s.(F

22、)2.Educati on in Brita in is compulsory for all childre n betwee n the agesof 6 and 15.(F)3.The National Curriculum is compulsory in both the state system and the in depe ndent system.(F)4.When children finish their schooling at 16, they are required to takea n ati onal GCSE exam in ati on.(T)5.Grad

23、uates from state schools in Brita in have a less favorable cha neeto enter famous universities than those from independent schools.(T)6.ln the 1960s, a large number of new universities were founded inBritai n.(T)7.Most British people beg in their day with read ing the morning n ewspaper and end it w

24、atch ing televisi on in the eve nin g.(T)8.The Times is the worlds oldest national newspaper(F)9.The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout theworld.(F) lO.Some British holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the Christian calendar, and others are related to local cu

25、stoms and traditi on s.(T)1.In Britain, the division between grammarschools and vocational schoolswere ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in the D .A.1930s B.1940s C. 1950s D. 1960s2.About B of British childre n receive primary and sec on daryeducati on through the in depe ndent syst

26、em.A.5% B. 6% C. 7% D. 8%3.Partially fun ded by cen tral gover nment gran ts, the Britishuniversities receive their remaining funds from all the followingsources except B .A.tuiti on fees B. loa ns C. don ati ons con tributio ns4.Of the following, A is NOTa basis of admission to Britain suni versiti

27、es.B. A-level resultA. result in n ati onal entrance testC. an in terview D. school refere nces5.To be admitted to the Ope n Uni versity, one n eed B . A. some educatio nal qualificati ons B. no educati onalqualificati onsC. Gen eral Certificate of Educati on-Adva need Nati onal Vocati onalQualifica

28、ti ons6.AmongBritain s quality press, the following newspapers are regardedas the “ Big Three ” with the exception of C . A. The Times B. The Guardian C. The Observer D. The DailyTelegraph7.Life on Earth is a ki nd of C program produced by the BBC andis popular among 500 millio n viewers worldwide.A

29、. feature B. drama C. docume ntary D. soapoperaC.s compa ny D. families traveli ngfrie nds enjoying each other overseas10.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British exceptA .A.Trooping the Color B. Queen s ChristmasmessageC. Boxing Day D. Christmas pan tomimeChapter 91.America was n

30、amed after Amerigo Vespucci, who arrived on the new con ti nent after Columbus.(T)2.The sec ond Continen tal Con gress was held in Philadelphia, and theContinental Army and Navy were founded under the commandof Thomas Jeffers on .(F)3.The Civil War not only put an end to slavery, but also decided th

31、atAmerica was a single, indivisible nation.(T)4.Ma ny America n people approved of the Viet nam War.(F)5.During Clintons term, the economy developed steadily, resulting in a lower rate of un employme nt.(T)6.In 1990, American troops and the troops from allied nations launchedOperation Desert Storm in order to drive Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.(T)7.According to the American administration, SaddamHussein and OsamabinLade n were resp on sible for the terrorist eve nt on September11,2001.(F)8.The America government regarded Iraq a nation among the axis of

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