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学年人教版必修五Unit 5 first aid单元检测卷.docx

1、学年人教版必修五Unit 5 first aid单元检测卷单元检测卷(时间50分钟;满分100分)班级_姓名_考号_得分_I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分) 【2017届天津市十二重点中学高三毕业班联考(二)】阅读下面短文,从16-35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将其涂黑。Throughout the junior-and senior-high mornings I watched my father go to work, I1told him how that affected me . I simply2about his a

2、bility to do what he did; keeping the3filled with food, paying my tuition fees and4Christmas gifts under the tree, taking me to Boston to buy new clothes, dragging me to church on Sundays Perhaps it was because these scenes seemed so5that I never spoke of them.And then at college, away from him-when

3、 his6became merely the voice over the phone-I thought other men were more7than Daddy. Those men who taught my classes and8complex theories.Then, I entered society. I looked forward to9home, talking with Daddy, sharing a ball game, watching an old Western movie on television, drinking a beet, listeni

4、ng to the10about his childhood days. I11Daddy again-not as a boy in awe(敬畏), but with respect as a man. And I12that he was my father, a man who committed himself to a thankless job in a society.And now, when I spend precious moments with my own son. I wonder what he thinks of me. At what point will

5、I13in his world of important men, and will there be a point when hell return to me with a nod of14? Will he treat me with love and15? How will he measure my weaknesses and strengths?Sometimes the16lessons are the most difficult to teach. Sometimes the most essential truths are the difficult to learn

6、. I hope my son will one day value all the17and truths that have passed to him, through18, from his grandfather. And as my son grows older. I believe that he, too, will measure his steps by the strides(大步) I have made for him, just as I have19my goals because of the strides my father has made for me

7、. When my son does this, perhaps he will feel the same20and fulfillment that I do when I say, ”I am fathers son.”1.A. often B. once C. sometimes D. never2.A. forgot B. learned C. doubted D. wondered3.A. kitchen B. market C. restaurant D. bedroom4.A. preparing B. burying C. piling D. hiding5.A. myste

8、rious B. ordinary C. special D. boring6.A. duty B. presence C. absence D. performance7.A. considerate B. kind C. important D. believable8.A. explained B. created C. proved D. studied9.A. leaving B. rebuilding C. visiting D. returning10.A. jokes B. stories C. news D. truth11.A. rediscovered B. recall

9、ed C. retold D. repeat12.A. noticed B. saw C. realized D. watched13.A. rise B. disappear C. fall D. die14.A. approval B. sympathy C. supporting D. understanding15.A. praise B. hate C. respect D. envy16.A. simple B. useful C. complex D. big17.A. opportunities B. lessons C. gifts D. knowledge18.A. her

10、 B. them C. me D. himself19.A. achieved B. set C. quitted D. changed20.A. embarrassment B. disappointment C. excitement D. pride【答案】1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D【解析】这篇文章主要围绕的是父与子。作者从小的时候在父亲的呵护下长大,之前并不觉得有什么,当自己走上社会的时候,才知道父亲的不容易,并更加珍惜和父亲在一起的日

11、子。当自己有了儿子以后,我也开始思考我和儿子的关系。这篇文章,叙述的逻辑性不是很强,但是人情味十足,有些地方如果不注意体会作者的情感可能就选不出正确答案。所以我们要多通读几遍,然后再体会作者的情感脉络。1.考察文章细节理解。由下文可知,父亲对我所做的那些对我的影响有多么大,但是我从没有告诉他这些。故选D。6.考察文章词意理解。A. duty责任B. presence存在C. absence缺席D. performance表演。句意当他的存在变成仅仅是我电话里的声音的时候。故选B。7.考察文章细节理解。这里说的是,在大学里,父亲离我很远,只能靠电话联系,而此时对我来说大学里那些教我的那些老师似乎

12、比父亲更重要。故选C。8.考察文章细节理解。A. explained解释B. created创造C. proved证明D. studied学习。由句意可知这里是描述的是大学里的老师,老师在教我们的时候当然是为我们解释那些复杂的理论更合理。故选A。9.考察文章细节理解。由后文可知道当作者进入社会,他愈加珍惜与家人在一起的日子,所以这里回家更合理。故选D。10.考察文章细节理解。这里是和父亲在一起聊天的一个细节,句意聆听他孩童时代的故事纵观所有的选项也只有故事更合理。故选B。11.考察文章细节理解。A. rediscovered重新发现B. recalled召回C. retold再讲D. repe

13、at重复。通过进入社会,我变得更加成熟,也更珍惜与父亲在一起的日子,所以我重新发现了父亲这个角色对于我有多么重要。故选A。12.考察文章细节理解。A. noticed注意B. saw看C. realized意识到D. watched观看。对比各选项,可知意识到他是我父亲更合理。故选C。13.考察文章细节理解。这里作者猜想如果自己在儿子的重要男人的世界里消失的话,会是什么样的,这里消失更合理。故选B。14.考察文章细节理解。A. approval支持赞同B. sympathy同情C. supporting支持D. understanding理解。这里主要表达的是父子间的默契,强调的是儿子对于父亲

14、理解。故选D。15.考察文章细节理解。儿子对于父亲的感觉,除了爱当然是尊重更合理啦,故选C。16.考察文章细节理解。句意有时候最简单的东西也是最难教的。这里需要体会作者作为一个父亲的角色的心里状态,儿子有时候不懂事,所以那些看似简单易懂的道理,他可能无法理解。故选A。第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 【云南省师范大学附属中学2018届高三上学期第一次月考】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。China has splendid culture with a long history.Chinese opera is one of

15、the_21_(old) dramatic art forms in the world.During the Tang Dynasty,the Emperor Taizong established an opera school_22_the poetic name Liyuan (Pear Garden).Since the Yuan Dynasty,encouraged by court officials and emperors,it_23_(become)a traditional art form. During the Qing Dynasty,_24_became fash

16、ionable among ordinary people.Performances_25_(watch) in tearooms, restaurants,and even on temporary stages.It developed from folk songs,dance,talking,antimasque(滑稽戏)and especially distinctive dialectical music. Gradually it combined music,art and literature into one performance on the stage._26_(ac

17、company) by traditional musical instruments,actors present unique melodies which may sound strange to_27_(foreign)as well as beautifully written dialogues,which are of high literary_28_(valuable).These dialogues also promoted the development of distinct literary styles,such as Zaju in the Yuan Dynas

18、ty.For Chinese,especially older folks,_29_(listen) to this kind of opera occasionally is_30_real pleasure.【答案】21. oldest 22. with 23. has become 24. it 25. were watched 26. Accompanied 27. foreigners 28. value 29. to listen/listening 30. a26. 考查非谓语动词。Actors与accompany之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。27. 考查名词。句意:对于外国人

19、来说,听起来很奇怪。“外国人”是一个复数概念,所以填foreigners。28. 考查固定用法。of high value是固定用法,意思是有很高的价值。所以填value。29. 考查非谓语动词。older folks与listen之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词。填to listen/listening。30. 考查冠词。泛指“一种真正的快乐”,且real的首字母发音是辅音,所以填不定冠词a。II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A【云南省师范大学附属中学2018

20、届高三上学期第一次月考】The Grand PalaceIf there is one must-see sight without which no visit to Bangkok would be complete,its the spectacular Grand Palace,undoubtedly the citys most famous landmark.Built in 1782 and for 150 years the home of the Thai King,the Royal court and the administrative seat of governme

21、nt,the Grand Palace of Bangkok continues to have visitors in awe of its beautiful architecture and complicated details,which is a proud salute(致敬)to the creativity and creativity and craftsmanship of Thai people.Within its walls were also the Thai war ministry,the state departments,and even the mint

22、(铸币厂).Today,the complex remains the spiritual heart of the Thai Kingdom.Important Notes about the Grand PalaceA strict dress code applies.The Grand Palace with the Temple of the Emerald Buddha is Thailands most sacred site.Visitors must be properly dressed before being allowed entry to the temple.Me

23、n must wear long pants and shirts with sleeves (no tank lops).If youre wearing sandals or flip-flops you must wear socks,in other words,no bare feet. Women must be similarly modestly dressed.No see-through clothes,bare shoulders,etc.If you show up at the front gate improperly dressed,there is a boot

24、h near the entrance that can provide clothes to cover you up properly (a deposit is required).Opening Hours: Daily 8:30-15:30Location: Na Phra Lan Road,Old City (Rattanakosin)Price Range: Tickets sold form 8:30-15:30 and cost 500 baht!One ticket includes entry to Vimanmek Palace and Abhisek Dusit Th

25、rone Hall.31. What makes the Grand Palace an important landmark?A. Its convenient location.B. Its cheap price of the tickets.C. Its excellent guides and service.D. Its splendid history and architecture.32. Who can be allowed to enter the Grand Palace?A. Edward wearing shorts and sandals.B. Cathy wea

26、ring a T-shirt and a short skirt.C. Tom wearing a sweater,jeans and sports shoes.D. Anne wearing a long dress with bare shoulders.33. What can we learn from the text?A. Visitors can enter the Grand Palace every day.B. The Grand Palace has nothing to do with the Thai King.C. Clothes for improperly dr

27、essed people are sold at the gate.D. You cant visit Abhisek Dusit Throne Hall with your ticket.【答案】31. D 32. C 33. A【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了坐落于泰国首都曼谷的大皇宫是游客们应该观看的一个景点。作者对大皇宫所在的地点、游览注意事项、开放时间以及票价进行了详细的说明。31. D细节理解题。根据Built in 1782 and for 150 years the home of the Thai King,the Royal court and the admi

28、nistrative seat of government,the Grand Palace of Bangkok continues to have visitors in awe of its beautiful architecture and complicated details,which is a proud salute(致敬)to the creativity and creativity and craftsmanship of Thai people. 可知大皇宫成为重要的地标建筑是因为它辉煌的历史和建筑,所以选D。B【安徽省高中十校联盟2018届高三摸底】London

29、Heathrow AirportLondon Heathrow Airport is a major international airport in west London,England,United Kingdom.Heathrow is the busiest airport in the United Kingdom and the busiest airport in Europe by passenger traffic.Heathrow is also the third busiest airport in the world by total passenger traff

30、ic.In 2016,it handled a record 75.7 million passengers,a 1.0 percent increase from 2015.LocationHeathrow is 14 miles west of central London.The airport is surrounded by the built-up areas of Harlington. Harmondsworth,Longford and Cranford to the north and by Hounslow and Hatton to the east.To the so

31、uth lie Bedfont and Stanwell while to the west Heathrow is separated from Colnbrook in Berkshire by the M25 motorway.HistoryHeathrow Airport started in 1929 as a small airfield on land south-east of the hamlet of Heathrow from which the airport takes its name.At that time there were farms and market gardens and orchards there.Development of the whole Heathrow area as a very big airfield started in 1944: it was stated to be for

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