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1、全国综合英语二试题及答案全国2002年4月高等教育自学考试综合英语(二)试题课程代码:00795PART ONE.语法、词汇。用适当的词填空。从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(25 points)1.Books require hard work and practice and ,like sports ,they can be both a _ and a

2、delight. A. nuisance B. annoyance C. challenge D. prodding2.A lot of trouble in this world is caused by _ a narrow mind with a wide mouth. A. combining B. concerning C. adding D. involving3.Most economists believe that the five-day work week has had a positive _ on our economy. A. influence B. affec

3、t C. after-effect D. effect4.If a man does not make new acquaintances ,he will soon find himself _. A. out in the cold B. lonely C. behind D. in peace5.The boy ran _ from home to school and was just in time for class. A. all the more B. all the way C. all the same D. all the time6.Parents unable to

4、spend much time with their children are likely to _ them with a lot of playthings. A. cover B. fill C. rain D. shower7.Some people have trouble _ to a life of retirement. A. changing B. adopting C. adjusting D. fitting8.A good way to forget your trouble is to help others out of _. A. them B. their C

5、. theirs D. theirs9.Garbage collecting is as _ a job as clerking ,or teaching. A. respectable B. respective C. respectful D. respecter10.Theres nothing shameful _ being wrong .Nobody can be right all the time. A. on B. for C. about D. concerning11.It is not hard to find the truth ;what is hard is no

6、t to run away from it _ you have found it. A. while B. once C. as long as D. as soon as12._ men fail through ignorance of their strength than through knowledge of their weakness. A. Many B. Some C. More D. Less13.According to a medical report,_ 75 percent of the current violent crime is drug related

7、. A. so many as B. as many as C. so much as D. as much as14._ so many people been interested in computers as today. A. There never have B. Never before have C. There have never D. Before never have15.She was the only one in her family _ the disastrous earthquake. A. surviving B. having survived C. t

8、o survive D. survived16.It is the first time that I _ really relaxed for months. A. feel B. have felt C. felt D. will have felt17.“Will you join us tonight?” “Oh ,I _,but I have an essay to write.” A. would love to B. would love C. would love to join D. would love joining18.I dont regret _ her what

9、I thought of her husband ,even though it might have upset her. A. telling B. to tell C. that I will tell D. to have to tell19.The higher the standard of living ,the _. A. greater is the amount of goods to consume B. greater amount of goods consumed C. greater the amount of goods consumed D. amount o

10、f goods consumed is greater20.“Why didnt you buy the dictionary?” “I _,but I didnt have enough money with me.” A. would buy B. would have C. had bought D. had done21.To be frank ,Id rather you _ anything about it for the time being. A. do B. dont do C. did D. didnt do22._ dark clouds gathering on th

11、e horizon ,he stopped the work in hand and went home. A. To see B. Having been seeing C. Seeing D. Having to see23.“Couldnt he understand that the few drops of water _ out of us so fast if we waited until night?”I thought to myself.; A. wont be sweated B. wouldnt be sweated C. wont be sweating D. wo

12、uldnt be sweating24.His eyes wouldnt close .They kept _ me ,narrow and dangerous. A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watched25.I think you ought _ me about the matter and not have let me make such a fool of myself. A. have told B. tell C. had told D. to have told.完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并将选项号填在

13、答题纸的相应位置上。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.(15 points)Just after World War II ,people were very willing to give money to help those who had suffered from it. 26 not everyone who collected the money was honest .Newspapers were full of stories of peopl

14、e who had been 27 by men who went from house to house saying that they were collecting for 28 wounded soldiers ,or for those who had 29 their homes ,or for some other noble 30 .Yet all the time they 31 the money into their own pockets 32 using it for what they 33 to be doing it for. one day Mr.Smith

15、 told his wife that a group of people had 34 thousands of dollars for the widow of the Unknown Soldier.Someone had 35 to the papers about it,and they had warned people that it might be a fraud(骗局).Mr. Smith said that he and his friends at the office had had a good 36 when they read about it in the n

16、ewspaper. “Can you imagine anyone so 37 as to believe that story and 38 money for the widow of the Unknown Soldier?”he asked his wife.Mrs.Smith looked puzzled.“What a fool I have been?”she thought to herself.Then her face 39 .“oh,yes!I see now!”she answered.“Of course,it is the 40 that pays the wido

17、w of the Unknown Soldier!”26.A. And B. But C. Then D. So27.A. cheated B. stolen C. robbed D. mugged28.A. badly B. slightly C. deadly D. fatally29.A. missed B. left C. lost D. sold30.A. goal B. course C. cause D. idea31.A. have been putting B. had been putting C. put D. were putting32.A. except B. ex

18、cept for C. instead D. instead of33.A. claimed B. clamoured C. disguised D. pretended34.A. made B. donated C. sent D. collected35.A. reported B. written C. warned D. told36.A. time B. cry C. laugh D. surprise37.A. stupid B. crazy C. clever D. happy38.A. bring B. send C. give D. distribute39.A. shine

19、d B. brightened C. smiled D. shaken40.A. public B. people C. committee D. government.难句释义。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts.(10 points)41.The hero created himself;the celebrity is created

20、by the media.A. The hero was admired for what they had done for society;the celebrity burst onto the scene by the work of the media.B. The hero made it through their own efforts;the celebrity achieves fame because of his good relations with the media.C. The hero of the past was active;todays celebri

21、ty is passive.D.The hero publicized himself;the celebrity is publicized by the media.42.The key is to be satisfied with gradual improvement,expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change.A. Along the long way of changing,you may occasionally slip and fall.You have to learn to

22、 face failures,for the road to success is full of ups and downs.B. Sometimes you may go back to your old ways.Be prepared for this because it is natural and no change takes place overnight,but gradually.C. You have to understand that you may make mistakes in the process of progress.The right attitud

23、e is to be ready to correct them.D. Slips are closely connected with change and result from change.Where there is change there must be slips.43.The washwoman could have begged at the church door or entered a home for the poor and aged.A. She could have prayed for mercy in church or moved to a house

24、for poor,old people.B. She didnt like to go begging at church doors or at houses where old people lived.C. She didnt want to be a burden on the church or any home for the poor and the aged.D. She could go and ask the church or a charity institution for help,but she didnt.44.I attended the funeral wi

25、th them and sat through it with a lump of cold lead in my chest and a big resolution growing through me.A. Throughout the funeral,I was filled with sadness.B. The sad atmosphere of the funeral almost choked me.C. At the funeral I felt as cold as lead from beginning to end.D. All the time I sat at th

26、e funeral with a heart as heavy as lead.45.Every year were selling more than a 1,000 million worth of cars abroad.If we spend a few million greasing the palms of some of the buyers,whos hurt?A.No harm will be done to us as long as we squeeze money into the hands of some of our buyers.B. Putting some

27、 money on the palms of those who buy our cars will make things easy for us,and we wont be hurt.C. It is worthwhile to bribe some of our buyers with a few million pounds so as to secure contracts worth many times more.D. Compared with 1,000 million,a few million is nothing.If we give some buyers a di

28、scount,we wont suffer much loss.46.There was a crash that made all the most violent crashes of his past life seem like the sound of falling dust.A. Compared with the most violent crashes in the past,this one seemed as gentle as dust falling.B. Compared with this ear-splitting crash,all the other cra

29、shes in his past life seemed nothing.C. In his past life he had never experienced a crash of such force as to make falling dust seem violent.D. When this crash occurred,its deafening noise drowned all other noises;so no one could hear dust falling.47.I dont think Id have dared to approach you if you

30、d looked the least bit as I always imagined.A. If you had been more handsome I wouldnt have had the courage to come over and speak to you.B. If I had found you as handsome as I had always imagined,I wouldnt have spoken to you.C. It was only when I found you didnt look smart at all that I decided to

31、speak to you.D. It was only when I found you less handsome that I was that I have the courage to speak to must not expect that your children will enjoy your company.A. You should not take it for granted that they like to be together with you.B. You should not hope that they would still like to work for your firm.C. You must not expect that they would like to see much of you as a guest.D. You must not believe that they will want to li

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