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1、迪斯尼神奇英语续集2732迪斯尼神奇英语续集27-32第27课在城里the cityIts morning in the city.这是城市的早晨Tramp is a city dog.长云是一只城市狗What a day!多么美好的一天Tramp takes a walk in the city.长云在城市里散步He walks down the street.他沿着街道走Heres a pet shop.这里是一个宠物商店Tramp thinks the puppies are cute.Tramp认为这些小狗们很可爱Breakfast 早餐Tramps looking for break

2、fast.Tramp正在寻找早餐No, No, No. 没有He crosses the street.他穿过大街a restaurant . 一间餐厅The cook is Tramps friend.这个厨师是Tramp的朋友He gives Tramp a bone.他给tramp一个骨头What did the cook give tramp?厨师给tramp了什么?He gave him a bone for breakfast.他给了他一个早餐骨头Life in the city is good.生活在城市真好Its lady 它是ladyShes crossing the str

3、eet.她正在穿过这条街道Shes in danger.她处于险境Traffic流动的车辆Mean dogs 恶狗Theyre chasing Lady.它们在追LadyTramp hears a noise.Tramp听到了喧哗声Tramp is so brave.Tramp是如此的勇敢He saves lady.他救了ladyShe was afraid and he saved her.她害怕,他救了她.Tramp takes Lady to a restaurant.Tramp带Lady去了一间餐厅They love restaurants.他们喜欢餐馆They love the ci

4、ty.他们喜欢这个城市Where does Tramp live?Tramp住在哪里?Tramp lives in the city.Tramp居住在城市What did the cook give Tramp for breakfast?厨师给了Tramp什么早餐?The cook gave Tramp a bone for breakfast.厨师给了tramp一个骨头早餐Who saved Lady?谁救了Lady?Tramp saved Lady.Tramp 救了Lady.Hes a country mouse.他是一只乡下老鼠.Hes going to the city.他打算去城市

5、.He knocks at the door.他在门口敲门.This is his cousin这是他的堂兄.His cousin is a city mouse.他的堂兄是一只城市老鼠.The cat 猫Dont make any noise.不要制造噪音.(别作声)Dont eat that food.不要吃那种食物.Look at this beautiful food.看看这个美丽的食物.The country mouse eats too much.这只乡下老鼠吃得太多.The country mouse drinks too much.这只乡下老鼠喝得太多.He thinks li

6、fe in the city is great.他认为在城市生活很好.The country mouse isnt afraid of the cat.这个乡下老鼠不害怕猫.Yes he is (是的,它害怕)The cat chases the country mouse.猫追乡下老鼠.Now the country mouse is in the street.现在这只乡下老鼠在街上.Hes afraid of the city.他害怕城市.Too many feet太多的脚Too many people.太多的人Too much traffic交通太拥挤Too much noise.太多

7、的噪音(太吵闹)Horns(喇叭)The horns are too loud.喇叭太大声The country mouse doesnt like the city.这个乡下老鼠不喜欢这个城市.Goodbye city.再见了,城市.The country mouse knocks at the door.乡下老鼠在敲门.He thinks life in the city is great.他认为在城市生活很好.Dont make any noise.别搞出声了.(别作声)There are too many people in the street.有很多的人在街上.The horns

8、are too loud.喇叭太大声In the city. Streets are noisy.在城市里,大街上很吵.In the city. Life is busy.在城市里,生活是繁忙的.But the citys so pretty. Its great to be there.但城市很美.在城市里真好.Bot the citys so pretty. We love to be there.但城市很美.我们喜欢在城里.Come to the city. Theres so much to do.到城市来,有很多事可以做.Eat in a restaurant. Look in a

9、shap.到餐厅吃饭,在商店里看看.Be careful of the traffic. A lot of horns and noise.小心看路,喇叭声伴着其它噪音.Walk through the city, Theres so much to see.穿过城市,有很多东西值得看.Look at the people. Look at all the buildings.看所有的人,看所有的大楼.Red light. Green light. Cross the busy street.红灯、绿灯,穿过繁忙的街道。In the city. Streets are noisy.在城市里,生

10、活是繁忙的.In the city. Life is busy.在城市里,大街上很吵.This is Paris.这是巴黎The Aristocats live in paris.Aristocats 住在巴黎.This is Edgar.这是Edgar.Edgar looks nice.Edgar看起来还不错.But hes bad.但是他很坏.What is he doing?他正在做什么?Hes taking the Aristocats away.他带走了Aristocats.Its night.Edgar rides through the city.Edgar骑车穿过城市.Ther

11、es nobody in the streets.没有人在街上.Edgar rides away.Edgar骑车走了.He takes the cats to the country.他带着猫儿们到乡下.Poor Aristocats.可怜的Aristocats.Theyre so far from the city.它们离城市是如此的远.Therre so far from home.它们离家那样远.OMalley takes care of the Aristocats.OMalley照顾Aristocats.He takes them back home.他带他们回家.Hooray we

12、re home.好哇!(欢呼声)我回家了.But Edgar is still there.但是Edgar仍旧在那里.The Aristocats are in danger again.Aristocats又有危险了.OMalley is very brave.OMalley非常勇敢.Goodbye Edgar!再见! Edgar!Edgar rides through the city.Edgar驾车穿过城市。The cats are far from home.猫离家很远。OMalley takes care of the Aristocats.OMalley照看Aristocats(一

13、家)He takes the cats back home.他把猫带回了家。Walking through the city. Pretty city streets.走过城市,多漂亮的街道。Crossing busy streets.穿过繁华的街道.Green light, red light. Be careful of the traffic.绿灯、红灯,小心车!Lots of cars, horns, noise.许多车,喇叭声、噪音。City life is busy. City life is fun.城市的生活是繁忙的。城市的生活很有趣。In the city. Streets

14、are noisy.在城市里,大街上很吵.In the city. Life is busy.在城市里,生活是繁忙的.But the citys so pretty. Its great to be there.但城市很美.在城市里真好.But the citys so pretty. We love to be there.但城市很美.我们喜欢在城里.In the city. Streets are noisy.在城市里,大街上很吵.In the city. Life is busy.在城市里,生活是繁忙的.But the citys so pretty. Its great to be t

15、here.第28课印第安人和牛仔 wild westThis is the Wild West.这是荒野的西部.Here comes Pecos Bill.Pecos Bill来了.What a great cowboy!多么了不起的牛仔!Heres Pecos Bill when he was a baby这是Pecos Bill小的时候He was all alone in the desert.他独自一个人在沙漠中.A coyote took care of him.一只山狗(土狼)抚养他.Pecos Bill ate with the coyotes.Pecos Bill和山狗一起吃饭

16、.They all lived together.他们生活在一起.One day一天,A thirsty horse crossed the desert.一匹饥渴的马穿过沙漠.The vultures attacked the poor horse.秃鹫袭击了这匹可怜的马.Pecos Bill saved the horse.Pecos Bill救了这匹马Bill and the horse became great friends.Bill和它成了好朋友.Pecos Bill grew up.Pecos Bill长大了.He became a great cowboy.他成了一个了不起的牛

17、仔.One day一天,Bill and his horse were riding in the desert.比尔骑马走在沙漠上.It sure was hot. Water.天的确很热. 水.They sure were thirsty. Water.他们的确很渴. 水.So what did Bill do? 那么比尔做了什么?He made a river.他制造了一条河.He made the Rio Grande.他造了一条格兰德河.Pecos Bill is a great cowboy.Pecos Bill是个了不起的牛仔.Hes not afraid of anything

18、.他不怕任何事,Hes not afraid of anybody.也不怕任何人.Pecos Bill loves the Wild West.Pecos Bill热爱荒野的西部,And he loves Sue, too.他也爱苏儿.The coyote took care of Pecos Bill.山狗照顾Pecos Bill.Pecos Bill ate with the coyotes.Pecos Bill和山狗一起吃饭.Pecos Bill and his horse were thirsty.Pecos Bill和他的马很渴.Pecos Bill made a river.Pec

19、os Bill造了一条河.Pecos Bill is a great cowboy.Pecos Bill是个了不起的牛仔.Hiawatha is a little Indian.Hiawatha是一个小印第安人.Hes in a canoe on a river.他在河上坐着一条独木舟.Hiawatha has a bow and arrow.Hiawatha有一副弓箭.He wants to be a hunter.他想要当一个猎人.But hes little.但是他太小了.The animals laugh at him.动物们嘲笑他.He chases the animals.他追那些

20、动物.But this little rabbit cant get away.这只小兔子跑不了了.Hes so afraid.它非常害怕.Poor little rabbit. 可怜的小兔子,Hes so small.它太小了.Hiawatha feels sorry for the rabbit.Hiawatha可怜那只兔子.He feels very bad.他感到非常难过.Hiawatha breaks his bow and arrow.Hiawatha弄断了他的弓和箭.The animals are happy.动物们高兴了.Animal tracks. 动物足迹.Hiawatha

21、 follows the animal tracks.Hiawatha跟踪动物的足迹.A baby bear. 一只小熊.Hiawatha chases the little bear.Hiawatha追赶那只小熊.But look!但是,看!This is a big, bad, mean bear.这是一只有大,又坏,又自私的熊。The bear roars.这熊在吼叫.The bear chases Hiawatha.这只熊追赶Hiawatha.Hiawatha runs away.Hiawatha逃跑了.Now the animals help Hiawatha.现在动物们在帮Hiaw

22、atha.The beavers help Hiawatha.海狸帮助Hiawatha.The deer helps Hiawatha.鹿帮助Hiawatha.And the rabbits help him, too.兔子也帮助他.Hiawatha rides into the sunset.Hiawatha走进了日落.Who wants to be a hunter?谁想当猎人?Hiawatha wants to be a hunter.Hiawatha 想当猎人.What does Hiawatha follow?Hiawatha在跟踪什么?He follows the animal t

23、racks.Hiawatha跟踪动物的足迹.Who does Hiawatha feel sorry for?Hiawatha可怜谁?Hiawatha feels sorry for the rabbit.Hiawatha可怜那只兔子.What does Hiawatha break?Hiawatha折断了什么?He breaks his bow and arrow.Hiawatha折断了他的弓和箭.Indians. Cowboy. Outlaw. Sheriff.印第安人,牛仔,歹徒, 郡长.River. Canyon. Sunset. Wild West.河,峡谷,日落,荒野西部.Trav

24、elling west.到西部去旅行.Travelling West.到西部去旅行.Where are you going?你要去哪里? Im travelling west.我要去西部.Im travelling west.我要去西部.I want to be a cowboy.我要当一名牛仔.I want to ride a horse.我要骑马.Give me a home in the Wild West.给我一个在荒野西部的家.I want to be the sheriff and chase the outlaws.我要当郡长, 我要追捕歹徒.Im not afraid of a

25、nything or anybody.我不怕任何事情或任何人.When danger comes, I dont run.当危险来临,我不跑.Ride through the canyon and cross that river.越过峡谷, 穿过那条河.The desert is beautiful and so is the sunset.沙漠是美丽的, 日落也是美丽的.I look at the stars and play my guitar.我看着星星弹我的吉他.The wild west sure can be dangerous.荒野的西部当然是危险的.This is Pisto

26、l Pate. Hes an outlaw.这是Pistol Pate. 他是一个歹徒.Here comes a cowboy.牛仔来了. Its Goofy. Look. A stagecoach.是Goofy. 看! 一辆公共马车.Anybody home? My hero.有人在家吗? 我的英雄.Goofy is a hero. Who me?Goofy是个英雄. 我是谁?Here comes Pete.Pete来了.Hes looking for Goofy.他在找Goofy.Where is he?他在哪?Here he is.他在这儿.Hes having a drink in t

27、he saloon.他在酒吧里喝酒.Hello, ugly.你好!丑鬼.Pete is ugly and angry.Pete又丑陋又狂暴.Look, what Petes doing now?看,Pete在干什么?Pete is so afraid.Pete非常害怕。Pete runs away from Goofy.Pete逃离了Goofy。He goes to jail.他进了监狱,Goofy becomes the sheriff.Goofy成了郡长。My hero.我的英雄。The wild west sure can be dangerous.荒野的西部真的很危险。Here com

28、es the stagecoach.来了一辆公共马车Goofy is having a drink in the saloon.Goofy在酒吧里喝酒。Pistol Pete is an outlaw.Pistol Pete是个歹徒。Pistol Pete is going to jail.Pistol Pete该进监狱了。Goofy becomes the sheriff.Goofy 成了郡长。Here comes a stagecoach.来了一辆公共马车。Here comes an outlaw.来了一个歹徒。Here comes a cowboy.来了一个牛仔。Hes riding o

29、n his horse. 他在骑马。Look at the sunset.看日落。I love the Wild West.我喜欢荒野的西部。Travelling West. 到西部去旅行。Travelling West.到西部去旅行。Where are you going?你要去哪里?Im travelling West. 我要去西部。Im travelling West.我要到去西部。I want to be a cowboy.我要当一个牛仔。I want to ride a horse.我要骑马。Give me a home in the Wild West.给我一个在荒野西部的家。Travelling west. 到西部去旅行.Travelling West.到西部去旅行.Where are you going?你要去哪里? Im travelling west. 我要去西部.Im travelling west.我要去西部.I want to be a cowboy.我要当一名牛仔.I want to ride a horse.我要骑马.Give me a home in the Wild West.给我一个在荒野西部的家.This i

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