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1、今年的大众传媒的影响和力量Activity 1The power and influence of the media大众传媒的影响和力量Two hundred years ago, it took several weeks for the news of the important Battle of Trafalgar to reach London. Nowadays, you can watch a terrorist attack as it happens anywhere in the world. The communications revolution means tha

2、t we are constantly bombarded with instant news. This has great advantages, but it also raises important questions.两百年前,重要的特拉法加战役的消息到达伦敦要花好几周的时间。今天,你可以在事发当时看到世界上任何一个地方正在发生的恐怖袭击。通讯革命意味着我们正不断地受到即时新闻的轰击。这有好处,但也引发了一些问题。 ago通常都跟一般过去时连用;另外还有last *,如:I lived here ten years ago, but now I am living in the c

3、ity.I bought a colour TV last week, but it is not working now.句型 “It takes(took) sb. some time to do sth. 做某事需要某人多少时间”如:It will take me a month to finish the task. 我将要一个月来完成这个任务。It took me an hour to go to school from home.我从家到学校花了一个小时。这个句型有时候可以用动词 spend 来表达,如上面两个句子:I will spend a month on the task.

4、I spent an hour going to school from 后缀,表示什么人: artist艺术家, tourist游客,feminist 女权主义者,specialist 专家,chemist 化学家;mean:What do you mean? 你什么意思?Dont laugh, I mean it. 不要笑,我是说真的(不是开玩笑)。He means trouble. 他存心闹事。Your friendship means a lot to me. 你和我的友谊对我意义重大。be bombarded with 受轰炸的,受包围的instant 快速的,立刻

5、的:instant food 快餐,instant photo 即拍即有的相片raise举起,提起,升起(及物动词,后面需带宾语), rise升起,提高(不及物动词,后面不带宾语)如:He raised his voice so that everyone could hear him. 他把声音提高以使得每个人都能听得到他。The sun is rising( from the east).太阳正(从东方)升起来。(这里from the east 是一个状语,并非rising的宾语)。 He raised himself to shake hands with the doctor.他站起来

6、跟医生握手。The doctor rose to greet him.那个医生站起来跟他打招呼。Satellites have enabled immediate reporting worldwide. A reporter can send the news to a network like CBS News and within seconds it can be all over the world. They send electronic reports that go straight into the newspaper or onto the TV screen. Repo

7、rters can now also transmit images through their mobile phones. Consequently, live, “on-the-spot” reporting has become the norm and TV viewers can get a much better idea of what a natural disaster, a conflict or an interesting scientific discovery is like.卫星使全球报道成为可能。一位记者能将新闻传到如哥伦比亚新闻网这样的网络上,那么只要几秒钟

8、全世界都会知道这则新闻。卫星将电子报道直接传送到报纸或电视屏幕。记者们现在可以通过移动电话来传输图象。其结果是,现场报道成为了一种标准。看电视的人们可以清楚地了解一种自然灾害、一场冲突或一项有趣的科学发现是什么样的。en-当前缀,“置之中:encage 关入笼中; 配以: enchain; 致使:enlarge 放大,使扩大, enrich 使富有,endanger 使濒临危险; in或加强的意思:enregister 登记,enbed 在床上”through 穿过,贯穿;从头到尾,彻底 He was running through the street. 他跑着穿过条条街道。The sunl

9、ight goes through the window. 阳光穿过窗口。I havent read through the book yet. 我还没看完这本书。Youre through now. 你的电话接通了。We have been friends so long I know you through and through. 咱们是多年的朋友,我对你十分了解。be through with sb. 结束了shes through with her new boy-friend. 她跟新男朋友吹了。consequently , as a result 表示因果关系的连接词In rec

10、ent years, several changes have occurred in the ownership of news media. Networks (原文省略了which are) owned by large companies and governments have become bigger and very powerful. These networks such as BBC News 24 are hungry for news and have huge audiences. However, there can only be a limited numbe

11、r of such networks and their ownership is a big issue.近几年来,新闻媒体的所有权发生了一些变化。大公司和政府所拥有的网络正越来越强大。这些网络,例如英国广播公司的新闻24,正渴望得到新闻,拥有庞大的受众。但这样强大的新闻网的数量是有限的,而它们的所有权问题是有争议的。happen, take place, occur 都有“发生”之意,都是不及物动词或短语,不能用于被动语态。但occur还有“存在、被发现、出现”occur是比较正式的用语,可用于具体或抽象的事物,通常指按计划或规律在较为确定的时间“发生”的事,在表示具体的事物时,可与hap

12、pen换用。如:Im afraid that this would occur during my absence.= Im afraid that this would happen during my absence.恐怕这事会在我不在时发生。但是,如果表示“某想法”出现在人的头脑之中,这时不能用happen代替。Dose it ever occur to you that I am sometimes thinking?我时不时想的那件事你是不是也曾再你头脑中出现过?happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。比如:New things are happenin

13、g all around us.我们身边总有新事发生。Happen还可表示“碰巧;恰好”之意。如:It happened that I had no money on me.我刚好没钱了。take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”比如:Great changes have taken place in China since.中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。此外take place还有“举行”之意。如:The meeting will take place next Friday.会议将在下周五举行。be hungry for sth. 渴望某事物 I am hungry for

14、 yourSome companies not only own TV and radio networks but newspaper groups as well. Who decides what news to publish and what sort of “spin” to put on it? Is it always objective? There are now “spin doctors” who manipulate the news, emphasizing certain(某个,某些) parts and not others and as a result, m

15、uch of it is not neutral. Therefore, the question of control of the media matters very much. In some cases, the media companies are more powerful than governments. They can even influence elections. So the question is should they be controlled and id so, by whom?一些公司不仅拥有电视和广播这样的新闻网,也有报业集团。那么由谁来决定公布哪

16、些新闻并赋予这些新闻什么形式的舆论导向呢?这些决定可能总是客观的吗?现在有一些舆论操纵者通过强调新闻中某些部分而不是其他部分来操纵新闻。最终,大部分的新闻都不可能保持中立的立场。所以大众媒体的控制权问题就变得很重要。某些情况下,媒体公司比政府强大。他们甚至可以影响大选。接下来的问题是:这样一些媒体公司应该受到监控吗?如果答案是肯定的,由谁来监控他们呢?Activity 10Poll reveals TV news too negative民意测验显示电视新闻太消极 A recent Time / CNN poll in the USA has discovered that 75% of pe

17、ople agreed that the news media is “sensationalist”, 63% found it “too negative” and 73% said they are “skeptical about the accuracy” of the news they are receiving.最近一期的时代周刊/美国有限新闻的民意测验显示75%的人同意新闻媒体具有“煽动性”,63%的人认为它“太消极”,73%的人表示对所收到新闻的“准确性表示怀疑”。注意这段里时态的应用和数字的表达。sense 感觉,(视觉、听觉、味觉)v. mon sense 常识She

18、has a keen sense of hearing. 她的听觉很敏锐。What you say makes no sense. 你说的话没有道理。(make sense 有意义、有道理、讲得通)I can sense that she doesnt like the idea. 我能感觉到她不喜欢这个主意。Sensation 感受,感觉Massage produces wonderful sensations. 按摩可产生舒适的感觉。Some sensation is coming back to my arm. 我的胳膊逐渐恢复了一些知觉。sensational 轰动的,群情激动的a s

19、ensational crime 骇人听闻的罪案sensationalism, sensationalist skeptical “对(主张,允诺等)持怀疑态度,不信任的”be skeptical of / about ; Suspicious “对有疑心” I am suspicious of his intention. 我对他的目的怀有戒心。 Scientists remain skeptical about the value of the research program. 科学家们对此项研究的意义持怀疑态度。Local news programmes in the USA are

20、so dominated by stories of violence and crime that other topics like government, education and the environment are left with little airtime(广播时间). Network broadcaster John Walters claimed, “This lack (shortage) of information has resulted in negative feelings towards the media.”美国地方新闻节目充斥着暴力和犯罪故事。因此

21、,其他方面如政府、教育和环境的报道所占的播出时间则很少。有线新闻播音员约翰 沃尔特声称, “信息的缺失导致人们对大众媒体的负面情绪”。so that 太 以致 She is so beautiful that he fell in love with her at first sight. 她是如此漂亮以致他看到她的第一眼就爱上她了。be left with 剩余,留下He was left with nothing. 他什么东西也没有了。claim 要求 :claim ownership of the land 要求这块土地的拥有权索赔:claim the insurance 索取(保险金)

22、声称,断言:She claims she is related to the Queen. 她声称和女王有亲戚关系。claim sth. back 索回lack 缺乏,缺少(不用于被动语态)v. n.They lacked the money to send him to university. 他们没钱送他上大学。lack for sth. (need sth. ) 需要某事物They lacked for nothing. 他们什么也不缺。The project had to be cancelled for lack of funds. 工程因资金缺乏而取消。Crime reports,

23、 which often serve as lead stories, make up an average of 30.2% of news time on local TV news programmes in the USA. Media researcher Bob Smith reported, “53% of crime reports are about murder, but it is one of the least frequently committed crimes. Another media study revealed that 42% of all local

24、 TV news broadcasts are stories about crime, disaster and war.有关犯罪的报道通常是头条新闻,它们在美国的地方新闻节目中占用了平均30.2%的新闻时间。媒体研究员鲍勃史密思报道,“53%的犯罪报道是有关凶杀的,但凶杀只是较少实施的犯罪之一。”另一项媒体研究显示42%的地方电视新闻是有关犯罪、灾难和战争的。make up 组成,构成;(弥补,化妆)I will make up for you lost.我会弥补你的损失。She spent half an hour making up before going out.她在出门前花了半个

25、小时化妆。1)consist of, be made up of, be composed of 这三个动词短语,虽然都表示“由构成”的意思,但 consist of 多用于提到所有参与构成的成分时;而 be made up of 则多用于细分一种结构或该结构的某一部分时;be composed of 常用于提到构成某一结构的材料时,或用于参与构成的部分没有数量限制时。例:The committee consists of ten members. 这个委员会由十人组成。Animal bodies are made up of cells. 动物的身体是由细胞组成的。Tissue is com

26、posed of cells/组织是由细胞组成的。2)make up; compose 表示哪些部分组成了某个结构。例:The forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain make up of the brain. /前脑、中脑和后脑组成了大脑。The pons, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata composed the hindbrain. /脑桥、小脑和延髓组成了后脑。commit 犯Commit suicide, murdeOne possible reason for this is that l

27、ocal television news is ratings driven. Some market research suggests that viewers like to see stories of crime and violence, which increases the ratings of newscasts. Higher ratings mean higher advertising revenues. Mike Adams, a television executive, explained, “The increase in crime reports is be

28、cause, on average, almost half the money a local station makes comes from news.”这种现象的原因可能是地方电视新闻是受排名驱动的。一些市场研究显示电视收看者喜欢看犯罪和暴力故事,这些故事可以增加新闻报道的收视率,提高排名。较好的排名意味着更多的广告收入。电视主管麦克艾德姆斯解释说:“犯罪报道的增多是因为一般说来地方电视台几乎一半的利润都来自这样的新闻。”Many experts believe a steady diet of violence-oriented news broadcasts has serious

29、 effects. A spokesman for the National Television Violence Committee stated, “There are three main risks associated with viewing media violence. People learn aggressive behavior. They become desensitized to real-world violence. These lead to an increased fear of being a victim of violence, resulting in mistrust of other.许多专家相信经常性地收看暴力节目会有严重的后果。国家电视暴力委员会的新闻发言人说:“观看暴力节目主要有三方面的危险:人们学会了侵犯性行为;对现实世界的暴力行为麻木不仁;这将导致害怕成为暴力牺牲品的忧虑增加,结果是不再信任他人。”本资料来自互联网共享文档好资料来自互联网,一起创造,共同分享。

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