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1、上海版牛津英语初二第二学期8BUnit4词组Unit 41. an unknown man 一个不知名/不出名的人2. win the competition 赢得了比赛3. The United Nations 联合国4. be short of 短缺5. on everybodys lips 脍炙人口6. one of the best known 最著名的一个7. an inconsiderate passenger 一个不体谅人的乘客8. cant stand sth. any more 不能再忍受9. queue up 排队10. give a lesson 授课, 给一个教训11.

2、 soon after 不久之后12. publish a newspaper 出版一份报纸13. hold a meeting 举行会议14. write a report about sth. for sb. 就某事写一篇报告给某人15. after school 放学后16. at the next meeting 在下一次会议上17. decide to do 决定做某事18. elect sb. to be sth. 选某人做19. the chief editor 主编20. vote for sb. 投票给某人21. take charge of = be in charge o

3、f = be responsible for22. 负责23. ought (not) to = should (not) 应该24. ask for suggestions 征求建议25. class / school newspaper 班/校报26. have experience = be experienced 有经验27. the Reading Club 读书俱乐部28. take notes 做记录,做笔记29. different sections of the newspaper 报纸的不同栏目30. talk sth. over with sb. = discuss st

4、h. with sb. 与某人讨论某事31. make a list of sth. 列出的清单32. be free to sb. 对某人是免费的33. pay sb. money for sth. 为付给某人钱34. have different ideas 有不同的观点35. a bit longer (时间)久一点36. make a decision about sth.= decide sth. 做决定37. agree to do 同意做某事38. agree with sb. 同意某人39. agree on sth. 在上达成一致40. conclude the meetin

5、g 结束会议41. in one weeks time = in a week 一个星期后42. arrange for sb. to do 为某人安排做某事43. the Youth League 共青团44. League member 团员45. say the League Promise 宣读团的誓言46. the chief secretary 秘书长47. have time to do 有时间做某事48. a talent show 才艺表演49. national costumes 民族服饰50. as soon as possible 尽快51. at the school

6、 entrance 在校门口52. school uniforms 校服53. behave well 表现好54. dress neatly and tidily 穿着整洁55. take place 发生,举行56. in the corridor 在走廊57. according to 根据58. Congratulations! 恭喜!59. Well done! 干得好!60. You deserved to win! 你应该得到胜利!61. Im delighted for you! 我为你而高兴!62. What a shame! / What a pity! 真遗憾! 真可惜!

7、63. How awful! 真糟糕!64. Long time no see. 好久不见拉.65. Whats new with you! 你有什么新鲜事?66. be pleased at. 对感到高兴67. be pleased with 对感到很满意68. show ones sympathy for sb. = show sb ones sympathy69. 表示对某人的同情70. feel sorry for sb. 对表示同情71. the first edition of the newspaper 第一期报纸72. get fit 变得健康1. consider v. (i

8、n)considerate adj.2. publish v. publishing n. publisher n.3. edit v. editor n. 4. choice n. choose chose chosen v. 5. vote v. voter n.6. elect v. elector n. election n.7. suggest v. suggestion n.8. experience n. experienced adj.9. decide v. decision n.10. conclude v. conclusion n.11. responsible adj. responsibility n. 12. (dis)agree v. (dis)agreement n.13. read v. reader n.14.

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