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1、 China National Chemical Equipment Corp.中国化工装备总公司中国化工装备总公司Corporate Culture:Corporate Culture:Corporate Culture:Human efforts can achieve anything.Human efforts can achieve anything.Human efforts can achieve anything.Human efforts can achieve anything.Human efforts can achieve anything.Human efforts

2、 can achieve anything.Copyright 2011 CNCE All Rights Reserved Industry Position Industry Position:The second largest manufacturer in the The second largest manufacturer in the world rubber machinery industry and the largest in rubber machinery industry and the largest in China.市场地位:市场地位:

3、世界第二、中国最大橡胶机械制造商世界第二、中国最大橡胶机械制造商 。Business Business ObjectivesObjectives Top 3 in Chinas chemical equipment industryNo.1 manufacturer in the world rubber machinery industryTop 100 in machinery&engineering industry in ChinaContents 内容内容Company Profile 公司简介公司简介 Organization Structure 组织架构组织架构Developme

4、nt Strategy 发展战略发展战略Brand 品牌品牌Quality System 质量体系质量体系Main Products 主要产品主要产品Service System 服务系统服务系统Market&End-user 市场和终端用户市场和终端用户TopChina National Chemical Corporation(ChemChina)is a large state-owned chemical enterprise group established in May 2004 on the basis of enterprises formerly subordinate t

5、o the Ministry of Chemical Industry.化化工工集集团组建建于于2004年年,是是直直属属于于国国资委管理的大型国有企委管理的大型国有企业。There are 6 specialized companies subordinated to ChemChina.ChemChina also has over 100 production and operation enterprises,including 24 research and design institutions.化工集化工集团管理了六家管理了六家专业公司,超公司,超过100家下属企家下属企业,包括

6、,包括24家研家研发院所。院所。Parent Company(母公司)(母公司)装备公司装备公司Company Profile(公司简介)(公司简介)China National Chemical Equipment Corporation(CNCE),a wholly-owned subsidiary of the ChemChina directly administered by SASAC.装装备总公公司司直直接接接受化工集接受化工集团管理。管理。Mainly engaged in the development,manufacturing and sales of chemical

7、equipment and rubber machinery and auto-parts.装装备总公公司司主主要要从从事事化化工工设备、橡橡胶胶机机械械和和汽汽车零零部部件件的的制制造造和和销售售及及工工程程贸易易服服务。plastics and tire-makers.16 sub companies Until the end of 2011,the total assets was about 7billion RMB,the sales of 4.2billion RMB,the total profit of 1.25billion RMB,8800payoff staff.v 2

8、011年底,资产总额年底,资产总额77.49亿元,销售收入亿元,销售收入47.29亿元、利润亿元、利润1.65亿亿元,元,8800余名雇员,资产负债率余名雇员,资产负债率69.72%。(人民币)。(人民币)橡胶机械橡胶机械化工机械化工机械汽汽车及零部件及零部件船舶修造船舶修造工程及工程及贸易易The market share of Internal mixer and curing press in China is respectively 40%and 80%。LICHUANG and SHUANGLUN areThe curing press serials products is“Na

9、tional Free-inspection Products”.轮胎胎硫硫化化机机和和密密炼机机国国内内市市场占占有有率率80%和和 40%。CNCE boasts strength in R&D and manufacturing of chemical machinery and automation,with two national engineering technology centers and two national enterprise technology centers.装装备总公公司司有有较强强的的研研发能能力力,两两家家国国家家级工工程程技技术中中心和两家国家心和

10、两家国家级企企业技技术中心。中心。It also has a postdoctoral research workstation which is a national R&D base for major petrochemical equipment.一一家家博博士士后后工工作作站站和和一一家家国国家家级石石油油化化工工设备研研发基基地。地。CNCE possess Design Qualification Certificate and Fabrication License of Class I,II&III(A1,A2 and A3)Pressure Vessels,drums,he

11、at exchangers,reactors,columns,spherical tanks and have provided service for oil&gas,chemicals,power station,metallurgy,pharmaceuticals and other industries.具有制造各具有制造各类化工化工设备的的资质。Strategic Objective 战略目标战略目标 Through technological transformation,R&D,joint ventures,management development,merge&acquisi

12、tion,strategic investors introducing etc,strengthen business in rubber and chemical machinery;expand business of car and ship repairing&building moderately.通过技术转移、合资合作、兼并重组、引进战投等方式,做大做强化工机通过技术转移、合资合作、兼并重组、引进战投等方式,做大做强化工机械、做精做专橡胶机械、稳步发展车船业务。械、做精做专橡胶机械、稳步发展车船业务。To be No.1 manufacturer in the world rub

13、ber machinery industry;top 3 Manufacturers in Chinas chemical equipment manufacturing industry;。步入世界机械制造业前列。步入世界机械制造业前列。Brand 品牌品牌Quality System 质量体系质量体系 All products are strictly manufactured under the international standards and ISO national quality system,to ensure each product to be qualified.严格

14、遵守相关法规制造产品,质量可靠。We own the ability to produce over 1500 sets tire curing press annually.年产年产1500台轮胎硫化机能力。台轮胎硫化机能力。Client is very satisfied with our design and due time of products.与大客户建立了战略合作伙伴关系。与大客户建立了战略合作伙伴关系。For the mechanical type,we can provide products from 36”to 200”.And for hydraulic type,w

15、e supply from 45”to 188”.能够生产一系列橡胶机械产品。能够生产一系列橡胶机械产品。Nine of ten world top tire manufactures worldwide have adopt our products.世世界界级级前前九九大大轮轮胎胎制制造造企企业业使使用用我我们们的的产产品品Rubber machinery 橡胶机械橡胶机械Chemical Equipments Products 化工设备化工设备Tianhua Institute of Chemical Machinery and Automation has strong R&D exp

16、ertise,with various technologies winning national awards.Its ability of technological industrialization is among the best in domestic enterprises.It plays an important role as a third party independent inspection company in petrochemical industry.天天华院院是是一一家家专门从从事事石石油油化化工工设备的研究院。技的研究院。技术能力属于国内前列。能力属于国内前列。2009年在南京建成制造基地。年在南京建成制造基地。Sichuan Bluestar Machinery Co.provides various types of pressure vessels that are widely used by oil and chemical companies at home and abroad.四四川川蓝星星机机械械主主要要从从事事各各类化化工工

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