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1、语法强化训练1000题0625115404C.improving that with them.Unit 1 定语从句: 201.Well never forget the days _ _b_ we spent together last year.A.when B.that D.on whichyear, is2.The high yellow building over there, _d was set up lastour office B.that3.It is the best TV play _a A.that B.which4.I of

2、ten hear from my sister, _b A.that B.who5. Last month I visited the house _ A.which6. The thatA.that7. D.neither of themThe old woman has two sons, _b A.two of whom B.both of whomB.who go C.which wentone of the boys of his class who C.playingnot only from books but also through prac

3、tice willB.that C.whothe number of people whom C.on whichc_ we visited last summer,is the highest mountain inB.that C.which D.what19. The young singer _d_voice sounds is good at singing popular songs.A.who;wide B.whose;sweat C.which;high D.whose;beautiful20. Tom said the work would be done b

4、y October, _d personally I doubtvery B.thatUnit 2 动名词 2021. This sentence needs _c_ A.improvement B.improve 22.I cant imagine do C.being done 23.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _c catchA.catching be caught C.being caught 24.They would not allow him _a acro

5、ss the enemy line.D.risk risk going B.risking to go C.for risk to go25.She didnt remember _a him having metA.having met B.have met meet26.1 can hardly imag ine Peter c_across the Atla ntic Ocea n in fivedays.A.sail sail C.saili ng have sailed27. The library n eed

6、s a , but itll have to wait un til Saturday.A.clea ning clea ned C.clea n D.bei ng clea ned28. I usually go there by trai n.Why not d by boat for a cha nge? try going B.tryi ng to go try and go D.try going29.1 would appreciate _ c back this after to call call C.your ca

7、lli ng D.youre calli ng30. _b is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A.The walk B.Walki ng C.To walk D.Walk31. He has always in sisted on d Dr.Tur ner in stead of Mr.Tur ner.A.bee n called B.called C.havi ng called D.bei ng called32. How about the two of us c a walk dow n the garde n?

8、 take B.take C.tak ing be tak ing33. He now regrets _c harder whe n he was at school.A.not study B.not studied C.not studying D.not to study34. I must apologize for _ b_ ahead of time.Thats all right.A.l etti ng you not knowC.l etti ng you know not 35.1ve got a take36. Do you

9、mind _ c A.Ja ne leav ingC.Jan es being left37. Once your bus in esspart of your flyB.not letting you know D.l etti ng you not know headachetried c someB.hav ing take n C.tak ing _ alone at home?B.Ja ne hav ing leftD.Ja ne to be left becomesi ntern ati on al, _medici ne but it did

10、have take ncon sta ntly will beB.your flight C.flight38. You were brave eno ugh to raise object ions at the meeti ng.Well, now I regret d do be doing have done39. While shopping,people sometimes cant help _c_someth ing they really dont n eed.D.flyi ngD.hav ing done into buyingA.t

11、o persuade B.persuadi ng ing persuaded persuaded40. What do you thi nk made Mary so upset?- c her new bicycle.A.As the lost B.Lost C.Los ingD.Because of los ingUnit 3 分词 5041. b the house on fire, he dialed 119.A.To see B.Seei ng C.Havi ng see n D.Bei ng see n42.1 fell down and broke three

12、 of my teeth. I wonder how manytimes I have to come here and get my false teeth c . A.fix B.fixi ng43. -Were b to listen to her-Its to hear her sing.A.pleased; pleas ing; pleasure C.pleas ing; pleased; a pleasure44. a post office, I stoppedC.fixed fixvoice. B.pleased; pleasa nt; a pleasure

13、eas ing; pleasa nt; pleasure some stamps.A.Passed, buying B.Pass ing, to buyC.Hav ing passed, buy D.Pass,to buy45. with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnot seem high at all.A.Compari ng B.To compare C.Compared D.Havi ng compared46. Here are some new computer programs for home b

14、uild in gs.B.desig n C.desig ned desig nmoney, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely newlamp.B.Sav ing C.Saved D.Hav ing savedbyhisstude nts.A.desig ning47. a littleA.To save48. The teacher came into the classroomA.followi ng be followi ng C.followed D.havi ng followed.49. With the mon

15、ey , he could nt buy any lose ing C.lost D.has lost50. There was so much no ise in the room that the speaker could nt makehimself ing heard B.heari ng51. The result of the test was ratherA.disappo in ing disappo in ted52.1ve n ever heard the wordA.use B.used53.C.heardD.hea

16、rB.disappo intingD.disappo int in spoken En D.usei nghow to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.D.Not knownA.Not to know B.Not knowing C.K nowing not54. ing movi ng55. With wi nterA.came56. thebuildi ng.,I than ked her aga in and aga in.B.moved C.movi ngon, its tim

17、e to buy warm clothes.B.comes C.comeoffice, the foreig n visitors were show nround the teach be movedD.comi ngA.Having shown B.Showing C.Has shown D.Having been shown57. He went from door to door, waste papers and magaz in es.A.gatheri ng B.gathered C.gather D.bei ng gathered58. The stude nt

18、 corrected his paper carefally, the professorssuggesti ons.A.follow59. The A.reduce60. People inA.live61. The foreignerpoint A.u ndersta nd62. The scie ntists were wait ing to see the problem . A.settle B.settled settle D.settli ng63. The librarys study room is full of stude nts for the exam.B.

19、busy prepari ngD.are busily prepari ngleaves.B.covered, falli ng D.coveri ng, falle nB.followi ng C.followed D.bei ng followedprice will save you one dollar for each doze n.B.reduci ng C.reduced D.reduces_ the city do not know the pleasure of country life. livetried his best,C.lived D.livi ngbu

20、t he still could nt make hisB.u ndersta un dersta nd D.un derstoodA.busily preparedC.busyly prepare64. The ground is withA.coveri ng, falli ngC.covered, falle n65. Lessons easily were soon lear n B.learn C.learned D.learning66. The wallet several days ago was found in the du

21、stbinoutside the buildi ng. A.stole n, hidde n C.steali ng, hidde n67. A pers on _a foreig n all about his own.B.steali ng, hidi ngD.stole n, hidi ngIanguage must be able to use the foreignIan lear n, to forget B.learning, to lear n, forgetti ng D.learni ng, forgetti ng68. diffe

22、re nt kinds of pia nos, the workers farther improved their quality.A.To produce B.Bei ng produced C.Produced D.Havi ng69. The students in the university are all taking courses aproduceddegree.A.comi ng to B.goi ng to C.l eadi ng to D.turni ng to70. Ma ny things impossible in the past are very com mo

23、n today.A.con sider sideri ng C.con sidered con sidered71. many times, he still could nt un dersta nd.A.Having bee n told B.Havi ng toldC.He hav ing bee n told D.telli ng72. The old sick lady en tered the hospital, her two support B.supporting C.supported by D.having supported73. Chi

24、na is one gf the largest coun tries in the world, 9.6 million square ( 平方) cover B.covered C.covers D.coveri ng74. We must keep a secret of the thi ngs here, the gen eral said,at the man in charge of the in formatio n officA. discussed, stared seriouslyB. be ing discussed, seriously s

25、tari ngC. to be discussed, seriously stared D.discussed, stared75. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, -that he had enjo yed his stay here.A.hav ing added add C.add ing D.added76. Ca n you read? Mary said to the notice.A.angrily pointing B.and point gril

26、y poin ted D.and an grily pointing77. room.A.Writing B.Havi ng written C.Written D.Bei ng writte n78. Were you when you saw that wild animal?A.fright B.frighte ning C.frighte ned79. Properly with numbers, the books can be easily found.A.marked B.mark mark80. The child sat in the den tists chair

27、 .A.tremble B.trembli ng81. At this mome nt the bell rangA.announceD.frighte nD.marki ng82. He walked down the hills, ng nging83.I had to shout to make myselfA.heard B.heari ng84. The graduating students areA.collect collect85. The cars in Beiji ngA.produce, produce C.produced, produci

28、 ng86. When I came in, I saw Dr. LiA.exami ne B.exami ningC.trembled the end of class.B.announcing C.announ cedsoftly to himself.C.s ung above the no ise.C.heard busy materialC. collected are as good as those hearfor their reports.D.collecti ng in Shan ghai.B

29、. produced, producedD. produc ing, produc ing a patient.C. to exam ineD.exam ined87. a satisfactory operati on, the patie nt recovered from ill ness very quickly.A.Havi ng bee n give n B.Havi ng give n C.Givi ng88. _a_satisfactory operati on, the doctor believed the patie nt wouldrecover from his il

30、l ness very soon.A.Hav ing bee n give n B.Hav ing give n89. He wrote a letter to me that because of the bad weather.D.Bei ng give nC.Givi ng his tripD.Bei ng give n to Japan had been put offA.i nform B.i nformi ng C.i nformed90. He reads n ewspapers every day to keep himselfgoing on in the world. A.

31、i nform B.i nformi ngD.bei ng imformed about whatsC.i nformedD.bei ng in formedthe composition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of theUnit 4 名词性从句2091.Go and get your coat. Its you left it.A.there B.where C.there where D.where worried her a bit her hair was turning grey.A.while B.that C.if D.for93. The questi ons is

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