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1、清明节英语日记带翻译清明节英语日记带翻译 一年一度的清明即将到来,今天老师带着我们去峙山公园扫墓,一到那,九个大字映入眼帘“慈溪革命烈士纪念馆”。 The annual Qingming approaching, today the teacher took us to Zhi Shan Park graves, one to the nine characters eye the Cixi revolutionary martyr memorial hall. 我们拾级而上,走到烈士纪念碑已经气喘吁吁了,过了一会儿,老师让大家集合,之后就是我和许磊发言,只听“春风送花表哀思,青松滴翠寄深情。

2、”我跟了上去“无限哀思无限情,英雄墓前祭英雄。”这是祭念革命先烈的诗句,烈士碑就像一位位革命先烈,烈士碑旁边的一棵棵松柏像一个个士兵守护着他们,岑禹葳精神抖擞地走到烈士碑旁出旗,之后每人一枝花,大家恭恭敬敬地放在烈士碑前,接下来大家默哀一分钟,在那时我想到了很多革命烈士战死沙场,有些甚至没有留下名字。下面是代表发言,我印象最深的就是我们要好好学习,天天向上,这是代表对烈士们的保证,我要向保证的那样好好学习,天天向上。接下来就是我们的宣誓:让我们记住这庄严的时刻,让我们记住这郑重的承诺,我们要让先烈们用鲜血旗帜,永远飘扬在祖国的蓝天。最后是绕场一周后就下山了。 We went up the st

3、airs, walk to the Martyrs Monument was already out of breath, and after a while, the teacher let us set, then Xu Lei and I speak, listen only spring flower show grief, pine green send deep feeling. I followed the infinite love infinite grief, grave and offering hero hero. This is the chief read the

4、verses of revolutionary martyrs, the Martyrs Monument like a bit of revolutionary martyrs, the Martyrs Monument beside a pine like a soldier to guard them, Yuwei Cen walk briskly to the Martyrs Monument side flag, after each flower, we respectfully on the Martyrs Monument, then we observed a minute

5、of silence and at that time that I thought about many of the revolutionary martyrs who died in the battle, and some even did not leave a name. The following is the representative, what impressed me most is that we should good good study, day day up, which is representative of the martyrs of the prom

6、ise, I want to learn to ensure that good, day day up. Next is our oath: let us remember this solemn moment, let us remember this solemn commitment we make martyrs with their blood banner, always flying in the blue sky of the motherland. Then march around the stadium after the downhill. 这些革命先烈们真是生的伟大

7、,死的光荣。 The revolutionary martyrs who is really a great life, a glorious death.篇二Another year tomb-sweeping day, also called sweeping tomb festival, also is our reaction to the dead relatives, to give them the day of the grave. I got up early today, because I want to go to the countryside to grandpas

8、 grave, grandpas grave in a county town, next to us its about one hour by car, unconsciously shaking all the way there, got off the bus, wow! So many people! The county, rural are together today. We go to the street bought a few small paper went up the hill, it is said that, as this years tomb-sweep

9、ing day is not the same oh, sunny, all can see graves on the hill, we came first to the old mans grave, according to our customs, to get rid of the weeds, next to the grave, then the ancestor-worship celebration this year because of government regulations can not point in the mountain burn incense,

10、lest cause a fire, so we just symbolic in the grave the paper money, beside the grave around our hand-picked azalea. Sweep out grandpas grave, we have to sweep grandpas grave again, to the climb over a mountain, grandpa is ill died, so pretty young, to grandpas grave, grandpa grandma reminds many re

11、collections, wail aloud to weep aloud, influenced by her, everyone some sadness, not the same we also sort the grandpas grave, pressure on the incense paper, went down the mountain. Thus ended the grave activities of a day, there are some difficult to climb the mountain, but I still follow the team

12、successfully completed this activity. I like ching Ming festival this day. 又是一年清明节,又叫扫坟节,也就是我们祭奠死去的亲人,去给他们上坟的日子。 今天我起得很早,因为我要去乡下给爷爷上坟,爷爷的坟墓在我们隔壁的一个县城,坐车大概要一个来小时,一路摇晃着不知不觉就到了,一下车,哇!人真多呀!县城的,乡下的今天都聚到了一起。我们先到街上买了些小纸作就上山了,都说清明时节雨纷纷,今年的清明节可不一样哦,阳光明媚的,大老远就能看见山上的祖坟,我们先到了老爷爷的坟上,按照我们这里的风俗,先要除掉坟墓旁边的杂草,然后再实行祭祖

13、仪式,因为今年政府规定不能在山上点香烧纸,以免引起火灾,所以我们仅仅象征性的在坟上压了些纸钱,在坟墓旁边围上了我们亲手采摘的映山红。 扫完了老爷爷的坟墓,我们又得扫爷爷的坟墓去,翻过了一座山就到了,爷爷是生病去世的,所以挺年轻的,到了爷爷的坟墓上,奶奶就想起了爷爷的很多往事,嚎啕大哭起来,受她的影响,大家不免都有些伤感的情绪,同样我们也是把爷爷的坟墓清理了一下,压上了香纸,就下山了。 一天的扫墓活动就这样结束了,虽然爬山有些难,但是我还是跟着队伍顺利的完成了这次活动。我喜欢清明节这个天。篇三Tomb-sweeping day is one of the 24 solar terms, also

14、 called the cold food festival, there are grave and the tradition of eating ai dumpling. Rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. This years tomb-sweeping day rainy, seems to be a more solemn atmosphere. One day, our whole family with sacrifices the mountain grav

15、e. Vehicles lined up at the foot of the mountain, to come to the grave, get to stretch, speed is slow, and the traffic police command temporarily. We first came to grandmas grave, with offerings on the tombstone ahead, pious hopes to grandmas grief. All of a sudden, peng? Pa! Knock? Bang! Firecracke

16、rs into ears. I looked inside, there are some people regardless of civilization grave, burning firecrackers ban initiative, without authorization, setting off firecrackers in front of the tomb. Fireworks set off incense and the despite the rainy today, but the fire hazard is still to be reckoned wit

17、h. I am lost in thought. Suddenly, think of the teacher said in class grave online. Yes, teacher once mentioned that grave online can ease traffic pressure, sacrifices to advocate green civilization, but also can facilitate users never leave home martyrs during qingming festival ancestors, a win-win

18、-win. On the same day, dad and I will contract next years tomb-sweeping day we online reaction to grandma. In the future, we will mobilize the people around calls the green, to join the online grave. 清明节是二十四个节气中的其中一个,又叫“寒食”节,有扫墓和吃艾饺的习俗。 “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”今年的清明节阴雨绵绵,似乎又多了一丝肃穆的气氛。这天,我们全家带着祭品上山扫墓。山脚下,前

19、来扫墓的车辆排成长龙,挨挨挤挤,行进速度缓慢,还有交 警临时指挥。 我们先来到奶奶的墓前,拿出祭品放在墓碑前方,虔诚地寄托对奶奶的哀思。突然,“嘭?啪!嘭?啪!”的鞭炮声传入耳畔。我循声望去,原来是有一些人不顾“文明扫墓,禁燃鞭炮”的倡议,在墓前擅自燃放鞭炮。即使今天阴雨绵绵,但燃放香烛和鞭炮的火灾隐患仍不容小觑。 我陷入了沉思中 忽然,想起老师在课上说过的“网上扫墓”。对啊,老师曾提起过“网上扫墓”既能够缓解交通压力,倡导绿色文明祭祀,同时也能够方便网友清明期间足不出户祭扫先人,可谓“一举三得”。 当天,我就和爸爸约定明年的清明节我们就在网上祭奠奶奶。今后,我们也会动员身边的人响应这个绿色的

20、号召,加入到网上扫墓的行列中来。篇四Today is Saturday. It is also a special sacred holiday - Qingming Festival. During the Qing Ming Festival, we went back to the tomb sweeping. Today, I came to my ancestors grave, ready to sweep the grave for them. I removed the grass from their grave with a hoe. Weeding is seemingl

21、y simple, but it is very tiring. If you dont help the adults, you may have to rest for a while, but I cant get rid of it even if I dont help you two days. A piece of light in front of the grave, feeling very monotonous, lonely. So after second days of supper, I ran to the mountain and dug several fr

22、uit trees and planted them in front of the grave. Qingming Festival is an important festival. Lets remember this sacred and special holiday. Remember that on this day, we must help our ancestors to go to the grave. One more thing, in this festival, I believe that you have a missing person! I miss my

23、 grandmother most is my grandmother, my grandmother left me forever when I was very young, how I hope she can come back to me again, this is the person I miss most, who you miss most in the Qingming Festival今天是星期六,也是一个特别的神圣的节日清明节。 清明节的时候,我们回去扫墓。今天我又来到了先辈的坟前,准备帮他们扫一下墓。我拿着锄头,把他们坟前的草全都除光了。 除草看似简单,但是干起来

24、却挺累的,锄两下就要歇一会,如果不是大人帮忙可能一天我也除不完。 坟前一片光,感觉特单调,孤独。于是,第二天吃过晚饭后,我就跑到山上挖了几颗果树种在了坟前。 清明节是个重要的节日,让我们记住这个神圣而特别的节日吧!还要记住在这个天要帮先辈们扫墓哦! 还有一件事,在这个节日里,相信你们有思念的人吧!我最思念的人是我的外婆,外婆在我很小的时候就永远的离开了我,我多么希望她能再回到我身边,这就是我最思念的人,你们在清明节最思念谁呢篇五Everyone knows that April 5th is the Qingming Festival. Yes, today is the Qingming F

25、estival. Grandpa and I went to the grave to granny grandparents. We put on the tomb of grass pulled out, pulled out in the tomb planted on several willow and then burned paper money tender. After that, Grandpa asked me to knock three heads for my grandparents. I wonder, why do you have to knock thre

26、e heads? Grandpa couldnt answer it. He said, go and check the computer yourself. Back when we eat some cold food. I do not understand to ask: why Qingming to eat cold food? Grandma told me the origins of the cold food: in the spring and Autumn period, the Jin Wen Gong had a tribulation and a ministe

27、r called the meson, who lived in the mountains after the king of the Jin Wen Gong. In the first day of the Qing Ming Dynasty, the Jin Wen Gong sent people to fire the mountain, trying to force the meson to launch a mountain official. The second day (Qingming) ordered the whole country to ban firewor

28、ks, only to eat cold food. After that year, people formed the custom of eating cold food on Qingming Festival. I couldnt help exclaiming, theres such a story. Its a lot to harvest today.大家都知道4月5日是清明节。不错,今天就是清明节。 我和爷爷先去地里给姥姥,姥爷扫墓。我们先把墓上的草拔掉,拔掉后在墓上插上几个嫩柳枝;然后将纸钱烧掉。弄完之后,爷爷让我给姥姥姥爷磕三个头。我很疑惑:“为什么要磕三个头?”爷爷答

29、不上来,便说:“你自己回去查电脑吧!” 回来时,我们吃了一些寒食。我不懂的就要问:”为什么过清明时要吃寒食?“奶奶给我讲起了寒食的来历:“春秋时期,晋文公有个患难贤臣叫介子推的,在晋文公当上国君后隐居深山,在清明前一天,晋文公派人放火烧山,想逼介子推出山做官,介子推不愿下山封官,结果被烧死山中,晋文公懊悔莫及,所以在第二天(清明)下令全国禁止烟火,只准吃冷食,以后年年如此,便形成了民间在清明节吃寒食的习俗。”我不禁一阵惊叹:“原来还有这么一个故事呢!” 今天过清明收获可真多!篇六Qingming day, under a drizzle, the sky dark gray, people a

30、lso feel very not spirit. Our whole family slept a sleep of nature to wake. We dont go away, because we dont have elder relatives in shenzhen, so there is no activity in the grave. On this day, I met a friend of mine in the home, his name is huge, shortly before his grandfather suddenly myocardial i

31、nfarction, has been admitted to the hospital, his mom and dad are very busy, have no time to take care of him, so he entrusted to our home life for one day. More than ten o clock in the morning, vastly has come, we welcome him, I am the same age with him, but he goes to school late for one year, so

32、also in the kindergarten class. We chat together, sing, play games, watch TV, very happy. At noon, mom and dad took me and huge treasure to tai koo shing to eat pizza hut pizza, one we ordered a meal, vastly eat clean, I want to learn from him. Detective in the afternoon, we play games, also very happy. Its getting dark, vastly mother zhang aunt to pick him up, Im very loathe to give up his back. This is the I ch

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