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1、高考英语复习精编高考英语语言点测试题2011高考英语复习精编:高考英语语言点测试题1. It was H1N1 flu _ killed _ eight-year-old girl in April, 2009.A. which; the B. that; an C. which; an D. that; the2. Will it be nine oclock tomorrow _ well have the meeting?A. when B. while C. that D. where3. -_ directed 2008 Olympic ceremonies?-Not Li An b

2、ut Zhang Yimou.A. Which was it that B. Whom was it that C. Who was it that D. What was it that4. It wont be a long time _ we enjoy football matches of the 2014 World Cup.A. until B. before C. when D. after5. -Is your grandpa still smoking?-No. Its years _ he smoked.A. after B. before C. when D. sinc

3、e6. -Have you been here before?-Yes, its the third time _ I _ the Bell Tower.A. when; visited B. that; visited C. when; have visited D. that; have visited7. In fact _ is hard for a man to keep his promise every time.A. that B. this C. there D. it8. Anns father kept telling Ann that she shouldnt surf

4、 the internet too frequently, but _ didnt help.A. he B. which C. she D. it9. “I believe _ is still a good chance that Yao Ming will participate in the next world championships if he recovers well.” a spokesman said yesterday.A. it B. this C. there D. that10. Be sure to phone me when you arrive, _?A.

5、 arent you B. will you C. can you D. dont you11. Boris reminded you that you shouldnt make a call in class, _?A .should you B. shouldnt you C. didnt he D. did he12. Tom, you looked sleepy this morning. You must have stayed up last night, _?A. didnt you B. arent you C. mustnt you D. havent you13. I r

6、emember I have been here before. There used to be a church near the park, _?A. usednt it B. wasnt it C. usednt there D. did there14. Excuse me, _ I have something important to tell you.A. and B. so C. but D. yet15. -He has made some progress recently.-So he has. He could have achieved more, _.A. yet

7、 B. though C. either D. although16. -I raised objections in the meeting. Will you hate me?-No, I wont. _, Ill thank you for your plain words.A. Therefore B. Still C. Besides D. Yet17. Doctors are operating on the injured. Im afraid we can do nothing but _ patiently. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D.

8、waited18. _, David will try his best to overcome it.A. No matter how the problem is difficult B. However difficult is the problemC. No matter difficult the problem is D. No matter how difficult the problem is19. _ much progress you have made, you should be modest.A. No matter B. How C. Whatever D. H

9、owever20. _, he never shows off.A. Knowledgeable is he as B. Is as he knowledgeable C. He is as knowledgeable D. Knowledgeable as he is21. As we all know, the more we practise, _.A. we will acquire the 0more details B. the more details will we acquireC. and the more details we will acquire D. the mo

10、re details we will acquire22. Only when something gets lost, _.A. you can realize how important it is to you B. how important you can realize it is to youC. can you realize how important it is to you D. realize you how important it is to you23. Its only when something gets lost _.A. can you realize

11、how important it is to you B. how important you can realize it is to youC. that you can realize how important it is to you D. that can you realize how important it is to you24. In order to prepare for the college entrance examination, it was _.A. not until midnight did he go to bed B. until midnight

12、 that he didnt go to bedC. not until midnight that he went to bed D. until midnight when he didnt go to bed25. -Tom, cant you be careful? You have left out some figures in your calculations.-Oh, _. A. so am I B. so have I C. so I am D. so I have26. Not only _ saving material and resources but _ tryi

13、ng to save water and energy.A. all factories are; most of the families are B. all factories are; are most of the familiesC. are all factories; are most of the families D. are all factories; most of the families are27. So fluently _ that _.A. does he speak English; is he considered as a native B. he

14、speaks English; is he considered as a nativeC. does he speak English; he is considered as a nativeD. he speaks English; he is considered as a native28. Off the coast _ with several fishing villages located there.A. does an island lie B. lies an island C. an island is lying D. an island lies29. He wa

15、s doing his homework _ the light went out.A. when B. while C. before D. until30. Why did you use my cell phone _ you had your own one? To save your money?A. as B. where C. while D. when31. Some people say more but do less _ others do the opposite.A. once B. while C. when D. as32. _ I do dislike this

16、 kind of people, I never speak ill of them.A. While B. Since C. As D. Unless33. In this world there is no shortcut to take. Everyone, no matter how clever he is, cant achieve success, _ he works hard.A. as long as B. even though C. unless D. although34. Hed like to set off 30 minutes early _ he meet

17、s with the traffic jam.A. so that B. now that C. in case D. or else35. He always took a notebook with him _ he could take down something important at all times and all places.A. because B. so that C. in case D. if only36. _ you dislike this job, why not hunt for another?A. Although B. While C. Since

18、 D. Because37. Paley, look at your paper. Why have you a second time made the same mistake _ you did it a month ago?A. in which B. that C. where D. when38. -Mum, Im outing.-Well, and _ you play or go shopping, you must come back before nine oclock.A. whenever B. whether C. whichever D. no matter39.

19、He was honest, _ his brother always tells lies.A. however B. since C. whereas D. though40. He will go to the coffee bar, _ it rains.A. despite B. except that C. except when D. besides41. _ is known to everyone, London will hold the 2012 Olympic Games.A. It B. As C. That D. What42. Cong Fei died of c

20、ancer in April, 2006, _ made us in deep sorrow.A. who B. that C. it D. which43. Have you been to Mount Hua, _ scenery is charming?A. where B. which C. whose D. what44. Now more and more people begin to enjoy golden weeks,_they can relax or travel.A. on which time B. in that time C. during which time

21、 D. by which time45. He is the only one of the top students who _ admitted to Peking University.A. was B. were C. have been D. has been46. Tomorrow he will participate in a job interview _the interviewer is likely to ask some difficult questions.A. that B. when C. whom D. where47. On my fathers birt

22、hday, I gave him a special present, _ I had spent my own money buying for the first time. A. that B. what C. one D. it48. -If you are admitted to a key university, _ as a prize?-Im longing for a cell phone.A. what you expect your father will offer you B. do you expect what your father will offer you

23、C. what do you expect will your father offer you D. what do you expect your father will offer you49. Nowadays customers become more and more practical and buy only _ they need.A. where B. which C. when D. what50. Shed like to offer money to _ needs it to continue his or her study.A. who B. whom C. w

24、hoever D. whomever51. Yesterday he sold out all his stamps at _ he thought was a reasonable price.A. that B. which C. what D. as52. Generally speaking, _ we have seen seems more believable than _ we have been told.A. what; that B. what; what C. that; what D. that; that53. After three days waiting, t

25、here was a little doubt in the mothers mind _ the police could find her lost child. A. how B. that C. where D. whether54. “Sustainable development” is a question _ we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment.A. whether B. when C. that D. how55. Wed like to do _ we can _ the

26、 poor.A. how; help B. all; to help C. whatever; help D. however; to help56. Your cell pone is always being power off. _ we got through, we wouldnt have to come to your home now.A. If B. Once C. Had D. Should57. _ the comedy has brought us!A. How great fun B. What great fun C. How a great fun D. What

27、 a great fun58. How cold your hands _!A. felt B. are felt C. feel D. are feeling59. It is one thing to write a novel , _.A. the other to write history B. another to write history C. the other is to write history D. another is to write history60. -Why not go out for a picnic on such a sunny day?-_ li

28、ke a good idea.A. Sounding B. Sounds C. Sounded D. Sound61. Errors, if _, should be corrected.A. necessary B. possible C. any D. important62. Today everyone arrived earlier than _.A. expecting B. having expecting C. to be expect D. expected63. -What do you suppose has made Carrie so upset?-_ her new

29、 sell phone.A. Because of having lost B. Because she lost C. Lost D. Losing64. Dont cry any more, Tony. Or Ill regret _ the truth.A. to tell you B. to have told you C. to telling you D. telling you65. Every one has his or her right to object _ unequally.A. to treat B. to treating C. to be treated D.

30、 to being treated66. When I passed by, she pretended _ me.A. to dont recognize B. not recognizing C. to have not recognized D. not to have recognized67. He is such a man who is difficult _.A. to satisfy with B. to be satisfied with C. to satisfy D. to be satisfied68. Have you seen the man _ on the g

31、rass in the picture?A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying69. All the guests _ to the party were enjoying themselves.A. to be invited B. having invited C. invited D. being invited70. With everyone _, the famous man began his speech.A. sited B. seating C. to sit D. seated71. There were a crowd of people _ the singer into the hall.A. followed B. to foll

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