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1、小学英语外研版三起四年级下册4册模块610教案小学英语外研版(三起)四年级下册新标准小学英语三年级起点第四册教案(610)(2010-04-02 19:04:17) 单元分析本模块由Unit 1 This girl is good.和Unit 2 Lingling is better than Daming.两部分组成,它的目的是向我们介绍进行评价和比较,同时讲解了一些与音乐相关的背景知识,例如:Pop music中的pop是popular的缩写,意思是流行的;Chinese music在这里指的是Chinese traditional music,演奏这类音乐常用的乐器有二胡、古筝等;cla

2、ssical music比较严肃而正统;jazz music是爵士乐,发源于美国南部,节奏感强,含有大量即兴成分。 Module 6 Music Unit 1 Tthis girl is good.Teaching aims: This girl is good. This boy is better than the girls. This picture is bad. This picture is worse.Teaching Importance and difficulties:Teaching tools:RecorderTeaching steps:step1: Warm up

3、 1)Sing a song 2)This unit introduces some of the irregular comparatives. Write the following adjectives at random on the board:big small good bad fat thin 3)Get individual students to call out one of the adjectives and you say the comparative form. 4)Ask the students what is different aboutgoodand

4、badcompared to the other adjectives in the list ( they dont add -erto make the compatative).Explain that these aare adjectives that have irregular(meaating not the usual)comparatives. 5)Now get the students to work in pairs and continue to do the activity. They must take turns to say the adjective.S

5、tep 2 : Learning and practising 1)Tell the students to close their books. Say that they are going to listen to the tape and tell you which comparatives they hear. 2)Play the passage once and let the students listen. They should hear bothbetterand worse. 3)Point and say Tell the students to try and b

6、ring the following magazine pictures to class:a holiday place,a car,a house,a stereo,a room. If they cant find magazine pictures,they can draw these places and objects. In the next lesson, invite two studenta to the front and get them to hold up their pictures of houses. The students have to say whi

7、ch one is better and which one is worse. Now have another pair come to the front. They should hold up their pictures of cars and the rest of the class says which one is better and which one is worse.Step 3 : Homework Write the new words twiceUnit 2 Lingling is better than DamingTeaching aims:Linglin

8、g is better than Daming. Amy is worse than Sam.Teaching Importance and difficulties:Teaching tools:RecorderTeaching steps:step1: Warm up 1)Sing a song 2)On the board write the following words: pop music Chinese music jazz 3) If you have a tape with examples of the different music,play it for the stu

9、dents. Say,This is adjective music jazz.Have the students repeat the sentence. If the students cant listen to these types of music,you will have to explain in Chinese what they are ,i.e.pop music(short for popular,modern), Chinese music(it meanstraditional Chinese music here, serious and traditional

10、,played by traditional Chinese instruments),jazz(music which originated in the American south;it has stong rhythm and a lot of improvisation). 4)Tell the students that you are going to call out the names of different types of music . If they like that music,they should stand up. 5)If you have extrac

11、ts of music on tape,play them and let the students identify the type of music.Step 2 : Learning and Practising 1)You may want to remind the students of the different kinds of music.e.g.pop music,Chinese music,jazz,dance music,rap music. You can extend this by teachingrock music (modern popular music

12、 with a strong beat;often played loudly) and folk music(traditional style). 2)Put the students into groups of three and get them to look at the book. Have them read the example dialogue in their groups. 3)Do an example. Choose two competent students and say to the first one,What music do you like? P

13、rompt the students to answer,I like type of music.The second students should either agree or say which type of music heshe prefers.(now have the students continue the activity in their groups.) 4)Tell the students that you are going to play the tape so they can listen to the melody.Now have the stud

14、ents look at the words of the song.Play the tapeof the words and have the students repeat. 5)Explain to the students that they should mime playing the instruments as they sing the names of those instruments. 6)Play the tape again and have the students sing and also mime playing each instrument. 7)Ha

15、ve the students work in pairs.Student A mimes playing an instrument and says,Whaat am I playing ?Student B has to respond by saying the name of the instrument.Then the students should swap roles.They can mime playing all the instruments they know.Step: Homework Write the new words twice单元分析:本单元由Unit

16、1 New York is in the east.Unit2 Beijing is the capital of China.组成,谈论国家、首都、城市及地理方位等。同时通过学生查看百科全书或到图书馆、互联网上查阅相关资料,制作一个英语简报,介绍自己最喜欢的国家或城市,贴到班级的板报栏中展示,并和其他同学用英语交流相关信息。Module 7 CountriesUnit 1 New York is in the east.Teaching aims:Washington D.C .is the capital of the USA. Its in the east.Teaching impor

17、tance:Direction.Teaching difficulties:CountryTeaching Tools:ReporterTeaching steps:Step one :Warm up1 Sing a song.2 On the board write the wordsUnited States of America.Show the students a map of the USA or draw a rough mapon the board.Ask the students if they know anything aboutthe USA.They may hav

18、e heard of New York,Hollywood,Disneyland and perhaps the names of some famous people.Write the students suggestions on the board. Talk abouteach one briefly or ask the students to give someinformation about them.3 If the following names are not on the board, write themand indicate the syllables and

19、stress.4 Say the words and get the students to repeat them.Makesure to leave the words on the board for the followingactivity.Step two: Listen and pointEnsure that the students remember the wordscityandcountry.Say,Is Beijing a city?Nod your head and promptthe students to answer,Yes,it is.Then say,Is

20、 Shanghai acountry?Shake your head and the students should say.No,it isnt. Prompt them to continue and add,Its a city.Lets play a game: I am goint to call out the name ofsomething and you have to say whether it is a city or acountry.OK?Homework Write the new words twice Unit 2 Beijing is the capital

21、 of China.Teaching aims:Beijing is the capital of China. Its in the north.Teaching importance: Talk about country,city and capital and so on.Teaching difficulities:directionTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upWrite some countries words on the board,say and get thestudents to repe

22、at them.Explain that you are going to call out the name of a countryand its capital city and a student has to go to the board andconnect the two words by drawing a line.Continue theactivity until each country is linked to its capital city.Have the students copy the names into their exercise booksand

23、 continue the activity in pairs.Step two: Listen and pointTell the students that you are goint to call out the name of acity.They have to say which country it is the capital of .Step three:Listen and sayHave the students look at the two pictures and try to workout which cities they show(London and B

24、eijing)Get the students to try and predict what the song will beabout(England and China). You should point out that theboy is near Big Ben in London in the first picture. In thesecond picture the boy is at the Tiananmen Square.Find out if the students would like to vistit the UK and ifso, why?On the

25、 board write the wordsChina and England,get thestudents to brainstorm ideas about places and things inEngland and China.Write their suggestions on the board.Step four:singPlay the spoken version of the song and get the students torepeat the words.Play the second version and let the students listen t

26、o themelody or they can sing along with the music.Divide the class into two groups.Tell one group they areEngland and the other group is China.Get each group towrite a word about that country on a large piece of paper.They should use the list on the board that they came up within Before singing the

27、song.Get the China group to sing the verse about China and theEnglandgroup sings the one about England.As they sing ,they should hold up their pieces of paper.Step five:HomeworkGet the students to make a poster about England or China.They can use magazine pictures or draw pictures,and thenwrite the

28、name of each place underneath.At the top they canput the title,Come to Englandor Come to China.单元分析:本单元由Unit 1 I was two. Unit 2 They were young.组成,带领我们谈论过去的事情和情况,通过比较“now ”和“then”帮助学生理解“then”的含义;向学生继续讲解一般过去时:表示的是过去的状态。讲述过去的状态时通常把在一般现在时中使用的“am/isare”变成“was were”Module 8 ChangesUnit 1 I was two.Teaching aims:They were young. I was two.Teaching importance: How to usewaswere?Teaching difficulities:Talk about the pastTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Bring magazine pictu

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