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1、高考英语精选仿真模拟卷10含答案2020年高考精选仿真模拟卷10英 语(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2020届福建省厦门市高三第二轮复习模

2、拟测)I recently heard a story about a famous research scientist who had made several very important medical achievements. A newspaper reporter interviewed him why he was able to be so much more creative than the average person. What set him so far apart from others?He responded that it all came from a

3、n experience with his mother that occurred when he was about two years old. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he dropped the slippery bottle, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor-a real sea of milk!When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of s

4、houting at him, giving him a lecture or punishing him, she said, “Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! I have rarely seen such a huge pool of milk. Well,the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”Indeed

5、, the boy did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “You know, Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. How would you like to do that? We could use a sponge (海绵), a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?” He chose the s

6、ponge and together they cleaned up the spilled milk.His mother then said, “You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Lets go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can find a way to carry it witho

7、ut dropping it.” The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could make it. What a wonderful lesson!This famous scientist then said that it was at that moment that he knew he didnt need to be afraid to make mistakes.1 .When the mother found the ki

8、tchen floor covered with milk, she _ .A .gave the boy a lecture instead of shouting at himB .praised the boy instead of punishing himC .felt satisfied with the boys trying to help himselfD .calmed down the boy and helped him find a way to clean the floor2 .The childs experience resulted in the follo

9、wing BUT _ .A .offering the boy a chance to grasp the bottleB .benefiting the boy all his lifeC .helping the boy be more creativeD .making the boy realize the mistake is of value3 .According to the passage, the way the scientists mother used is _ .A .instructive B .strict C .formal D.strange【文章大意】本文

10、为一篇记叙文。文章介绍了一个科学家在小的时候不小心在厨房里打翻了牛奶,但是妈妈充满智慧的做法使他明白如何面对错误,解决问题。1 .D 细节理解题。根据第三段When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of shouting at him, giving him a lecture or punishing him以及后面的妈妈提议Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?可知,妈妈见到他打翻牛奶后,并没有吼叫,也

11、没有给他一个教训或者是惩罚他,而是帮助他想办法打扫干净地面。故选D项。2 A .推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,作者打翻牛奶一事让他受益一生,妈妈鼓励他寻找解决方法让他变得更有创造性,以及最后一句This famous scientist then said that it was at that moment that he knew he didnt need to be afraid to make mistakes.说明犯错误并不可怕,错误是很有价值的,A项“给那个男孩一个抓住瓶子的机会”并不是男孩经历导致的结果。故选A项。3 A .推理判断题。结合全文,本文作者的妈妈没有直接批评孩子,

12、而是让他改正错误,并寻找最佳的解决办法,这是教育孩子的一种良好方式,她处理问题的方式是很有建设性的。故选A项。B(河南省天一大联考2019-2020学年高三上学期期末) Rebecca Munkombwe,any11-year-old girl from Zimbabwe, is regarded as a hero for saving a 9-year-old friend from the jaws of a crocodile by jumping or、the crocodile and gouging (挖) its eyes out.According to Zimbabwean

13、 media, Rebecca and her friends had just got back from a swim in a stream near their home village when they heard the screams corning from the water. She was shocked to see her 9-year-old friend Latoya Muwani being dragged into the water by a crocodile. While all the other children were running scar

14、ed, Rebecca ran toward the water, jumped on top of the crocodile and started beating it with her bare fists. However, that didnt seem to bother the crocodile at all, so she then used her fingers to gouge its eyes out until it loosened its grasp of Latoya. Once she was free, Rebecca swam with her to

15、the bank.Surprisingly, the 11-year-old heroine managed to save her young friend without suffering any wounds, while Latoya was lucky to escape with just mild wounds that were later treated at a regional hospital. Latoyas parents praised Rebeccas courage and thanked her for saving their daughters lif

16、e. “I was at work when I learnt that my daughter had been attacked by a crocodile while swimming. For a moment I thought of the worst before I learnt that shed survived after being saved by Rebecca,” Latoyas father, Fortune Muwani, said. “I dont know how she managed to do that, but Im grateful to he

17、r.”Local authorities confirmed the crocodile attack, adding that the number of such incidents was increasing. Apparently, the lack of easily accessible water sources (水源) is forcing women and children to use unprotected sources like this crocodile-infested (遍布鳄鱼的) stream.4. What made Rebecca Munkomb

18、we a hero?A. Her catching a crocodile hare-handed.B. Her rescuing a drowning friend in time.C. Her helping a friend out of deadly danger.D. Her making friends with a wild crocodile.5. Which of the following words can best describe Rebecca?A. Brave and smart. B. Calm and careful.C. Honest and conside

19、rate. D. Courageous and patient.6. What message do Fortune Muwanis words convey?A. He knew every detail about the rescuing process.B. Latoyas conditions were far better than expected.C. Latoyas being attacked by a crocodile sounded unbelievable.D. He regretted not accompanying Latoya while she was s

20、wimming.7. Why were crocodile attacks on the rise?A. Because people have poor awareness of safety.B. Because people enjoy getting close to animals in the wild.C. Because people have little knowledge of accessible water sources.D. Because people have to share limited water sources with wild animals.【

21、文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍津巴布韦一个11岁的女孩从鳄鱼口中救出了她9岁的朋友的英勇事迹。4. C细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“for saving a 9-year-old friend from the jaws of a crocodile”可知,Rebecca被视为英雄是因为她从鳄鱼口中救出了她9岁的朋友。故选C。5. A推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“While all the other children were running scared, Rebecca ran toward the water, jumped on top of the crocodile

22、”可知,当看到Latoya被鳄鱼拖住时,其他的孩子都被吓跑了,只有Rebecca朝水里跑去并且跳到鳄鱼的背上,由此可以推断,Rebecca非常勇敢;根据文章第二段中的“.started beating it with her bare fists. However, that didnt seem to bother the crocodile at all, so she then used her fingers to gouge its eyes out until it loosened its grasp of Latoya”可知,Rebecca先是赤手空拳地击打鳄鱼,见此举无效后乂

23、改用手指去挖 鳄鱼的眼睛直到它松开Latoya为止,由此可以推断,Rebecca很聪明。故选A。6.B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“For a moment I thought of the worst before I learnt that shed survived after being saved by Rebecca”可知,Fortune Muwani得知Latoya被鳄鱼攻击时想到了最糟糕的结果,但后来得知她因被Rebecca救而幸存下来了。由此可以推断,他认为Latoya的状况比他预期的好得多。故选B。7. D细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“the lack of eas

24、ily accessible water sources (水源) is forcing women and children to use unprotected sources like this crocodile-infested (遍布鳄鱼的) stream”可知,水源缺乏使得妇女和儿童不得不使用像这条遍布鳄鱼的小河一样的无保护的水源,即人们不得不跟野生动物一起共享有限的水源。故选D。C(河北衡水中学2019-2020学年高三上学期二调)Cortana, Alexa ,Siri ,These are names of robotic voices that are often pro

25、grammed on electronic tablets. They also become default (默认) identities for people with speech disorders who rely on technology to communicate. Now some speech scientists are developing personalized voices to reflect the broader diversity of the people who use them. To do it, they are tapping into a

26、 vast network of volunteers who are donating their voices to share with people who cant speak.The effort to build an international “Human Voicebank” has attracted more than 17,000 volunteers from 110 countries, including Priyanka Pandya, a 16-year-old from Columbia, Md., who plans to spend her winte

27、r vacation recording a string of sentences into her computer “To be able to give somebody the gift of voice, I think thats really, really powerful,” she said.“Everyone has a voice,” said Rupal Patel, founder of VocaliD, the company that started the voicebank. “Even people who are unable to speak hav

28、e sounds that are unique to them.” Her company designs personalized voices by recording the unique sounds of the user, and then mixing them with 6 to 10 hours of recordings from a voice donor, matched by age, gender and region. The company is developing voices now for its first 100 customers.Also, p

29、eoples voices change. The company is looking for donors who are willing to record their voices, and then record them again a few years later, as they get older.Some of the first customers say they are happy with the results, John A. Gregoire was one of the first customers to receive a personalized v

30、oice from Vocalid last December. The voice came eight years after he developed ALS (肌萎缩侧索硬化症) and more than six years have passed since his voice became unintelligible to everyone except his wife and youngest son. “Having a distinctive voice is like getting something back that was stolen.” John said

31、.8. What can we know about the voicebank?A. It collects all kinds of voices.B. It gains strong public support.C. It helps to recognize special voices.D. It offers people personalized voices free.9. What does the example of John A. Gregoire stress?A. Customers desire for personalized voices.B. Vocali

32、Ds efforts to develop personalized voices.C. Customerssatisfaction with personalized voices.D. VocaliDs success in designing personalized voices.10. What does the underlined word “unintelligible” mean in the last paragraph?A. Unclear. B. Soft.C. Incomplete. D. Rough.11. What is the main idea of the text?A. Volunteers donate their voices to VocaliD. B. Vocalic is devoted to building a voicebank.C. The Human Voicebank wins fame among people with speech.D. The Human Voicebank

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