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1、关于建筑行业安全施工的分析大学毕业论文英文文献翻译及原文 毕 业 设 计(论文)外 文 文 献 翻 译文献、资料中文题目:关于建筑行业安全施工的分析文献、资料英文题目:Analysis of Safety Performance in the Construction Industry文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院 (部): 专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14附 录AAnalysis of Safety Performance in the Construction IndustryData source: The HKU Sc

2、holars HubOver the years, many researchers have investigated into the safety performance of the construction industry. Some of them identified factors leading to the occurrence of accidents on construction sites. The high frequency of construction accident has casted the industry a considerable amou

3、nt. The government and many concerned parties have taken measures against the potential causes of accidents, aiming at reducing accidents and promoting safety in the industry. 1. Definition of Accident Laney (1982) states that the simplest definition of an accident is “an uncontrollable occurrence w

4、hich results in injury or damage”. The events leading up to an accident are controllable in most cases. International Labor Office Geneva (1983) and Kennedy (1997) also agree that accidents dont just happen, they are preventable. All industrial accidents are, either directly or indirectly, attributa

5、ble to human failings. Rowlandson (1997) points out that a number of elements which need to be incorporated into the definition if this is to be useful in terms of accident prevention. These elements are:a. lack of management control; b. basic personal and task factors; c. sub-standard acts and cond

6、itions the symptoms of the accident; d. an unplanned and undesired event or incident the accident; e. an undesired outcome death, injury or property damage; f. a cost. He thus defines accident as: “. an unplanned incident leading to death, injury or property damage which stems from inadequate manage

7、ment control of work processes manifesting itself in personal or job factors which lead to substandard actions or conditions which are seen as the immediate causes of the accident.” 2. Common Accidents in Construction Industry According to Lingard and Rowlinson (1994) accident proneness can be measu

8、red by the frequency of accident occurrence. According to some researches, construction industry has the highest accident rate over the years, thus it is said to be more accident-prone than other industries. It is essential to understand why construction industry is more vulnerable to accident than

9、the others. The Labour Department classified construction accidents by types.Table 1 shows the number of injuries in 2004 and figures in blankets are the number of fatality fixed or stationary object11.9%Fall of person from height11.7%Injured whilst lifting or carrying16.0%Slip, trip or fall on same

10、 level17.3%Striking against or stuck by moving object19.7%Contact with moving machinery or object being machined7.0%Others16.4%The above chart shows the major accidents which contributed more than 5% of the construction accidents in 2004:3. Facors Affecting Safety Performance of Construction Industr

11、y Many researchers have studied the factors affecting safety performance on construction sites. Stranks (1994) points out that the reasons of the poor safety record may correlate with many factors such as complexity of the work or system, risk nature of works, management style, safety knowledge and

12、commitment, and personal behavior. Here are several factors that affect safety performance of contraction industry.a. Company Size Tam and Fung (1998) study the effectiveness of safety management strategies on safety performance. In this study, the safety performance of companies is gauged by their

13、accident rates in 1994 as accident rates are steadier throughout the year and they can be easily obtained. In the study, it is found that company size, in term of number of management staff, affects safety performance. Tam and Fung (1998) observe that the accident rate of small companies is highest,

14、 the rate for medium sized lies almost at the industrial average and that for the large firms is the lowest. This demonstrates that larger firms generally have better safety records. This could be resulted from the more structured and formalized safety programmers, and stronger management commitment

15、 to safety. It is found that the higher number of employees in the organization, the lower figure of the accident rate.b. Level of Subcontracting Multi-layer subcontracting is unique to China construction industry and has been the most common practice being used with long history. Subcontractors wou

16、ld normally further subcontract their work without the consent of their principal contractor to several smaller firms in order to minimize their overheads. Multi-layers of subcontractors is one of the major difficulties in implementing safety management. Recent study carried out by Wong and So (2004

17、) shows the current status of the subcontracting practice and how multi-layer subcontracting system affects construction safety performance. Their questionnaire survey reveals that the majority of respondents (45.5%) would sublet 80-90% of their works to subcontractors. None of the respondents would

18、 carry out construction work that fully relies on their own effort; at least 30% of works would be subcontracted out. Lai (1987) attributes the high site accident rates to the use of labour-only subcontractors. As subcontracted workers are highly mobile, lack loyalty to contractors and are rewarded

19、according to work done, they are difficult to control. Implementing safety practices on site becomes more difficult. Recent researchers, like Wong (1999) and Lee (1996), believe multi-layer subcontracting system is one of the major causes to poor safety performance in Chinas construction industry. T

20、he most extreme case of subcontracting quoted by Lee (1999) was subcontracting up to 15 layers. He describes such multi-layer subcontracting as common and excessive. Small business, like subcontractors, face with specific health and safety challenges. Many firms lacked adequate resources and were of

21、ten struggling to survive. Moreover, they lack an understanding of their obligations and the health and safety issues of their processes. These can be supported by Rawlinsons (1999) study for Housing Authority. He finds that average 84% of workers injured from 1995 to 1998 were subcontractors worker

22、s. Such situation may be due to subcontractors workers inadequate training and awareness of safe working practice. Tam and Fung (1998) find there is a significant difference between trained and un-trained employees in relation to accident rate. 4. Communication According to Wong (2002), communicatio

23、n is a major factor affecting the safety on sites. However, it has seldom been discussed before. Wong (2002) conducts a research to find out the causes of communication problems between main contractors and subcontractors. He identifies 12 factors leading to poor communication in construction indust

24、ry. Among them, 10 are discussed here as they are more relevant to the territory and have been discussed by other researchers. These factors are listed below: i. Industry Nature In order to complete the project on time, construction projects are carried out under almost all sorts of weather conditio

25、ns. Besides, construction workers are usually not well-educated. These cause communication difficulties. ii. Industry Culture Wong (2000) identifies sub-contracting system is a hurdle to construction safety as they are engaged on day-work basis, thus they are not aware to site safety. iii. Client Ty

26、pe There are 2 types of clients, public and private ones. Government bodies are public clients. Private clients can be further divided into experienced and inexperienced. Their concern and expectation on site safety performance appear to be different. iv. Organization Structure Fryer (1997) suggests

27、 that organization structure, including hierarchy, downsizing and decentralization vs. decentralization, rigidity vs. flexibility, rules and procedure, would affect the result of communications. According to Wong (2002), downsizing became popular since 1990s because this can allow flexibility for pe

28、ople for respond more quickly to change. v. Relationship of Main and Sub-Contractors The poor relationship between contractors is an obstacle to construction safety. However, such situation could be resolved by partnering. Wong (2002) says that partnering is considered by most of the project partici

29、pants as a worthwhile initiative. vi. Communication Barriers Hicks and Gullett (1983) points out that communication overload and inattention to message can cause ineffective communication. People may receive more information than they can process or they spend time evaluating the sender and the mess

30、age before the entire message is being passed or read. vii. Content of Information Wong (2002) attributes poor safety performance to the content of information. If content of information, such as method statements, working, drawings or safety procedures, are inaccurate or unclear, safety could not b

31、e effectively achieved. viii. Value of Communicators Tam et al (2001) point out that many production personnel rank safety in a lower priorities when compare with meeting the production schedule, quota and cost targets. Besides, Nichols and Stevens (1999) mention the failure of many superiors to lis

32、ten. As a result, safety issue does not receive enough attention. ix. Provision of Continuous Training Enrichment of safety knowledge is essential. Teo et al (2005) carry out a study to find out the methods in fostering workers safe work behaviours. They find that training is an important way to enable workers to work safely, because they are equipped with the knowledge of how to work safely. x. Workers Attitude Workers incorrect attitude towards site safety is a big difficulty in mak

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