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1、届火线冲刺100天中考英语总复习名师全程导学第一篇 (绝对精品)(外研版) 2013届火线冲刺100天中考英语总复习名师全程导学第一篇 七年级上 Module 1-5 第一关:考点清理,知识清单:(一。)核心词汇:1. meet: _ (n.)会议_ (认识你很高兴),本句用于_ ,回答用_ 。2. one:_ (序数词)第一_ (adv,)一次。3. too:(adv.)也_ 和_ (同义词) (adv.)太_ (太而不能)4. close:(v.)关上_ (反义词)。关上窗户:_ 门是关着的:_ 关上收音机_ _ (adj.)关着的_ (反义词开着的)。5. science _ (n.)科

2、学家_ (adj.) 科学的)6. health _ (adj.) 健康的_ (反义词)不健康的相关短语:保持健康:_ ,一个健康的身体:_ 对你的健康有好处:_ 为了你的健康:_ 7. right(n.)右边 _ (反义词左边) 相关短语:在右边:_ (adj.)正确的_ (反义词错误的),同义词:correct 相关短语:Thats right _ (汉语意思), Thats all right _ (汉译)all right_ (汉译)8. behind(prep)在后面_(反义短语)在(外部)的前面 相关短语:在(内部的)前面:_ 9. dictionary_ (名词复数) 相关短语:

3、汉英词典:_ 英汉词典: _ 在字典里查找:_ 10. this _ (反义词) _ (复数这些) 相关短语:这是大明:_ ,打电话介绍自己是陈涛:_ 打电话问对方是张慧吗:_, 打电话问对方是谁:_ (二。)高频短语:1.来自 :be from , come from 1.打篮球: _ 踢足球:_ 思考;英语中球前能加the吗?2.骑马:_ 骑自行车:_ 3.弹钢琴:_ 拉小提琴:_思考:英语中乐器前能不加the 吗?4.健康的食物:_ 健康的饮料:_5.The King family :_ family name :_ 思考:外国人是把名(given name )放在前还是把姓(famil

4、y name)放在前? 中国人呢?6.多少:how many ,how much 思考:它们用法有什么区别?7.在旁边。 _ 8.用英语:_ 9.欢迎来到:_10.多大年龄:_ 相同的年龄:_11.听音乐:_ 看黑板:_ 思考:listen和look 后能不带to 和 at 吗? to 和 at能换用吗?12.在九年级一班:_ 思考:班和年级谁在前谁在后?单位班年级和数字谁在前谁在后? 由此你联想到表示位置时,大地方和小地方谁在前谁在后?13.因而感谢:_ 思考:for后面是动词时怎么用?在英语中表示感谢的有哪些句型?表示不用谢的又有哪些句型?(三。)必背句型:1.他叫什么名字? 他叫比尔。_

5、。 易错点温馨提醒:这里的“他”是用he还是his?我叫是用I还是my?2.你来自哪里?我来自北京。_。 易错点温馨提醒:有的学生分不清are 和do 的区别,容易犯这样的错:Where are you come from ? I am come from Beijing .3.我不会说法语,它太难了。 _4.你会骑车吗?是的,我会。它很容易。_。5.你们课桌上有电脑吗?_。6.餐厅在哪里?它在科学实验室的旁边。_ 。7.你们家有几口人?四口。我爸爸妈妈,我姐姐和我。_。8.你最喜欢的食品和饮料是什么?蔬菜和牛奶。_。易错点温馨提醒:这里的你有的同学用you,为什么不对?9.不要吃汉堡和糖果。

6、它们对你的健康有害。_。10.我们班上有45名同学。_。第二关:核心要点高频考点探究突破:1.practise 的用法 :(1.)动词,练习,训练。后跟名词代词,或动词-ing 形式。(常考,记住) (2.)名词,练习。也可写为:practice. 是不可数名词。 拓展:一些动词后只能跟动词-ing 形式,如:enjoy,finish,mind,keep等。2.play的用法:(1.)动词:打球,下棋,打牌,演奏乐器。记住:球类棋类前名词前不加the, 乐器名词前必须加the.(2.)动词,玩耍。后常跟with,表示“ 和某人一起玩,玩某物”。(3.)动词,扮演。 名词,剧本,戏剧。3.too

7、,also , either, as well 等用法区别:都表示 也。too 用于肯定句疑问句句末,too 前用逗号隔开。also用于肯定句句中,助动词后,实意动词前。either 用于否定句句末,前加逗号。as well 用于肯定句疑问句句末,前不加逗号。 4.make 的用法; (1.) 动词,制作制造。短语:make sb sth =make sth for sb.为某人制作某物。 ( 2.) 动词, 迫使,强迫 。常考固定句型:make sb do sth .使某人做某事。 Sb be made to do sth. 某人被迫做某事。注意:主动语态中,无论make 是什么形式,mak

8、e sb 后动词必用原形。被动语态中,make要用过去分词made,made 后面的动词前必须加上to.make sb + 形容词,使某人处于什么状态。 (3.)be made of : 由 制成,从产品中能看出来原材料。 be made from :由制成,从产品中不能看出来原材料。 be made in : 在某个地方或时间制造 。 many 和 how much : 都可表示“多少”,但 how many 后跟可数名词的复数, how much 后跟不可数名词,另外how much 还可提问物体的价格,意为多少钱,注意:How much +is + 可数名词单数或不可数名词,

9、How much + are + 可数名词复数? 拓展:how far (多远),how long (多长时间,物体多长),how tall(多高), how often (多久一次), how soon ( 要多久,对 in +一段时间提问)。 How old (多大年龄)6.some 和any :some 表一些用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句,但表客气请求希望对方肯定回答的疑问句中用some 不用any。常用句型有:Would you like some ? Can (Could )you give me some ?等。Any还可用于肯定句中,表示任何一个。7.and ,but 和

10、 or: 都是并列连词,and 意为“和,并且”,表并列用于肯定句中,but 意为“但是”,表转折,or 意为“或者”,表选择,用于否定句或选择疑问句中。另外and 和 or 都可用于“ 祈使句+and (or)+一般将来时的简单句”中,and 表示前后句意思一致,or却表示前后句意思对立,这里or意为“否则,不然”。如:Be careful,or you will not pass the exam .= If you are not careful, you will not pass the exam.Hurry up, and we will catch the bus.=If we

11、hurry up,we will catch the bus.8.speak, say, tell 和 talk : speak :说话,说某种语言。speak to sb,和某人说话。speak Chinese.说汉语 speak at the meeting ,在会议上发言。 Say 说,后接所说的内容。后跟带引号所说的话,say to sb:对某人说, Say it in English :用英语说它。 talk :连续不断的谈话,交谈。talk with ( to )sb :和某人交谈。talk about:谈论。tell :告诉。 tell sb ( not ) to do sth

12、: 告诉某人(不要)做某事 tell a story :讲故事 tell from : 区分, it, that:都可以当代词。one 指前面提到的同一类人和物中的另一个,以避免重复。 而it指前面提到的同类同一事物。one 表泛指,=a (an )+名词,that 表特指,= the +名词。That可代替可数名词的单数或不可数名词,名词复数用those,one不可代替不可数名词,代替名词复数用ones.10.What is your fathers job ? 你爸爸是做什么工作的?=What does your father do ?= What is your father

13、? 问职业用what,你是干什么工作的?怎么译?father s 是名词所有格。名词所有格的构成:(1.)单数名词在词尾加s.如:The girls school bag is nice. (2.) 以s 结尾的复数名词只加 不加s.如:The teachers office is over there. (3.)表示两个人共有同一物,则只在后一个名词词尾加s. 如果两个人分别拥有某物,则在两个名词词尾后都分别加s.如: This is Tom and Peters room. These are Toms and Peters shoes.(4.)双重所有格:在同一个短语中同时有s和of 两

14、种所有格形式。它表示of前面的与后面的内容是同类。如:a friend of Toms 或 a friend of mine hospital 和 in the hospital 用法区别: in hospital 的主语是病人,意为生病住院,in the hospital 的主语可以是病人,病人家属,医院医生护士等 在医院里。 你自己会区分in bed 和 in the bed , at table 和 at the table ,go to school 和 go to the school ,on earth 和 on the earth 等吗?第三关:语法考点大观园:1.

15、 be 动词的一般现在时。2. 情态动词can 的用法。3. There be 句型。4. 名词。关键考点:(1.) This is a (an )+名词单数。 There is a (an )+名词单数。 这里名词单数前不能用the . (2.)can 后加动词原形。 (3.)there be 句型。There is和There are用法区别。 后面名词是单数或不可数名词时用 there is,后面名词是可数 名词的复数时用 there are。当there be 句型有两个主语名词时,看离there be 最近的前面的那个名词。第四关:当堂经典真题实战演练感悟中考:1词汇运用: 根据句意

16、及汉意首字母等提示完成单词。(10分)1.(2012 滨州) We often borrow some books from our school _(图书馆)。2.(2012 烟台) Do you know what your _(父母的)favourite colors are ?3.(2012 莱芜 ) I will have _ (钢琴)lesson during the winter vacation.4.(2011 连云港) I can not understand the meaning of this word .please look it up in the _ ( 字典)

17、。 注意这里的look it up的位置5.(2012 永州)Who won the _ (one )prize in the game ?6.(2011 成都) My mother is a nurse ,she works in a h_.7.(2011徐州) Have you ever _( 骑) a _ (马 )?8.(2011来宾)Mr. Wang is a new teacher, he teaches _ (他们)Chinese.9.(2012铜仁)We should do more exercise to keep h_.10.(2012 日照)There are too ma

18、ny p _ in a bus and the air is very dirty. I choose to travel by train.2单项选择:(25分)( )1.(2012烟台)- Do you often play _ soccer with your friends? - no, I dont like sports. I often play _ piano in my free time.A. a, the B. the , / C. / , the D.the , a .( )2.(2012 泰安)-Would you like some _ ? Yes, a littl

19、e , B. banana C. orange D.milk( )3.(2012 北京) The lovely girl is from Class 6. _ name is Alice. A. Her B. His C. Your D. Its ( )4.(2012菏泽)What do you call your fathers sisters ?_。A. Uncles B. Cousins C. Aunts D. Parents.( )5.(2012 浙江)There _ many students on the playground at the moment

20、.A. Is B.are C. Was D.were ( )6.(2012 铜仁)-Excuse me,is there a bank near here ? -No , _ . But you can find one in Yang Fang Road. A.there isnt isnt . C. they aren t. D. there are( )7.(2012 呼和浩特)-_ I try on those shoes in the window ?-_ 。 They are just on show. A.Could , Yes ,you can. B. Can ,so

21、rry you dont . C.Could ,sorry ,you cant . D. Can ,yes ,you could .( )8.( 2011淄博. )Who is the man over there? He is an old friend of _ . A.I B. my C. mine D. Me.( )9.【2011山东济宁】. Stand over there, _ you will get a better view of the whole city.A. or B. and C. but D. though( )10.【2011山东滨州】Work hard, an

22、d youll get good _.A. lessons B. notes C. grades D. answers( )11.【2011山东滨州】. The pet cat in your hand is very nice. Is it _? Yes, but Ill give it to my friend Lucy as _ birthday p resent.A. you; her B. your; her C. yours; her D. you; hers( )12.【2011山东滨州】. Shall we go and _ hello to the foreign teach

23、ers?Good idea! Lets go.A. say B. speak C. talk D. shout( ) 13.【2011山东威海】Mary heard somebody call her, so she turned _to see who it was.A. off B. out C. up D. around( )14. 【2011山东威海】Mom, when can I go out to play football?Finish your homework first, or I _let you go out.A. dont B. didnt C. wont D. ha

24、vent( )15.(2011山东潍坊) The banana pie tastes delicious. Could I have another_?A. one B. it C. this D. that( )16.【2011上海】. There _ still some milk and some bread in the fridge. Its not necessary to go to the store today.A) am B) is C) are D) be( )17.【2011广东】 David, there _ a dictionary and some books o

25、n your desk. Please put them away.OK. Mum. Ill do it right away. A. is B. are C. has D. have( )18.【2011山东】- What can you see in the picture? - I can see a farm. And there _ a lot animals on it.A. is B. are C. will be D. be( )19.【2011广安市】How much is the pair of shoes? Twenty dollars _ enough.A. is B.

26、 are C. am ( )20. ( 原创)There is not _ water in the glass.lets go and get some .A.many B. some C. any D.lots ( )21.( 原创)Alice has _ got an English pen friend .A. too B.either C. also well ( )22. (原创)The doctor told me to eat more _ because it is good for my health. A. tomato B. ice cream C. apple D.vegetables ( )23.-When did you finish _ the novel.A. read B. to read C. reading D.reads( )24. I do not like rainy days. They make me _ .A. happy B. happily C.sad D.sadly( )25.There _ lots of people at the restaurant when I got there.A. is B.are C.have D.has三阅读理解:第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A

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