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1、广东省佛山市里水高中学年高一英语第一学期期中考试无答案新人教版里水高中2020学年度第一学期第 二 次阶段考试高一级英语科试卷试卷总分: 150分考试时间: 120分钟考试注意事项:1、答题要求:本试卷分为选择题和非选择题,选择题答案全部用2B铅笔填涂在电脑答题卡上;非选择题答案全部写在答题卷上,不能用铅笔。2、交卷说明:分别上交答题卷和电脑答题卡。3、适用班级:高一(114)班第一部分: 听力(1-10题每小题2分, 满分20分;11-15题每小题1分,满分5分)第一节:听力理解请听第一段对话,回答第13题。1. When can the woman visit the Tower of L

2、ondon?A. In the morning B. Right after lunch. C. In the afternoon.2. Where is the woman staying?A. In a hotel B. In her own house C. In her parents3. How much will the woman pay for her tour?A. 9.5 pounds B. 5.3 pounds C. 15 pounds请听第二段对话,回答第46题。4. What does the woman need to do to join the library?

3、A. Write down her name and addressB. Provide her bankbookC. Show the identification with her name and address.5. Why does the woman want to borrow some books?A. She wants to borrow them for her husbandB. She wants to take them with her to read on her tripC. She enjoys reading and cant live without b

4、ooks.6. What does the woman show at last to join the library?A. Her husbands driving licenseB. Her bankbook C. Her passport.请听第三段对话,回答第710题。7. What is the main character of the man speakers latest book?A. A spy B. A murderer C. A policeman8. When did the murder case take place in the man speakers la

5、test book?A. Two days ago B. Three months ago C. Several years ago9. What does the man usually base his characters on?A. People in real life B. People in his family C. People in fiction10. What kind of story is the man speaker writing now?A. Humor B. Detective C. Love第二节:听取信息听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容获

6、取必要的信息,然后填入标号为11-15的空格中。11. If you feel _ and want to see a doctor, check with the manager of your hotel.12. American doctors are busy all the time, and it may be _ to see the doctor immediately.13. You may also go to the _ hospital, especially if you require immediate attention.14. Dont be _ if you

7、 are sent to the hospital.15. . The United States does not have a national system of _ insurance to help pay medical bills.第二部分: 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节: 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house. Since it is

8、 not far away, I could go home for lunch and find my mother 16._ for me.At the time, I did not consider this a luxury(人生难得的享受), 17._ today it certainly would be. I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich-makers, and the homework monitors(监督者). So I never 18._ that this hard-working and in

9、telligent woman, 19._ had a career before I was born and would return to a career(职业), would spend every lunch hour just with me.When the noon bell rang, I 20._ race breathless home. My mother would be standing at the top of the stairs, smiling down at me with a look that suggested I was the only 21

10、._ thing she had on her mind. For this, I am forever grateful.One lunch time, when I was in the third grade, will 22._ me always. I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had patiently helped me practice my 23._. But no matter how 24._ I recited them at home,

11、as soon as I stepped on stage, every word 25._ from my head.Finally, my teacher took me aside. She 26._ that she had written a narrators part and asked me to 27._ roles. Her words, kindly spoken, still hurt me, especially when I saw my part go to another girl.I didnt tell my mother what had happened

12、 when I went home that day. But she sensed my 28._, and instead of helping me practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.My mother bent down by one of the elm trees. “I think Im going to 29._ all these dandelions(蒲公英),” she said, pulling a flower up by its roots. “From now on, well

13、 have only roses in this garden.”“But I like dandelions,” I protested(抗议). “Yes. All flowers are beautiful even dandelions.” said mother.“My dear, dont lose 30._ whatever difficulties you might meet with.”16. A. crying B. preparing C. looking D. waiting17. A. although B. as long as C. unless D. now

14、that18. A. predicted B. hated C. doubted D. disliked19. A. whom B. that C. who D. which20.A. would B. should C. might D. could21.A. important B. unlucky C. simple D. common22.A. escape from B. refer to C. stay with D. break away from23.A. dances B. experiments C. papers D. lines24.A.difficultly B. s

15、lowly C. easily D. lowly25.A.turned up B. showed off C. disappeared D. came26. A. lied B. pretended C. expressed D. explained27.A. check B. change C. provide D. improve28.A. excitement B. satisfaction C. sadness D. anger29.A. bring in B. dig up C. bring back D. take along30.A.way B. mind C. breath D

16、. heart第二节: 语法填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为31-40的相应位置上。The Internet has become part of young peoples life. 31_ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet. Most of them find 32_ (use) information on the Internet 33_ use the Interne

17、t to help in their studies. But many students dont use it 34_ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites 35_ shouldnt look at. So bad things may happen 36_ students spend too much time on the Internet.37._ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook.

18、 It uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It 38._ (give) useful advice.Some students also make 39_ (friend) on the Internet. But if you want to have a face-to-face 40_ (meet) with your online friends, let your parents know and meet in a proper place.第三部分: 阅读(共两节,满分

19、40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中 ,选出最佳选项。AThere is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.One day, feeling very sad and lonely, she was walking through a grassland when she noticed a small butterfly caught in a thorn (荆棘)bush. The yo

20、ung girl carefully released the Butterfly. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief.“For your wonderful kindness,” the good fairy said to the girl, “I will give you any wish you would like.” The little girl thought for a

21、 moment and then replied, “I want to be happy.”The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the fairy disappeared.As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she. Everyone asked her secret of happiness .She would only smile and answer, “The secret of my happine

22、ss is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.”When she was very old and on her deathbed,the neighbors all gathered around her,that her unbelievable secret of happiness would die with her. “Tell us, please,” they begged, “Tell us what the good fairy said.” The lovely old woman simpl

23、y smiled and said, “She told me that everyone, no matter how secure they seemed, no matter how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me.”41. _ the girl felt sad and lonely.A. There were many friends but B. There was nobody to love her soC. There was nothing to do D. Seeing the butterfly was ca

24、ught42. Noticing the butterfly was caught by the thorn,the orphan girl _.A. helped the butterfly escaped from the thornB. felt sorrow, but she didnt go up to help itC. fell down on it tooD. failed to help it release from the thorn43. The butterfly _ after was saved by the little girl.A. flied away B

25、. still diedC. changed into a fairy D. was more beautiful than before44. The only thing that the little girl wanted was_.A. to be rich B. to have her own parentsC. to have a lot of friends D. happiness45. The neighbors all gathered around the old happy woman when she was dying,because _.A. they love

26、d this woman deeply and they didnt wanted her to dieB. the woman had lots of money to be shared as soon as she diedC. they wanted to know the secret of her lifetime happinessD. they wanted to pray for her after her deathBIt was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2020. While mo

27、st people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone.The bike, a black Kona

28、 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries (食品杂货), saving us from having to walk along long distances from where we live.I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrot

29、e to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger woul

30、d go out of their way for someone they have never met before.People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity (人性) as a whole.

31、And it has influenced us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting.46. Why was the bike so important to the couple?A. They used it for work and daily life. B. It was their only possession(财产)。C. It was a nice Kona 18 speed. D. The mans job was bike racing.47. We can infer from the passage that _.A. the couple worked 60 hours a week B. people were busy before ChristmasC. the stranger brought over the bike

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