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1、Unit 10Sports(Reading)What do you know about the Olympic Games?Athens Olympic flame lit in AthensThe flag of Olympic GamesThe Olympic TorchThe five RingsMedals:Gold Medal,Silver Medal,Bronze MedalDancing Beijing,the emblem of the 2008 Olympic Games“Fuwa”:the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic

2、GamesBasketballFootballTrack and fieldMarathon 马拉松是一项长跑项目,马拉松赛是一项长跑比赛项目,其距离为42.195 公里。这个比赛项目的距离为什么不是整数呢?这要从公元前490年9月12日发生的一场战役讲起。这场战役是波斯人和雅典人在离雅典不远的马拉松海边发生的,雅典人最终获得了反侵略的胜利。为了让家乡的人民尽快知道胜利的喜讯,统帅米勒狄派一个叫费迪皮迪兹的士兵回去报信。费迪皮迪兹是个有名的“飞毛腿”,为了让家乡人早点知道好消息,他一个劲地快跑,当他跑到雅典时,已喘不过气来,只说了一句“我们胜利了!”就倒在地上死了。为了纪念这一事件,在1896

3、年举办的现代第一届奥林匹克运动会上,设立了马拉松赛跑这个项目,把当年费迪皮迪兹送信跑的里程-42.195公里作为赛跑的距离。女子马拉松开展较晚,1984年第23届奥运会才被正式列入比赛项目。Marathon(马拉松马拉松)Read and match(Read the passage quickly and get the general idea of each paragraph)Para.1 Keep and develop the spirit of marathon Para.2 The distance of marathon is a long way to run.Para.3

4、 The story of Pheidippides(the origin of marathon)Para.4 The idea of a marathon race happened.Para.5 A battle happened and Greece won the battle.Para.1:1.Where is the city of Athens?2.Which country wanted to have it as theirs?3.When and where did a battle happened?4.Which country won the battle?Athe

5、ns was a beautiful city in ancient Greece.The Persians wanted very much to have it as theirs.In September of 490 BC;at a place called Maratthon.The Greeks won the battle.Para.2:(Fill in the blanks)With great joy,the Greeks sent Pheidippides,a soldier who_,back to Athens to tell their people_.The dia

6、tance from Marathon to Athens was_.Pheidippides _get to Athens_,so he ran the whole distance_.He was very tired,but he didnt _.When he finally got to the city of Athens,he couldnt move _.He shouted,“Good news!We have won!”Then he _and died.was good at runningthe news of victoryabout 26 mileswas eage

7、r toas soon as possiblewithout stoppinggive upany morefell downPara.3-4:(True or False exercises)1.The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens.2.The Olympic games are held every three years.3.The distance of a marathon race is 26.2 miles or 42.195 kilometers.4.The distance is not a long way a

8、nd all the runners can finish the race.5.The marathon race will make the runners exhausted.(T)(T)(T)(F)(F)Para.5:Discussion1.What is the spirit of marathon?2.What do you think of the spirit of marathon?Keep on,never give up.We should develop the spirit of marathon in our study or our work.Useful exp

9、ressions:1.north of 2.with great good at eager soon as possible 6.give up7.keep on doing 8.notany more9.fall down the end of 11.look for 12.every four e up 14.take part inImportant Sentences:1.The distance from Marathon to Athens was about 26 miles.2.He ran the whole distan

10、ce without stopping.3.He kept on running and running.4.Keep on,never give up.5.They keep their bodies fit by running.6.The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning,but taking part.1.Recite all the useful expressions after class.2.Recite the spirit of marathon(keep on,never give up).3.Finish the exercises on Page79.

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