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1、汉语网络新词的英译研究大学论文教学单位 语言文学系 存档编号 本科毕业论文(设计)题 目 汉语网络新词的英译研究 学生姓名 朱珊珊 学生学号 512300124152 专业名称 英语(师范方向) 指导教师 冯 倩 2015年12月6日A STUDY OF TRANSLATION OF CHINESE INTERNET NEOLOGISMbyZhu ShanshanDecember, 2015College of Technology, Hubei Engineering University AbstractWith the rapid development of social politi

2、cs, economy, science and technology, language as a barometer of social changes has taken a heavy big change. As we all know, language is developed with the advancement of our society and the change of the times. This thesis firstly lets us know more about the internet neologisms by introducing its o

3、rigin, characteristics, reasons and social functions. Then, it also presents some problems in the English translation; they are mainly the redundant translation, the Chinglish translation and the incomplete translation. In addition, the thesis further studies the translation principles and possible

4、methods in translating Chinese Internet neologisms. The translation principles mainly adopt Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory and take the acceptability of Chinese culture into consideration; and possible methods mainly introduce literal translation, transliteration and free translation. It is won

5、derful if the translated version corresponding to the source language can be found in the target language in terms of internet neologism translation. Nevertheless, with the different culture among different nations, the glossary vacancy can not be avoided. In this case, we should adopt the appropria

6、te translation skill to translate them, so that the target readers can understand its background and its connotation.Key words: internet neologism; translation; problem; principle; method汉语网络新词的英译研究摘 要随着社会政治,经济和科技的飞速发展,语言作为社会变迁的晴雨表,也发生了重大变化。我们都知道,语言是随着社会的进步和时代的变迁而发展起来的。这篇论文首先向我们介绍了汉语网络新词的起源,特点,形成原因和

7、社会功能,使我们更深刻地了解它们。然后,它向我们呈现了在英译过程中出现的一些问题,它们主要是冗长翻译,中国式英语翻译和不完全翻译。此外,这篇论文进一步研究了在翻译网络新词时可能用到的翻译原则和翻译方法。翻译原则主要采用了奈达的功能对等理论和考虑文化的可接受性原理,而可能用到的翻译方法有直译,音译和释义。在翻译网络新词时,若能在译入语中找到与原语相对应的翻译是最好的,但由于各国存在的文化差异,难免存在词汇空缺。这种情况下,在翻译网络新词时,我们应该采用适当的翻译方法,以便读者能够理解这些新词产生的背景及其内涵。关键词:网络新词;翻译;问题;理论;方法 Contents1. Introductio

8、n 12. Literature review 13. A characteristic and emerging of internet neologisms 2 3.1 The origin and emerging of internet neologisms 2 3.2 The characteristics of internet neologisms 3 3.3 Social functions of internet neologisms 4 3.3.1 The improvement of its using efficiency and its spreading 4 3.3

9、.2 The important carrier of paying attention to social society and carrying compatriots hearts to their own country 4 3.3.3 The enrichment of the Chinese vocabulary 4 3.3.4 The relief of youths pressure 54. The translation principles of internet neologisms 5 4.1 Problems in the translation of Chines

10、e internet neologisms 5 4.1.1 Redundant translation 5 4.1.2 Chinglish translation 6 4.1.3 Incomplete translation 6 4.2 Translation principles of newly-invented words. 7 4.2.1 Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory 7 4.2.2 Acceptability of Chinese culture 8 4.3 Possible methods for translating internet

11、neologisms 9 4.3.1 Literal translation 9 4.3.2 Transliteration 10 4.3.3 Free translation 105. Conclusion 11Bibliography 12Acknowledgments 13A Study of Translation of Chinese Internet Neologism1. Introduction With the development of the internet, the phenomenon of information explosion emerged. Based

12、 on this background, many internet new words spring up. In modern China,a great many of Chinese new words were produced and spread rapidly with the development of our nation s society, economic, policy and culture, especially the internet, which has an increasingly influence. Internet neologisms has

13、 become a striking society phenomenon and culture existence, and its effect can not be ignored increasingly, many new words like “高富帅” , “白富美”, “逆袭”, “躺着也中枪” has spread through the grassroots. Thus, the research of new words emerged as the times requirement. These new words have the new features of

14、times. The reason they come out and the translation strategy has an significant meaning, The word “屌丝” is produced with the development of the society, it can show the features of some group, correctly in modern society, however ,the existing words hasnt these features. Set the word “屌丝” as an examp

15、le. It shows some people with low and middle income who have the spirit like “啊Q”, but this word is more a ridicule than a contempt. Through doing a survey and a research about internet neologism makes us know more that we should face each difficulty bravely. Only doing this can we solve the problem

16、 as soon as possible. For the network language, we should treat them with correct attitude and try our best to not touch those unhealthy languages. 2. Literature reviewThe study of English new words is synchronous with the English dictionary compilation. The expert of new words, Professor John Algeo

17、, wrote in the article Fifty Years Among the New Words edited by him like this “Although the new words in the dictionary is very popular in recent years, the compilation of English dictionary, to some extent, began in the new word dictionary. The earliest English dictionaries are written by the Robe

18、rt Cawdrey and the Table Alphabeticall in 1604, John Bullokar and English Expositor in 1616 and the Henry Cockeram in 1623 etc., which all contain many difficult words. But these words were of course the strange and new words, thus the words initially included in the dictionary of “hard words”, to s

19、ome extent, were dictionary of new words. But during that time, there wasnt the “new word”, we should strictly say the researches on the new words began in 20s century 200 years later. And at home, based on Eugene A. Nidas theory of functional equivalence in 2011, Zhang Jingping analyzed some proble

20、ms of Chinese neologism translation and came up with some strategies. What is the new word?” is perhaps the problem that each new word researchers must first clarify. Different people define the new words differently. The main reason of this is that the researchers base on different backgrounds. Jus

21、t take some recent hot issues for example; a lot of Internet English new words are created accordingly. (Chinese Words Become the Major Source of English Neologism, Zhejiang Daily, 16th, Feb, 2007), therefore, generally speaking, saying from the respective of time, neologisms are those vocabulary wh

22、ich appeared during some time or some time firstly; secondly, saying from the respective of chief source, neologisms refer to those vocabulary which have not been recorded in a dictionary, some dictionaries or all dictionaries existed. Of course, in the process of making all neologism, in order to d

23、emonstrate more objective description, makers often give the combination of the respective of time the respective of chief source. According to the increase of the numbers of thesis and their account on the periodical of neologism, seeing from them, people pay more attention on the network new words

24、. And to the research of neologisms is also increasing. Many experts think that there will be more and more people to research the network new words. From what illustrated in the table, language records the changes and the development of society, and vice versa, social development promotes the chang

25、es and development of language.(Yang Ganfu, 2001,79)3. A characteristic and emerging of internet neologismsAccording to Zhang Peiji theory: “translation is a language activities which using a language to express again the thoughts and content of another language completely”. (张培基,1983). Internet neo

26、logism refers to the “Network language” which is more popular in the network; most of them are changed by harmonics, wrong character and a pictographic word. 3.1 The origin and emerging of internet neologismsAccording to The Constitution of internet English Neologism (Yang Yanhua & Zhang Shufan, 200

27、7), neologism refers to cyberspace. Internet neologisms unusually root in network hot words in films and on televisions, but most of them produced some statement accepted by people because of a certain phenomenon of society. Because there is a selection of Internet neologisms at the end of the year,

28、 according to the focus of the media which make the recognition degree of the Internet neologisms improved, it was integrated into peoples life increasingly, so this kind of network choice of words is usually classified into the following type. They are: home phone, spell and abbreviation. In recent

29、 years,the contexts of vocabulary has appeared unprecedented change, then a great many number of neologisms sprung up with the improvement of social science and technology, the rapidly popularity and appliance of network and the increasingly frequent inter-communication in our nations. Social lingui

30、stics Peter Trugill in American ever discussed: “Language as a social phenomenon, and there is a consanguineous association with social structure and value system of our society” .Its namely that language is changing with the revolution of society. Social linguistics demonstrates that language is a

31、dynamic system which has an internal association with society. It is because that people are in a revolution society. It has consanguineous association with social environment social mentality. Social mentality can be a synthesis, not only is it sedimentation of national culture and traditional habi

32、t, but also it is a comprehension of social environment and individual mentality. Generally speaking, all people in the society will show their own individual characteristic through difficult ways and roads to look forward to form “bright self” in the heart of other people, which lead to the appearance of Internet neologisms with a large amount of quantity.3.2 The characteristics of internet neologisms Based on the characteristics of network in spontaneity and universality, internet neologisms emerged on the ne

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