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本文(江苏省扬州市江都区实验初级中学届九年级英语下学期第三次中考模拟测试试题.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏省扬州市江都区实验初级中学届九年级英语下学期第三次中考模拟测试试题2018年江都区实验初级中学第三次中考模拟测试英语试卷(考试时间:100分钟 满分:120分 ) 2018.6说明:1. 本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题第45题)、非选择题(第46题第81题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。2. 所有的试题都必须在答题卡上作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。 第一部分 选择题 (60分)一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。( )1. We should try every means to prote

2、ct the area, for it is many wild animals.A. a home to B. homes of C. a home of D. home to( )2. Many people like posting photos of _ on WeChat, but I dont think its safe. A. them B. their C. they D. themselves( )3. A fight broke out among the football fans and soon it went_ control and no one knew ho

3、w to deal with it. A. under B. beyond C. above D. over( )4. I failed to catch the last bus on that cold winter night. I couldnt feel then.A. more excited B. more terrible C. the most excited D. the most terrible( )5. _ of the students parents in our class are in their _.A. Two-fifths; forties B. Two

4、-fifths; fortieth C. Two-fifth; forties D. Two-fifth; fortieth( )6. 一Why does Jane seem worried?一She is uncertain about she can get a good job even though shes an excellent student.A. if B. that C. whether D. 不填( )7. 一The manager has come back from his business trip. Hes asking you for the report.一O

5、h, my god! I havent finished it yet. But he back at the company tomorrow.A. is expected B. expected C. was expected D. will be expected( )8. The director and his movies _ you have just talked about are really popular.A. who B. which C. that D. of whom( )9. 一I went someone to write the report for me.

6、一No! As a student, you depend on yourself.A. will B. can C. should D. may( )10. 一Alice has been working late into the night these days.一Oh, she was off school for a month, so she has a lot to .A. give up B. pick up C. stay up D. make up( )11. The 3-D film Avengers 3 is very wonderful. Have you watch

7、ed it? Yes, and Im looking forward to Avengers 4. Do you know it will be shown?A. how often B. how soon C. how long D. how far( )12. Oh, no! Its raining. We cant go skating on the square. _!A. What a shame B. Well done C. What a surprise D. How wonderful( )13. Why is the game called Travel Frog so p

8、opular? I guess it has something to do with .A. how did people feel like in the gameB. how lonely people are in their real lifeC. how much do people enjoy travellingD. whether peoples love for travelling with frogs( )14. Can I learn English well if I work hard on it from now on? Sure. _. A. One tree

9、 doesnt make a forest B. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart C. Its not work that kills, but worry D. Two heads are better than one( )15. You have to believe in yourself. No one else will, if you dont. . Confidence is really important.A. Its not my cup of tea B. Thats not the pointC. I dont thi

10、nk so D. I couldnt agree more二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Do you know One Belt, One Road?It is _16_ for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime(海运的) Silk Road. We also call it the Modern Silk Road. Two thousand years ago, Zhang Qian was an early _17_ of the

11、Ancient Silk Road. He was probably the first _18_ to bring back good information about the central Asian lands to China. In 138 BC, Han Wudi sent Zhang Qian to the Yue-chi people to ask for their _19_ against the Xiongnu who often infringed(侵犯) them. _20_, on the way to the Western Regions(西域), he w

12、as caught by the Xiongnu people. Zhang had to stay with them _21_ about 10 years before he got away. When Zhang finally _22_ the Yue-chi in the North India, he was_23_ to find that they didnt want to fight against the Xiongnu people. On _24_ return journey, Zhang Qian and his men were _25_ again. It

13、 was not until 125 BC that they returned to China. _26_ Zhang didnt finish his job, he learned a lot about the places, people, customs and cultures of the 36 Kingdoms in the Western Regions. Later Han Wudi _27_ Zhang to the West again. Zhangs journey to the West helped _28_ international trade, espe

14、cially in silk, between China and theWest. Thats the Ancient Silk Road.The Belt and Road routesrun through the continents(大陆)of Asia, Europe and Africa, connecting the lively East Asia economic circle at one end and the developed European economic circle at _29_.The Belt and Road Suggestion is going

15、 tobring great _30_ to the relevant(相关的) countries and also the world economy.16. A. long B. short C. wide D. deep17. A. dreamer B. speaker C. traveller D. visitor18. A. man C. mens D. mans19. A. question B. help C. knowledge D. answer20. A. Happily B. Excitedly C. Luckily D. Unluckily21. A. f

16、or B. since C. at D. in22. A. arrived B. reached C. got D. liked23. A. comfortable B. sad C. excited D. enjoyable24. A. him B. he C. his D. himself25. A. caught B. made C. served D. heard26. A. But B. As C. Because D. Although27. A. drove B. took C. sent D. brought28. A. use B. get C. develop D. see

17、29. A. another B. the others C. others D. the other30. A. advantages B. money C. treasure D. jewelry三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AThe Folk Art Show The best chance to learn about local art and culture.Open: October 20-25Organizer: City MuseumAddress: 110 Century RoadTelephone:

18、 72314431 Scan the QR code (扫描二维码) to get more information and book tickets.The City Flower ShowOpen: October 8-17Price: ¥50 for each adult; ¥25 for each child; free under the age of 10; 20% off for groups over 10. Address:112 New Town Road, Moonlight CityTelephone: 53418899 Visit www. flowersforlif

19、e. com for more information.Camp of Folk ArtWould you like to learn paper cutting, Huangmei opera or to make paper flowers? Come to Camp of Folk Art 2014 at the Youth Center!Age: 13 to 18Time: December 13-20 For more information, call the Youth Center at (010) 1106-2107.( ) 31. By scanning the QR co

20、de, you can get _. A. an e-mail from City Museum B. more information about the Folk Art Show C. a ticket to the museum for free D. a gift from the City Museum ( ) 32. Tommy is a 9-year-old boy. He wants to visit the City Flower Show with his parents. How much will they pay? A.¥25. B.¥150. C.¥125. D.

21、¥100.( ) 33. If Jane wants to learn to make paper flowers, she should go to _. A. Century Road B. New Town Road C. the Youth Center D. Sunshine Park BIf you want to study abroad, have you thought about where to live? Ive been living and studying in Canada for about nine months. As Im still too young

22、 to rent an apartment by myself, I live with a homestay family and I feel like Im part of it. The first time I had a homestay was in 2013. During that time, I stayed in Ajax, a town in Canada, for a week and lived with a homestay family. Carlton lives with his nephew and his niece-in-law(侄子和侄媳妇). Ca

23、rlton drove me to an international school to learn about Canadian culture every morning, and he picked me up in the afternoons. Our leisure time was in the evening. The meals he made for me were delicious and we usually watched a movie after dinner. All experiences left an unforgettable impression o

24、n me, even if I didnt live there for a long time. Im now living with a Hungarian (匈牙利) family with another Chinese boy. There are two family members Mrs Perger and her son, Robert. Ive already lived here for nine months and I have been deeply moved by many things theyve done. Once, my roommate went

25、running and didnt come back for quite a long time. Mrs Perger called him, but he didnt answer the phone. She began to worry about him, and was even about to cry. However, living with a homestay family also has its disadvantages, especially when living with a foreign family. The biggest challenge for

26、 me has been the totally different lifestyle, which took me a long time to get used to. Living with a homestay family has given me a lot of new experiences. It has taught me how to communicate with different people. Moreover, when different lifestyles and cultures meet together, I have seen that the

27、 spark (火花) they make are spectacular(壮观的). ( )34. How many people are there at Carltons before the writer lives with them? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( )35. What can we learn from the article?A. The writer hasnt got used to the different lifestyle yet. B. The writer has been deeply moved by

28、 what the Pergers have done. C. The writer has been living with a Canadian family for nine months. D. The writer chose a homestay family for he couldnt afford the apartment rent.( )36. Which of the following shows the character of Mrs Perger properly? A. Careful and caring. B. Outgoing and brave. C.

29、 Strict and challenging. D. Outgoing and humorous. ( )37. Whats the best title of this passage?A. Life about the Canadian homestay familiesB. Disadvantages of living with a homestay familyC. Experiences of living with foreign homestay familiesD. Suggestions for those who want to live with homestay f

30、amiliesCA survey of reading habits shows adult Chinese read 7.78 books a year on average(平均), and children and teenagers under 17 read 8.81 books, according to survey results released on Wednesday in Beijing. This years survey, the 15th edition, was conducted and released by Chinese Academy of Press

31、 and Publication starting in 1999. The survey focused on the data in 2017.“Compared with 2016, growth was stable,” said Xu Shengguo, a member of the academys research team. “We see it is the result of government efforts. It also shows the reading platforms are different. Besides books in print, there are e-books on computers, smartphones and kindles.”Xu said although the number is still rising, the average of books Chinese people read are outnumbered by Japan w

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