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1、个人手工制作中学英语趣味任务连连做二中学英语趣味任务连连做(二)(任务一)英语知识趣谈-英语趣味问答1. If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7s will you pass on the way? a) 10 b) 11 c) 19d) 20e) 21你会遇到20个。如果你只找到10个,那么你是忘记了把70、71数上。如果你找到11个,那么你忘记了算70这个系列了,却只记得77中有两个7;如果你找到19个,那么你是忘记了77中还有一个7;如果你找到21个,那么你是无中生有添了一个。2 What was started by a young assasin

2、 called Gavrilio Prinzip, who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo? The Hundred Years War - World War I - World War I I - The Russian Revolution答案是World War I(第一次世界大战),这道题考的是你的历史知识,1914年的萨拉热窝事件直接导致了第一次世界大战的爆发。3 . Steve bought some apples at a cost of $.60 each and some oranges at a c

3、ost of $.50 each. If he paid a total of $4.10 for a total of 8 apples and oranges, how many apples did Steve buy ? 1 - 2 - 3 - 5答案是1,这是一道小学数学题,我们可以设Steve买了X个苹果,则有0.6X+0.5(7-X)=4.1,对这个方程求解可得X=1,Steve买了1个苹果。4 What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 可以看到,这其实是一个钟

4、摆的分解动作,答案是C。(任务二)英语趣味知识-英语知识竞答思维训练. 1Can you spell jealousy with two letters?你能用2 个字母把“嫉妒”这个词拼出来吗?2Can you spell donkey with one letter?你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗?3Can you end a game of hide-and-seek with three letters?你能用三个字母结束捉迷藏的游戏吗?4Can you turn an odd number into even by removing oneletter?你能拿走一个字母,把奇数变成

5、偶数吗?答案1NV.是NV,音似envy(嫉妒)。2U.字母 U,音似You(你)。3ICU.字母 ICU,音似I see you(我看见你了)。4Sure You can get “even”if you remove the first letter from“seven, which is an odd number.当然,从“七”这个奇数单词中拿走第一个字母,就得到了偶数。(任务三)英语趣味句子1.一个没有书的房子,犹如一个没有窗户的房间。A house without books is like a room without windows.2.到任何值得去的地方都没有捷径。Ther

6、e are no shortcuts to any place worth going.3.想象力比知识更重要。Imagination is more important than knowledge.4.每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。Each man is the architect of his own fate.5.信守诺言,你将和你生活中的每一个人都建立成功的人际关系。Keep your promises and you will have successful relationships with everyone.(任务四)英语精美故事连连读Making a Great Clamor

7、英语成语故事:甚嚣尘上Once in the Warring States Period, the State of Jin was at war with the State of Chu. Duke Gong of Chu stood on a high platform built on chariot and watched the movements of the Jin army. After watching for a while, he said ,Its quite noisy over there and cloud of dust has been stirred up

8、. His aide answered, The enemy are filling up wells and destroying their cooking stoves. They are preparing to fight.This idiom is now used to mean a lot of commotion over hearsay.(任务五)英语歌曲连连唱世界之顶 Top Of The World歌词Such a feelins comin over me 这样的感觉向我袭来There is wonder in most everything I see 在我所见的一

9、切中隐藏着奇迹Not a cloud in the sky 在我眼中Got the sun in my eyes 天空无云 阳光闪耀And I wont be surprised if its a dream 如果这是梦 我不会惊奇Everything I want the world to be 我想要这世界变成的一切Is now coming true especially for me 正在为我而特别成为现实And the reason is clear 理由很清楚Its because you are here 因为有你在这里Youre the nearest thing to hea

10、ven that Ive seen 你是我所见过离天堂最近的事物Im on the top of the world lookin 我在世界之巅俯瞰众生down on creationAnd the only explanation I can find 我能找到的唯一解释Is the love that Ive found 是你在我身边的时候ever since youve been around 我发现的那份爱Your loves put me at the top of the world 你的爱放我在世界之巅Something in the wind has learned my na

11、me 风中有东西知道了我的名字And its tellin me that things are not the same 它在告诉我事情不再一样In the leaves on the trees 在枝头落叶and the touch of the breeze 和微熙和风中Theres a pleasin sense of happiness for me 我感觉到一种幸福There is only one wish on my mind 我心中只有一个愿望When this day is through I hope that I will find 当今天过后,我希望我能发现That

12、tomorrow will be 明天对于你我仍然相同just the same for you and meAll I need will be mine if you are here 如果有你在此,我会心想事成Im on the top of the world lookin 我在世界之巅俯瞰众生down on creationAnd the only explanation I can find 我能找到的唯一解释Is the love that Ive found 是你在我身边的时候ever since youve been around 我发现的那份爱Your loves put me at the top of the world 你的爱放我在世界之巅

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