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TPO 45答案及解析 2.docx

1、TPO 45答案及解析 2Conversation 11. Why does the student go to see the man?(Click on 2 answers)【题型】目的主旨题A To discontinue a campus serviceB To pay the fee for her campus mailboxC To get information about mailing a packageD To pick up a package答案:AD破题关键词汇:why解析:(从第19“开始,原文重现:Well, my roommate asked me to pi

2、ck something up for her. I told her I was coming down here.52”Ill be able to receive, so I dont really need my campus mailbox.)Man说“What can I do for you ?”之后,girl说了上面所示的来意。所以AD为正确选项。2. What does the man say about the campus mailbox service? 【题型】细节题A Its rates for all students have recently gone dow

3、n.B It is the only way to receive certain mailings about university eventsC All students are required to use it.D It is more reliable than e-mail.答案:B破题关键词汇:campus mailbox service解析:(从第59”开始,原文重现:Although I should tell you that we do recommend that students use the campus mailbox service even if the

4、y are moving off campus. 118” Yes, thats true. But theyar only attributed to campus mailboxes. None of that is mailed off campus.)Man说像是newsletters, flyers,notices等只分发到campus mailboxes. 所以B选项正确。3. How does the student usually obtain information about campus events? (Click on 2 answers) 【题型】细节题A She

5、reads about them on the university Web site.B She learns about them at her place of work.C She sees the posters on a bulletin board.D Her roommate tells her about them.答案:BC破题关键词汇:how, obtain information解析:(从第131”开始,原文重现:Well, I worked at the college newspaper, so I should be able to keep on top of

6、whats going on. Plus there is a bulletin board )Girl明确说了她获取信息的方式:一是通过她所工作的报社的报纸,二是布告栏。所以BC正确。4. What does the man offer to do for the student? 【题型】细节题A Reduce the cost of renting a mailboxB Send her a form to fill outC Provide university organizations with her new addressD Deliver a package to her a

7、partment答案:A破题关键词汇:what, offer解析:(从第139”开始,原文重现: But you know if its the campus mailbox fee, I might be able to offer you a less expensive rate for next year.)Man明确说可以在下学期offer a less expensive rate.故A选项正确。5. Why does the student say this: 【题型】重听题A To indicate that she agrees with the manB To inform

8、 the man of a recent developmentC To prevent a misunderstandingD To support her own position答案:C破题关键词汇:why解析:(从第108”开始,原文重现:Man: Well, if any of your professors want to notify you of changes to class schedules or get in touch with you for any reason Girl: My professors have my email address.)Man说如果教

9、授有事情要通知学生Girl打断了教授的话说她的教授都有其电子邮箱地址。所以Girl说的目的是为了避免教授误解她。故C选项正确。Conversation 21. Why does the woman go to see the professor? 【题型】目的主旨题A To get suggestions about what to include in her next presentationB To follow up on a question she had raised in classC To update him on a research project she is hel

10、ping him organizeD To get information about a program that he had mentioned in class答案:D破题关键词汇:why解析:(从第6”开始,原文重现:Excellent presentation you made at the end of class yesterday Yeah, it makes so much sense.)教授开门见山地对学生的presentation给予了评价,之后围绕presentation所涉及的program展开讨论。故D选项正确。2. What do the speakers ag

11、ree is a benefit of the build-operate-transfer economic model that they discuss? 【题型】细节题A It permits government engineers to work on private construction projects.B It helps private companies buy facilities that were built by the government.C It enables public facilities to be constructed without go

12、vernment funding.D It enables private companies to operate public facilities that the government builds.答案:C破题关键词汇:benefit ,the build-operate-transfer解析:(从第36”开始,原文重现: build operate transferIf governments allow private companies to build public works everyone benefits. And all without the government

13、 having to spend any money upfront)教授谈到了build operate transfer之后,学生说此项目的其中一个好处就是政府不需要提前投资公共设施。故C选项正确。3. Why does the professor point out how much coffee is produced in Brazil? 【题型】细节题A To give an example of the economic model the woman is interested inB To explain why it is appropriate for him to te

14、ach a seminar about coffeeC To help clarify one of the goals of the Global Enrichment InitiativeD To correct a common misperception about Brazils economy答案:B破题关键词汇:coffee, Brazil解析:(从第152”开始,原文重现: Ill be going to Brazil to teach a seminar Coffees played a central role in Brazils economic development

15、 for.About a third of the coffee consumed worldwide is produced in Brazil.)根据原文,因为coffee在Brazil的经济中起着重要作用,所以教授认为举办coffee seminar是非常合适的,因此他对Brazil生产多少咖啡是有研究的。4. Why is the woman interested in applying to go only to Turkey? (Click on 2 answers) 【题型】细节题A She has been studying Turkeys history and langua

16、ge.B She has already visited Brazil and Russia.C She believes that selecting just one country will help her get accepted into the program.D She would like to see how an economic model she studied is put into practice there.答案:AD破题关键词汇:why,only to Turkey解析:(从第235”开始,原文重现: Im only interested in Turkey

17、, though. I Im studying both Turkish and Turkish history this term.And maybe I could learn more about how theyre implementing the build operate transfer model there.)原文所说的这两条理由分别对应选项A和D。5. What does the professor imply when he says this: 【题型】推理题A He thinks that going first helped the woman be less n

18、ervous about giving a presentation.B He hopes other students will structure their presentations the way the woman did.C The woman was the first student ever to give a presentation on Turkeys economy in his class.D He is relieved that the class is staying on schedule for making presentations.答案:D破题关键

19、词汇:imply解析:(从第10”开始,原文重现: Im glad you volunteered to present first.)选项D中的relieved与原文的glad对应,故D为正确答案。Lecture 11. What is the lecture mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题A Reasons for the transition from religious to secular themes in Renaissance artB The disproportionate influence of Italian artists during the Re

20、naissance periodC Techniques used during the Renaissance to produce realistic works of artD A comparison of themes in paintings and sculptures during the Renaissance答案:C破题关键词汇:what, mainly about解析:(从第27”开始,原文重现:And there are different ways that these natural themes were exploredBut today Id like to

21、consider an influential Italian Renaissance artist different approach. )教授先说开发natural themes有different ways,之后就说要以Italian Renaissance时期的一位艺术家为例加以说明,再综合整个讲座,可知讲座的主题就是讨论在意大利文艺复兴时期所使用的制作艺术作品所使用的技巧。2. What is the professors opinion of Leon Battista Alberti as an artist? 【题型】态度题A Albertis interests were

22、too diverse for him to succeed in any one fieldB Alberti was ineffective in imposing his own theories on other artists.C Alberti was a much more skilled artist than da Vinci or Michelangelo.D Alberti represents the Renaissance ideal of wide-ranging achievement.答案:D破题关键词汇:Leon Battista Alberti解析:(从第5

23、4”开始,原文重现: Leon Battisa Alberti was a painter very wide-ranging interests, like Da Vinci or Michelangelo,.)教授介绍Leon Battisa Alberti时说他有多个角色,同时说他wide-ranging intereste兴趣广泛,与达芬奇及米开朗琪罗等艺术家类似因此教授认为Leon Battisa Alberti是有广泛成就的代表,故D选项正确。3. According to the professor, what did Alberti consider to be the mos

24、t important aspect of a Renaissance painting? 【题型】细节题A That it convey an appealing narrativeB That its figures be posed symmetricallyC That its theme not be religiousD That its characters be positioned within a landscape答案:A破题关键词汇:important, Renaissance painting解析:(从第111“开始,原文重现:Alberti believed tha

25、t the most important approach for a painter was to capture a story or narrative. )抓住讲座中的关键词important和narrative就可以很容易知道A选项为正确选项。4. Why did some artists begin to use the contrapposto pose? 【题型】细节题A To create a cartoon-like effectB To help viewers identify the main figure in a work of artC To show the

26、relative sizes of human figuresD To make human figures appear more natural答案:D破题关键词汇:contrapposto pose解析:(从第151“重现:Well, Alberti needed characters, right?.And he wanted to represent them as realistically as possible, One way he achieved this was to make use of whats known as “the contrapposto pose”.

27、)题干问一些艺术家使用contrapposto pose的原因,在上面所示的部分one way之前给出了原因:to reprent them as realistically as possible, 故正确选项为D。选项D中的natural对应听力中的realistically.5. Why does the professor discuss tendons and muscles? 【题型】功能题A To emphasize that Albertis study of anatomy led to his interest in artB To show the emphasis Al

28、berti placed on using physically fit modelsC To illustrate the difficulty of maintaining a contrapposto pose in real lifeD To explain one of Albertis methods for creating accurate proportions答案:D破题关键词汇:tendons and muscles解析:(从第304”重现:But Alberti had a solution. He encouraged artists to visualize Thi

29、s would give the artist an idea of the imaging attaching the tendons and muscles)教授指出messing up the proportions的后果会导致人物形象cartoon-like and unnatural之后说Alberti有解决方法,之后提到了tendons and muscles,所以答案为D。6. Why was the development of linear one-point perspective important to Renaissance artists? 【题型】 细节题A It

30、 helped painters to place figures more symmetrically within their paintings.B It allowed painters to create an illusion of three dimensions.C It enabled artists to paint large landscapes for the first time.D It encouraged artists to take an interest in geometry.答案:B破题关键词汇:linear one-point perspectiv

31、e解析:(从第409“重现: In particular, the type of was called”Linera One-point Perspective”)该句出现了关键词linear one-point perspective,往后听到835”By drawing figures and objects This gives the illusion of a third dimension, and makes the work of art more realistic.出现了the illusion of a third dimension,所以B为正确选项。Lecture

32、21. What is the lecture mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题A The process by which immune cells are producedB The effects of consuming far fewer calories than usualC The function of an organ found in rhesus monkeys and in humansD The discovery of a nutrient necessary for good health答案:A破题关键词汇:mainly about解析:(从第18“开始,原文重现:So thats t

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