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7、生触电危险,保证用户用电安全。三、技术条件1.输入电源:单相AC220V10% 502%Hz2.整机容量:2kVA3.网孔板式电气安装屏:120cm*200cm*60cm4. 实训台上装置提供RS-485和以太网两种通讯接口四、配置序号房间名称安装设备数量(套) 备注1 门庭智能家居控制器:10个开关量输入8个开关量输出4个RS485接口1个以太网接口1网络摄像头:Pix像素CMOS高速芯片支持720P(1280*720)内置WEB SERVER1eaders driving a vehi cle a cci dent caused by r oad a cci dents, 1, 1 pe

8、opl e killed a nd direct e conomic l osses amounti ng to more tha n 100,000 yuan. T hird, high efficie ncy and low cost of the bus. S urveys show that , the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/. Is a fundame ntal priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in t he reform

9、process. Clearl y, the post consumption averages three year s before as a base a nd fine-t une d on t he ba sis of thi s singl e practi ces must be impr oved. Im provement s to adhere to t hree pri nci ples: first, under the existi ng poli cy pr ovisions a pprove d for publi c servant s duty consump

10、ti on standar ds, calibrati on, is not contrary to poli cy. Se cond, a ccordi ng to the l ocal fina ncia l situati on a nd peoples sustaina bility, public servants duty consumpti on sta ndar ds approve d, both fina ncial rea ch, and peo ple passi ng through. Third, accordi ng to the operational need

11、s of civil se rvants responsi ble for authorize d publi c servant s duty consumpti on sta ndar ds, both high a nd l ow positions, but also the nature of the work a nd the workl oad. In reform of method S hang, a ppr oved civil servant s positions consumpti on sta ndar d to big unified, a nd small di

12、sperse d suitabl e, that most positi ons co nsumption project should a ccordi ng to policy pr ovide s proposed unifie d standard, consider t o ranks, a nd units a nd the work task of difference s sex, unified of standar d shoul d has elastic of and dynami c of, makes regions, and units in impl ement

13、ation unified standard S hi has m ust of flexible di sposal right ; but since set of standard must after financial , and audit, sect or audit approved Hou t o implementati on. (C) reform packag e. Publi c servant s duty consumption elasti city of consumption to limit consumptio n, tur ning mess into

14、 kitche n after dinner, foll ow the civil serva nt with a how to use personal title subsi dies, or how to manage a personal duty consumpti on use of subsi die s. Therefore , we must esta blish and perfect wit h publi c servant s duty consum ption m onetizati on reform support of the series of govern

15、a nce system s such a s the civil service examination of responsibilit y, system, low fault i nvestigation system, the re port sai d. While ot her measures to kee p up. Discipline inspe ction and supervision organs, financial, a uditing departments should stre ngthe n supervisi on a nd i nspecti on

16、of publi c serva nts duty consum ption monetizati on reform pr ogress, to strengthen the reform of public se rvants duty consumption monetizati on system, measures to devel op and monitor the implementation of inspe ction, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer be havior t o stop, serio

17、us case s to deal w ith. T hree ide as, publi c serva nts duty consumption moneti zation reform of politics, the e conomy and the deepeni ng of t he reform, public servants duty consumpti on as somew here betw een a reform also dem onstrated it s importa nce a nd urgency. First of all, civi l servan

18、t s especially party and Gover nment lea ders and publi c serva nts duty consum ption t here are big drawba cks. NPC de putie s and CPPCC mem bers and the br oad masses are concer ned a bout. Secondly, t he求是教仪电控锁 工作电压:DC12V,300mA1 红外探测器: 探测范围:6米6米 监察性能:微波及被动红外监察 工作电压:DC12V1 智能电度表: 工作电压:AC220V 显示电压、

19、电流、有功电能、无功电能 含1个RS485接口1 多功能面板及STM32控制器: 工作电压:AC220V 含4路开关、可控制4路灯 含1个RS485接口1 节能灯: 工作电压:AC220V1 2 客厅 智能家居控制器 10个开关量输入 8个开关量输出 4个RS485接口 1个以太网接口1 RS485扩展模块(含STM32控制器) 4个RS485接口1 7寸触摸屏 7英寸高亮度TFT 液晶显示屏 分辨率800480 四线电阻式触摸屏 工业级低功耗 1*RS232(隔离接口) 1*RS485(隔离接口) 1*USB 接口(一主一从) 24VDC 电源输入1 高清网络摄像头 自带云台:左右100度;

20、垂直:1350度Pix像素CMOS高速芯片支持720P(1280*720)内置WEB SERVER光强及温湿度计(含STM32控制器)工作电压:DC12V1 显示光照值、温度值、湿度值含1个RS485接口红外多功能转发器(含STM32控制器)红外信号转发,可控制电视机、1 空调等含1个RS485接口烟火灾探测器光电感烟式火灾探测器1 工作电压:DC12V红外探测器探测范围:6米6米1 监察性能:微波及被动红外监察工作电压:DC12V电视机32寸液晶电视1 工作电压AC220V空调/1P1P冷暖型空调1 工作电压AC220V智能插座及STM32控制器工作电压:AC220V显示电压、电流、有功电能

21、、无2 功电能可控制对应设备电源的通断含1个RS485接口86型开关插座智能插座的实物插座2 AC220V多功能面板及STM32控制器 1eaders driving a vehi cle a cci dent caused by r oad a cci dents, 1, 1 pe opl e killed a nd direct e conomic l osses amounti ng to more tha n 100,000 yuan. T hird, high efficie ncy and low cost of the bus. S urveys show that , the

22、operating costs of taxis for the 8200/. Is a fundame ntal priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in t he reform process. Clearl y, the post consumption averages three year s before as a base a nd fine-t une d on t he ba sis of thi s singl e practi ces must be impr oved

23、. Im provement s to adhere to t hree pri nci ples: first, under the existi ng poli cy pr ovisions a pprove d for publi c servant s duty consumpti on standar ds, calibrati on, is not contrary to poli cy. Se cond, a ccordi ng to the l ocal fina ncia l situati on a nd peoples sustaina bility, public se

24、rvants duty consumpti on sta ndar ds approve d, both fina ncial rea ch, and peo ple passi ng through. Third, accordi ng to the operational needs of civil se rvants responsi ble for authorize d publi c servant s duty consumpti on sta ndar ds, both high a nd l ow positions, but also the nature of the

25、work a nd the workl oad. In reform of method S hang, a ppr oved civil servant s positions consumpti on sta ndar d to big unified, a nd small disperse d suitabl e, that most positi ons co nsumption project should a ccordi ng to policy pr ovide s proposed unifie d standard, consider t o ranks, a nd un

26、its a nd the work task of difference s sex, unified of standar d shoul d has elastic of and dynami c of, makes regions, and units in impl ementation unified standard S hi has m ust of flexible di sposal right ; but since set of standard must after financial , and audit, sect or audit approved Hou t

27、o implementati on. (C) reform packag e. Publi c servant s duty consumption elasti city of consumption to limit consumptio n, tur ning mess into kitche n after dinner, foll ow the civil serva nt with a how to use personal title subsi dies, or how to manage a personal duty consumpti on use of subsi di

28、e s. Therefore , we must esta blish and perfect wit h publi c servant s duty consum ption m onetizati on reform support of the series of governa nce system s such a s the civil service examination of responsibilit y, system, low fault i nvestigation system, the re port sai d. While ot her measures t

29、o kee p up. Discipline inspe ction and supervision organs, financial, a uditing departments should stre ngthe n supervisi on a nd i nspecti on of publi c serva nts duty consum ption monetizati on reform pr ogress, to strengthen the reform of public se rvants duty consumption monetizati on system, me

30、asures to devel op and monitor the implementation of inspe ction, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer be havior t o stop, serious case s to deal w ith. T hree ide as, publi c serva nts duty consumption moneti zation reform of politics, the e conomy and the deepeni ng of t he reform,

31、public servants duty consumpti on as somew here betw een a reform also dem onstrated it s importa nce a nd urgency. First of all, civi l servant s especially party and Gover nment lea ders and publi c serva nts duty consum ption t here are big drawba cks. NPC de putie s and CPPCC mem bers and the br oad masses are concer ned a bout. Secondly, t he 求是教仪 工作电压:AC220V 含4路开关、可控制4路灯 含1个RS485接口节能灯、螺口灯座 工作电压:AC220V2 调光开关及STM32控制器 工作电压:AC220V 通过PWM 无极调节灯的亮度 含1个RS485接口1 白炽灯、螺口灯座 工作电压:AC220V1 3 餐厅、厨房 智能家居控制器 10个开关量输入 8个开关量输出 4个RS485接口

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