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高中英语版 专题3 完形填空 文体1 记叙文素能强化含答案.docx

1、高中英语版 专题3 完形填空 文体1 记叙文素能强化含答案记叙文真题题组1(2018全国)When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person,we usually say “sorry, _1. D_ number!” and move on. But when Dennis Williams _2. A_ a text that clearly wasnt intended for him,he did something _3. B_ . On March 19,Dennis got a g

2、roup text _4. C_ him that a couple he didnt know were at the hospital,waiting for the _5. D_ of a baby. “Congratulations!But I think someone was mistaken,” Dennis _6. A_ . The baby was born and update texts were _7. A_ quickly from the overjoyed grandmother,Teresa. In her _8. C_ ,she didnt seem to r

3、ealize that she was _9. D_ the babys photos with a complete stranger. “Well,I dont _10. B_ you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby,” replied Dennis before asking which room the new _11. A_ were in. Much to the familys surprise,Dennis stuck to his _12. B_ !He turned up at the hosp

4、ital _13. A_ gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindseys husband was totally _14. C_ by the unexpected visit. “I dont think we would have randomly invited him over but we _15. C_ it and the gifts. ”Teresa _16. D_ a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website _17. D_ by

5、 the touching words:“What a _18. B_ this young man was to our family!He was so _19. C_ and kind to do this. ” The post has since gained the _20. B_ of social media users all over the world,receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days. 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。大多数人收到陌生人发来的信息时,往往只是提醒对方弄

6、错了号码。而本文的主人公丹尼斯在收到一条陌生人发来的信息后却做了不同寻常的事。他做了什么事呢?他的所作所为对别人产生了什么影响呢?让我们赶快来读这篇文章吧!Aunlucky BsecretCnew Dwrong解析:上文语境题。 联系前文的unknown person(不认识的人)可知,这可能是错误的(wrong)电话号码。unlucky不幸的;secret秘密的;new新的。Areceived BtranslatedCcopied Dprinted解析:上文语境题。联系前文的get a text message(收到一条信息)可知,此处表示丹尼斯威廉姆斯收到(receive)了一条很明显本不

7、是发给他的信息。translate翻译;copy抄写;print印刷。Areasonable BspecialCnecessary Dpractical解析:上下文语境题。前面提到,大多数人收到陌生人发来的信息时,通常只是提醒对方弄错了号码。再由后文可知,丹尼斯做了不同寻常的(special)事情。reasonable合情合理的;necessary必要的;practical实用的。Aconvincing BremindingCinforming Dwarning解析:词义辨析题。由语境可知,此处表示丹尼斯收到一条群发信息,告知(inform)他一对他不认识的夫妇在医院里等待一个婴儿的出生。co

8、nvince说服;remind提醒;warn警告,提醒。发信息应是告知某人某事。Awakeup BrecoveryCgrowth Darrival解析:下文语境题。由下一段中的the baby was born可知,他们在等待着一个婴儿的到来(arrival)。wakeup醒来;recovery恢复,康复;growth成长。Aresponded BinterruptedCpredicted Drepeated解析:上文语境题。 联系空前的I think someone was mistaken可知,丹尼斯回复了(respond)信息。interrupt打断;predict预测;repeat重复

9、。Acoming in Bsetting outCpassing down Dmoving around解析:上下文语境题。由上下文可知,新生儿的祖母因为孩子的出生非常高兴,所以群发了一条信息。come in到来;set out 出发;pass down传递;move around四处移动。故选A。Aopinion BanxietyCexcitement Deffort解析:上文语境题。由上文的overjoyed可知,新生儿的祖母因为兴奋(excitement)所以把信息发错了对象。opinion意见,看法;anxiety焦虑;effort努力。Acomparing BexchangingCd

10、iscussing Dsharing解析:上文语境题。由前文内容可知,新生儿的祖母发错了信息,跟陌生人分享(share)了婴儿的照片。compare比较;exchange交流,交换;discuss讨论。Aaccept BknowCbelieve Dbother解析:上文语境题。由前文的a complete stranger可知,丹尼斯不认识(know)新生儿一家人。accept接受;believe 相信;bother打扰。Aparents BdoctorsCpatients Dvisitors解析:上文语境题。由第二段中的a couple he didnt know were at the h

11、ospital,waiting for the arrival of a baby可知,此处是指那对初为人父母(parents)的夫妇。doctor医生;patient病人;visitor参观者。由语境可知,选A。Adream BpromiseCagenda Dprinciple解析:上文语境题。前文提到丹尼斯回复说,他尽管不认识新生儿一家人,还是要到医院跟新生儿合影。此处表示令新生儿一家人想不到的是,丹尼斯说到做到,出现在了医院里。由语境可知,他答应(promise)做的事情做到了。dream梦想;agenda议事日程;principle原则。Abearing BcollectingCope

12、ning Dmaking解析:上下文语境题。由语境可知,丹尼斯出现在医院里,并且给那位妈妈和刚出生的男婴带(bear)了礼物。collect收集;open打开;make制作。Adiscouraged BrelaxedCastonished Ddefeated解析:上文语境题。由上文的much to the familys surprise可知,Lindsey的丈夫根本没有想到丹尼斯会去医院。句意:意外的来访令Lindsey的丈夫很吃惊(astonished)。discourage使气馁;relax放松;defeat打败,击败,均不符合语境。Aadmit BneedCappreciate Dex

13、pect解析:上下文语境题。由语境可知,虽然新生儿一家人没想到偶然邀请了一个陌生人,但是还是感激(appreciate)他和他的礼物。admit承认;need需要;expect预料,盼望。Afound BselectedCdeveloped Dposted解析:下文语境题。由空后的on a social networking website可知,丹尼斯把这次偶然见面的照片发布(post)到网上。文章最后也提到了the post。find发现;select选择,精挑细选;develop发展,开发。Aconfirmed BsimplifiedCclarified Daccompanied解析:上下

14、文语境题。丹尼斯把照片发到了网上,并且配上(accompany)了感人的话语。confirm确认;simplify 使简化;clarify澄清。Apity BblessingCrelief Dproblem解析:上文语境题。由上文内容可知,丹尼斯的来访令新生儿一家人很吃惊,他们很感激他,他的来访对新生儿一家人来说是一件幸事(blessing)。pity遗憾;relief减轻(痛苦等);problem问题。Asmart BcalmCsweet Dfair解析:上文语境题。smart聪明的,精明的;calm冷静的;sweet甜的,友好的;fair公平的。根据语境可知,四个选项中与kind并列的是s

15、weet。句意:他做这件事真是太友好和善良了。Asympathy BattentionCcontrol Dtrust解析:下文语境题。由空后的receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days可知,这个帖子引起了全世界社交媒体用户的关注(attention)。sympathy同情,同情心;control控制;trust信任。2(2018北京)The Homeless HeroFor many,finding an unattended wallet filled with 400 in cash woul

16、d be a source(来源) of temptation(诱惑). But the _1. C_ would no doubt be greater if you were living on the streets with little food and money. All of this makes the actions of the homeless Tom Smith _2. B_ more remarkable. After spotting a _3. A_ on the front seat inside a parked car with its window do

17、wn,he stood guard in the rain for about two hours waiting for the _4. C_ to return. After hours in the cold and wet,he _5. D_ inside and pulled the wallet out hoping to find some ID so he could contact(联系) the driver,only to _6. A_ it contained 400 in notes,with another 50 in spare change beside it.

18、 He then took the wallet to a nearby police station after _7. B_ a note behind to let the owner know it was safe. When the cars owner John Anderson and his colleague Carol Lawrence returned to the carwhich was itself worth 35,000in Glasgow city centre,they were _8. D_ to find two policemen standing

19、next to it. The policemen told them what Mr. Smith did and that the wallet was _9. A_ . The pair were later able to thank Mr. Smith for his _10. C_ . Mr. Anderson said:“I couldnt believe that the guy never took a penny. To think he is sleeping on the streets tonight _11. A_ he could have stolen the

20、money and paid for a place to stay in. This guy has nothing and _12. B_ he didnt take the wallet for himself;he thought about others _13. D_ . Its unbelievable. It just proves there are _14. A_ guys out there. ”Mr. Smiths act _15. D_ much of the publics attention. He also won praise from social medi

21、a users after Mr. Anderson _16. B_ about the act of kindness on Facebook. Now Mr. Anderson has set up an online campaign to _17. B_ money for Mr. Smith and other homeless people in the area,which by yesterday had received 8,000. “I think the faith that everyone has shown _18. D_ him has touched him.

22、 People have been approaching him in the street;hes had job _19. C_ and all sorts,” Mr. Anderson commented. For Mr. Smith,this is a possible lifechanging _20. C_ . The story once again tells us that one good turn deserves another. 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主题是“人与社会”。一个无家可归的人,面对钱包中唾手可得的现金,做出的选择却是在寒冷和雨水中守候,最后将钱包交

23、给警察,此举真的令人感动,让人肃然起敬。选材旨在告诉考生平凡的善举却蕴含着人性的光辉,要做好事,行善举。Ahope BaimCurge Deffort解析:下文语境题。根据下文的greater以及if. . . with little food and money可知,应该选C项,这是作者做的假设:如果你露宿街头,食不果腹又几乎没有什么钱,那么看到那么多的钱时,对钱的欲望(urge)无疑会更大。Astill BevenCever Donce解析:下文语境题。所选单词作状语,修饰比较级,表示more remarkable的程度,结合此分析可知应该选B项even“甚至”。Awallet BbagC

24、box Dparcel解析:上下文语境题。根据第一段第一句中的wallet和第三段中的he _ inside and pulled the wallet out可知,此处指发现一个“钱包”,应该选A项,汤姆史密斯发现在开着车窗的汽车的前排座位上有个钱包。Apartner BcolleagueCowner Dpoliceman解析:上下文语境题。由空格后面的to return并结合下文he could contact the driver和第四段中的the cars owner John Anderson and his colleague Carol Lawrence returned to

25、the car可知,汤姆史密斯在雨中等候钱包的“主人”(owner)回来,故选C项。Aturned BhidCstepped Dreached解析:下文语境题。根据空后的inside可知,是指车内,再结合下文的pulled the wallet out可知,应该选D项,汤姆史密斯“伸”(reach)手往车里够,拿出了那个钱包。Adiscover BcollectCcheck Dbelieve解析:上下文语境题。汤姆史密斯想在钱包里找到一些能够证明主人身份的东西,却“意外发现”(only to discover)钱包里有400英镑的纸钞和50英镑的零钱,选项中的discover是find的同义词

26、。Ataking BleavingCreading Dwriting解析:下文语境题。根据空格后面的to let the owner know it was safe可知,汤姆史密斯拿走了钱包并且给车主“留”(leave)了言,告诉车主钱包是安全的。Asatisfied BexcitedCamused Dshocked解析:下文语境题。根据空格后面的to find two policemen standing next to it可知,车主看到警察站在车旁边应该是感到“震惊”(shocked)。Asafe BmissingCfound Dseen解析:词汇复现题。前面提及汤姆史密斯留言给车主,

27、说钱包是安全的。此处表示警察告诉了车主汤姆史密斯的所作所为,并且说钱包是“安全的”(safe)。Aservice BsupportCkindness Dencouragement解析:上文语境题。根据上文汤姆史密斯保护车主钱财安全的感人举动可知,车主后来对汤姆史密斯的“善举”(kindness)表达了谢意。下文的“. . . Mr. Anderson _ about the act of kindness on Facebook. ”也是很好的佐证。Awhen BifCwhere Dbecause解析:上下文语境题。根据句意尤其是空前的时间状语tonight可知,汤姆史密斯本来可以偷走这些钱,

28、花钱找个地方住下,而不用露宿街头,但是他并没有这样做。when在此处表示让步,意为“虽然,尽管”。Arather ByetCalready Djust解析:语意逻辑题。汤姆史密斯身无分文,但是他并没有偷走钱包,此处在语意上是转折关系,故用yet(可是,但是)。Atoo BthoughCagain Dinstead解析:语意逻辑题。汤姆史密斯虽然一无所有,但并没有把钱包据为己有,“而是”(instead)为他人着想。instead与前文的not相呼应。Ahonest BpoliteCrich Dgenerous解析:上文语境题。上文说汤姆史密斯虽然一无所有,但遇到钱财,毫无私心,这是“诚实的”(

29、honest)表现。generous“大度的,慷慨的”,汤姆史密斯本身一无所有,谈不上“慷慨”。Agave BpaidCcast Ddrew解析:下文语境题。根据后面一句“He also won praise from social media users. . . ”可知,汤姆史密斯的善举“引起”(draw)了公众的极大关注。Alearned BpostedCcared Dheard解析:下文语境题。根据下文的on Facebook并结合介词about后的宾语可知,车主安德森先生把汤姆史密斯的善举“发布”(post)到了脸书上。 Aborrow BraiseCsave Dearn解析:上下文

30、语境题。汤姆史密斯虽然一无所有,但他的善举感动了安德森先生和公众,所以他们为汤姆史密斯和这一地区其他无家可归的人“筹”(raise)钱,这是对他的善举的回报,是合乎情理的。Aof BatCfor Din解析:固定搭配题。show faith in sb. 对某人表示信任。Adetails BchangesCoffers Dapplications解析:上下文语境题。结合上文的叙述和空格后的and all sorts可知,安德森先生发起募捐后人们积极响应,很多人在街上走近汤姆史密斯,为他提供各种各样的工作机会。Alesson BadventureCchance Dchallenge解析:上下文语境题。this指代前面汤姆史密斯得到的回报,这一切对他来说可能是改变一生的好“机会”(chance)有了工作就不用露宿街头了,这真是好人有好报。3(2017年11月浙江)A young English teacher saved the lives of 30 students when he took _1. A_ of a bus after its driver suffered a serious heart attack. Guy Harvold,24,had _2. B_ the stude

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