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1、学年人教新目标版八年级英语第一学期期末测试题含答案 2020-2021学年八年级英语第一学期期末测试题(试卷满分:150分考试时间:120分钟) 学校 _ 姓名 _ 座位号 _考生注意: 本试卷分为两大部分, 第- 部分(1-47小题)为选择题, 请考生将答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上;第二部分为非选择题, 请考生将答案用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写在答题卡上。第- 部分(选择题). 听音理解(共三节, 20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)第- 节 听句子听下面五个句子, 从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项, (每个句子读两遍)第二节 听对话听下面七段对话, 从每小题所给的A,B

2、,C三个选项中选出正确答案(每段对话读两遍) 听第1段对话, 回答第6小题。6. What does Mr. Hunter do? A. A seiedtist. B. A dentist. C. A pilot. 听第2段对话, 回答第7小题。7. Haw often does Andy go to the swing dance club? A. Once a week. B. twice a week. C. Every day. 听第3段对话, 回答第8小题。8. Which color does Ben advise? A. Blue. B. Purple. C. White. 听第

3、4段对话, 回答第9 f1%题。9. When will the Lego(乐高)class begin? A. At 2:30. B. At 2:40. C. At 3:00. 听第5段对话, 回答第10, 11小题。10. How did Tim go to Chaka Salt Lake? A. By train. B. By car. C. By bus.11. What did Tim do in the morning? A. Went sightseeing(观光) B. Took a walk. C. Swam in the lake. 听第6段对话:回答第12, 13 4,题

4、。12. Who is Mr. Black? A. Lisas classmate. B. Lisas father. C. Sallys teacher.13. What is the talk about? A. Water pollution. B. Air pollution. C. Light pollution. 听第7段对话, 回答第14, 15小题。14. How does the young man in the movie get his name? A. From his birth date. B. From his birth place. C. From his t

5、alent for music.15. Why do they choose Jinyi Cinema? A. It is close to home. B. It is cheaper than usual. C. It is new. 注意:请将该题的答案书写在答题卡的第二部分第三节 听对话成短文根据所听到的对话内容及要求完成表格, 每空- 词。(读三遍)II. 语言知识应用(共两节, 20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)第- 节 单项选择 从每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的正确答案 (每小题1.5分, 满分18分)16. Adam, hurry up.

6、Get yourself started. The school bus will come in _ minute. A. an B. a C. the17. -Parents today spend more and more money on their kids, _. - Yeah. They all expect their kids to be good learners in school. A. information B. education C. relationship18. -Tom, pass me the glasses, please. I cant see t

7、he words- - Here you are, grandpa. A. clearly B. quietly C. seriously19. Mr. Smith is really a(an) _ man. He hardly makes mistakes in his work. A. friendly B. outgoing C. careful20.- _ are you going to finish your writing report? - Ill ask my teacher for help. A. How B. When C. Where21- Did _ in you

8、r class have the school trip yesterday? - No. Andy and Marry werent able to make it. They were sick. A. anyone B. someone C. everyone22. Doing more sports can help_ our health. A. solve B. improve C. discuss23. -Are you feeling better today? - No, even _. I dont think the medicine is good for me. A.

9、 bad B. worse C. worst24.- Honey, I am too tired. Can I leave the kids to you? - Dont worry, dear. Ill _ them. You go have a rest. A. look for B. look at C. look after25, - Hmm. The sandwich tastes so good. - I am happy you like it. I _ it myself. A. made B. will make C. am making26. -Mom, can I go

10、hiking with my friends tomorrow? Its Saturday. - Well, _you promise youll finish all your homework tonight. Or I would say NO. A. but B. unless C. although27. - Sam, will you join us for the group discussion? - -_. but I have a meeting later.A. Sorry, I wont B. Id love to C. I am not sure. 第二节 完形填空

11、从每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 (每小题1.5分, 满分12分) A rich couple(夫妻)went shopping for their party. _28 buying everything they needed, they called a delivery man to send their things home. The delivery man looked quite old and not 29 enough to carry everything. The old delivery man asked for $20, a

12、 not high price. But the couple still bargained (降价) with him and finally settled for $15. The delivery man didnt hike it, but 30 because he needed all the money he could get. The couple gave the delivery man their address. They went back home and waited for a long time. But the delivery man 31 appe

13、ared. The wife got angry and they started to go back to the supermarket. On their way, they saw a young delivery man carrying their things in his cart (货车).The wife became angrier and 32 the delivery man at once. The delivery man said, Maam, please listen to me. That poor old man has been sick since

14、 last month. I saw him. 33 from his cart on his way to send your things and broke his leg. Hesaid to me, I will give you $15 if you can take my delivery to this address. Upon hearing this, the couple felt 34 . They realized the old delivery man tried really hard to keep his 35 . They asked where the

15、 old delivery man lived and went to apologize(道歉)to him.2&. A. Before B. After C. When29. A. strong B. tall C. heavy30. A. decided B. refused C. agreed31. A. never B. soon C. just32. A. found B. helped C. stopped33. A.伪11 B. leave C. hear34. A. bored B. sorry C. relaxed35. A. health B. mind C. promi

16、se阅读理解(共两节,16小题, 每小题2分, 满分32分)第一节 阅读以下A,B,C三篇短文, 根据短文内容, 从题中所给A, B. C三个选项中,选出最佳答案(每小题2分, 满分24分)A Most of Aidans neighbors were friendly people, who always helpedeach other except one woman. She was disliked by everybody because shealways borrowed(借用)things from people and forgot to give them back. E

17、arly one morning, Aldan heard a knock at his front door, and whenhe opened it: found this woman outside. Good morning, Aldan, she said,I have to take some things to my sisters house in the town today, and Ihave not got a donkey, as you know. Could I borrow yours? I promise I will bring it back this

18、evening. I am sorry. answered Aldan, If my donkey were here, you could of course use it, but it is not. Oh? said the woman, It was here last night. I saw it behind your house. Where is it now? My wife took it into town early this morning. Replied Aidan. Just then the donkey brayed(嘶叫)loudly. What yo

19、u said is not true! the woman said angrily, I can hear your donkey. You should be ashamed of yourself, telling lies(谎言)to your neighbor! You are the one who should be ashamed, not met shouted Aldan, You trust a donkeys word, not that of your neighbor.36. According to the passage, the word ashamed po

20、ssibly means _ in Chinese. A. 惊讶的 B.羞愧的 C.愤怒的37. The woman was not popular because she _. A. didnt trust her neighbors B. never tried to help her neighbors C. always forgot her borrowings from others 38. The woman was quite sure that Aidan was telling lies when _. A. she heard the bray of the donkey

21、 B. his wife came back from the town C. she saw the donkey behind his house that morning39. According to Aldans answer, we know that he _. A. always told lies to his neighbors B. felt sorry to tell lies to the woman C. didnt want the woman to use his donkeyB Should you just spend more money on gifts

22、 to show how much you care? A study has shown that spending more doesnt always make it a popular gift. The study found that the more expensive a gift is, the more givers expect recipients(接受者)to thank for it. But while givers thought spending more means more care, recipients didnt always feel hike t

23、hat. When givers give gifts, they are looking forward to the moment they give the gifts and see the smiles on the recipients faces right in that moment. But what recipients care about is how much value(价值) theyre going to get from the gift over a longer rime. To shop better, starting with something

24、you have in common with the recipient. You should focus on what you share and choose a gift from there. For an even better gift, think about a common interest you share and buy something that your recipient can experience- like concert tickets or a cooking class. This kind of gifts can bring you and

25、 the recipient closer. If you have nothing in common, though, the simplest way to make a person feel happy with a gift is asking them what they want. People want to surprise the recipient, but the best gift will be whatever it is they say they want.44. The more givers spend on a gift, the more they

26、expect the recipients _.A. to be thankful B. to be surprised C. to share it41. As for the gifts, recipients care more about _. A. what the givers have experienced B. how much the givers spend on the gifts C. how much value they can get from the gifts42. If you and James are both interested in music,

27、 the best gift for him could be _. A. a cooking class about Chinese food B. a picture of some popular sport stars C. tickets to a concert you will go together43. The passage mainly wants to tell us _. A. how to bring people closer B. how to choose better gifts C. how people feel about different gift

28、sC Thousands of years ago, Britain was covered by thick forests, home to many animals which no longer live in the United Kingdom. There were wolves and bears, many different kinds of deer and so on. There were less than four million people, living in small villages where they build wooden(木制的)walls

29、to keep the big animals outside. All this has changed. Now the population(人口)of Britain has grown up a lot and three-quarters of Britain are fields(田地), towns or cities. New ways of fanning also mean that there are fewer birds and small animals living in fields than ever before. Some scientists say

30、that Britain needs to become more natural again. They suggest that trees and plants should be allowed to grow again. They even say that large wild animals which have not lived in the UK should be helped to come back and live wild. They call this rewilding(再野生化). Not everyone agrees. In the last twen

31、ty years, over one million trees have been planted and there are plans for more. But wild animals? Some people ask what if some wild animals like wolves will hurt small animals or even humans. They are also angry that rewilding might mean an end to walking in the hills which so many people enjoy. So far there are no wolves or bears

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