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1、洛克菲勒名言英文洛克菲勒名言英文导读: 1、我们思想的大小决定我们成就的大小。The size of our thought determines the size of our achievements.2、慈善是有害的,除非它能帮助接受慈善的人不再依赖慈善。Charity is harmful, unless it can help the people who receive it no longer rely on charity.3、无论何时何地,在最终胜负显现之前,决不能押上所有的筹码。No matter when and where, in the final outcome o

2、f the show before, you can not bet on all the chips.4、我不喜欢取得一时的胜利,我要的是持续不断的胜利,只有这样我才能变成强者。I dont like to win a moment of victory, I want to continue to win, only in this way can I become strong.5、我需要强有力的人士,哪怕他是我的对手。I need a strong person, even if he is my opponent.6、除非你放弃,否则你就不会被打垮。Unless you give u

3、p, otherwise you will not be broken.7、我总设法把每一桩不幸化为一次机会。I always try to turn every pile into a chance.8、你应该清楚,知识原本是空的,除非把知识付出行动,否则什么事都不会发生。You should know that knowledge is empty, and nothing will happen unless you give it up.9、要求我以诚相待的人,是想在我这里捞到好处。I asked the honest person, want to benefit me here.1

4、0、要知道,每个人对自己受到轻视都非常敏感,被看矮一截都会丧失干劲。You know, everyone despised are very sensitive to being seen, disadvantagefrom will lose energy.11、我就是我最大的资本!我唯一的信念就是相信自己。I am my biggest capital! My only belief is to believe in yourself.12、要知道,地狱里住满了好人,失败的痛苦是商战的一部分,我们彼此都在扼杀对手,没有竞争奋斗到底的决心,就只有做失败者的资格。You know, hell

5、occupied the good guy, and failure of pain is part of the war each other, we in the stifle opponents, no determination to struggle and fight to the end, only do what losers of qualification.13、智慧之书的第一章,也是最后一章,是天下没有白吃的午餐。The first chapter of the book of wisdom, is also the last chapter is, there is n

6、o free lunch.14、爱情就像一粒种子,到时它就会成长、开花。我们不知道开的是什么花,但是,肯定它会开花。Love is like a seed, it will grow and blossom. We dont know what it is, but its certain that it will blossom.15、我们的命运由我们的行动决定,而绝非完全由我们的出生决定。Our destiny is determined by our actions, not by our birth.16、一个人不是在计划成功,就是在计划失败。A person is not plann

7、ing a success, that is, the failure of the plan.17、儿子。人生就是不断抵押的过程,为前途我们抵押青春,为幸福我们抵押生命。因为如果你不敢逼近底线,你就输了。为成功我们抵押冒险不值得吗?Son. Life is the process of constant mortgage, for the future of our mortgage youth, for the well-being of our mortgage life. Because if you dont dare to approach the bottom line, you

8、 lose. For the success of our mortgage risk is not worth it?18、积累的知识越多,成功的希望就越大。The more accumulated knowledge, the greater the hope of success.19、我一直财源滚滚,心如天助,这是因为神知道我会把钱返还给社会的。I have been a bonanza, such as heart unfortunately, this is because God knows I will return the money to the society.20、我们

9、劳苦的最高报酬,不在于我们所获得的,而在于我们因此成为什么。The highest reward of our labor is not in what we get, but in what we become.21、任何事情你钻得深,就引人入胜,就越来越重要。Anything you do, its fascinating, its more and more important.22、缺乏行动的人都有一个坏习惯:喜欢维持现状,拒绝改变。The lack of action has a bad habit: like to maintain the status quo, refused

10、to change.23、享有特权而没有力量的人是废物,受过教育而无影响力的人是一堆一文不值的垃圾。Enjoy the privilege without power are waste, educated without the influence of a pile of garbage is not worth a hair.24、你利用机会,就是在剥夺别人的机会,保证自己。You take advantage of the opportunity to deprive others of the opportunity to ensure that their own.25、不论是要赢

11、得财富,还是要赢得人生,优秀的人在竞技中想的不是输了我会怎么样,而是要成为胜利者我应该做什么。Whether it is to win the wealth, or to win the life, the best people in the sport is not what I would like to lose, but to become a winner, I should do what.26、我从不相信失败是成功之母,我只相信信心是成功之父!I never believe that failure is the mother of success. I only believ

12、e that faith is the father of success!27、打先锋的是笨蛋,不管他们如何吹牛。只有看准时机的后来者才能赚大钱。To be a pioneer is a fool, no matter how they brag. Only later saw the opportunity to earn a lot of money.28、借钱是为了创造好运。To borrow money is to create good luck.29、坚强有力的同伴是事业成功的基石。不论哪种行业,你的伙伴既可能把事业推向更*,也可能导致集团的分裂。A strong and pow

13、erful companion is the cornerstone of career success. No matter what kind of industry, your partner may push your career to a higher peak, or to split the group.30、让别人打头阵,瞅准时机给他一个出其不意,后来居上才最明智。Let others take the lead, chouzhunshiji gave him a by surprise, only the most sensible catch up from behind

14、.31、每个人都是他自己命运的设计者和建筑师。Everyone is a designer and architect of his own destiny.32、装傻是一门学问。What is a scholarship.33、借口是制造失败的根源。Excuse is the root cause of failure.34、一个人不可能靠着运气而成功,而是要付出努力的代价。A person can not rely on luck and success, but to pay the price of hard work.35、成功的人只是相信自己、肯定自己所作所为的平凡的人。A suc

15、cessful person is just a person who believes in himself and does what he has done.36、一个人不能主宰一个集体。A person can not dominate a collective.37、拐杖不能取代强健有力的双腿,我要靠我自己的双脚站起来!Crutches can not replace the powerful legs, I rely on my own feet to stand up!38、智慧之书的第一章,也是最后一章,就是天下没有白吃的午餐。The first chapter of the

16、book of wisdom, is also the last chapter, is that there is no free lunch.39、永远不能让自己的个人偏见妨碍自己的成功。Never let your personal prejudices interfere with your success.40、在我眼里,侮辱一词的词义已经转换,它不再是剥掉我尊严的利刃,而是一股强大的动力。In my eyes, insulting term meaning has changed, it is no longer the sword of peeled off my dignity

17、, but shares a strong power.41、我们追求完美,但是人类的事情没有一件绝对完美,只有接近完美。We are in pursuit of perfection, but there is no absolute perfection in the human thing, only close to perfection.42、只要不变成习惯,失败是件好事。Failure is a good thing, as long as it doesnt become a habit.43、我不靠天赐的运气活着,但我靠策划运气发达。I do not rely on the l

18、uck of the heaven, but I rely on the planning and development of luck.44、财富是意外之物,是勤奋工作的副产品。每个目标的达成都来自于勤奋的思考与勤奋的行动,实现财富梦想也依然如此。Wealth is an unexpected thing, and it is a byproduct of hard work. Each of the goals of the Chengdu from the diligent thinking and hard work to achieve the dream of wealth is

19、 still the case.45、想获胜必须了解冒险的价值,而且必须有自己创造运气的远见。风险越高,收益越大。To win, you must know the value of the venture, and the vision of its own creation. The higher the risk, the greater the income.46、目的是我领导的依据,目的就是一切。The purpose is the basis of my leadership, the purpose is everything.47、财富是勤奋的副产品。Wealth is a b

20、yproduct of hard work.48、自作聪明的人是傻瓜,懂得装傻的人才是真聪明。Fancy man is a fool, the fool know talent is really smart.49、在苦难中向上攀爬的人,知道如何千方百计地去寻找方法、手段,让自己得救。In the suffering of the people climbing up, know how to do everything possible to find ways and means, so that they can be saved.50、要永葆身心的和谐,善待自己的一生,爱家人和朋友,知

21、道其可贵之处,这恐怕是无可比拟的良药吧。To maintain physical and mental harmony, treat their own life, love family and friends, know the valuable point, this is afraid is incomparable good medicine.51、我不知道是不是勇气。一个人往往进入只有一件事可做的局面,并无供选择的余地。他想逃,可是无路可逃。因此他只有顺着眼前唯一的道路朝前走,而人们称它为勇气。I dont know whether it is courage. A person

22、tends to enter only one thing to do, there is no room for choice. He wanted to run, but he had no way to escape. So he only followed the only road ahead, and people called it courage.52、一头猪好好被夸奖一番,它就能爬上树去。A pig is well praised, and it can climb up the tree.53、正确的态度将我们引向致富之路,错误的态度却可能导致人财两空。The right

23、attitude will lead us to the road to riches, but may lead to the wrong attitude to life and wealth.54、尊严不是天赐的,也不是别人给予的,是你自己缔造的。Dignity is not a given, nor is it given by others, it is your own creation.55、我从来没想过会输,但是即使输了,唯一该做的就是光明磊落地去输。I never thought I would lose, but if you lose, the only thing is

24、 to lose abovedeck.56、上帝为我们创造双脚,是要让我们靠自己的双脚走路。God created our feet for us to walk on our own feet.57、除去恶意,我想我们之所以会遭受侮辱,是因为我们能力欠佳,这种能力可能和做人有关,也可能与做事有关,总之不构成他人的尊重。Malicious, I think we will be subjected to an insult, because we are poor, this ability may be related to life, but also may be related to work, in short, do not constitute the respect of others.58、我们劳苦的最高报酬,不在于我们所获得的,而在于我们会因此成为什么。如果你视工作为一种乐趣,人生就是天堂;如果你视工作为一种义务,人生就是地狱。The highest reward of our labor is not in what we get, but in what we do. If you see work as a pleasure, life is heaven; if you see it as a duty, life is hell.

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