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本文(高考英语一轮复习 语法精练五 介词及介词短语课时作业18 新人教版.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语一轮复习 语法精练五 介词及介词短语课时作业18 新人教版.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 语法精练五 介词及介词短语课时作业18 新人教版课时作业18语法精练五介词及介词短语1(2020;2020北京)Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are _everyones enjoyment.A. in B. atC. for D. to解析句意:别采花园里的花好吗?这些花是供大家观赏的。for enjoyment,“供观赏”。答案C2(2020;2020辽宁)I agree to his suggestion_ the condition that he drops all charge

2、s.A. by B. inC. on D. to解析句意:我同意他的建议,条件是他降低费用。on condition that,“条件是”,引导条件状语从句。答案C3(2020;2020江西)Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients _name, not case number.A. of B. asC. by D. with解析句意:现在一些医院提到病人时用名字而不是病例编号。by name,“凭名字”,符合句意。答案C4(2020;2020天津)My father warned me _ going to the West Coast becaus

3、e it was crowded with tourists.A. by B. onC. for D. against解析句意:我父亲警告我不要去西海岸因为游客太多太挤。warn sb. against doing sth,“警告某人不要干某事”。答案D5(2020;2020重庆)The dictionary is what I want, but I dont have enough money _ me.A. by B. forC. in D. with解析本题考查介词。从本句的语境来看,是表示身上没有带足够的钱,而介词with常用来表示“随身”之意,同“on me”,故选D。句意:这就是

4、我想要的字典,可是身上没有带够钱。答案D6(2020;2020四川)Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back _ a big tree.A. in B. belowC. beside D. against解析句意:因为很劳累了,Jim背靠着一棵大树,熟睡着。in,“在里面”;below,“在下面”;beside,“在旁边”;against,“顶着,倚着;反对”。本题考查介词的基本用法。答案D7(2020;2020江苏)So far we have done a lot to build a lowcarbon economy, but it is _id

5、eal. We have to work still harder.A. next to B. far fromC. out of D. due to解析句意:到目前为止,我们已做了许多来创建一种低碳经济,但是离理想的还差得很远。我们还要更加努力地工作。本题考查介词短语辨析。A项表示“紧邻,在近旁”;B项表示“远非;几乎相反”;C项表示“从出来;脱离”;D项表示“由于”。根据句意选B。答案B8(2020;2020浙江)I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just _.A. by nature B

6、. in returnC. in case D. by chance解析句意:我猜我们以前早就谈论过这件事了,以防万一我还要再问问你。by nature,“天生地”;in return,“作为回报”;in case,“以防万一”;by chance,“偶然”。答案C9(2020;2020江西)We give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and _, dogs give us their all.A. in all B. in factC. in short D. in return解析句意:我们把能给予的时间、空间和爱都花在狗身上。作为回报,

7、狗也向我们奉献出一切。in all,“总共”;in fact,“事实上”;in short,“简言之”;in return,“作为回报”。答案D10(2020;2020福建)More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities _space.A. in search of B. in place ofC. for lack of D. for fear of解析句意:因为缺乏空间,在大城市建起了越来越多的高层建筑。A项是“寻找”;B项是“代替”;C项是“因缺乏”;D项是“唯恐,以免”。由句意知C项为正确答案。答案C11(2

8、020;2020湖北)It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _favors to them.A. in preference to B. in exchange forC. in place of D. in agreement with解析句意:公务员以为人们做好事作为交换向人们要礼物或金钱是违法的。in preference to,“优先于”;in place of,“代替”;in agreement with,“与相一致”;in exchange for,“交换”。答案B12(2020;2

9、020江苏)This special school accepts all disabled students, _educational level and background.A. according to B. regardless ofC. in addition to D. in terms of解析句意:这所特殊的学校接收所有残疾学生,不管他们的教育水平和背景如何。according to,“据所说,按所载;根据”;regardless of,“不顾,不管”;in addition to,“除之外(还)”;in terms of,“按照,从方面来说”。根据句意B项正确。答案B13

10、(2020;2020福建)How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space!Its a challenge, I guess, _man against nature.A. of B. forC. by D. about解析句意:宇航员们在探测外部空间,多么神奇呀!我想,这是人类与大自然搏斗的挑战。challenge常与of连用,of表示coming from,“来源于”。答案A14(2020;2020天津)The art show was_ being a failure; it was a great success.A

11、. far from B. along withC. next to D. regardless of解析句意:此次美术展绝非失败,而是巨大的成功。far from,“远非,毫不,简直不”;along with,“和一起”;next to,“紧挨着”;regardless of,“不管”。答案A15(2020;2020上海)Four Chinese models were _ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition.A. among B. betweenC. along D. besi

12、de解析句意:在周五的世界超级模特大赛上,四位中国模特跻身14位获奖选手之列。among表示“在(三者或三者以上)之间”;between,“在(两者)之间”;along,“沿着”;beside,“在旁边”。根据句意A项正确。答案A16(2020;2020重庆)Try on this red skirt; you will look great _it.A. on B. byC. in D. for解析句意:你试穿一下这件红色裙子,你穿着它会很好看的。英语中介词in表示“穿着,戴着”的意义时,表状态,常用在名词后作定语或表语。如:the man in a blue hat戴着蓝礼帽的那个男人;S

13、usan is in yellow today.苏珊今天穿了一身黄色的衣服。答案C17(2020;2020北京)The wine industry in the area has developed in a special way,_ little foreign ownership.A. by B. ofC. with D. from解析句意:这个地区的酿酒业发展得很特别,几乎没有外资。with相当于having,故选C。答案C18(2020;2020四川)A great person is always putting others interests _his own.A. below

14、 B. aboveC. in D. on解析句意:伟人总是把他人利益放于个人利益之上。put sth. above sth,“把放在之上”,此处强调高于某物。答案B19(2020;2020陕西)He invited me to a dance after the show _ Christmas Eve.A. at B. onC. in D. by解析句意:圣诞前夜他邀请我在演出之后去跳舞。on Christmas Eve,“在圣诞前夜”。答案B20(2020;2020湖北)Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ a quest

15、ion.A. in search of B. in the form ofC. in need of D. in the direction of解析句意:如果你以问题的形式提出要求,那么会显得更有礼貌。in search of,“寻找,寻求”;in the form of,“以形式”;in need of(in want of),“需要”;in the direction of,“朝着方向”。根据句意B项正确。答案B21(2020;2020湖北)His efforts to raise money for his program were _ because no one showed an

16、y intention to take a cent out of their pockets.A. in place B. in sightC. in effect Din vain解析句意:他为他的项目筹集资金的努力付诸东流了,因为没有一个人愿意从腰包里掏出一分钱。in place,“在适当的位置”;in sight,“在视线内,可以看见”;in effect,“生效,起作用”;in vain,“徒劳”。根据句意,D项正确。答案D22(2020;2020全国)Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping.A. as a r

17、esult of B. on top ofC. in front of D. in need of解析句意:由于购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航班。as a result of,“作为的结果,由于”;on top of,“在之上”,in front of,“在前面”;in need of,“需要”。根据句意A项正确。答案A23(2020;2020山东)It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _ easy reach.A. near B. uponC. within D. around解析句意:在厨房里把你常用的东西放在

18、容易够着的地方会节省时间。within ones reach,“在某人够得着的地方”;beyond/without ones reach,“在某人够不着的地方”。答案C24(2020;2020宁夏、海南)Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story.A. beyond B. withoutC. of D. in解析句意:听到她的感人的故事后,人人都感动得说不出话来。beyond words,“说不出话来”,beyond意为“超出的范围,非可及”。答案A25(2020;2020辽宁)Children need fr

19、iends _ their own age to play with.A. of B. forC. in D. at解析句意:孩子需要与他们同龄的朋友玩耍。of ones own,“某人自己的”,为固定搭配。答案A1(2020;2020浙江温州十校联合体模拟)How about your trip to Italy?Oh,_ the fine weather,we enjoyed ourselves indeed.Abut for Bthanks toCin spite of Dbecause of解析句意:意大利的旅行怎么样?哦,幸亏天气好,我们玩得很高兴。thanks to“幸亏,由于”符

20、合句意。but for“要不是”,in spite of“尽管”,because of“因为”都与语意不符。答案B2(2020;2020辽宁沈阳第二次模拟)_two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.AWith BBesidesCAs for DBecause of解析句意:担心要进行的两场考试,我本周末必须好好学习。with复合结构作原因状语。答案A3(2020;2020山东济南3月模拟)Going to work today,Brenda?No.Its my day _today.Aout BinCaw

21、ay Doff解析Its my day off,是固定用法,意为:今天我休息。答案D4(2020;2020浙江嘉兴摸底)I came here _to discuss it with you.Aon purpose Bby chanceCfor purpose Don design解析on purpose“故意,有意”;by chance“偶然,碰巧”;for purpose“为目的”;on design“关于设计”。句意:为了跟你商量这件事,我特意来这儿的。由此可知答案为A项。答案A5(2020;2020辽宁锦州上学期期中)What about the protection?Lets kee

22、p the surface _dirt by putting a cover over it.Afar from Bfree fromCapart from Daway from解析第二句句意:让我们把表面盖起来以免落上灰尘。far from“远离”;free from“免于”;apart from“除了”;away from“离开”。故B项正确。答案B6(2020;2020浙江永嘉三校期中联考)_the end of their relationship,they still keep in touch with each other.AIn spite of BApart fromCExc

23、ept for DDue to解析句意:尽管他们的关系结束了,但他们至今仍然保持联系。in spite of“虽然,尽管”;apart from“除了”;except for“除了”,强调从整体中除去部分;due to“因为,由于”。根据句意,选A项。答案A7(2020;2020天津十校第一次联考)The project had to be abandoned largely_a lack of government funding.Aaccording to Bdue toCin the name of Din the eyes of解析句意:这个项目不得不被放弃的主要原因是政府的资金短缺。

24、according to“根据”;due to“因为,由于”;in the name of“以的名义”;in the eyes of“在眼中”,根据句意,选B项。答案B8(2020;2020江苏盐城上学期期中)People ran out _as fire tore through the building.Awith vain Bin ragsCwith one voice Din terror解析in terror“惊慌,惊恐”。从后面的as fire tore through the building可知人们处于惊恐之中,故D项正确。in rags“衣衫褴褛”。答案D9(2020;202

25、0江苏南京第一次调研)_the poor living conditions,new graduates continue to gather in the suburban villages in Beijing because of low rents and easy transport.AExcept BDespiteCInstead of DAs well as解析句意:尽管居住条件很差,刚毕业的学生还是继续聚居在北京郊区的村子里,因为房租低,交通便利。despite表示“尽管”,符合语意。except“除了”;instead of“代替”;as well as“也”。答案B10(2

26、020;2020安徽江南十校联考)We know from their greetings how much they expect_us.We wont let them down.Aof BonCfor Dto解析expect sth.of/from sb.是固定表达,意为“指望某人某事”,据此只有of合适,也可用from。答案A11(2020;2020陕西西安分科质检)Theory should by no means be separated from practice._,its important to combine theory with practice.AAs a resu

27、lt BBy the wayCTo be honest DIn other words解析in other words“换句话说”;as a result“因此”;by the way“顺便问一下”;to be honest“老实说”。句意:理论绝不可以脱离实践;换句话来说,将理论与实践结合起来非常重要。故选D项。答案D12(2020;2020黑龙江适应性训练)Ballet is not popular_our city because most people think it is too expensive to take the classes.Ain BwithCamong Don解析

28、句意表示“芭蕾在我们市不太流行”,in表示“在地方”。此题易误选B和C项,be popular with/among sb.表示“受欢迎”,介词后面接表示人的名词。答案A13(2020;2020山东烟台诊断)Everybody was touched_word after they heard her moving story.Abeyond BwithoutCof Din解析句意:每个人听了她动人的故事后,都感动得无以言表。beyond word(s)“无法用言语表达”;without a word“一句话也没说,不留下只言片语”;in word“口头上”。故A项正确。答案A14(2020;

29、2020宁夏银川一中第一次月考)Eventually,the President had to leave office_public pressure in order to ease the tension of the situation.Ain favor of Bin response toCin return for Din honour of解析in favor of“支持”;in response to“作为回应”;in return for“作为报酬,回报”;in honour of“纪念”。句意:为了缓解局势的紧张,最后总统不得不离职来应对公众的压力。故B项正确。答案B15(2020;2020浙江金华十校3月联考)Many of the scientists and engineers are judged_how great their achievements are.Ain spite of Bin charge of

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