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七年级英语Unit 15Unit 20 综合复习.docx

1、七年级英语Unit 15Unit 20 综合复习Unit 15Unit 20 综合复习Unit 15 1. They eat a lot of potatoes. So do we. 他们吃了很多土豆。我们也是(吃了很多土豆)。 这是一个重复句式,用来补充说明后边的人或者事物也是某种情况或也做了某件事情。结构是So+do/be+主语。2. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? 你今晚要和我一起共进晚餐吗?3. Could you pass me the cheese,please? 请你把奶酪递给我好吗?4. Help yourself

2、to some soup. 请随便喝些汤吧。 Help oneself to + something 请随便用些5. Every country has its own favorite food. 每个国家都有它们自己最受欢迎的食物。6. It seems that American fast food is the most popular in the world. 看起来美国的快餐是世界上最流行的食物。 It seems that+ 从句 意思是“看起来”7. People enjoy Chinese food because it has different tastes and i

3、s usually very delicious. 人们喜欢吃中国食品因为中国食品有不同的口味,而且很美味。8. The cakes taste good. 蛋糕尝起来不错。9. We keep the table clean. 我们保持桌子干净。10. He made us laugh. 他使我们大笑。11. Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays. 在工作日,要么是爸爸要么是妈妈做晚饭。12. I also do some cleaning and cooking at the weekend.我在周末也打扫屋子、做饭。

4、13. Neither dad nor my brother helps.爸爸和哥哥都不帮忙。14. I dont think it is right.我认为这样不对。15. I like Chinese tea without anything in it.我喜欢里面什么都不加的中国茶。16. Come and take a seat.来坐下。take a seat就坐,坐下17. Today we are going to have something English. 今天我们打算尝尝英国食品。18. It must be more delicious. 那肯定更好吃。19. May I

5、 take your order now?您现在要点菜吗?20. Would you like anything else? 你还要点别的什么吗?21. Could we have the bill? 结账(埋单)! Unit 16 1. Can you tell me the way to the library? 您能告诉我去图书馆的路吗?2. Walk along Zhongshan Road,and turn right at the second crossing. 沿着中山路走,在第二个十字路口往右拐。3. Go across the bridge. 走过桥。4. You cant

6、 miss it. 你不会错过的。5. Go up this road to the end. 沿着这条路一直走到头。6. Go on until you reach the end. 一直走到路的尽头。7. Turn left at the crossing. 在第个十字路口往左拐。8. Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个路口往左拐。9. She seems worried. 她看起来很焦急。10. Whats the matter? 怎么了?11. Which is the way to North Street Hospital?往北街医院

7、怎么走(往北街医院走哪条路)?12. Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights. 沿着这条街走直到你来到第二个红绿灯。13. Itll take you about half an hour. 会花你大概半小时的时间。14. Thats quite a long way. 这是一段相当长的路。15. Wed better catch a bus. 我们最好坐公共汽车去。16. He is very happy to see his wife. 他见到妻子很开心。17. They looked around,but

8、 Liu Mei did not wait for their thanks.他们环顾四周,但是刘梅没有(留下来)等着他们表示感谢。18. May I smoke here? No,you cant. 我可以在这里抽烟吗?不,你不可以。19. You can keep them for two weeks. 你可以借(保留)两周的时间。20. Then youll see my housethe white one with many trees around it.然后你就会看到我的房子四周有树木环绕的白色房子。21. I want to be there by eleven. 我想在十一点

9、之前到达那里。22. Mrs Lee was tired after her days shopping in Tokyo. 李夫人在东京购物一天后累了。23. Its about five minutes walk. 大约步行五分钟的路程。24. Youll find a video shop about a hundred meters up the road on the right-hand side.你会在前方一百米处路的右边找到一个录像店。25. It closes at five,but if you hurry,youll get there just in time.商店五点

10、关门。但是如果你快一点,你会及时到那里的。26. She started to make her way back to the restaurant.她开始往饭店方向走回去。27. But after ten minutes walk,there was still no sign of the restaurant. 走了十分钟之后,还没有一点饭店的影子。28. I left my things in that restaurant. 我把东西落在那家饭店了。29. A policeman came up and asked if he could help. 一个警察走上前来问(她)是否

11、需要帮助。30. Its easy to get lost in a big city like Tokyo. 在东京这样的大城市里容易迷路。 Unit 17 1. You must be more careful. 你必须更加小心。2. A car may hit you. 车会撞到你。3. If you are not careful,you may have an accident. 如果你不小心,你就会出事。4. When you get on the bus,you must buy a ticket. 上车的时候必须买票。5. When you get off the bus,yo

12、u mustnt push others. 下车的时候不许推别人。6. When passengers are waiting for a bus,you must stand in line and wait for your turn. 在乘客等车的时候,你必须排队等候。7. Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait? 你认为我们有必要学习等待吗?8. She was in the city to visit her daughter. 她在这个城市里是看望她的女儿。9. She stood up and took his arm.

13、 她站起来抓住他的胳膊。10. Everyone laughed at the womans mistake. 大家都因这位女士的错误笑起来。11. If you are ill,youll have to see the doctor.如果你病了,你就得去看大夫。12. After you use plastic bags,you mustnt throw them about. 在用过塑料袋后,你不可以到处乱扔。13. People in the US cant drink beer or wine before they reach 21. 在美国,年龄低于21的年轻人不得饮用啤酒或酒。

14、14. We must invite them to our place.我们必须邀请他们来我们这里。15. But how many will there be? 全句应该是But how many people will there be at the party?但是晚会上应该有多少人呢?16. In fact,they were still there at midnight when the doorbell rang and a policeman arrived. 事实上,当深夜门铃响起并进来一个警察的时候,他们都还在那里。17. Someone telephoned to co

15、mplain about it.有人打电话来抱怨。18. Mr. Smile said he did not want to quarrel with the policeman. Smile先生说他不想和警察争吵。19. Mr. Smile answered in a tired voice. Smile先生以疲惫的声音说道。 Unit 18 1. Whats the trouble? 怎么了?出了什么事? 相同的表达还有: Whats the matter? Whats wrong?2. What a terrible cough! 多可怕的咳嗽呀! 这是由一个what引导的感叹句。3.

16、How are you feeling now? 你现在感觉怎样了?4. Nothing serious. 没什么严重的。(不严重)5. Have a good rest and drink more water. 好好休息一下,还要再多喝些水。6. Im feeling even worse. 我感觉更糟糕了。 even用来修饰比较级。7. I had a pain in my head. 我头痛。8. But I dont feel any better now. 但是我现在一点都没有感觉到好些。9. I dream so much. 我做梦太多。10. sometime dreaming

17、 is good for us.有时候做梦对我们有益。dreaming是动名词作主语。11. as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden. 我一入睡,就梦到我去了花园。dream 后面可以跟一个从句。 例如:He always dreams that he is on the sea alone. 他一直梦到他独自一个人在海上。12. We had to work for hours to stop the ship from going down. 我们不得不工作上几个小时来阻止船下沉。for hours 数小时,f

18、or years/ages 数年13. I always have very difficult jobs to do.我一直有很困难的工作要做。14. What about the sleeping pills I gave you? 我给你的安眠药怎么样?15. Dont they work? 它们不起作用(有效果)吗?16. In fifteen minutes he was fast asleep. 在十五分钟内,他很快就睡着了。17. Now I feel even more tired this morning than I usually do!今天早上我比以往感觉更累了。18.

19、 She said Im a little too heavy.她说我有点太重了。a little 可以用来修饰形容词和副词的原级,比较级。19. It tastes delicious. 尝起来味道不错。20. She was from a rich family. 她出身于一个富裕之家。21. This dress is a bit old,but it still looks nice on you. 这条裙子有点旧了,但是穿在你身上很好看。22. He wanted to be a great singer,but he became a doctor instead.他本来想当一个伟

20、大的歌手,但是后来却成为了一个医生。23. I not feeling well. 我感觉不太好。24. Theres nothing wrong with you. 你没有什么大碍。There is something wrong with;something is wrong with 出了问题(状况)了There is nothing wrong with 没有出什么问题。25. What do I have to do if I want to be thinner?如果我想变瘦些,该怎么办?26. If you want to be thinner and healthier,you

21、 have to eat less foodand you have to take more exercise. 如果你想瘦些,健康些,那么你就得少吃些,而且你还得多锻炼。27. Not before or after mealsinstead of them! 不是在饭前,也不是在饭后,而是代替你的饭。 Unit 19 1. Ill be there on time. 我会按时到的。2. Wed better not go there. 我们最好不要去那里。3. Then they started to look around the island. 他们开始环顾这个岛屿。4. Then

22、the food wont get too hot. We must keep it cool. 这样的话食物就不会变热。我们必须保持食物凉爽。5. Were alone. Were all by ourselves. 只有我们(没有别人)。6. Lets go for a walk. 咱们去散步吧。7. The picnic basket was no longer under the tree. 野餐篮子不再在树下了。 8. The basket is missing. 篮子不见了。9. We wont go until we get it back again. 我们直到取回(篮子)来才

23、能走。10. Its too heavy to carry. 太重了,搬不动。11. Sooner or later youll find it somewhere. 你迟早会在某个地方发现的。12. The children ran after the monkeys.孩子们追赶猴子。13. The monkeys dropped the basket and ran away.猴子丢下篮子跑掉了。14. Its time to go home now, or well be late. 到回家的时间了,否则我们就晚了。 Unit 20 1. But I dont know how to u

24、se it yet. 但是我还不知道怎么用(它)。2. I have to learn to use it all by myself. 我得自己学学怎么用。3. My parents dont know much about computers. 我父母对电脑了解不多。4. Sorry to hear that. (= Im sorry to hear that.) 听到这个我很遗憾。5. Thats the problem. 这就是问题所在。6. They went to see him in hospital and I had to take care of my younger br

25、other at home. 他们去医院看他,而且我得在家照顾我的弟弟。7. It makes me very sad when I think of my little dogs death. 一想到我的小狗的死我就感到很难过。8. Do you keep a diary? 你记日记吗?9. There were no classes this afternoon. 今天下午没有课。10. But my baby is asleep. I cant leave her all by herself.但是我的孩子睡着了。我不能把她一个人单独撇家里。11. All this afternoon

26、I jumped and sang and did all kinds of funny things.整个下午我又跳又唱,并且做各种各样可笑的事情。12. I told him the whole story.我告诉了他整个事情的经过。13. Dad is going to take me our hometown in Jiangxi. 爸爸准备带我去江西老家。14. Theyll be very happy to see you again. 他们会非常开心见到你。15. Thatll be very exciting. 那会很不错(刺激)。16. Im sure youll have

27、a wonderful time. 我肯定你会玩得很开心。17. They cant find their way to the station. 他们找不到去车站的路。18. We must keep our room clean.我们必须使我们的房间保持干净。19. They dont like cheese or butter. 他们不喜欢奶酪和黄油。20. She showed us a new hat. 她向我们展示了一顶新帽子。21. I heard a big noise and looked out 我听到了一声巨大的噪音,然后向外看去。22. There was a strong wind. 有一场大风。23. It broke in the wind. 它在

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