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1、大学英语四级作文与翻译新题型大学英语四级作文与翻译新题型作文:热点演练 1Directions :For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Recreational Activities . You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in CHinese : 1.现在有很多青少年出国留学。 2.有些人认为这种做法是有益的,有些人则认为这样做是不对的。 3.我的看法。 参考范文 框架搭

2、建:由标题和提纲所列内容可知,本文应为一篇对比分析类作文,其基本的段落安排如下:第一段指出人们对青少年出国留学现象的不同看法,继而表明“我”的态度;第二段先指出青少年出国留学有一定好处,然后转折表明“我”的相反观点;第三段陈述理由论证“我”的观点的正确性。 Teenagers Studying Abroad Nowadays it seems that there are more and more teenagers who choose to study abroad . Some people think it will certainly do good to the children

3、 , while others insist it may not be a good choice . As for me , Iprefer to the latter opinion . Of course , some children might benefit from studying abroad . For example , the independent life might make them learn confidence and perseverance . But it doesnt mean that it is a right thing to send a

4、 teenager to study abroad . From my point of view , it has a great risk to do this . The following reasons can support my argument . First , the quality of overseas education is not necessary higher than that of our education . Indeed , some foreign schools aim at earning money . Second , early inde

5、pendent life may be harmful to the child , if he cannot receive proper guidance and tender care from both teachers and parents . To conclude , I think it is necessary for young students to make a careful consideration before going abroad . 热点演练2 Directions :For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes

6、 to write a composition on the topic Celebrity Effect . You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in CHinese : 1.很多公司利用明星效应来宣传自己的产品。 2.分析明星效应产生的原因。 3.谈谈“我”的看法。 参考范文 框架搭建:由标题和提纲所列内容可知,本文应为一篇明现象类作文,其基本的段落安排如下:第一段指出明星效应这一现象并描述其主要表现;第二段分析明星效应产生的主要原因;第三段谈谈“我”对明星效应的看法。 Celebrit

7、y Effect Nowadays , more and more companies use clebrity effect to promote their products . Every day we are exposed to a large number of star advertisements on television , newspapers and other media . In addition , it has become a very common phenomenon that entertainment celebrities and sports st

8、ars are employed as spokesmen for the products . There are many different factors contributing to this phenomenon . Among all these factors , the great profits celebrity effect brings play a critical role . Those stars images familiar to the public make tha products become popularized in a short tim

9、e . Moreover , celebrity endorsement may enhance the products images , and thus win the consumers trust . Besides , celebrities can not only make a lot of money but have more exposure and popularity . No doubt , celebrities increase the charm of the products , and a win-win result is achieved betwee

10、n companies and celebrities . However , it is worth noting that some celebrities are not responsible enough . They might become the marketing tool of some dishonest companies . Therefore , I suggest celebrities improve their responsibilities and make efforts to achieve an all-win of consumers , cele

11、brities and companies . 热点演练3Directions :For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic High Expenditure of College Students . You should write at least 120 words , and base your composition on the outline given below in CHinese : 1.现在很多大学生没有节制,不懂得节俭。 2.造成这种现象的原因有哪些?

12、3.你怎样看待? 参考范文 框架搭建:由标题和提纲所列内容可知,本文应为一篇说明现象类作文,其基本的段落安排如下:第一段概述大学生花钱没有节制的现象;第二段说明造成大学生这种消费习惯的原因;第三段谈谈“我”对这种消费习惯的看法并给出相关建议。 High Expenditure of College Students In recent years the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise . Many college students spend money like water and ha

13、ve no concept of thrift in their mind . They buy whatever they like without considering the price and their families financial ability . There are three main reasons behind this phenomenon . Firstly , some parents and grandparents spoil children so much that they think their spending money as they w

14、ish should get little cause for criticism . Secondly , with the improvement of living standard , parents can afford higher expenditure of their children . Finally , various fashionable goods have great attraction to young students . To buy them certainly needs more money . From my point of view , it

15、 is unhealthy for us college students to hae this kind of spending habit . Whether the financial condition of our family allows our extravagant spending or not , we should limit our expenditure on daily necessities . Learning to be thrifty can help us form right values and is favorable to our future

16、 development .热点演练4Directions : For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Will Traditional Newspapers Be Replaced by Electronic Newspapers ? You should write at least 120 words , and base your composition on the outline given below in CHinese : 1.随着互联网的普及,很多人开始习惯

17、在网上阅读电子报纸,于是有人认为传统的报纸很快将会被电子报纸取代。 2.但也有人不赞同这种说法。 3.你怎样看待? 参考范文 框架搭建:通过审题可知这是一篇对比分析类作文,其基本的段落安排如下:第一段概述目前电子报纸的流行,引出争议的话题-传统报纸是否会被电子报纸所取代;第二段分别阐述两种不同的观点及理由;第三段表明“我”的看法并说明理由。 Will Traditional Newspapers Be Replaced by Electronic Newspapers ? With the popularization of Internet , there are an increasing

18、 number of electronic newspapers for people to read in daily life . Instead of reading traditional newspapers , many people develop the habit of browsing news no Internet everday . So some people propose such a question ; Will traditional newspapers be replaced by electronic newspapers ? Quite a few

19、 peoples answer is yes . They say electronic newspapers have many advantages over traditional newspapers . For example , they can be updated instantly . Moreover , they can provide more lively news . However , still many other people hold the opposite . They think traditional newspapers are easier t

20、o read and can leave people a warm feeling , which the computer cant give . Weighing up these two arguments , I prefer the former one , For one thing , electronec newspapers have all the functions of traditional newspapers , so traditional newspapers lose the necessity of continuing its existence .

21、For another , electronic newspapers make people enjoy quicker , more detailed and more colorful news . Therefore , I think it is a trend that traditional newspapers will be replaced by electronic newspapers . 热点演练5Directions : For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the

22、topic How to build a Harmonious Dormitory Life ? You should write at least 120 words , and base your composition on the outline given below in Chinese : 1.一个和谐的宿舍生活对于大学生十分重要。 2.但有时宿舍生活中难免会出现一些不和谐的情况。 3.我们应该如何创造和谐的宿舍生活? 参考范文 框架搭建:通过审题可知这是一篇对策方法类作文,其基本的段落安排如下:第一段阐述和谐宿舍生活的重要性,指出一些不和谐现象的表现;第二段说明应该如何创造和谐

23、的宿舍生活;第三段重申和谐宿舍生活的重要性,强调保持和谐需要大家的共同努力。 How to build a Harmonious Dormitory Life ? A harmonious dormitory life is very important to college students . With harmony , we can concentrate on our study and thus can enjoy our college life fully . But sometimes the harmony will be disturbed . For example ,

24、 some students do not pay much attention to health , which affects the overall environment in the dormitory . Whats worse , some members listen to music or chat very late , which influence others study and rest . Then how should our college students build a harmonious dormitory life ? Firstly , we h

25、ave to get rid of our healthy living habits since the dormitory is a public place . Secondly , we should learn to be tolerant and consider more for others so as to avoid quarrels . Finally , more communication plays an important role in solving the problems and discrimination . To conclude , it need

26、s very members effort to maintain a harmonious dormitory life . 热点演练6Directions : For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Work-Study Program . You should write at least 120 words , and base your composition on the outline given below in Chinese : 1.很多大学生在校期间都会参

27、加勤工俭学。 2.有的是因为生活困难,有的则是为了锻炼能力。 3.你对这一现象的看法。 参考范文 框架搭建:通过审题可知这是一篇说明现象类作文,其基本的段落安排如下:第一段概述大学校园内勤工俭学现象;第二段说明学生选择勤工俭学的不同原因;第三段谈谈“我”的看法。 Work-Study Program Many college students choose to take part in work-study programs in their spart time . Some of them choose to be a tutor or doing a part-time job in

28、school dining-room or library . Also some others do a part-time delivery man or promotion specialist , or other jobs alike . There are mainly three different reasons for college students to take a work-study program . First , to earn money is the main aim of many students . They want to relieve the

29、burden on their families by doing a part-time job . Second , some students take work-study programs as a channel by which they know the society and improve their practical skills . Third , still some other students do part-time jobs just for fun or kill time . From my point of view , college student

30、s can benefit a lot from work-study programs . But it is worth noting that study is prior to anything else . Those who take part in study-work programs should keep it in their mind . Besides , they should spend their income from these programs properly . 热点演练7Directions : For this part , you are all

31、owed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On How to Make a Career Choice ? You should write at least 120 words and base composition on the outline ( given in Chinese ) below : 1.职业选择对每个人都很重要。 2.如何明智地作出职业选择。 3.给出你的建议。 参考范文 框架搭建:由标题和提纲所列内容可知,本文应为一篇对策方法类作文,其基本的段落安排如下:第一段指出职业选择的重要性,由此引出“如何进行职业

32、选择”这一问题;第二段说明应该如何明智地做出职业选择;第三段总结“我”对职业选择的看法。 How to Make a Career Choice ? As coolege students who are on the point of stepping into society , we are facing one of the most important choices in our life , that is , making a career choice . A career choice not onley decides the development direction of our future , but also influences our future achievement . Therefore , it is of great significance to

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