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1、小学英语全英教案可当听课记录(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)课题 Module 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building? 课时 1 课型 P 目标要求 a.语言知识目标:能识别单词peace world UN important like ,并能识别与运用peace world 。 学习目标语句Do you want to .? Yes, I do.No, I dont. The UN wants to make peace in the world. b.语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,并能运用这些句子进行日常的对话

2、. 能读懂课文,并能够完成与课文相关的问题。能够按要求书写单词和目标语句,并初步培养学生在图片及例句的提示下写句子。 c.情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,乐学爱学英语,能积极参与活动,愿意在日常生活中运用英语交流。重点难点重点:能运用Do you want to .?句式进行问答,并能在实际情景中运用。 难点:会用一般现在时表述某人想作某事,知道want to后面要接动词原形。教学准备录音机,中外有名建筑物图片,单词卡片,课件,调查表 教 学 环 节 . Warm-up (热身活动) a. Greeting.教师与学生互相问好。 b. Sing a song: America, Amer

3、ica 播放录音,师生齐唱,大屏幕显示歌词和与歌曲相关的图片。 c. Ask and answer: Do you like this song? What do you know about America?学生根据已有经验和自己课前搜集的资料回答,当学生说出the UN building时,教师引出新课。 . Presentation (介绍新语言项目) a. 呈现图片,引出课文 课件出示联合国大厦的图片,问: Do you know the UN building? The UN is the United Nations. Do you want to visit the UN bui

4、lding? Today well visit the UN building with Daming and Simon. (板书课题) b. Play the tape and let the students listen. . Practice (练习) a. 操练“want to”句子 1Listen again and find the sentences with “want to”.教师再次播放录音,学生边听边找出含有“want to”的句子,划出来。 2. Read the sentences you find. 教师请学生读自己找到的句子(共3句),学生读一句,大屏幕出示一

5、句。 3. 教师问学生:Do you want to visit the UN building? 让学生回答Yes, please. 问学生还可以怎样回答,学生会答Yes,I do. 教师和学生做一个传话游戏。 T: Do you want to visit the UN building? S1: Yes, please.或者回答 Yes,I do.(Turn to another student.) Do you want to visit the UN building? S2: Yes, please.这名同学做跟刚才第一个同学相同的事。 S3: . 4.课件出示联合国大厦和各国国旗

6、的图片,说:There are so many flags in the UN. Many countries are in the UN. The UN wants to make peace in the world. 5.指读第3句带有want to 的句子Do you want to go inside the UN building? 全班齐读齐回答。 b. 教授新单词 1.大屏幕出示这句话The UN wants to make peace in the world.教peace的发音,ea发i: 的音,c发s 的音,让学生读(指读,小组读,男女读).问学生还有哪个单词中ea发i:

7、 的音。再教world的发音,or发的音,注意区分world和word发音的不同,让学生读.问学生还有哪个单词中or发的音。(六年级的学生应该掌握一定的音标知识,知道常见的字母组合的发音,并能归类记忆,联系记忆,所以在教学单词时可以这样处理) 2.讲解make peace 和in the world两个词组。在句中体会其意思,教师通过图片和肢体语言帮助学生理解。开火车读两个词组。 c. 找出want to句式的规律 1.大屏幕出示这3句含有want to的句子,观察这三句话有什么共同之处。会有学生发现want to 后面接动词原型,这时课件闪烁visit, make, go三个动词,教师总结:

8、want to 后面要接动词原型,如want to play, want to eat.让学生说几个想做什么事的词组。 2教师再问:发现want to有什么变化吗?学生会找到The UN wants to make peace in the world.中want加了s。请学生思考为什么。帮助学生总结,主语是第三人称单数形式时,用一般现在时表述想做什么事,动词也要变成第三人称单数形式。如Amy wants to go to Beijing.让学生尝试说两句。 d. Listen and repeat. Then answer the questions.学生跟录音读课文。完成课堂活动用书34页

9、第1题。 教师指导学生读懂问题,判断是什么问句,可否用Yes,No回答,从文中找到答案,写出答句。学生完成后,通过实物投影全班集体订正。提醒学生注意,Is the UN building big or small?是一个选择疑问句,要从big和small两个中选择一个来回答,而不能用Yes,No回答。 . Production (任务完成) a. 自主运用目标语句进行口语交际 1课件出示中外名胜的图片,教师与一学生作对话。 T: (Point to the picture of the Great Wall) Do you want to visit the Great Wall? S: Ye

10、s, I do. I want to want to visit the Great Wall. T: (To the class)HeShe wants to visit the Great Wall. (教师先做示范,提示学生wants的用法。) 2. Make dialogues in pairs. 学生同桌做对话,可以使用教师提供的图片,也可使用自己准备的图片。 3. Report in class. b. 尝试运用目标语句写句子 Look at the pictures , listen and write sentences.完成课堂活动用书35页第2题。教师指导学生先听录音,将人

11、物与地方连起来,再写句子。写句子时要注意人称变了,want也要变。作完后集体订正。 c. Make a survey. The Great Wall Ming tombs The UN building Dalian forest zoo The Summer Palace Amy Sam Daming 调查班内同学想去那里,要使用句型“Where do you want to visit?”回答“I want to visit .”。做好记录。空的两个格给学生填其它的想去的地方。然后在班内进行汇报“XXX wants to visit .”评出优秀小采访员。 . Summary and Ho

12、mework (小结与作业) a. Summary: T: What did we learn this class? S: 学会peace world ,能运用Do you want to .?句式进行问答。会用一般现在时表述某人想作某事, want to后面要接动词原型。主语是第三人称单数形式时,用一般现在时表述想做什么事,动词也要变成第三人称单数形式。 b. Homework: Listen to the tape and read the dialogue fluently. Practise 2 words and 2sentences. Tell your parents abou

13、t the UN building. 方法策略 通过唱歌和自由问答环节,调动学生的学习兴趣,营造出学习英语的氛围,同时帮助教师了解学生的知识储备,为学习新知做好准备 教师播放录音,学生边听边结合图片理解课文。 这一环节教师引导学生发现规律,帮助学生总结规律,对于六年级学生来说是必要的。他们已经接触了大量感性的句子,可以从中发现规律性的东西。而且通过这一部分的教学,学生下面写句子也会更准确 二次备课 一般现在时 标志词: always often usually sometimes never 注意: 主语单三,动词单三变化+ses 主语非单三,动词原形。 让学生总结一般现在时的各种句型。 注意

14、do及do的各种形式后动词用原形。 板 书 设 计Module 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building? Do you want to .? Yes, I do.No, I dont. The UN wants to make peace in the world.课题 Module 9 Unit 2 What do you like doing?课时 2 课型 p 目标要求 a.语言知识目标:能识别与运用kangaroo 学习目标语句What do you like doing? I like .(doing something). Doe

15、s Xiaoqiang like .(doing sth)? Yes, ,t. b.语言技能目标:能听懂会说目标语句,并能运用这些句子与人进行交流及对话。 能读懂课文,能够按要求书写单词和目标语句,并能用I like dont like (doing something).句式写出自己的喜好。 c.情感态度目标:将所学英语用于日常生活中,感受学习的乐趣,愿意与同学进行交流。重点难点 重点:能识别并运用kangaroo。 能运用What do you like doing?Does Xiaoqiang like playing football?句式进行问答。 难点:初步掌握like后面要接动词

16、的ing形式,不能接动词原形。教学准备录音机,动物图片,单词卡片,课件教 学 环 节 . Warm-up (热身活动) a. Greeting. 教师与学生互相问好。 b. Listen,do the action and say. 教师说动作run play football sing a song read swim.,学生做相应的动作,并说:Im running playing football. c. Ask and answer. Do you often run? I like running very much.Do you like running? What do you l

17、ike doing? . Presentation (介绍新语言项目) a. 课件出示学生用书36页活动1的图片,问: Look, two boys are talking. What are they talking ? Do you want to know? Lets listen. b. Play the tape , let the students listen and think. 教师播放录音,学生边听边结合图片理解课文。 . Practice (练习) a.学习目标语句 1Listen again and repeat.再次播放录音,学生跟读。 2. Find out wha

18、t is after “like”.观察like后面是什么词(V-ing) 教师总结:要表述喜欢做什么事,like后面要接动词的ing形式,不能接动词原形。如like playing, like eating, like dancing.让学生再说几个类似的词组。 3. Act the dialogue. 同桌表演对话 b. 操练目标语句 1Ask and answer about the pictures on Page 36. Does t. Do they like .ing? Yes, they do. No, they dont. 2.完成课堂活动用书36页第2题。 教师播放录音,学

19、生完成表格,集体订正。汇报时,让学生用She likes . She doesnt like. 句式回答。提示学生人称的变化引起动词的变化,dont 变成doesnt, I like.变成She likes. 3.操练人称的转述。 T: (To a boy) What do you like doing? Boy: I like eating. T: (To the class) He likes eating. T: (To a girl) What do you like doing? Boy: I like listening to the radio. T: (To the class

20、) She likes listening to the radio. 学生模仿练习,汇报。 . Production (任务完成) a. 猜猜看 T:Ive got some animal friends. The first one, it speak like us. The second, it . (手势表示)It likes jumping. Third, it likes eating bananas and peaches. And it is very clever. Fourth, it is white and black. It is lovely. It walks

21、slowly. What are they? b. kangaroo的读写 分音节记kangaroo,只记元音字母a, oo,边读边写。 c. 歌曲 1Listen to the song on Page 37. Number the pictures.按照歌词提到的先后顺序给图片标号。 2. 播放录音,跟唱。 3. Look and listen, then write.(完成课堂活动36用书页第1题)大屏幕投影反馈。动物名称参考大屏幕,V-ing参考书中歌曲歌词。 d. Make a survey. reading swimmingPlaying footballsingingWatchi

22、ng TVAmy Sam Daming 调查班内同学的喜好,要使用句型“What do you like doing?”或者“Do you like .ing?”,做好记录。然后在班内进行汇总,以后可以建议老师多搞多数学生喜欢的活动。 e. 小练笔 Write about yourself. 写写你自己,喜欢做什么,不喜欢做什么。完成课堂活动用书37页第3题。 句型:I like .ing . I dont like .ing . 至少4句。 . Summary and Homework (小结与作业) a. Summary. 学生小结所学知识,教师提示注意like doing ,like 后

23、面要加动词的ing形式。 b. Homework. Ask more pupils what they like doing, and finish the table. Sing the song after class. 还可以换成其他的小动物,编成一首新歌。方法策略 复习学过的动作词和词组及其ing形式,为本课句型做好铺垫 复习like句型,同时引出本课内容。板书课题。 教师引导学生看图,提示学生用话泡泡里的提示词进行提问先同桌练习,再全班展示。 此处操练意在让学生知道人称的变化引起动词的变化, I like.变成HeShe likes.渗透语法知识 学生猜到之后,课件出示袋鼠,熊猫,鹦

24、鹉,猴子的图案,图片配上动物名称的英语单词。说一说It likes .ing.并模仿小动物做一做。 二次备课 学生自读课文,你发现什么地方需要同学们注意? 1、 like后的动词是ing形式。 2、 主语单三,动词的单三变化。如He likes painting. 3、 Lets 后动词原形 板 书 设 计Module 9 Unit 2 What do you like doing? I like .(doing something). Does Xiaoqiang like .(doing sth)? Yes, ,t.课题Module 10 Unit 1 Only drink clean w

25、ater!课时1 课型 P 目标要求 a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句Its fun to drink this way. Only drink this water. This water is very clean. b.语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言与同学交流自己对做什么事情有兴趣。 c.情感态度目标:Train the students interest in learning English and get them to communicate with each other.重点难点 重点:Its fun to do sth.,并能在实际情景中运用。 难点:能

26、正确表达自己对做什么事情有兴趣。教学准备挂图、卡片、图片、CD-ROM、录音机、磁带教 学 环 节 . Warm-up (热身活动) a. T:I got up late this morning. I didnt I drink this water?( 脏的) Ss: you cant. The water is dirty. Can I drink this water?( 干净的)Ss: Yes, you can. T:I can drink this water. This water is very clean. We should only drink clean water.引

27、出课题,齐读。 . Presentation (介绍新语言项目) T: Today Daming , Simon and your books at page 38. Ss: They ate some sandwiches. They drank water. T: Is the water themselves? Is the water clean? Listen again. 再听一遍录音后,让学生回答。 Ss: No, it isnt .T: They didnt bring any drinks.引出新单词bring. T: We know they didnt bring any

28、 drinks. Where did they drink water? 结合书中图片,让学生明白他们喝的是从喷泉里流出的水。 T: Is this water clean? Ss: Yes . This water is very clean. T: Its fun to drink this way.引出重点句型并板书。 . Practice (练习) a. Listen and repeat the tape . b. Find and underline “Its fun to ” c. 以小组为单位做接龙游戏,说Its fun to do sth . 在规定时间内说得多正确的一组就获

29、胜。 d. Do the exercises: Write four things, using “Its fun to ” 结合课堂活动用书P39练习4 IV. Production (任务完成) a. Listen and repeat the tape . b. Act the text. c. Retell the text. 结合课堂活动用书P38练习2 . Summary and Homework (小结与作业) a. 熟读课文 b. Copy the words and drills: thirsty ,bring ,way Its fun to drink this way.

30、Drink clean water. Its very clean.方法策略 复习以前学过的食物词。 复习与本课相关的内容并感知新知,为新知的学习做铺垫。 老师出示课文挂图,放录音机,向学生整体呈现课文内容,使其感知课文并回答问题。 创设情境练习Its fun to do sth. 教师先做示范,很高兴地边打乒乓球,边说Its fun to play table tennis. 四人一组练习表达自己乐于做什么事情,向全班同学表达。 二次备课 明确重点句式Its fun to do sth. 强调to后的动词形式。 让学生扩展 如:Its easy to do sth. Its difficult to do sth. 等等。 板 书 设 计Module 10 Unit 1 Its fun to drink this way. Only drink this water. This water is very clean. 课题Module 10 Unit 2 Stand in line!课时2课型p目标要求 a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句 Stand in line! Be quiet! Dont make so much noise!

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