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1、学年高中英语Module4WhichEnglishSectionLanguagePointsSection Language Points (Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary).单词拼写1It didnt matter (有关系) that our best player was injured after 10 minutes we still won.2Police suspect there may be a link (联系) between the two murders because they have found some simila

2、rities between them.3They began to speak rapidly in _dialect (方言) so I couldnt follow them.4After a long debate (讨论), the House of Commons approved the bill.5Good preparations should be made for a job interview, because first impressions really count (重要)6My wallet has been missing for several days

3、and I cant find any trace (痕迹,踪迹) of it.7My ancestors (祖先) were French. They came to America a century ago.8Each persons DNA is unique (独一无二的), as is known to us.拓展词汇1instantly adv.立即,马上instant adj.立即的;紧急的,立刻的n.瞬间,立刻2recognisable adj.能辨认的,能认出的recognise v认出;承认recognition n认出;承认巧记单词词根词形变化构词点拨instantin

4、stantly形容词加ly构成副词recogniserecognisable动词去e加able构成形容词.补全短语1from place to place 从一个地方到另一个地方2agree on 对达成共识3be known as 作为而出名4as well as 又,也;除之外5tell . apart 区分开6as/so long as 只要7or rather 更确切地说8lie in 在于9end with 以结束10in particular 特别地;尤其1教材原句The quality of someones voice and their choice of words mak

5、e a person instantly recognisable, even though you cant see him or her.一个人的音质及措辞都能让这个人立即被分辨出来,即使你看不见他/她是谁。句型点拨even though引导的让步状语从句。佳句赏析(2017天津高考满分作文)即使期末考试快到了,我依然会设法挤出时间锻炼身体。Even though the final exam is around the corner, Ill still manage to find time to work out.2教材原句In this sense everybodys use o

6、f language whether English, Chinese, or any other is different. 从这个意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用不管是英语、汉语或者任何其他语言都是不一样的。句型点拨whether . or . 引导的让步状语从句。佳句赏析(2017天津高考满分作文)不管我的功课忙不忙,我都会设法找时间和朋友们出去玩。Whether Im busy with the lessons or not, Ill manage to find time to hang out with my friends. 3教材原句You could say that ther

7、e are as many varieties of English, or any other language for that matter, as there are speakers of it.可以这样说,对英语或者任何别的语言而言,有多少使用者,该语言就有多少种。句型点拨as many . as“多达”。佳句赏析你想要多少糖尽管拿。Please take as many candies as you want.1The quality of someones voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recog

8、nisable, even though you cant see him or her. (P44)一个人的音质及措辞能让这个人立即被辨认出来,即使你看不见他或她是谁。instantly adv.立即;马上;即刻conj.一就The information was instantly available.这些信息很快被获知。I recognised her instantly I saw her.我一看见她就把她认出来了。instant adj. 立即的;紧急的;(食品)速溶的,方便的n. 瞬间,立刻the instant 一就in an instant 立刻,一会儿for an insta

9、nt 暂时,一时You see the lightning the_instant it happens, but you hear the thunder later.一打闪电你就会看见,而后才能听到雷声。He told me he would be back in_an_instant.他告诉我他马上就回来。2In this sense everybodys use of language whether English, Chinese, or any other is different. (P44)从这个意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用不管是英语、汉语或者任何其他语言都是不一样的。wh

10、ether English, Chinese, or any other相当于whether the language is English, Chinese, or any other,其中whether . or .引导让步状语从句,意为“无论,还是”。Whether the weather is fine or not tomorrow, I will pay him a visit.无论明天天气好坏,我都会去看他。(1)whether .or .还可引导名词性从句,表示“是还是”。(2)在宾语从句中可用if 代替whether,但在主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等从句中一般不能用if代

11、替whether。(3)whether .or not可以连接动词不定式,而if不能。另外,可用whether or not而不用if or not。To this day, its unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered. (主语从句)到目前,还不清楚他是自杀还是他杀。Id appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether_or_not_you_will_come.(宾语从句)如果你能让我提前知道你是否能来,我会很感激的。It is very difficult for

12、young parents to decide whether to_have (have) a second child or not.对于年轻的父母来说,决定生不生二孩非常艰难。3You could say that there are as many varieties of English, or any other language for that matter, as there are speakers of it. (P44)可以这样说,对英语或者任何别的语言而言,有多少使用者,该语言就有多少种。句中 as many varieties of English . as the

13、re are speakers of it属于as . as . 结构的具体形式。Youve wasted as much money as I have.你浪费的钱和我浪费的一样多。(1)as . as . 结构的常见形式:as adj./adv.as比较对象; as adj. a(n)可数名词单数as比较对象; asmany/much/few/little名词as比较对象。(2)该结构中,第一个as 前可加表示倍数的词和其他程度副词。(3)该结构用于否定句时,第一个as可用so替换。He is as_good_a_doctor_as his father.他和他父亲一样是个好医生。This

14、 room is twice_as_big_as that one.这个房间是那个房间的两倍大。The work is not_as/so_difficult_as you imagine.这项工作没有你想象得那么难。4It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart. (P44)把英式英语和美式英语区分开也很容易。tell . apart区分开,识别,辨别These two signatures are very similar. Can you tell them apart?这两处签名非常相似。你能把它们区分

15、开来吗?(1)tell . from . 区分和tell the difference between .(and .) 讲出(和)的不同tell by . 根据判断(2)take sth. apart 拆开某物apart from 除去;除去之外,还有It is important to tell_true_friends_from false ones in our daily life.在我们的日常生活中辨别真假朋友是非常重要的。Apart_from_old televisions, John also enjoys taking_old_clocks_apart.除了拆卸旧电视外,约翰

16、还喜欢拆卸旧钟表。5Perhaps correctness doesnt matter as long as speakers can understand each other its communication that counts.(P44)也许正确与否不要紧只要说话的人互相明白就行重要的是交流本身。count v很重要;很有价值;数It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.重要的不是你读了多少,而是你读了什么。Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.小鸡

17、孵出前,不要先计算它的数目。(不要过早乐观。)count on/upon依赖,依靠count . (as) . 认为(某事物或某人)count as 算作count in 把算入;包括I can always count_on/upon you to cheer me up.你总能使我振作起来。If you are going to a movie, count_me_in.如果你们要去看电影,算我一个。Two children under the age of ten count_as one person.十岁以下的两个儿童算作一人。6But the main differences be

18、tween Australian English and other varieties of English lie in the individual sounds and intonation patterns.(P44)但澳大利亚英语和其他几种英语的最主要区别在于单音和音调模式。lie in在于A persons value lies in how much he contributes but not in how much he obtains.一个人的价值在于他贡献多少,而不在于他得到多少。lie down躺下休息lie in/to/on . 位于lie awake 醒着The

19、man was tired and fell asleep shortly after he lay_down.这个人非常疲惫,躺下一会就睡着了。All night he lay_awake and kept thinking of his past.他整晚都醒着,不停地想着自己的过去。7Today there is a debate in Singapore about which variety of English is the best . (P45)至今在新加坡有一个关于哪种英语最好的争论debate n& v讨论;辩论His viewpoint led to a strong de

20、bate.他的观点引起了激烈的争论。We debated on the question till late into the night.我们就这个问题辩论到深夜。(1)debate with sb.about/on/over sth. 和某人就某事辩论(2)have a debate with sb.about/on/over sth. 与某人就某事争论under debate 正在讨论中beyond debate 无可争辩I dont want to have a debate with you about/on/over this.I dont want to debate_with_

21、you_about/on/over this.我不想和你争论这件事。.单句语法填空1Seeing an old lady fall to the ground, I instantly (instant) walked to her and helped her stand up.2The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an easily recognisable (recognise) landmark.3Its almost impossible for me to tell apart the twins.4As is well known, Dragon Boat

22、Festival and the custom of eating rice dumplings are unique to us Chinese.5The key to resolving the unemployment problem lies in creating more job opportunities.6The question whether he should be sent abroad is under debate.7Being ill, my grandmother counted on/upon us to care for her.8Henry is as g

23、ood a worker as Peter.9There is always competition, whether you realize it or not.10Is there anything in particular youd like for dinner?11They traveled from place to place to harvest grapes, beets (甜菜), lettuces (生菜) and many other crops.12That book ends _with a summary and its conclusion.13He had

24、to walk, or rather, run to the office.14John, as well as his parents, has (have) been to Sanya during their holiday.15I certainly agree to your suggestion. But I wonder if all the members of the board will agree on the steps for the coming year.完成句子1即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。He will come on time even_though_it_

25、rains.2我们公司出版的书是去年的两倍。Our company has published twice_as_many_books_as we did last year.3不管故事是真是假,它很有趣。Whether_true_or_false,_the story is interesting.4机器都有编号,便于我们区分。The machines were coded so that we could tell_them_apart.5只要我们有坚强的信念,就能够克服任何困难。As_long_as_we_have_a_strong_will,_well be able to getov

26、er any difficulty.一句多译1他答应一回到办公室就处理这件事情。He promised to deal with the matter instantly_he_returned_to_his_office.(instantly)He promised to deal with the matter the_instant_he_returned_to_his_office.(instant)2他们就经济政策辩论了一下午,但毫无进展。They debated_on/about/over the economic policy for the whole afternoon, b

27、ut made no progress.(debate v)They had_a_debate_on/about/over the economic policy for the whole afternoon, but made no progress.(debate n).课文缩写语法填空There are as many varieties of English as there are speakers of it. English 1.is_spoken (speak) as an official language in more than 60 countries, and it

28、 can sound very different from place to place. 2.It is easy for us to tell British English 3.from American English.There is not really a standard form that everyone can agree on and English is 4.widely (wide) spoken, so it is hard to tell which English is correct. As long as speakers can understand

29、each other, 5.correctness (correct) doesnt matter.6Australian (Australia) English has traces of both Irish and cockney speech patterns, because the first speakers were prisoners 7.who came from all over Britain. Many of the Aboriginal words passed into the language. But the main differences lie

30、 individual sounds and intonation patterns.But this is not the case, the variety of English 9.spoken (speak) in Jamaica has some of the grammatical features of the American languages.On the 10.other side of the world, in Singapore, English is spoken by about half the population. Sentences often end with the word lah. English has been influenced especially by Malay and the Chinese dialect Hokkien.对应学生课下能力提升(十四).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1This is a question that they have often debated (争论)2Television stat

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