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1、中医大大学英语1复习题参考答案2020年春季 大学英语1复习题 I 交际英语(请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项) 1. Havent seen you for ages! How are you ? _D_.A. Not at all B. my pleasureC. Hard to say D. Cant complain2. Excuse me! Is that seat vacant? _A_.A. Sorry. Im not sure. B. I believe it is not occupiedC. No problem D. Whats the matter?3. How

2、 long does it take to get to the train station? _A_.A. Probably an hour on footB. Probably an hour with footC. Probably an hour in feetD. Probably half an hour with feet4.Why dont you go to see a film now? _B_ A. Im tired up. B.What a good idea.C. How can you say that? D. What are you talking about?

3、5. Excuse me! How can I get to the library? _A_.A. Go along the road and its on your right. B. Walk there on foot. C. Its very close and you wont miss it. D. Its close to the gymnasium. 6. Who is that speaking? _B_.A. Im David speaking B. This is David speakingC. That is David speaking D. He is Davi

4、d speaking7. Im very pleased to meet you. _A_.A. Thanks B. My pleasure C. Welcome D. Not at all8. Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired? Thank you. _D_. A. Its your duty B. Dont mention it C. Do as you like D. It couldnt be better9. How tall is your brother? _D_.A. He is not very well. B. He

5、is 28 years old. C. He is very nice. D. H is as tall as I am. 10. Im very pleased to meet you. _A_.A. Thanks B. My pleasureC. Welcome D. Not at all11. Could I borrow your computer for a few days? _C_.A. Yes, you may borrow. B. Yes, go on. C. Sure, no problem. D. It doesnt matter. 12. Are you going o

6、n holiday for a long time? _C_.A. It was a long time.B. Two weeks ago. C. No. Only a couple of days.D. Not long time ago.13. Is that seat taken? _A_1.I dont think so. B. Please dont worry. C. Why not? D. Its very nice.14. This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs. _B_A. You may ask for help.

7、 B. Ill give you a hand. C. Please do me a favor. D. Id come to help.15. What does Toms wife do for a living? _A_.A. She is a doctor. B. Tom loves his wife.C. She has a happy life. D. She lives far from here.16. Hi John. Havent seen you for ages! How is everything? _A_.A. Just so so B. me, too C. Yo

8、u are welcome D. Oh, my God17. Please help yourself to the seafood. _D_.1.No, I cant. B. Sorry, I cant help.C. Well, seafood dont suit. D. Well, Im afraid I dont like seafood.18. What a beautiful dress you have on today! _C_.A. It is suitable for me. B. You want to have one, too?C. Thank you. D. No,

9、 it isnt.19. Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. _B_.A. Never mind B. Im glad you like it. C. Please dont say so. D. No, Its not so good.20. What does your father do? _A_.A. He is an engineer. B. He loves his work.C. He is happy with his life. D. He wants to learn painting.21. Good morning.

10、 Bob. How are you doing? _C_.A. Hello B. Good eveningC.Not too bad. And you? D. How do you do?22. Will it _D_ long to get there? No. Its not far at all.A. go me B. come me C. stay me D. take me. 23. Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the station? Turn left at the first light. You cant

11、 _C_ it.A. Find B. catch C. miss D. forget24. Why dont we go to see a film now? _C_A. What are you talking about? B. I am tied up.C. What a delightful idea. D. I dont want to go with you.25.Excuse me. _D_ where Main Street is?Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.A. Tell

12、me B. can you tell C. you should tell me D. can you tell meII 阅读理解 Passage 1A poor young artist came to the gate of the subway station. He put his hat on the ground and took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground. Then he adjusted the violin and began playing. Before long, the young vi

13、olinist was surrounded with people, who were all attracted by the words on that paper. It said, “Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to claim it soon.”After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and rushed through

14、the crowd to the violinist and grabbed his shoulders and said, “Yes, its you. You did come here. I knew that youre an honest man and would certainly come here.”The story turned out to be this :George Sang bought a lottery ticket a few days ago. The awards opened yesterday and he won a prize of $500,

15、000. So he felt very happy and he took out 50 dollars for the wonderful music played by the young man. However the lottery ticket was also thrown in. Later someone asked the violinist: “At that time you needed to pay the tuition fee and had to play the violin every day to make the money. Then why di

16、dnt you take the lottery ticket for yourself?”The violinist said, “Although I dont have much money, I live happily; but if I lose honesty I wont be happy forever.”Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us. If we bear ourselves in a deceptive and

17、 dishonest way, we may succeed temporarily. However, from the long-term view, we will be a loser. Such people are just like the water on the mountain. It stands high above the masses at the beginning, but gradually it comes down inch by inch and loses the chance of going up. 1.According to the passa

18、ge, which of the following statements about George is is not true? CA. He intended to give the violinist $50.B. He was very excited to get the lottery back.C. He threw the lottery in the violinists hat on purposeD. He finally got his lottery back because of the violinists honesty.2. The violinist wa

19、s surrounded with a lot of people because _D_.A. He was playing the violin in the street for funB. He was performing in public to train himselfC. He has written something strange on paper in front of himD. He has written something that attracted peoples curiosity3. What did the young violinist do to

20、 George? AA. He returned the money back to GeorgeB. He asked for some reward from George.C. He played the violin again to thank him for his generosityD. He wanted to make a friend with George4. What does the phrase “bear oneself” mean in paragraph 7? BA. enjoy oneself B. behave oneselfC. cheat onese

21、lf D. adjust oneself.5. What kind of people can be compared to the water on the mountain? CA. smart people B. mean peopleC. dishonest people D. honest peoplePassage 2During the meal, youd better be careful not to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any other dish. The coffee spoon ought to

22、 be on the saucer, the soup spoon ought to be on the plate under the bowl. When you are having soup, make the least noises and use the side of your spoon inside out this way, not the tip. And you mustnt pick up your soup bowls so as to drink away the last drops of your soup from the bottom of the bo

23、wl. Very often there is only one main course and salad, followed by your sweet. If you find the meal not enough, say Oh, its delicious! and ask for some more of the chicken or steak or whatever you have just had. The hostess will be very glad that you appreciate her cooking and will give you an extr

24、a portion. But if you observe the Chinese way of being polite and say No, thank you when the hostess offers you more, you will most probably starve later, because Americans will never press food on you. Yet it is not polite to keep silent and not to talk with the person next to you. It would be cons

25、idered good manners if you handle your silverware with care so that they dont make any noise. When coffee comes, drink it from your cup. The coffee spoon should rest on the saucer while you are drinking. And smoking, of course, is rarely seen at a dinner table. Well, when the meal is finished, the g

26、uests put their napkins on the table and stand up, the men again helping the ladies with their chairs. After the dinner, the guests usually stay for an hour or two, and then they would say, Well, Im afraid I must be going now. The host and hostess would of course urge everyone to stay longer. What,

27、already? Wont you have another coffee? The guests, for instance, would say, Id love to, but I have to be up early tomorrow morning. Thank you for a most enjoyable evening. Good night. And if you stay overnight or over the weekend, it will be courteous to send a thank-you note to the host or hostess

28、the following day, very often with a small gift such as a box of chocolate or some flowers as a token of appreciation of their hospitality. 1. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage? CA. How to Prepare for a Meal.B. Never Press Food on Your Guest. C. Table Manners in the U. S. A.D. How to Enjoy a Dinner. 2. The passage suggests that _B_. A. to make the hostess happy you should ask for more food even if you are fullB. you should keep silent at a dinner table in order to be politeC. if you want to be friendly with the person next to you, you should press food on himD. tal

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