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1、幼二英语期终考试试题幼二英语期终考试试题幼二英语期终考试试题 一英汉匹配A .useup1) 下订单B.morethan2)用完C.logonto3) 登录D .shakehand4)在不久的将来E.placean order5) 再接再励F.beconsideredas6) 被认为是。G.inthenearfuture7) 为。做出贡献H.atthefirsttime8)多于,超过I.keep up the good work9)握手J.make contributionsto10) 在第一时间 二。选择最佳答案填入题前括号内()1.spaceA.和平B宇宙C英雄()2.serveA服务B

2、永远C加入() 3.businessmanA商务B 忙碌C.商人 () 4.OutstandingA.站立的B 突出的C 明显的() 5.CompanyA 广告B 公司C电脑 () 6午夜A .nightB .midnightC .at night() 7媒体A . mediumB .clearanceC watch() 8饮料A .juiceB .beverageC .drinker() 9歌曲作家 A .songB .singerC .songwriter () 10鼓励A .encourageB.reasonC .cheer三按要求写出各类构词1). agree (反义词)2)happy

3、 (反义词)3). China (中国人) 4).quick (副词)5) six (十六)写出五个合成词:1_2 ._3 . _4 ._5 . _四选择正确答案填入题前括号内()1 . He worked as an actor for _50 year.A .moreB . moreC . morethatD .than ()2 .She lived inthecountry _shewasachild .A . WhenB . whereC .howD .why ()3._isbecoming more popular in our dailylife.A .Shoppingon lin

4、eB .Shop on lineC .On line D .Shop()4 . Ireadyour _inthe newspaperyesterday .A . advertiseB . advertisementC . advertisingD .words()5 .Canadais a(n)_ country .A .English-speakingB .speak-EnglishC.spoke-EnglishD . English -spoken()6. Tomygreat _ , Ipassedthe exam easily .A . joyB .joyfulC . joylessD

5、. joyed()7 . Doyouknow how_ thepiano .A .to playB . playC .playingD . played.()8 .Hestopped_ arest .A . haveB . havingC . hadD . to have ()9 . _mybrother_ Iamwrong.A . Either ,norB . Both ;andC . Either;orD .Neither;or ()10 . Hehas said ,”Iwill not do it again.”-He has saidthat he _ notdoitagain .A

6、. willB . MustC. wouldD .do()11 .Our teacher told us he earth_aroundtheSun .A . movedB . is moveC .movesD .moving() 12 .He said , “I live here. “ -He said that he lived_.A.thereB . hereC. In thereD . at there ()13 . Youmustremember _ .Awhat your mother saidB .what did your mother say .C . yourmother

7、said whatC .what has your mother said()14 .You dbetter give up smoking if you want to keep_.A healthB . healthyC . healthilyD. healthier () 15 . Theteacheraskedus _ inclass .A . nottosleepB .donotsleepC ,not sleepD .not do sleep 五补全对话A :_1_?A .Can I help youB . I can tdecidedC .I prefer white D . Ni

8、nety-five dollarsE . Ok .Illtakeit .B:Yes,Imlookingforashirt .A:Lookat these shirts . Which shirt do you like ?B : _2_.A : Well, Whatcolourdoyoulike ?B : _3_.A :Whataboutthisone ?B :Oh, it sniceandsoft ! How much is it ?A : _4_.B :Thats expensive . Can you make it cheaper ?A:No .Im afraid not .Its j

9、ust the price .B : _5_六根据括号内汉语意思完成下面句子in need ofdo ones best to domakecontribution toas ifcomeintobeing. must _( 尽全力做 )_thejob .2 . Heis_ (需要)help .3 . when did the human being_(形成,产生)Everyoneshould_(为。 做贡献) hismotherland .5 .Itlooked _( 好像) itwasgoingtorain七把下列句子翻译成汉语1 . Backer sflightneverdidreach

10、London 2.Helpingothersoutoftroubleisfarmorerewardingthananythingelse .3 .Wemadehimourmonitor .4.Its really hard to make a decision andI hadto giveup .5 .Ournaturalresourcesarebeingusedupandtheenvironmentisbeingpollutedbyhumanbeing .八阅读理解ShopsShops in Britain open at 9:00 a m. and close at 5:00 or 5:

11、30 in the evening. Many shops are closed in the afternoon on one day a day is usually Wednesday or Thursday. Nearly all shops are closed on Sunday In generally, overseas visitors dont have much difficulty knowing where to buy are many supermarkets in which you can buy all you they often invest huge

12、money into advertisement to attract customers, such as printing leaflet ( ) to let the customers know what are for sale and what the best-buy items of the supermarkets are self-service . When you go into one of these shops, you take a basket and you put the things you wish to buy into it. You queue

13、up at the cash-desk and pay for everything just before you leave.If everyone tries to take things from a shop without paying, he is certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives whose job is to catch shoplifters. Shoplifting is considered a serious crime by the police and the courts.When yo

14、u are waiting to be served in a shop, it is important to wait you turn. Many people from overseas are astonished at the British habit of queuing.根据短文判断正(T )誤( F)() shops in Britain open for over eight hours a day.() Friday, shops are usually closed in the afternoon.() 3. Supermarkets seldom do any a

15、dvertisement.() 4. Shoplifting is considered to be nothing in Britain.() 5. Foreigners are surprised to find that British people are often queuing.姓名_班级_答题卡一 .英汉匹配 (10 )A_B._C._D._E._F._G._H._I. _J. _二 . 选择 (10 )1)_.2) ._ 3)._4)._5)._6)._7)._8)._9)._10)._三 . 按要求写出 (10)1)._2)._3)._4)._5)._1)._2)._3)._4)._5)._四 . 选择 (15)1)._2)._3)._4)._5)._6)._7)._8)._9)._10)._11)._12)._13)._14)._15)._五 .补全对话 (10)1)_2)._3)._4)._5)._六.完成句子(10 ) 1._2._3._4._ 5._七英译汉(20 ) 1. _2 ._3 ._4._5 ._八判断正误(15)1 ._2._3._4._5._xx温馨提示:欲查找更多相关内容,请使用本页面下边“上一篇”和“下一篇”按钮查找xxhttp:/省掉您的烦恼,留下您的轻松!

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