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1、九年级上Unit15练习题1九年级上unit15测试题科目: 英语 年级:九年级授课教师: 刘老师 授课时间: 2013 年 10 月Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!Section A重要词组 be like, be suitable for,once a day, provide. for, care for,hardly. at all重点句型 I think/feel that animals shouldnt live in zoos. I agree/disagree with you.一、单项选择( ) 1. The doctor

2、asked me to take the medicine _.A. one day B. once a day C. one time a day D. some day答案:B( ) 2. There are hardly people in the forest at all, _?A. are they B. arent they C. arent there D. are there答案:D hardly 为否定句,故后面的疑问部分用否定式。( ) 3. We had to walk home,as the last bus _.A. has already gone B. was

3、goingC. had already gone D. had been gone答案:C as 从句中的动作发生在主句前,故用过去完成时。( ) 4. If rivers _ with waste from factories,well die.A. polluted B. were pollutedC. become polluted D. are polluting答案:C( ) 5. We _ paper to be recycled to save more trees.A. suggest B. expect C. agree D. hope答案:B expect 意为“预料,期望

4、”,后接复合宾语,其余选项无此用法。二、看图完成句子或对话6. A:I think we should stop using paper napkins. B: _ _. Its really a waste of money.答案:I agree7. Many animals are _ _. We should do something to protect them.答案:becoming endangered三、句型转换8. The animals in the cage are given food once a day. (对划线部分提问)_ _ are the animals i

5、n the cage given food?答案:How often how often 表示频率,意为“多久一次”。9. You should remember to take your own bags when you are shopping. (改为同义句)_ _ to take your own bags when _.答案:Dont forget,shopping10. I am not against building a new park in our town. (变为同义句)I _ _ build a new park in our town.答案:agree to11.

6、 We planted many trees in our school yard. (改为被动语态)Many trees _ _ in our school yard.答案:were planted12. The problem is so difficult that I cant work it out. (改为简单句)The problem is _ difficult _ work out.答案:too to,四、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空care for,endanger,urge,raise,intelligent,play13. You will _ your health

7、if you work so hard.答案:endanger14. All human beings are much more _ than animals.答案:intelligent15. Children should be taught to _ others.答案:care for care for 意为“关怀,照顾”。16. Farmers in this village _ a lot of animals like chicks, ducks, pigs and so on every year.答案:raise raise本义指“提起,升起”,这里表示“养,饲养”。17.

8、 The salesman _ me to buy a new car,but I refused.答案:urged urge sb to do sth.主张,催促某人做某事18. Many monkeys are playing in the trees. Look! How _ they are !答案:playfulSection B重要词组 turn off, hear of, out of, pull down, be made from, in ones spare time, raise money, feel about重点句型 Recycling paper is reall

9、y easy. I agree. But its hard to stop riding in cars.一、根据句意和首字母完成单词1. My coat is made of fur. Its f_.答案:furry2. The h_ of the aquatic animals is always underwater.答案:habitat3. You must be more careful if you walk in the s_, or you will fall into it.答案:swamp4. Have you ever spat in a p _ place?答案:pub

10、lic5. In some poor areas,many children cant get enough e_.答案:education6. His shoes were g_ on the floor by glue.答案:glued7. Its an i_ to us Chinese that Beijing will be the host of the 2008 Olympic Games.答案:inspiration8. S_ is another way of saying “waste things”.答案:stuff二、单句改错(每题一处错误,找出并改正)9. He is

11、doing his homework as more careful as he can. _答案:去掉 more asas 原级比较,只接形容词或副词的原级。10. Saving endangered animals are very important to us. _答案:areis 非谓语动词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。11. This kind of bowl is made from bamboo. _答案:fromof be made from 由制作,表示成品中看不出原材料。12. Its hard to stop to ride in cars. _答案:to rideridi

12、ng stop doing sth.表示停下正在做的事情,stop to do sth.表示停下去做另一件事。13. Dont use paper towels and napkins. Its bad for the enviroment. _答案:andor三、用所给词的适当形式填空14. The man _ patted the boy on the shoulder. (gentle)答案:gently15. This kind of animals are very _. Dont get close to them. (aggressive)答案:aggressive16. Man

13、atees usually _ about 1 000 pounds. (weight)答案:weigh weight,名词“重量”,weigh 作及物动词时是“称,量”之意,作不及物动词时为“重,称重量”。17. Many rivers and lakes have become _ in our countries. (pllute)答案:polluted getbecome+过去分词表示状态的改变,所跟过去分词或形容词作表语。18. Our natural resources will last _ if we learn to recycle them. (long)答案:longer

14、19. We should educate people _ about the problems. (think)答案:to think20. If fish are taken from the sea,there will soon be none _. (leave)答案:left leave 的过去分词 left 作后置定语,意为“剩下,留下”。21. I Feel that there are few laws to stop people _ the waste into rivers or into the sea.(put)答案:putting22. If we keep o

15、n _ trees,forests will disappear. (cut)答案:cutting keep on doing sth表示“继续做”。23. The walls are made from old glass which are _ together. (glue)答案: glued四、根据汉语提示完成句子24. I feel that he is very _ _ this job. (适合)答案: suitable for25. Parents are supposed to _ their children _ food and clothes. (供应)答案: prov

16、ide,with26. I hope you will _ _ me that our monitors advice is excellent. (同意的意见)答案: agree with27. That old temple was _ _ and rebuilt last year. (拆毁)答案: pulled down28. What do you usually do _ _ _ _.(空闲时间)答案: in your spare/free time.Self Check (时间120分钟,满分100分)一、单项选择(每题1分,共10分)( ) 1. Mr Brown is sit

17、ting at the table, _ a newspaper.A. to see B. to look C. reading D. to read答案:C 读报用“read”表示,现在分词表示伴随动作。( ) 2. We should start _ it gets too hot.A. while B. as C. until D. before答案:D( ) 3. Those _ smoke should go to the next room.A. that B. who C. which D. /答案:B( ) 4. The radio is pretty loud. Could

18、you turn it _ a little?A. up B. down C. off D. on答案:B( ) 5. He agreed _ earlier, but he was late.A. coming B. to come C. without coming D. on coming答案:B agree to do sth表示“同意做某事”,agree on 表示“在上达到一致”,on 为介词。( ) 6. He pointed _ the road was not safe in winter.A. to B. up C. out D. at答案:C point atto 指向,

19、point out 指出,本句中省略引导词 that。( ) 7. Look! Someone is coming. Who _ it be?A. must B. can C. might D. should答案:B can 放在疑问句中表示猜测“可能是”。( ) 8. Which team are you going to _ next time?A. play B. play with C. beat D. win答案:A play 在句中作及物动词,“与比赛”之意。( ) 9. Please raise your voice _ you can make yourself heard.A

20、. because B. in order C. so that D. since答案:C( ) 10. My aunt provided me _ the necessary money _ my study.A. with;with B. for;for C. for;with D. with;for答案:D provide sbwith ste提供某人某物,也可用“provide sth. for sb”表示。二、完形填空(每题1分,共20分) The manager of a small building company was very surprised to get a bill

21、 for two white mice one of his workmen had bought. He 11 for the workman and asked him 12 he had had the bill sent to the company. “ 13 ,”the workman answered,“you 14 the house we were repairing in Newbridge, dont you? One of the things we had to 15 there was to put 16 some new electric wiring. Well

22、, in one place we had to pass some wires 17 a pipe thirty feet long and about an inch 18 , 19 was built into solid stone and had four big bends in it. None of us could think how to do this until I had a good 20 . I went to a shop and 21 two white mice,one of them male and the other female. Then I 22

23、 a thread(线)to the body of the male mouse and put it into the pipe at one end, 23 Bill held the female mouse at the other end and 24 her gently to make her squeak. When the male mouse heard the female mouses squeaks(吱吱地叫),he 25 along the pipe to help her. I 26 he was a gentleman even though he was 2

24、7 a mouse. Anyway,as he ran through this pipe,he pulled the 28 behind him. It was then quite 29 for us to tie one end of the thread to the electric wires and pull them through the pipe.” The manager 30 the bill for the white mice.( ) 11. A. waited B. sent C. answered D. arranged答案:B send for 指“派人叫”,

25、answer for “对负责”。( ) 12. A. why B. whether C. how D. when答案:A( ) 13. A. Yes B. Sorry C. Well D. Excuse me答案:C well 在这里表示语气的过渡或停顿。( ) 14. A. saw B. mean C. entered D. remember答案:D( ) 15. A. do B. repair C. buy D. work答案:A( ) 16. A. into B. out C. in D. away答案:C put in 指装电线。( ) 17. A. near B. through C. around D. onto答案:B( ) 18. A. across B. short C. big D. round答案:A 据上文“a pipe”有“thirty feet long”,故这里指“about an inch across”宽。( ) 19. A. it B. what C. that D. which答案:D 这是一个非限制性定语从句,用 which 引导。( ) 20. A. idea B. suggestion C. way D. advice答案:A( ) 21. A. saw B. bought C. caught D. excha

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