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1、介词教师辅导教案学员编号: 年 级高一年级 课 时 数: 3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课主题介词以及介词短语的讲解教学目标1.了解介词的主要分类以及各个相似介词之间的区分。2.了解重点介词短语的含义及它们之间的区分。授课日期及时段 8.5 19:4021:40教学内容学过那些介词? _例句:The book on the table is mine.We have breakfast at seven.My dictionary is in the bag.I found him in the office.They started the machine by pressing

2、 the button.介词的作用:介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。在句中不能单独作句子成分。 _一、介词的定义及分类介词又叫前置词,是一种虚词。介词不能独立在句中做成份,介词后必须与名词、代词、或动名词构成介词短语在句中充当一个成份,表示人、物、事件等与其它人、物、事件等之间的关系。介词可以按其构成划分成下面几种类别:1)简单介词,即一个介词,如about,at,in,of,since等。2)复合介词,由两个介词组成,如as for,as to,out of等。 3)二重介词,由两个介词搭配而成,但没有复合介词那样固定,如from under,from behind,unt

3、il after,except in 4)短语介词,由短语构成,如according to,because of,in spite of,on behalf of,with reference to等。5)分词介词,由现在分词构成,如regarding,concerning,including等。介词还可按其词义分为下列常见的几种:1)表地点(包括动向)about,above,across,after,along,among,around,at,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,between,beyondby,down,from,in,into,near,

4、off,on,over,through,throughout,to,towards,under,up,upon,with,withinwithout等。 _2)表时间about,after,around,as,at,before,behind,between,by,during,for,from,in,into,of,on,over,past,sincethrough,throughout,till(until),to,towards,within等。 _3)表除去besides,but,except等。 _ 4)表比较as,like,above,over等。_ 5)表反对against,wi

5、th等。I dont agree with you._6)表原因、目的for,with,from等。_7)表结果to,with,without等。_8)表手段、方式by,in,with等。_9)表所属of,with等。_10)表条件on,without,considering等。_ 11)表让步despite,in spite of等。_ 12)表关于about,concerning,regarding,with regard to,as for,as to等。_ 13)表对于to,for,over,at,with等。 _ 14)表根据on,according to等。_15)表其他for(赞

6、成),without(没有)等。_二、高频考点表示时间的at, in, on:学过的关于时间的短语 _年前的介词是inin 1989月前的介词是inin may周前的介词是inin the next week季节的介词是inin spring某时的介词是atat nine oclock某时某月某日的介词at ten oclock,tenth of July某日的介词是 onon Friday, on tenth of July, on July 4th_ 8 oclock _ noon, _ night, _ midnight, _ the morning, _ the afternoon,

7、_ the evening, _October,_1998, _ summer,_ the past, _ the future_ Monday,_ Christmas morning,_ the following, _ May Day, _ a warm morning注意;当morning, afternoon, evening有前位定语或后置定语修饰时,就不用in而用on_ a hot (summer) afternoon_Monday morning_ the morning of March 8th 表示时间的since和fromsince表示从过去到现在的一段时间的过程,常与现在

8、完成时连用。from表示从时间的某一点开始,不涉及与现在的关系。一般多与现在时、过去时、将来时连用。I hope to do morning exercises_today.We have not seen each other_ 1995.He has been there twice _ 1982.I have done nothing_ six oclock.He went home_ school.表示时间的in和afterin表示“在(一段时间)之后”,in短语和将来时态连用, in不能与时间点连用after则表示“在(某一具体时间点之后)”与将来时连用;后加一段时间,与过去时连用H

9、e came back after three days.He will arrive after three oclock.Well be back _ three days._ seven oclock, the rain began to fall.What shall we do _ graduation? 表示地理位置的in, on, to:in表示在某范围内,on指与什么毗邻,to指在某环境范围之外。Changchun _ the northeast of China.Mongolia is _ the north of China.Japan is _ the east of C

10、hina.表示“在上”的on; above; overon表示在某物的表面上并与之接触。There is a bus on the bridge. 桥上有一辆车。above 指在上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对;The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机在云上飞行。over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。 There is a bridge over the river. The lamp is _ the table. There is a bridge_r river. 河上有一座桥。 There is

11、 a book _ the table. The bird is flying _ my head.在下面 below; under under表示在正下方 There is a cat under the table. below表示在下,不一定在正下方 Please write your name below the line.We are _ the moon我们在月下。He stood _ a tree. 他站在树下。in the corner, on the corner, at the corner由两个面或线相交之处即是corner,从外侧看时,corner是角,而从内侧看时,则

12、是隅。依此对于角用at,on,而对于隅则用in (此时at表地点,on表构成角之部分,on有时可用at替换)in the corner:在里面的拐角处at the corner:在拐角外面on the corner:在拐角之上She is waiting for him at the corner of the street.她在街角等他。There is a flower shop on(at) the corner.拐角有间花店。He is sitting at the table in the corner.他坐在角落的桌子边。There is a table _ the corner

13、of the house.There is a cup _ the corner of the table.Please turn left_ the corner of the house.延伸:around corner在转弯处,即将来临The post office is just around the corner.邮局就在转角处The Christmas is just around the corner.圣诞节即将来临in the end, at the end of, by the end ofin the end作“最后”、“终于”解,可单独使用,后不接介词of;同finall

14、y,但是finally可用于句首或动词之前,可用于句中;in the end 不能用于句中。at the end of 表示“在末梢”,“到尽头”,既可指时间,也可以指地上或物体。不可单独使用;by the end of 作“在结束时”,“到末为止”解,只能指时间。不可单独使用。 _ they reached a place of safety._ the road stands a beautiful garden.They decided to have an English evening _ this week.。_ last month he had finished the nov

15、el.表示“关于”的about 和onabout通俗大众on 学术专业性强He came to tell me_ something important.He wrote a book_ science.The teacher told us a story _ Lei Feng. Its very moving. He will give us a talk _the history of the Party.besides, except, but, except for, apart from, in addition to; in additionbesides指“除了还有,再加上”,

16、有时可与in addition to 互换。如:All went out besides me.She knows two other foreign languages besides English.她除了英语外还知道两种其他外语。except指“除了,减去什么”,不能放在句首。如:All went out except me.He goes to school every day except Sunday.他除了周日每天都去学校。but 与except意思近似,表示“除了外”经常用在no, all, nobody, anywhere, everything等和其他疑问词后面。如:I n

17、ever saw him reading anything but the newspaper.Everyone attended the meeting but Mary. 大家都出席了这次会议,但玛丽不在其列。 except for表示:“除.之外,其他都.”用来评价事物的美中不足。如:His diary is good except for a few spelling mistakes.Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.你的作品除了有些拼写错误外都很好.apart from;其含义主要依据上下文而定,

18、有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides如:Apart from the high price, the hat doesnt suit me. 除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。 Apart from English, we study Russian and Spanish.除了英语以外, 我们还学俄语及西班牙语。except 用于同类之间。 except for 用于不同类的。 apart from 在同类或不同类都能用。in addition to; in additionin addition to“除了还有,再加上”,整个词组相当于一个介词,所以to的后面要接宾语.例如:I

19、n addition to native plants,this garden contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.除了当地的植物之外,这座花园还有无数来自海外的花草树木.In addition to high salaries,you will enjoy a paid holiday every year. We play football in addition to basketball. 除了篮球外,我们还踢足球。In addition to English, he has to study a second forei

20、gn language. 除英语外,他还得学第二外语。其中的to为介词,所以后接动词作宾语时要用动名词。如:In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience. 课程除了大致介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。当主语后跟有in addition to引出的介词短语时,谓语动词仍与其前的主语保持一致。如:The teacher, in addition to his students, was interested in the book

21、. 老师和他的学生都对这本书感兴趣。In addition“除了还有,再加上”,相当于副词,通常放在从句的句首,后面接完整的句子.例如:This garden has the best collection of native plants.In addition,it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.这座花园有当地植物的最佳珍藏.另外,它还有无数来自海外的花草树木.In addition, they do not match very much. 除此之外,他们两人并不十分般配。We met some friends and

22、 other people in addition. 我们遇见几位朋友,还遇见其他一些人despite; in spite ofDespite用作介词时,与 in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意,但程度有所不同.一般说来,in spite of的语气较强,使用范围也较广; despite的语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。Despite the drought,we expect a good crop 尽管天旱,丰收依然在望.We arrived at the station in spite of the storm 虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准点到达火车站.在

23、现代英语里,despite和in spite of的差距已日渐缩小,很多人已将它们互换使用。by chance;by accidentWe met by accident at the railway station. 我们在火车站偶然相遇.in the way; on the way; by the way; in a wayin the way 挡路;妨碍 Her social life got in the way of her studies.(她的社会活动妨碍了她的学习。) on the way 在路上 Lets wait a few moments.Hes on the way.(

24、咱们等一会儿,他正在路上。)by the way 是个语气词,“附带说一句”By the way,has everybody arrived?(附带问一句,大家是否都到了?) in a way,是“某个方面”,“在某种意义上”In a way,he was right.(在某个意义上说,他是对的.)表示“用”的in和with表示工具的“用”,用with,表示材料、方式、方法、度量、单位、语言、声音等的“用”,用in。He is writing a letter _ a pen.He wrote the letter _ pencil.We measured it _ pounds.Read t

25、he text _ a loud voice.在.之前 by; beforeby:不迟于,在之前We had to get there by evening. 表示这个时间是最晚的,不能再晚了。但是可以在这个时间。before:在之前You can not watch TV before you do you homework. 必须在之前。as, likeas作“作为”、“以地位或身份”解。如:Let me speak to you as a father.(事实是父亲);like作“象一样”解。如:Let me speak to you like a father.(事实上不是父亲)。in

26、, intointo表示动向,不表示目的地或位置。如:We walked into the park.;in通常表示位置。如:We walked in the park;in和drop, fall, put, throw, break等终止性动词连用时,也可以表示动向。如:I have put the coin in (into) my pocket.我把硬币放进衣袋。三、介词短语以及介词的固定搭配介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。介词与它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语,定语或介词宾语。例如:at ,in, on, to介词短语在句中可以作状语,

27、定语,表语,补足语等。 1. 作表语 例如:It was in 2005 in Beijing. 2. 作宾语补足语 例如:He found his dog outside the station. 3. 作后置定语 例如:I even store them in boxes under my bed. 4. 作状语 例如:You are supposed to put your bread on your plate. 介词的固定搭配:1. 名词词组:on the contrary相反;in turn依次;in ones opinion根据某人看法;off time准时;out of rea

28、ch够不着2. 动词词组:remind sb. of sth提醒某人某事;rob sb of sth抢劫某人的;result from由引起;call at访问(某地)3. 形容词词组:be curious about对好奇;be proud of因而自豪;be popular with受到的欢迎4. 介词短语:apart from除;in addition to除之外(还);because of因为;instead of代替;in fear of为提心吊胆;for fear of以免;in case of防备;thanks to由于;in the middle of在中间;according to根据;in front of在前面;in return for作为对的回报;in charge of负责;as

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