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1、船舶设备第三节 船舶设备 0279. The fluke angle of an anchor system is the angle between the _A_1036锚系统中的锚爪角度是指()之间的角度Aflukes and the shank 锚爪与锚杆Bshank and the sea bottom 锚杆与海底Cmooring line and the sea bottom 系缆与海底Dflukes and the shackle 锚爪与锚链0285. The sprocket teeth on a wildcat are known as the _C_ 持链轮上的链轮齿又叫做

2、()A Pawls 掣子;棘爪;制转杆BDevils claws 吊链钩,拉线爪CWhelps 绞盘筒筋,绞缆筒筋条(用以增加磨擦力)DPockets 岩石上的凹坑、口袋0286. The sprocket wheel in a windlass,used for heaving in the anchor,is called a _D_ 绞锚机上用以绞起锚的链轮齿,叫做()ACapstan绞盘;起锚机BDog wheel CFairlead 导缆孔DWildcat 持链轮0292. What is the most important difference between the bow t

3、ype anchor shackle and the D-type anchor shackle _C_ 弓形锚卸扣与“D”形锚卸扣的最大区别是()AThe bow type shackle provides a superior connection弓形锚卸扣有优良的联接性能BThe D-type shackle is weaker than the bow type “D”形锚卸扣强度比弓形锚卸扣差CThe bow type shackle is weaker than the D-type 弓形锚卸扣强度比“D”形锚卸扣差DThe D-type shackle provides an i

4、nferior connection “D”形锚卸扣有较差的联接性能0315. A permanent chain chasing system is used to _C_ 固定的锚链抓紧(传动)系统是作用是()AClean anchor chain as its hauled in 绞时锚链时清洁锚链BRecover anchors which have lost their buoys 收回浮筒漂失后锚链CRun and retrieve anchors 松出或收回锚链DPrepare anchor chain for inspection 备好锚链以便检查0329. Flanking

5、rudders effect a vessels heading because of the _A_527侧面(平板)舵由于(),使船舶改向AEffect of the propeller flow on the rudders 流过舵面的螺旋桨排出流的作用力BWater flow due to the vessels movement through the water 由于船舶的对水运动而产生的水流CTunnel affect of the water flow past opposing rudders 冲到舵面上的水流管道效应DDischarge current being chan

6、neled to impinge on the vessels deadwood 排出流经狭管挤压后冲击船舶的力材0351. The best method of protecting that portion of a fiber anchor line nearest the anchor from chafing on the bottom is by _B_980防止靠近锚的纤维锚绳因磨擦受损的最好办法是()AUsing a small scope ratio 采用较小的绳长/水深比BReplacing that portion with a short length of chain

7、 把该段锚绳换成铁链CUsing a hockle to keep that portion of the anchor line off the bottom 使用一根弯曲的棍子使该段锚绳离开海底DUsing a synthetic line 使用合成纤维缆0364. What are the two main types of stud link chain _B_ 主要的两种有档链环是()AOil Rig chain and Oil Field Stud Link chain石油钻机链和油田有档链BFlash-butt welded chain and Di-Lok chain 电弧对接

8、焊链环和Di-Lok(可拆卸)链环CFlash-butt welded chain and Oil Rig chain 电弧对接焊链和石油钻机链环DOil Field Stud Link chain and Flash-butt welded chain油田有档链和电弧对接焊链环锚链(anchorchain) 锚链是连接锚和船体索链,主要用来传递锚的抓力,以抵消外力对船的作用保证船舶能够安全地停泊于指定的水域。锚链由普通链环、连接链环、连接卸扣、转环等组成,按锚链的结构分为有档和无档两种。有档链的抗拉强度大,船上一般均采用有档链环的锚环;按制造方法分有铸钢锚链、电焊锚链和锻造锚链。电焊锚链质量

9、超过其他种锚链,成本也较低,已得到广泛的应用。0365. What best describes an anchor buoy _B_ 下列哪一句对锚定浮筒的描述最为恰当()AA black ball that is hoisted when the ship anchors 当船舶抛锚时,升挂起的一个黑球BA buoy attached to the anchor 连接在锚上的浮筒CA buoy attached to the scope of an anchor chain 连接在一段锚链上的浮筒DA mark of the number of fathoms in an anchor c

10、hain 在锚链上作的标明几拓长的数字0370. When attempting to free an anchor jammed in the hawsepipe,the simplest method of freeing it may be _A_1444当锚被卡在锚链管中时,最简单的清解方法是()AStarting the disengaged windlass at high speed 绞锚机离合器脱开,高速转动BRigging a bull rope to pull it out 装上一根三股硬麻绳,用力拉CTo grease the hawsepipe 给锚链管打上油脂DTo

11、pry it loose with a short piece of pipe 用一小根钢管撬0864. What type of liquid is used in the liquid P/V breaker _B_ 液压高压破碎机中所用的液体是()AHydraulic oil 液油BWater-antifreeze mixture 防冻水(水-防冻剂混合物)CDistilled water 蒸馏水DOil from the cargo 货油P/V1、pressure vacuum 压力真空2、pressure valve 压力阀,增压阀0920. When steering on aut

12、opilot which of the following input conditions may NOT have an effect on the control of the steering gear _A_ 使用自动模式操舵时,下列哪一种调节旋钮可能对操舵系统的控制不起作用()ANon-follow-up电操舵BRudder adjustment 舵角校正CWeather adjustment 天气校正DAll the above may be activated 上述各项都有可能被启动1001. A design modification of an anchor chain w

13、hich prevents kinking is the _B_79为防止锚链扭结,可通过下列哪一种设计方法加以改进()ADetachable link 可拆卸链环BStud link 有档链环CKenter link 肯特链环DConnecting link 连接链环1006. Buckler plates are _B_434锚链孔盖是()ATriangular-shaped plates connecting the bull chain to the topping lift 连接拉力链条和千斤索的三角形的钢板BMetal plates secured over the tops of

14、 the hawsepipes 盖在锚链管上的铁板CFaired shell plates with curvature in two directions 双曲线型的船壳板DSheets of dunnage used to prevent heavy cargo from buckling the deck plates 覆盖在甲板上用以防止重大件货把甲板压变形的垫板1029. Prior to magnetic particle inspection of anchor chain,the chain should be _D_ 在对锚链进行磁粒子探伤检查之前,应对锚链进行()ADega

15、ussed 消磁BDemagnetized 退磁、消磁CSoaked 浸泡DSandblasted 喷砂1032. Ships steering gear refers to _D_939船舶的操舵设备是指()Acargo handling machines 装卸货机械Bdeck winches and derricks 甲板绞货机及吊货机Cengine-room tools 机舱工具Dcourse controlling system 航向控制系统1033. The American Petroleum Institute recommends magnetic particle inspe

16、ction for _C_963美国的化工协会建议对()进行磁探险伤检查AAnchor chain 锚链BWire rope 钢丝绳CConnecting links 连接链环DPendant wires 挂链短钢丝绳二一年十一月二日星期二09241034. The American Petroleum Institute recommends that connecting links and anchor shackles be inspected using _B_964美国的化工协会建议使用()对锚链及连接链环进行磁探伤检查AVisual examinations 目视检查BMagne

17、tic particle inspection 磁探伤检查CDye penetrant inspection 颜色渗透检查DX-ray inspection X射线检查1040. The opening in the deck beneath the anchor windlass that leads to the chain locker is the _D_1127在绞锚机下方的甲板上有一个开口,通向锚链舱,这个开口叫做()AHawse pipe 锚链管(筒)BFall pipe CDrop-pipe DSpill pipe锚链管(筒)1041. The perforated,eleva

18、ted bottom of the chain locker,which prevents the chains from touching the main locker bottom and allows seepage water to flow to the drains,is called a _D_ 从锚链舱舱底升高一定高度的另一层舱底,上面打孔,其目的是防止锚链直接撞击锚链主舱底,并使进入锚链舱的海水易于排放,该层舱底叫()Acradle摇篮、支架、托架Bdraft 吃水Charping竖琴、格栅板Dmanger马槽、【海】挡水板1045. The riding pawl is

19、_B_ 闸刀式制链器是()Aa safety interlock in a cargo winch that prevents the runner from overspeeding 一种在起货机上用来防止吊货绳速度过快的联锁装置Ba stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcat 如果锚链从持链轮上跳出,一种用来防止锚链自由落下的制动器Cthe device that locks the deck lashings of the Peck and Hale sys

20、tem 用来锁定甲板绑扎设备的装置Dthe lug that rides on the eccentric rib and engages the locking ring on the windlass 绞锚机用来控制刹车带的把手1069. _D_ is not a proper instruction for handling hatch covers 在进行开关舱盖的作业时,下列哪一种做法不对()Anot to obstruct clear fore-and-aft passageways不要阻或塞妨碍纵向通道Bnot to obstruct coaming-to-bulwark pas

21、sageways 不要阻或塞妨碍舱口围及舷墙之间的通道Cto be lashed or otherwise secured to prevent accidental dislodgement 绑扎固定好,以防止偶然移动Dto be laid on their sides 竖放1070. _D_ is not a proper instruction for laying hatch beams 在堆放舱口活动梁、舱盖横梁时,下列哪一种做法不当()Ato be laid on their sides竖放Bto be stood on edge close together 紧密地竖放在一起Cb

22、e lashed 绑扎固定好Dbe covered 覆盖住hatch beam:供搁置舱盖板用的可移动的舱口横梁。1075. A towing vessels capability is BEST measured by horsepower,bollard pull,maneuverability and _A_ 一艘拖带船的工作能力可用马力、拖力、操纵性和()来衡量Adisplacement 排水量Bstability 稳性Ctowrope pull 拖缆拉力Dpropeller design 螺旋桨的设计1076. A VLCC(100,000 DWT+)with a 30,000 Sh

23、aft Horsepower Steam Turbine is slow to respond to engine movements and has less stopping power than normal ships because it has a _B_271对于一艘配有30,000马力的蒸汽涡轮机的最大载重量达100,000吨的超大型船舶来,与一般船舶相比,其对主机的反应较慢,且停车冲程较长,这是因为()ABigger propeller 螺旋桨较大BSmaller power weight ratio 主机马力与载重量比值较小CSmaller propeller 螺旋桨较小D

24、Larger power weight ratio 主机马力与载重量比值较大1079. All diesel engines are classified as _B_ 所有的柴油机都属于()AFour cycle 四冲程BCompression ignition 压缩点火CVacuum ignition 真空点火DExternal combustion 外部燃爆柴油机是用柴油作燃料的内燃机。柴油机属于压缩点火式发动机,它又常以主要发明者狄塞尔的名字被称为狄塞尔引擎。柴油机在工作时,吸入柴油机气缸内的空气,因活塞的运动而受到较高程度的压缩,达到500700的高温。然后将燃油以雾状喷入高温空气中

25、,与高温空气混合形成可燃混合气,自动着火燃烧。燃烧中释放的能量作用在活塞顶面上,推动活塞并通过连杆和曲轴转换为旋转的机械功。1080. All echo-sounders can measure the _B_311所有的回声测深仪都能测量()AActual depth of water 实际水深BActual depth of water below keel 龙骨下方的实际水深CAverage depth from waterline to hard bottom 从水线至硬质海底的平均水深DAverage depth of water to soft bottom从水线至软质海底底的平均

26、水深1081. All marine low-speed diesels are of what design _B_ 所有航海低速柴油机都是()AFour-stroke 四冲程BTwo-stroke 两冲程CElectronic ignition 电子点火DForced exhaust 强制排汽法国出生的德裔工程师狄塞尔,在1897年研制成功可供实用的四冲程柴油机。由于它明显地提高了热效率而引起人们的重视。起初,柴油机用空气喷射燃料,附属装置庞大笨重,只用于固定作业。二十世纪初,开始用于船舶,1905年制成第一台船用二冲程柴油机。 1922年,德国的博施发明机械喷射装置,逐渐替代了空气喷射。

27、二十世纪20年代后期出现了高速柴油机,并开始用于汽车。到了50年代,一些结构性能更加完善的新型系列化、通用化的柴油机发展起来,从此柴油机进入了专业化大量生产阶段。特别是在采用了废气涡轮增压技术以后,柴油机已成为现代动力机械中最重要的部分。1082. All of the following steps are taken in starting a centrifugal pump,EXCEPT to _A_ 下列各项都是在起动离心泵时所采取的步骤,哪一项除外()ASet the relief valve 设置缓压阀BCheck the lubrication system 检查机油系统CVe

28、nt the pump casing泵壳通风DOpen the pump suction and discharge valves 打开吸、排口阀1083. An anchor winch should be equipped with mechanical brakes capable of holding _B_ 绞锚机应设有足以刹住()的机械刹车装置Ahalf the breaking strength of the mooring line 缆绳破断力的一半拉力Bthe full breaking strength of the mooring line缆绳破断力Cthe maximu

29、m expected tension of the mooring line 估计缆绳可能受到的最大张力D50% over the working tension of the mooring line 超过缆绳工作张力的一半1084. An example of a messenger is a _B_ 下列哪一项可以做为引缆()Afairlead 导缆孔Bheaving line 撇缆绳Cstay 支索、稳索Dwarp扭曲、【海】绞船索;拖船索1085. An example of a modern anchor which has a stock is a(n)_D_ 345下列哪一项是

30、现代有杆锚()AArticulated anchor铰接式的锚BFlipper Delta anchor 三角锚CBaldt anchor 无杆双掌锚的一种DDanforth anchor 丹福氏锚1086. An LWT anchor often has difficulty tripping in _B_ 轻型锚在()不易抓底ASand 沙底BSoft soil 烂泥底CStiff clay 硬泥底DHeterogeneous soil由不同成分形成的泥底1087. Anchor shackles should have a breaking strength that is _A_ 锚链

31、卸扣的破断强度应()Aequal to the chains they are connecting 与所连接的锚链链环相同B25% more than the chains they are connecting大于所连接的锚链链环破断强度的25%C50% more than the chains they are connecting 大于所连接的锚链链环破断强度的50%D100% more than the chains they are connecting 大于所连接的锚链链环破断强度的100%1088. Anchors are prevented from running out w

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