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1、托福写作冲刺课程电子讲义托福写作冲刺课程大纲一、独立写作二、综合写作独立写作考试形式一、考试时间:30分钟二、话题作文三、字数要求:300以上(400左右)题型分类一一、利弊类二、事实类利弊类一、标志词:should, is better than, is more important than , which would you prefer二、答题角度:该不该,好或坏三、同意与否:今天应该下雨吗?四、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should play sports everyday.事实类一

2、、标志词:无二、与利弊类题目非此即彼三、答题角度:是不是,存不存在四、同意与否:今天下雨了吗?五、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students now play sports everyday.分类意义一、避免跑题二、快速构思避免跑题一、经典错误:把事实题当做利弊题二、几个容易跑偏的题举例1、A or D? Advertisements are exaggerated.2、A or D? People now pay too much attention on their dressing and looking

3、.3、A or D? Young people now are less dependent on their parents than they were in the past.快速构思一、利弊类:“万金由”二、事实类:“万金由”/拆分举例利弊类解题思路一、找出多个受益方与受损方二、“万金由”找出多个受益方与受损方一、对谁好?对谁不好?二、举例1、A or D? Parents should help their children do homework.2、A or D? Universities should offer students better job preparation

4、before they start working. 3、A or D? Working three days a week with longer hours is better than working five days a week with shorter hours. “万金由”一、起到提示思路作用的万能理由二、“便”“健”“安”“情”“成”“品”“环”“学”便利 (convenience)一、节省时间 (save time, not time-consuming)二、时间灵活 (time is flexible)三、就近解决 (short distance)四、提前完成 (kee

5、p the schedule ahead)健康 (health)一、充分休息 (enough rest)二、营养均衡 (balanced nutrition)三、体育锻炼 (body exercise, sports)四、远离疾病 (away from diseases)安全 (safety)一、食品安全 (food safety)二、人身安全 (body safety)三、财产安全 (property safety)四、生活稳定 (stability, sustainability)情感 (affection, love, feeling)一、亲情 (family love, family

6、accord)二、友情 (friendship)三、爱情 (love)四、人际关系/社会圈子 (interpersonal relationship, social circle)成功 (success)一、成就感 (a sense of achievement)二、荣誉感 (a sense of honor)三、自信 (self-confidence)四、尊敬 (respect)品格 (virtue)一、诚实 (honesty)二、勤奋 (diligence)三、独立 (independence)四、体贴 (considerateness)五、团队精神 (team spirit)六、坚韧不拔

7、 (persistence, tenacity)环保 (environment protection)一、环境污染 (environment pollution)二、全球变暖 (global warming)三、滥砍滥发/植树造林 (deforestation, afforestation)学习 (learning)一、必修科目 (compulsory course)二、选修科目 (optional course)三、在线课程 (on-line course)利弊类解题举例1、父母应该帮助孩子做作业吗?2、学校应该给毕业生更多就业指导吗?3、花钱旅游还是为了未来存钱?4、高薪离家远还是低薪离家


9、的解题总结一、“万金由”与拆分举例都适用;二、“万金由”提示观点,拆分举例细化讨论范围;三、理清思路,避免跑题。题型分类2一、有比较: more than; as as; 二、无比较:无比较词一般比较1、A or D? Spending money on traveling is better than saving money for future use.2、A or D? People can take care of their family members better when living in big cities than in the countryside.今夕对比一、提

10、示词:more than, today, in the past二、四个普世的解题角度(供参考)1、科技的发展2、环境的污染3、观念的扭转4、福利的完善分类意义一、重视比较;二、段落展开适用比较法。解题举例1、现在的人比过去更容易接受教育吗?2、现在的年轻人比过去更独立吗?3、现在的食物比过去更健康吗?4、现在的家长比过去更难管孩子吗?预测1、未来汽车的数量会增加吗?2、未来人们的休闲时间会增加吗?3、未来人们会花更多时间做饭吗? 题型分类3一、不含绝对词二、含绝对词 (best, only, always, never, completely, all, most important)1、养

11、宠物是孩子学会责任感最好的方法吗?2、垃圾食品是导致不健康饮食的唯一原因吗?3、我们应该对朋友完全诚实吗? 含绝对词题目的解法一、反驳相对好写;二、先指出题目合理性,再批驳其绝对性;三、批驳其绝对性的写法包括1、题给“最好”没有“最好”,只有“更好”;或者“最好”其实仍有缺陷;2、题给“唯一”指出符合条件的其他事物或者情况;3、题给“完全”“绝不”等等找例外。 养宠物是孩子学责任感最好的方法吗?一、不是;二、不得不承认的是,养宠物还是在一定程度上学到一些责任感;三、但是有弊端:养宠物会使得孩子忘了真正的责任是什么;四、但还有更好的方法:让孩子适当做家务,或者照顾家中老人,比养宠物这个方法更能学

12、责任感。 垃圾食品是不健康饮食的唯一原因吗?一、不是;二、不得不承认的是,垃圾食品是一个原因;三、但是还有别的原因;1、工作繁忙导致人们只能吃垃圾食品,没有时间购买或者烹制健康食品;2、垃圾食品口味好,招惹孩子喜欢。 我们应该对朋友完全诚实吗?一、不应该;二、不得不承认的是,诚实是美德;三、但是没必要完全诚实,因为有例外情况1、诚实有时会让人尴尬,比如评价衣着、长相、表演等;2、诚实有时让人绝望,比如绝症;3、诚实有时可以给人惊喜,比如 分类意义找到绝对词作为切入点,固化解题套路。论证方法一、推荐5段式,中间写3段;二、绝对论证(一边倒);三、让步论证;四、折中。绝对论证一、所有观点都指向支持


14、母可以这么做;三、孩子生活中犯了错,父母可以这么做;四、但是有例外。有些情况不能这么干,比如1、有些错误太危险,比如错误使用火炉、刀具等等;2、有些错误无法挽回,比如吸毒、赌博、杀人放火等。折中一、AB都好;二、一样重要;三、看情况。支持段展开一、主题句二、解释;三、举例与细节。利弊类主题句一、直陈“利”或“弊”;二、举例1、Working at home is more convenient.2、Traveling makes people healthier.3、Allowing children do their work independently helps build confid

15、ence.事实类(拆分法)主题句一、直陈“XX”符合条件;二、Consider XX;二、Seniors can be better taken care of when living in big cities.避免婉转冗长一、不用冗长模板:the first reason here should be 二、适宜用短句,长句较婉转,如1、If people often go travel, they will be healthier.2、When we talk about old people, I think they can be better taken care of if th

16、ey live in the big cities.解释的三个角度一、解释的三个角度1、为什么要这样?2、为什么会这样?3、这样了又怎么样?二、视情况而定解释如下主题句一、在家看电影更方便。二、父母帮助孩子做作业可以省下孩子很多时间。三、父母让孩子先犯错再从错误中学习可以使得孩子对这个错误印象深刻。四、对于一些特别的错误,父母应该及时制止。举例及细节一、细节对主题句关键字或者关键情节的细化;二、高科技通讯设备让我们保持联系,分享经历。1、高科技通话、短信、微博、语聊;2、经历求学、求职、求偶,求仙。例子的种类一、事例;二、物例;三、数例。写作预测题分类解析绝对词类一、带有best, only,

17、 most important, completely, never, always, nothing的题目都可以分为此类;二、统一思路1、先承认合理性,再反驳绝对性;2、先让步段,再支持段。2010.05.08NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for parents to teach their children about responsibility is to have them care for an animal.There are many ways that parents

18、 can teach their children responsibility, such as chores and extra-curricular activities. But one of the most effective ways to teach children responsibility is to let them take care of their own pet.No matter what kind of pet, giving children the responsibility of taking care of a pet teaches them

19、how to be independent and self-reliant. Instead of depending on their parents to feed the pet, children realize that the pet will go hungry if they do not feed it. This is better than giving chores, like sweeping the floor, because if a dog is hungry, it will demand food. Children can easily ignore

20、an unswept floor. Sometimes when parents take care of all of their childs needs, then the child does not learn how to be independent and how manage without his parents around. Having a pet makes children learn about these responsibilities.Raising a pet also teaches children how to keep a schedule an

21、d plan ahead. Pets need to be fed morning and night and sometimes their cages need to be cleaned once a week. The requirements for taking care of a pet automatically teach children how to arrange their schedule. For example, if the family is going on a trip, the child must plan ahead and find a neig

22、hbor or friend to feed the dog while they are away. Pets help teacher children how to manage time. In addition, being responsible for a pet can also teach children how to take care of the world. Humans have a great responsibility to take care of all the worlds creatures, not just pets. If a child ha

23、s a pet, he can learn firsthand about this responsibility. Children become attached to their pets and when pets die, they come to understand the meaning of death. With this emotional connection to animals, children learn how to be more understanding when it comes to environmental issues that threate

24、n animals and their habitats.When a child learns how to take care of a pet, he learns how to be responsible. Taking care of a pet teaches children independence and self-reliance, time management skills, and how to care for the environment. (363 words)2011.12.17NADo you agree or disagree with the fol

25、lowing statement: it is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.Honesty is a good quality to find in friends. A lot of people say a loyal and honest friend is the best kind of friend. I believe that a friend should be as honest as possible; however there are some situations when honesty

26、 is not the best policy.First and foremost, a friend should strive to be as completely honest as possible. There are some people in the world who always tell the truth, regardless of the situation. Everybody has at least one friend like that. These are good friends because their honesty makes them r

27、eliable. If you are in any situation where you need support, turning to this kind of friend is the most comforting. You know that no matter what they say, it is the truth.On the other hand, there are some friends that find it very hard to tell the truth. For example, I have one acquaintance that can

28、 never tell the full truth. She always says whatever she thinks the other person wants to hear. So if I ask her if she wants to make plans, so always says she is free. When it comes time for us to meet, she always remembers that she cannot come. I would not call her a true friend, because she is not

29、 reliable. There are some people that find it hard to be completely honest, but I usually do not consider them my friends.The best kinds of friends are those who are honest. Honest friends are more reliable and trustworthy. However, sometimes complete honesty can hurt a friend, so a white lie, or a

30、variation of the truth, is acceptable. While it is possible to always say the complete truth to a friend, sometimes it is not recommended. (542 words)2011.8.20NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and pro

31、ficiency of its employees.There are a lot of things that companies can do to make their business more successful. I think one of the easiest ways for a company to generate a lot more business and profit is to invest in the training of their employees in matters of efficiency and proficiency. An employee that is trained better produces better results. Of course, a boss will hire a pe

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