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1、吉林大学自学考试英语试题及答案1:There was no point _ out until the storm had really stopped. going3.of go2:The company planned to introduce new technology _ the expense of the existing 2.at3.with4.on3:Children should be encouraged to reach a _ between what they want and what o

2、thers want.1.promise promisepose4.consist4:Here is a message of importance to every man and woman who_. 1.votes2.vote3.voting4.are voting5:Put the medicine _ childrens reach. It can be very dangerous.1.within 2.beyond3.without4.for6:The firms _ were taken over by the government.1.properties2.assets3

3、.wealths4.well-beings7:Jane is said_ an opera singer in her be3. to have been4.having been8:If no one has any _, Ill declare the meeting closed.1.object2.subject3.objection4.subjection9:The survival of civilization as we know is _ threat.1.within2.under3.towards4.upon10:The questio

4、n then _ what are we going to do when we graduate from the university?1.raises2.arouses3.arises4.rises11:The man worked the poor boy sixteen hours a day and beat him _ time12:He has picked _ some bad habits at that club.1. at2.out3.on4.up13:He wrote on such d

5、iverse subjects as the brain _, research and development, and the economics of higher education.1.rain2.grain3.drain4.train14:The girl found it difficult to _ to new customs when she first came to Shanghai.1.adapt2.adopt3.change4.shift15:To be financially well _, you need to work hard and spare no e

6、fforts to develop your career when young.1.away2.off3.up4.out16:The judge at first thought the man was a thief, but after he heard all about him he _ his opinion and said that he was not guilty.1.reserved2.revived3.reversed4.received17:He cannot go without wine even for one day; he is a complete sla

7、ve _ drink.1.for2.to3.in4.on18:_ with size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.1.when compared2.Compare3.While comparing4.Comparing19:We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best guide.1.whatever2.whomever3.whichever4.whoever20:In ancient China, people invented the

8、compass to help avoid _ when sailing on the sea.1.getting get getting lost4.get lost已经提交!再次提交可点击作业浏览重新抽题!1:I was very _ to John for his kindness.1.grate2.grateful3.great4.graceful2:Have you read a newspaper report probing _ the activities of drug dealers?1.into2.from3.by4.with3:Chi

9、ldren who are over-protected by their parents may become _.1.hurt2.damaged3.spoiled4.harmed4:I was very _ to John for his kindness.1.grate2.grateful3.great4.graceful5:The doctor should be here soon. _ the meantime, try to relax.1.At2.On3.In4.From6:High interest rates _ people from borrowing money.1.

10、discourage2.dissuade3.distract4.disturb7:Here is a message of importance to every man and woman who_.1.votes2.vote3.voting4.are voting8:In recent years, new building has _ up like mushrooms in the city.1.jumped2.sprung3.leapt4.put9:I only bought these shoes last week, and theyre falling _ already.1.

11、down2.away3.out4.apart10:From then on, I was committed _ losing the weight and getting into shape.1.to2.in3.on4.at11:This advertisement is directed mainly _ young people in their early twenties.1.in2.on3.from4.at12:Though you failed in this job interview, you should trust yourself. Its sad that one

12、lacks _ in himself.1.belief2.patience3.respect4.confidence13:Professor Tailors talk has indicated that science has a very strong _ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.1.motivation2.impact3.perspective4.impression14:Jane is said_ an opera singer in her be3.

13、to have been4.having been15:Jean felt unable to cope _ driving in heavy traffic after her accident.1.up2.at3.of4.with16:As a result of hard work over years, he _ a fortune. He plans to spend all he has on the education of the blind.1.accumulated2.stimulated3.benefited4.dominated17:The situation call

14、s _ prompt action.1.on2.in3.down4.for18:To be financially well _, you need to work hard and spare no efforts to develop your career when young.1.away2.off3.up4.out19:Only under special circumstances _ to take make-up tests.1.are freshmen permitted2.permitted are freshmen3.permitted are freshmen4.are

15、 permitted freshmen20:We have _ our techniques considerably since the work began.1.refined2.confined3.defined4.redefined已经提交!再次提交可点击作业浏览重新抽题!1:Close your book and_ a piece of take take out3.take out4.taking2:Henry is so indifferent to his appearance that he never has his clothes_

16、.1.pressed nor shine his shoes2.pressed or his shoes press or his shoes to shine4.pressing or his shoes shine3:We might cut the book _ to a little over a hundred pages.1.away2.out3.over4.down4:Scientists say they are beginning to break _ in the fight against cancer.1.out2.down3.through4.a

17、part5:They will fight to the end; they will never _.1.survive2.surrender3.render4.succeed6:Jane is said_ an opera singer in her be3. to have been4.having been7:_ your letter, I am very pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.1.Concerning2.Concern3.Regarded4

18、.Regard8:He showed _ in dealing with a defeated enemy.1.generous2.generosity3.generate4.generation9:When the sun comes out the flowers _ by opening wide.1.act2.react3.interact4.active10:In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play _ roles in raising their children.1.incapable2.ind

19、ispensable3.insensible4.infinite11:There was no point _ out until the storm had really going3.of go12:He loves doing some reading at home_ to the cinema.1.than to go2.than going3.more than going4.rather than to go13:The soldiers showed great joy and satisfaction afte

20、r winning the final triumph _ their enemies.1.over2.out3.from4.of14:We have _ our techniques considerably since the work began.1.refined2.confined3.defined4.redefined15:They were careful to seat important guests_ the host so he could talk to them easily.1.near to2.near3.next4.nearly16:The editor tol

21、d them that if they could cut the story _ more than one third, he would take it.1.in2.off3.down4.across17:The new project is expected to start early next year; it has won the _ of the board.1.approval2. approve3.disapprove4.prove18:The judge at first thought the man was a thief, but after he heard a

22、ll about him he _ his opinion and said that he was not guilty.1.reserved2.revived3.reversed4.received19:It is not I but you who_ the first run to the goal in that going to20:With the population explosion, scientists will have to_ new methods of increasing the worlds fo

23、od supply.1.lead upe up with已经提交!再次提交可点击作业浏览重新抽题!1:Put the medicine _ childrens reach. It can be very dangerous.1.within2.beyond3.without4.for2:The editor told them that if they could cut the story _ more than one third, he would take it.1.in2.off3.down4.across3:He has picked _ som

24、e bad habits at that club.1. at2.out3.on4.up4:Jane is said_ an opera singer in her be3. to have been4.having been5:Professor Tailors talk has indicated that science has a very strong _ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.1.motivation2.impact3.perspective4.i

25、mpression6:She never regretted paying $ 200 for the bookcase. As a matter of fact she would gladly have paid_ for much twice much3.much as twice4.twice as much7:The river was so _ with waste from the chemical plant that people can not swim in it1.contained2.terminated3.intimidated4

26、.contaminated8:In recent years, new building has _ up like mushrooms in the city.1.jumped2.sprung3.leapt4.put9:From then on, I was committed _ losing the weight and getting into shape.1.to2.in3.on4.at10:He loves doing some reading at home_ to the cinema.1.than to go2.than going3.more than going4.rat

27、her than to go11:Since your mother is often ill, remember to keep first-aid medicine kit close _ hand.1.in2.at3.on4.with12:_right now, she would get there on Sunday.1.Would she leave2.If she leaves3.Were she to leave4.If she had left13:We hoped to be able to move into our new house at the end of the

28、 month, but things did not work _ as we had expected.1.for2.out3.in4.on14:New York _ second in the production of apples, producing 850 000 000 pounds this year.1.ranked2.occupied3.arranged4.classified15:Generous public funding of basic science would _ considerable benefits for the countrys health, w

29、ealth and security.1.lead to2.result from3.lie in4.settle down16:In a few years , China will be able to produce the camera recorders on a large _.1.extent2.degree3.range4.scale17:Children should be encouraged to reach a _ between what they want and what others want.1.promisepromisepose4.consist18:Recen

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