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1、幼儿英语中班教案幼儿英语中班教案【篇一:中班英语教案】 中班英语教案:小小邮递员 字号:大 小 编辑: 更新时间:2009-11-06 08:58 活动目标: 1、学习单词postman及短语he is a postman. 2、学会其读音及意义。 3、让孩子们对英语学习产生兴趣。 活动准备: 1、邮递员图片、信、小兔形象。 2、英语磁带。 活动过程: 一、问候 二、热身运动:数来宝 三、导入:小朋友今天很开心对不对,可是,有一个可爱的小伙伴它今天就很伤心,来,我们看看是谁呢? 配班教师扮小白兔,手里拿着一封信,难过的说:“我妈妈去外地出差了,我好想她,我给妈妈写了一封信,可是谁能帮我送信呢?

2、呜?”t:小白兔不要哭,你看,周围有这么多小朋友帮你想办法。 c:让邮递员叔叔帮你送信。 t:展示挂图,he is a postman。please follow me:“postman”。 c:postman。 t:a postman。 c:a postman。 t:he is a postman。 c:he is a postman。 t:well,“postman”what is mean? c:邮递员。 t:我是邮递员怎么说?(i am?) c:i am a postman。 t:ok,lets ask him“who are you?” c:who are you? 四、game。

3、小朋友轮流送信,并用英语进行交流。 幼儿园大班英语教案:shoes 字号:大 小 编辑: 更新时间:2009-04-29 04:26 目标: 1.学会新单词: orts shoes, sli ers, just right, tight2.运用新单词简单的组成句型,并适当的进行对话。 准备:运动鞋,拖鞋,磁带 过程: 一 greeting hello ,how are you ? what s the weather like today ? what the day is today ? 二 warming the sun、the moon 三 新授 1 gue whats in the b

4、ag ? its ? they are ? 2one by one 3. 示范 (1)老师示范:let me try them on. 1. they are tight . they are not my size. 2. they are just right. they are my size. (2) 幼儿示范: t:how do you feel? s:they are tight . they are not my size they are just right. they are my size. 4. game 幼儿围成圈,把自己的鞋子脱下来放在面前,听音乐,听老师指令。do

5、 you want to try? ok ,take off your shoes stand up. 听音乐,幼儿围圈走,音乐停,拿起面前的鞋子穿上。 how do you feel? 多遍游戏,开始可由老师问,幼儿熟练以后可让幼儿问。 5结尾 sing a song “the more we get together ” 边唱边继续转圈,演唱结束 find your shoes, put them on.【篇二:幼儿园中班英语教案颜色(优质课)】 幼儿园中班英语教案颜色(优质课) 中班英语教案颜色 【设计意图】 活动设计采取小组合作的学习方式,使幼儿在相互合作中共同学习。巧妙地贯穿幼儿熟悉

6、的“买气球”“变色”等游戏情境,激发幼儿在游戏中主动学习的兴趣。 【活动目标】 1通过游戏激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,培养其学习英语的积极态度。 2幼儿能够灵活运用基本句型,能够较熟练地认读单词:blue,red,yellow;认读句子:what colour do you like? do you like red? yes,i dono,i dont 3培养幼儿合作学习的意识和习惯。 【活动准备】 所需的卡片、气球、水粉颜料、矿泉水瓶、矿泉水瓶盖(盖内侧顶端涂有蓝、红、黄三 砷颜色的水粉颜料)等。 【活动过程】 一、热身运动 1以一首英文歌曲good morning引入学习氛围中。 2师生打招

7、呼问好并自由对话,营造英语氛围。 how are you? im finethank you! how old are you? im four years oldwhats the weatherlike today? its a sunny day do you like sunny day?yes 3出示图片,复习white、black、pink、purple、green,并提问幼儿:do you like black? peter:i dont like black teacher:i like purple 二、认识颜色 1通过卖气球的情境引出新的教学内容。 teacher:ball

8、oon,balloon,who want to buy my balloon?(教师扮演一个卖气球药人,手里拿红、黄、蓝三种不同颜色的气球,一边走一边卖。) children:1 want to buy a balloon teacher:what colour do you like?(教师以这个句式引出所要传授的新知识。 children:blue!(请幼儿跟读,以此类推。) 2读单词卡:blue, red、yellow,使幼儿尝试颜色与字卡的对应,并了解他们之间的密切关系。 3通过游戏来检查幼儿对字卡的掌握。 (1)师生一起玩“变色”游戏。 teacher:i am very thirs

9、ty linda:miss yangwater,waterteacher:thank you(教师准备喝水时,瓶内的水经过晃动将瓶盖内的黄色颜料溶解,变成了黄色。) teacher:is it water7 children:no,0range juice teacher:what cotour is it?。 children:yellow teacher:are you thirsty? children:yes teacher:please,drink water 经过晃动矿泉水瓶,瓶盖内的水粉颜料溶解于水中,使瓶中的水分别变成了红、黄、蓝三种不同的颜色。在兴趣正浓时,教师请幼儿找到相应

10、颜色的字卡贴在矿泉水瓶上。 (2)利用气球分组的游戏来巩固新句型。 what colour do you like? i like red balloon 【设计评析】 此活动设计主要是以提高幼儿学习英语的兴趣为突破口,全面提升幼儿的听、读、认等语言能力。活动以游戏为主要的教学手段,促进教学活动生动地进行,使幼儿在愉悦的情境中快乐地学习英语。【篇三:幼儿园中班英语教案】 幼儿园中班英语教案-happy birthday 活动内容:学习生日聚会歌曲及用语、单词 活动目标: 1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解“?for you.

11、”的含义。 2、愿意演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐。 活动准备: 排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件 活动过程: 一、greeting 1、teacher and children say “hello!” “good morning!”each other. 2、teacher and children singnice to see youtogether. 二、review t and c read the rhymehorse. 三、learn. 1、t and c watch tv of birthday party.“where is it?”“yes,its dog

12、s house.”t come in the house, “oh,this is a tv.lets watch tv,ok?” 2、t and one child show together. t: “hello,im is dogs birthday,ill go to this party.” t: “ding-dong!” c: “what is it?” t: “im cat.” c: “come in, please.” t: “happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.” t1:

13、“thank you.” 3、c learn “cake” “gift” “card”. (1)t shows and reads “cake” “gift” “card” one by one,c say with t.“whats this?”“keikgiftca:d” (2)c reads alone. “whats this?” “yes, here you are.” (3) t shows pictures,c practice together. (4)game, “who is the first?” 4、t shows a picture and reads “a cake

14、 for you.” c say with t. 四、game “birthday party” 1、t show a lot of pictures, “lets go to party.who wants to try?” 2、c say with t, one child take a picture. 3、one child and t knock at door practice sentences. 4、c say with t again.a part of c play the game. 五、song 1、t and c come in the house,say “ hap

15、py birthday.”to dog. 2、t and c singhappy birthday. 六、ending. t and c leave the dogs house中班英语教案:isee? 目的: 通过反复感受,理解问句“what do you see?;学习用句型 i see?.,表达所看见的内容。 通过多种形式的操作、摆弄,激发幼儿参与英语活动的兴趣,鼓励幼儿开口说英语。 准备:捉迷藏背景图 大转盘,图片 人手一份操作用具 过程: 一、复习 1、歌曲hello! 2、游戏快乐郊游 3、招呼语 二、看图片,感受并理解对话: t: look! what do you see? i

16、 see a rabbit / a monkey / a duck / two elephants. 三、欣赏儿歌、歌曲what do you see?。 四、游戏大转盘: 教师旋转转盘后,幼儿根据指针的指向,尝试集体输出 i see ?. 五、游戏传球取宝: 幼儿听音乐传球,音乐停,持球者击破纸面取出宝物,并集体说: i see ?. 六、分组操作游戏: (教师提供:转盘、魔方、图书、彩色眼镜等)幼儿边玩边尝试个别输出 i see ?. 中班英语公开课教案:happy day 目标: 1、能与同伴愉快地游戏活动,大胆地展示自己的长处。 2、复习所学的歌曲及句型。 过程: 1、起床。 幼儿躺在

17、各处做睡觉状,老师开始学鸡叫,并说:“get up ,kids !”。幼儿起床后唱 goodmorning 。 2、去幼儿园。 t:now ,lets go to the kindergarten ! how did you get there ? s: drive a car / row a boat。drive a car边唱边走到座位前坐好。 3、表示对客人的欢迎。 t:hey, boys and girls look! today there are many guests come here to see you wonderful show! are you happy? s: y

18、es. im happy! t: now ,let sing a song to welcome them ,ok? s: ok ! welcome song 4、户外活动。 t: its time to play . lets go out to play together! t: lets have a game !play game flower 5、学习活动。 t: my god its raining! lets go back to the classroom! lets go! t: that was close ! now class begins! who wants to

19、be a little teacher? t: you are so great! the next game is robot game! who wants to be a robot ? 6、午餐时间。 t: ring, ring ! lunch is ready! today we eat hamburger. do you like it? but ,before you eat ,you must ?(老师做洗手状) s: wash my hands !wash your hands 7、午睡。 t: its nip time !lets go to bed ! take off

20、your shoes and put them neatly !sing nip time(幼儿脱鞋,假装睡觉) 8、活动结束,向客人老师说再见。 幼儿中班英语教案: pencil 铅笔 一、活动主题: pencil (铅笔) 二、活动目标: 1.培养幼儿对英语的兴趣,让幼儿快乐的参与活动 2.通过学习英语,引导幼儿在日常生活中用英语交谈。 三、活动准备 1.卡通动物图片若干张 2.小故事一个 四、 开课前言: 早晨进园请用英语跟老师打招呼: good morning teacher! 离园请用英语跟老师告别:good byeteacher! 五、过程 1.单词分解: 今天我们这里来了好多好多

21、的小客人,小朋友,你们想知道这些小客人是谁吗? 接下来我们来认识一下这些小客人吧! p:像左手 e:像大鲨鱼 n:像小门 c:像刺猬 i:像小孩 l:像铅笔 这些小客人们在一起发生一件很有趣的事情,下面请小朋友们来听听故事! 单词形象小故事: 中班英语游戏教案 游戏种类:智力游戏。 游戏目的:练习用英语数数,复习学习过的人体器官的英文单词,锻炼幼儿的注意力,快速反应力。 游戏过程: 首先告诉幼儿,老师说“one”时,小朋友手指头发并讲出hair。老师说:“two”时,小朋友手指脸并说 出face。老师说:“three”时,小朋友手指耳朵并说出ear。老师说:“four”时,小朋友手指眼睛并说出

22、ey e。five一鼻子一nose,six一嘴一mouth,seven一双肩一shoulder,eihgt一腿一leg,nine 一手一hand,ten一脚一foot。经过反复练习,熟练以后可以让一名幼儿来数数,其余幼儿找出相应的 器官,讲出英语单词,并且可以抢答。要求幼儿手口一致,教师数数时应由慢至快,并注意幼儿讲的是否正确 。 春天来了 游戏种类:表演游戏。 材料准备:头饰:春风、春姑娘、树、草、花、小鸟。 游戏过程: 教师旁白:春风吹来了。(风上场) “春风”说:im wind.(回头,招手)sping is coming.(春姑娘上场)“春姑娘”说:im sping.(春风和春姑娘开始

23、围绕着树、草、花做小跑步) 树开始发芽,小草也钻出了地面,花儿也长出了花苞。 “树”说:“im tree. im green!” “小草”说:“im grass. im green,too.” 教师旁白:花儿也穿上了美丽的衣裳。 “一朵花儿”说:“im red flower.” 另一朵花儿说:“im yellow flower.” 另一朵花儿说:“im white flower.” 小鸟在窝里,听到了小草、花儿和大树们的谈话,也飞来了。(小鸟上场)“小鸟”说:“im a bird.(小鸟飞来飞去看春天的景色)i like spring.”“小草”、“小花”和“树”一齐喊:“bird,bind.

24、”(小鸟飞到它们跟前) “树”说:“lets go to play.” “草”、“花儿”、“鸟儿”齐说:“lets go to play.”When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved

25、your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest distance in

26、 the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you dont know thatI love you.The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you cant see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart.The furthest distance in the worldIs not struggling against the tidesBut using ones indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you.

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