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1、学年度牛津版英语九年级上册巩固辅导2019-2020学年度牛津版英语九年级上册巩固辅导 第1题【单选题】She sat down on a chair and surveyed the room.A、lived inB、began to cleanC、looked atcarefully【答案】:【解析】: 第2题【单选题】John is such a(n) _ boy that he doesnt want to do any work.A、carelessB、lazyC、ashamedD、fashionable【答案】:【解析】: 第3题【单选题】 This is a great chan

2、ce that many people dont have. I see. Ill cherish(珍惜) it.A、achievementB、opportunityC、journey【答案】:【解析】: 第4题【单选题】 Is Peter new here? He seems to have few friends here. No, he isnt. He has few friends here because he often makes fun of people around him.A、plays withB、talks aboutC、laughs at【答案】:【解析】: 第5

3、题【单选题】You seem to show interest in cooking.Really? In fact, Im tired of it.A、interested inB、bored withC、mad at【答案】:【解析】: 第6题【单选题】He is really annoying because he always makes fun of others.A、laughs atB、lies toC、helps with【答案】:【解析】: 第7题【单选题】The little boy drew some sweets from his pocket and gave the

4、m to his friends.He is willing to share with others. What a nice boy!A、put intoB、spread outC、took out【答案】:【解析】: 第8题【单选题】Youve been swimming for a long time.Ill come out and _.A、have a restB、keep quietC、run away【答案】:【解析】: 第9题【单选题】You should _ yourself.A、be strict withB、be strict inC、are strict withD、

5、are strict in【答案】:【解析】: 第10题【单选题】His _ talk made everyone laugh.A、humorousB、personalC、luckyD、usual【答案】:【解析】: 第11题【单选题】 Oh, my god! My wallet is gone.一 Where did you put it? Maybe you just left it somewhere.A、foundB、soldC、lost【答案】:【解析】: 第12题【单选题】I enjoyed myself during the summer holidays.A、was excit

6、edB、had a good timeC、had no idea【答案】:【解析】: 第13题【单选题】The teacher walked toward the classroom, and carried a book in his hand.A、readB、followedC、held【答案】:【解析】: 第14题【单选题】His sister is _ young _ look after herself.A、so; thatB、such; thatC、so; toD、too; to【答案】:【解析】: 第15题【填空题】The car is too expensive. He can

7、t afford_ (pay) for it.【答案】:【解析】: 第16题【阅读理解】阅读短文,下列问题DIn the USA, there are many types of restaurants. Fast food restaurants are very famous. You can find McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken everywhere.You look at a menu above the counter(柜台), and say what youd like to eat. You pay the person who s

8、erves you. Theres no need to leave a tip. In a coffee shop you sit at the counter or at a table. You dont need to wait for the waitress to show you where to sit. She usually brings you coffee when you sit down. You tell her what youd like to eat and she brings it to you. You paythe cashier (出纳员) as

9、you leave.A diner is like a coffee shop but usually looks like a railway carriage (火车车厢). In a family restaurant, the atmosphere is casual, but the waitress shows you where to sit. Often the waitress tells you her name, but you dont need to tell her yours. You add an extra fifteen percent to the bil

10、l as a tip. In top class restaurants, you need a reservation (预定) and you need to arrive on time. The waiter shows you where to sit. If you have wine, he may ask you to taste it. You can only refuse it if it tastes bad. When you get your bill,check it and then add fifteen to twenty percent to it as

11、a tip for the waiter.Where are these restaurants?A、In France.B、In China.C、In America.D、In Japan.Which of the following is TRUE about fast food restaurants?A、There is no waitress in them.B、You need to pay a tip.C、The menu is above the counter.D、Its hard to find fast food restaurants in the US.In what

12、 kind of restaurant should you book before you arrive?A、In a top class restaurant.B、In a fast food restaurant.C、In a coffee shop.D、In a family restaurant.How much do you need to tip at most in a top class restaurant?A、Ten percent.B、Twenty percent.C、Thirty percent.D、Forty percent.Whats the passage ma

13、inly about?A、How to pay for your food.B、Where to find different restaurants.C、How to give a tip to waitresses.D、Different restaurants in the US.【答案】:【解析】: 第17题【阅读理解】阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DTeenagers who listen to the same music often have a common look. One hot style in music and fashion i

14、s hip-hop. Hip-hop is a type of urban music with a heavy beat. Typical (典型的) hip-hop fashions are loose-fitting street clothes. The style includes baggy (宽松的) pants, sweatshirts, hiking boots, baseball caps (usually worn backward), jackets with sports logos, and expensive athletic shoes. In the hip-

15、hop style, boys and girls often dress the same way.African-American kids in Detroit and Chicago first made hip-hop fashions trendy (时髦的) more than 20 years ago. They wore baggy street clothes to dance clubs. Then North American and European bands also began wearing like this. Thanks to the popularit

16、y of music videos and movies, hip-hop soon became an international fashion.Teens around the world, from Britain to South Africa to Japan, now wear hip-hop clothing. Seventeen- year- old Melanie Borrow, of Manchester, England, said, My pride and joy in life are my Levis jeans. In the United States, t

17、eens spend a lot of money on hip-hop fashions. David Bowen, 17, of Evanston, Illinois, has five pairs of hiking boots, each costing around $ 100. David said, They are popular because a lot of hip-hop performers wear them.What is hip-hop?A、A kind of street clothes.B、A kind of music.C、A common look.D、

18、A popular club.Which of the following is the most typical hip-hop style described in the passage?A、B、C、D、How did hip-hop become a fashion around the world?A、Boys and girls wore in the same way.B、The loose-fitting clothes were comfortable.C、It was spread through the popular music videos and movies.D、

19、North American and European bands wore like that.What do Melanie and David have in common?A、Both come from Europe.B、Both have expensive jeans and boots.C、Both love to be in hip-hop style.D、Both are hip-hop performers.What is the best title for the passage?A、Fashion.B、Hip-hop style.C、Popular clothing

20、 style.D、Teenagers fashion.【答案】:【解析】: 第18题【阅读理解】You need to pay _if you buy the book A Christmas Carol now.A、$59. 60B、$49. 60C、$39. 60D、$29. 60On what day can we see Titanic 3D in the Showtime Cinema?A、Every day.B、Friday and Saturday.C、Saturday and Sunday.D、Thursday and Sunday.If you want to rent a

21、house, you can call _.A、385-0926B、591-3127C、332-5147D、592-5147Those ads above are most probably from a _.A、mapB、dictionaryC、newspaperD、guidebook【答案】:【解析】: 第19题【翻译】她休息了一下,然后又继续不停地工作。(have a rest; go on doing)【答案】:【解析】: 第20题【翻译】我爸爸把桌子翻转了还是没有找到那个箱子。(turn sth. over)【答案】:【解析】: 第21题【书面表达】写作以My Favorite Gr

22、eat Book为题,根据下面的问题写一篇80词左右的短文,注意适当发表自己的看法。1 Who is the writer of the great book?2 What is the main idea of the book?3 Who are the important characters?4 What is the theme of the story?My Favorite Great Book【答案】:【解析】: 第22题【书面表达】中学阶段你一定读过一些故事书吧, 请根据以下问题提示写一篇短文, 谈谈你最喜欢的 故事。提示:1. What is the name of the

23、 story and who is the writer?2. What is the main idea of the story and who are the main characters?3. Why do you like it?要求:1. 表达清楚, 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写规范;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名; 3. 词数80左右。【答案】:【解析】: 第23题【书面表达】请根据下面图表信息写一篇80词左右的短文, 介绍课外阅读的益处、你的课外阅读情况及你的阅读计划。有误Reading Outside ClassAs we all know, Reading has a

24、lot of benefits. 【答案】:【解析】: 第24题【语法填空】阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Sandy has a big family, but she doesnt think her family _ (live) was happy. She and her brother and sister often fight with each other for many reasons.Max is Sandys classmate and neighbor. He also has a v

25、ery big family with _ brothers and their parents. Sandy noticed that Max never fights with his brothers. They always have big smiles _ their faces.Sandy thought that was _ (stranger). One day she asked Max _ they get on well with each other. Max smiled and asked Sandy _ (go) home with him.As they ca

26、me into the house. Maxs _ (old) brother saw them. “Hi, Sandy and Max,” he said, “Why not _ (come) here and share some ice cream with me?”At that time, Maxs younger brother came out of his room. He looked very excited and said, “Oh, Max, I have a story to tell _.”Sandy knew Maxs secret of getting on _ (good) with his brothers was to share. So Sandy decided to go back home and try this from then on.【答案】:【解析】:

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