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体验商务综合英语4 Unit 6 Risk.docx

1、体验商务综合英语4 Unit 6 Risk 商务综合英语 课程教案授课时间第 周 星期 第 节课次授课方式(请打)理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课时安排6授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Unit 6 RiskTeaching objectives and requirements(教学目的、要求): Students are required to1Master economic vocabulary in international business risk and the vocabulary of managing risk; 2Be familiar with different

2、 types of business risk3Get to know the aspects of risk management to be taken into consideration4. Learn the skills of risk managementTeaching highlights and difficulties(教学重点及难点):Highlights:1. grasp he aspects of risk management to be taken into consideration2. master vocabulary in international b

3、usiness risk and the vocabulary of managing risk Difficulties:1. understand types of business risk in business2. express themselves more freely on the theme after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities;Time allotment(教学时数): 6 PeriodsTeaching method(教学方法):

4、1. Group Discussion 2. Exemplification and demonstration;3. Task-based teaching 4. Teams-based Cooperative LearningReferences(参考书目):1. 科顿,法尔维等编,体验商务英语综合教程4,体验商务英语改编组改编,高等教育出版社,2012.62. 马斯库尔,海特勒着,体验商务英语教师用书4,体验商务英语改编组改编,高等教育出版社,2012.83. 蒋景东着,常用商务英语词典,浙江大学出版社,2012,5.4. (英)帕金森?编着,牛津英汉双解商务英语词典,华夏出版社,201

5、1教 学 基 本 内 容方法及手段II Teaching procedureStep 1 Starting up: (20 minutes) 1) Students are asked to figure out the meaning of the quotation: The world is much riskier today, Because everything is much more interconnected. -risk-management expert Ron Dembo(gave up a professorship at Yale University to la

6、unch his company.)- Has there ever been a riskier time to be in business All business is built on risk.2) Divide the students into groups of 4 to discuss the following questions. a. Which item carries the most or least riskTravel: car, plane, train, ship Lifestyle: drinking alcohol, pool diet, smoki

7、ng, joggingMoney: property, stocks & shares savings account, cashShopping: on line, mail order, private sales, auction b. What risks do business faceKidnapping of mangers Confiscation of assets (没收,充公)Devaluation of shares, currency Be extorted: illegally be forced to give money.(勒索) Being insolvenc

8、y: not having enough money to pay debts(无力偿还债务)Facing fraud and corruption 诈骗与腐败Industrial espionage (商业间谍行为)Invest : putting money into a new venture Venture capitalist: who put money into such businesses spread their risk so that the payback from one or two successful ventures will hopefully more

9、than compensate for the money lost in the failures. 风险资本家Reputational risk, brand suicide, product liability claim (产品质量承诺书) Product recalls (产品召回)The risk of management complacency (自满) c. Listen to Allan Smith and note down the risks he mentions1 doing nothing Audiolingual and communicative method

10、课程教案(续)教 学 基 本 内 容方法及手段2 credit or guarantee risk 3 political risk 4 risk of catastrophe or disruption (the risk of not able to continue business as usual because of some unforeseen event)Step 2 Vocabulary: describing risk (30 minutes) a. No Risk, No Reward Youll meet people and organizations that a

11、re still prepared to gamble - intelligently, shrewdly, selectively - even in a period of insecurity and instability. Their stories offer lessons in strategy, marketing, leadership, R&D, and innovation. They also remind us that the good moves we dont make can be as consequential as the bad moves we d

12、o make - that playing it safe isnt always playing it smart. b. Form phrases with risky .Risky businessRisky dealRisky investmentRisky lendingRisky projectRisky strategyRisky undertaking 冒险事业 c. verbs used to describe risk.PredictMeet Assess ManageForeseeEncounterFace CalculateEstimate PrioritiseElim

13、inateMinimise Reduce Spread c. Level of riskHigh: Great , huge , serious, significant, substantial, terrible, tremendous Low :Faint, low, negligible, remote, slightStep 3 listening: Effective risk management (50)A. 6.21. Operational risks for example regulatory non-compliance(不符合;未能遵守) (failing to o

14、bey regulations and laws applicable(可适用的) to the industry), supply chain failure, failure of governance within an organisation.2. Financial risksfor example : cash flow, credit or exchange risks. 3. Hazardsfor example : safeguarding employees and the public, natural disasters (fires, floods, etc.) a

15、nd the Interruption in business that these things cause or their environmental impact.4. Strategic risksfor example market changes, increased competition, failure of an organisation to adapt or change. 6.2(I = Interviewer, SF = Steve Fowler)I What are the main types of risk that companies faceSF Wel

16、l, all organisations face a wide range of risks. Indeed, risk and reward are intrinsically linked. The company or the individual that risks nothing achieves nothing and generally speaking higher returns involve greater risk. Understanding risk is therefore fundamental to effective business. Good ris

17、k management maximises the probability of business success and the likelihood of failure.Risk can be categorised into four types. Firstly, operational risks, for example, regulatory non-compliance, supply chain failure, or failure of governance within an organisation. Secondly, financial risks. For

18、instance, cash flow, credit or exchange risks. Thirdly, hazards. For instance safeguarding the health and safety of employees and the public, natural events and consequent business interruption impact, or environmental impact. And finally, strategic risks, for instance, market changes, increased com

19、petition, or failure to adapt or change by an organisation.Risks can be internally driven i.e. within a firm, or externally driveni.e. by the market or the environment in which the company operates. Companies should think laterally when considering risk. Dont just consider the obvious risks, but do

20、think about what if Learn to understand who to listen to and how to assess risk as well as what to review. Having good risk radar is therefore vital for the successful enterprise. By considering emerging trends, organisations not only can prepare better for potential future adverse events but can al

21、so capitalise upon opportunities before their competitors. B. Play recording 6. 3 and ask Ss to take notes of the five key steps to effective risk management that the speaker outlines. Again, you may need to pause the recording at key points to allow them to make notes. Ask Ss to compare their resul

22、ts in pairs before checking with the whole class. Explain any difficult words.1. Be clear about your organisations objectives.2. Identify and describe the risks to those objectives.3. Evaluate and rank the risks according to the likelihood of occurrence and the potential consequences.4. Take action

23、to deal with the highest ranking risks.5. Report on both the inherent and residual risks to the key stakeholders in the organisation. 6.3(I = Interviewer, SF = Steve Fowler)I And how can companies begin to manage riskSF Risk managements everyones business. By following an agreed systematic process y

24、ou can ensure that everyone in your company or organisation is engaged. There are five key steps to effective risk management. Firstly, be clear about your own organisations objectives. Secondly, identify and describe the risks to those objectives. Thirdly, evaluate and rank the risks mapping the li

25、kelihood of occurrence against potential consequences. Fourthly, take action to deal with the highest ranking risks. This might involve exploiting the risk or opportunity, ignoring it, introducing controls, changing a process or product, protect, protecting against consequences for instance, fire pr

26、otection, preparing to deal with the consequences, for instance, through business continuity planning or financing or outsourcing the risk, for instance, through insurance. And finally, reporting on both inherent and residual risks to the organisations key stakeholders. The Board of an organisation

27、must actively own the organisations risk management strategy, but individual business units must own and manage their own risks within the framework of an overall risk management policy. This policy may be determined by either a part-time risk champion, working with the Board or, in the case of a la

28、rger organisation a full- scale risk management department. Internal audits turn, in turn, is to provide assurance that the strategy has been effectively implemented. Finally, assigning and rewarding responsibility for risk is much more likely to achieve effectiveness than adopting a loose structure

29、, after all whats paid for, gets done.C listen to 6.4 and Note the examples of effective & negative risk management1. The success of companies in responding to the year 2ooo computer bug.2 The survival of those companies affected by the 9/11 attacks who had business continuity arrangements set up an

30、d tested beforehand.3 Coca-Colas quick withdrawal of its Dasani bottled water from the UK following a contamination scare.The negative example is Shells decision to sink its Brent Spa oil platform in the North Sea when there was public opposition to the move.Step 4 Reading: The dangers of not lookin

31、g ahead (80 minutes) 1. Language points of the textPart 1 (para 1-3)Risk management became more important for corporations, due to usual disasters and fears of war and terrorism. Line 1. Risk management has undoubtedly moved up the corporate agenda in recent years. Risk management has undoubtedly be

32、came more important in corporate matters in recent years. Line 3 Agenda: n. 日常工作事项a temporarily organized plan for matters to be attended to议程: a list of matters to be taken up (at a meeting)让我们进入会议的下一项议程。Lets proceed to the next item on the agenda.high on the meetings agenda 头等大事Line 10 : property insurer 财产保险公司Line 12:t

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