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1、高考英语一轮训练选模块2Unit1Talesoftheunexplained牛津译林版必修22021高考英语一轮训练选模块2Unit1Talesoftheunexplained牛津译林版必修2一、阅读明白得。This month, the singing competition, American Idol, will come to an end. For years, the popular show was a platform for rising artists. With a group of famous judges and a wide range of talents, i

2、t is clear that the competitive atmosphere of American Idol will remain unrivaled by any other show. After all, its success has been unmatched in broadcasting history. American Idol came from the British series Pop Idol. Through an application, contestants came into the competition and thereafter, w

3、ere chosen to audition(试音)for the show. Each candidate would have to perform a piece to the judges, and participate in a strict selection process. Not only would contestants have to sing in groups, they were sometimes tasked to perform pieces without musical instruments. At the end of this stage, on

4、ly 24 o 36 artists were chosen to enter the semi-final stage. Soon, the fate of the contestants would be decided by the public. During the candidates live performance, a free telephone number was displayed on the screen for viewers to dial, to cast their vote. At the end of the night, only 13 lucky

5、singers would be left in the competition; by the finals, only 8 contestants would remain. Finally, a runner-up(亚军)and a winner were announced every season. Though only the winner would receive a million dollar reward and a significant record deal, other contestants would have had a chance to be know

6、n by the public. As the famous producer Simon Cowell once said, The point of the show is not to be mean to loser, but to find a winner. As the final season of the program begins, past winners will return to the stage to say goodbye and a new winner will be announced. With amazing performances and an

7、 excellent cast of singers, the shows conclusion will leave audiences nostalgic(怀旧的), but more satisfied than ever.1. Those who enter American Idol will _. A. share the one million dollar reward together B. be asked to perform in pairs in the semi-finals C. experience at least three rounds of perfor

8、mances D. have the chance to become famous even if they fail2. Who play the most important roles in the finals of American Idol? A. The audiences B. The past winners C. The judges D. The record companies3. The author thinks the conclusion of American Idol will _. A. change its history B. be worth wa

9、tching C. not be the last season D. pick her favorite singer4. In which section of the newspaper may you probably find the passage? A. Advertisement B. Finance C. Entertainment D. Business 【语篇解读】本文为说明文,介绍了专门受欢迎的流行节目American Idol和它的竞赛过程。2.A【解析】细节明白得题。依照第二段第六、七、八句话可知在决赛时期起最重要作用的是观众,故选A。3.B【解析】推理判定题。依照

10、最后一段最后一句话With amazing performances and an excellent cast of singers, the shows conclusion will leave audiences nostalgic, but more satisfied than ever可知作者认为 the shows conclusion值得观看,故选B。4.C【解析】推理判定题。依照文章可知本文介绍的是唱歌竞赛节目,应属于娱乐类,故选C。二、单项选择。1.As its economy is maturing, Chinas _ a greater role in critica

11、l issues like climate and development.A. defining B. assuming C. guaranteeing D. assuring【答案】B2.The mayor _ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.A. rewarded B. awarded C. credited D. prized【答案】B【解析】句意:因为他在援救地震受害者中的英雄事迹,市长授予那位警官一枚荣誉奖章。award意为“奖励”,

12、符合题意。reward奖励,一样指报答某人;credit相信;prize奖品,奖赏,多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中所赢得的奖品。3.To my joy, I have _ my parents to allow me to travel abroad alone in the coming summer holidays.A. convinced B. reminded C. arranged D. required【答案】A【解析】句意:让我快乐的是,我差不多说服我的父母同意我在立即到来的暑假里一个人出国旅行了。convince使确信,说服;remind提醒;arrange安排;require

13、需要,要求。convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事,那个地点指说服父母。4.Theyre expecting contributions from the charity dinner to _ thousands.A. look into B. break into C. run into D. slip into【答案】C【解析】look into调查;break into破门而入;run into撞上;slip into不知不觉中陷入。句意:他们预期在慈善晚宴上的筹得的捐款数额将达到数千元。5.Do you know why John didnt _ at the

14、party yesterday evening?A. show off B. show around C. show up D. show in【答案】C【解析】句意:你明白昨晚约翰什么缘故没有来参加聚会吗?show up在此表示“显现,露面”。show off炫耀;show sb. around带领某人参观;show in领进来。6.The boy, though afraid of being blamed, _ courage and asked Mrs. Brook how come she thought his behavior unacceptable.A. kept up B.

15、 picked up C. stepped up D. turned up【答案】B【解析】pick up复原的精神,振作(精神),鼓起(勇气),捡起,获得,收拾,不费劲地学会;keep up保持,连续,不低落,不落后;step up加紧,加快,增加;turn up显现,发生,开大,发觉,卷起,使仰卧。句意:尽管担忧被批判,那个男孩依旧鼓起勇气问布莱克夫人什么缘故她认为他的行为不能同意。7.Their _ that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue. A. multiplication

16、B. emotion C. assumption D. emission 【答案】C【解析】考查名词。multiplication乘法,增加;emotion情感,情绪;assumption想因此(认为),假定;session一段时刻。句意:他们想因此认为他们正在进行的课题是崭新的,事实证明不是那样。8.He was given $8000 as a(an) _ for his brave performance in saving the childs life.A. attitude B. altitude C. award D. reward 【答案】D【解析】attitude态度,看法;

17、altitude高度,海拔高度;award奖,奖金,奖学金,往往与一段时刻的突出成绩、表现相联系。reward酬劳,奖赏,赏金,酬金,奖金等,一样与劳动、服务、支持、关心等相联系。句意:因为他在挽救那个小孩的生命过程中的勇敢表现,他得到了8,000美元的奖金。【解析】strengthen加强。句意:为了跟他们更好的合作,我们必须加强与他们的关系。9.The acting is so _ that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals that he has ever tasted.A. enthusiastic B. con

18、vinced C. convincing D. optimistic【答案】C【解析】句意:表演如此让人信服,它让你相信这是他所吃到的最好饭菜。enthusiastic热情的,convinced(人的心理感受)确信的;深信的;convincing(事物所具有的特点)使人信服的, D. optimistic乐观的。依照翻译故选C。10.The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _ quickly.A. shuts up B. ends up C. runs out D. turn

19、s out【答案】C【解析】句意:这位摄影师每天都需要给数码相机充电,因为电池专门快就用完了。run out“用完,用尽”。11.Mothers who like to _ their children are always talking about the progress their kids have made.A. take off B. turn off C. cut off D. show off【答案】D12.There were so many people in the hall then that I could hardly _ my sister.A. bring o

20、ut B. turn out C. pick out D. call out【答案】C【解析】bring out使显露;turn out结果是;pick out辨认;call out大声叫喊。句意:当时大厅里有那么多的人,我几乎分辩不出谁是我的妹妹了。13.We express the hope that a climate beneficial to a negotiated settlement would be created soon, _ there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle.A. in case B. even

21、 though C. so that D. as long as【答案】C 【解析】句意:我们表达了期望制造一种有利于通过谈判来解决问题的氛围的愿望,如此我们就不再需要进行武装斗争了。in case以防,万一;even though即使;so that以便(引导结果状语从句);as long as只要。14.He is said _ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.A. to have been badly treated B. treating badlyC. being badly treated D. to

22、be treated badly【答案】A【解析】句意:据说昨天他在超市购物时服务员对他的态度不行。那个地点是固定句式it is said to do,依照语境那个地点说的是昨天的情况,是在情况发生后人们又说的,故用不定式的完成式,又因为主语he与treat之间是被动关系,故选A。15.I _ my close friend three times today but her line was always busy.A. have phoned B. had phoned C. was phoning D. have been phoning【答案】A 【解析】表示做某事做过几次应该和完成时

23、态连用,可知此处用现在完成时。故选A。句意:我今天给我的好朋友打了三次 ,然而一直占线。16.I have got a headache. No wonder. You _ in front of the computer too long.A. work B. are working C. worked D. have been working【答案】D【解析】现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时刻开始,一直连续到现在,可能还要连续下去。依照所提供的情形“I have got a headache.”可判定出,由于在电脑前连续工作而造成了头痛,故选C项。句意:“我头疼。”“不足为奇。你在电脑前

24、连续工作的时刻太长啦!”。17.People _ financial aid since they lost their homes, jobs and businesses to the storm last month.A. have been receiving B. are receiving C. had received D. received【答案】A三、完形填空。When my sister Diane began playing the violin,she was seven.How did she sound?Terrible.But she didnt _1_.At t

25、welve,she asked our parents if she could _2_ a fulltime music school.They said no.Actually,everyone agreed that my sister_3_ talent.I was better at my _4_.My teacher had told my parents that I had great_5_.So my parents found the best piano teacher in the area to _6_ me.But the only time he was _7_

26、was Saturday afternoons at 3 pm. Back then,I was _8_ about the British TV show“The Avengers”,which was_9_ every Saturday at 3 pm. I let nothing take up my “The Avengers”hour.So I _10_ this amazing opportunity.Today,I dont even have a_11_ in my house.My sister became an engineer,but she _12_ stopped

27、making music.When she was in her 40s,she switched her _13_.She went back to college,got a(n)_14_ in music education,and became a music teacher.She starts kids off on their first instrument and gives them all the encouragement and support she never _15_.Recently,she and a pianist pal put on a recital

28、.A big crowd of friends and family _16_ for her.As she played,I looked around at the _17_.Everyone was _18_ enjoying the music.It occurred to me that I was the only person that remembered that 7yearold kid making those perfectly_19_ sounds and knew how far she had come,despite_20_.Talent is importan

29、t.But enthusiasm is even more important.1A.advanceBquitCreflect Dlisten2A.inspect BopenCattend Dvisit3A.lacked BspottedCpossessed Dadmired4A.major BprojectCcomposition Dinstrument5A.patience BenthusiasmCpotential Dambition6A.train BexamineCcorrect Dchallenge7A.punctual BskillfulCoccupied Davailable8

30、A.sensitive BcrazyCserious Dparticular9A.filmed BdesignedCaired Dcommented10A.jumped at Bturned downCwaited for Dopened up11A.tutor BviolinCmusician Dpiano12A.never BonceCalready Deven13A.attitude BcareerCplan Dposition14A.scholarship BsponsorCdegree Dassistant15A.provided BimaginedCreceived Dexpected16A.voted BfearedCstayed up Dturned up17A.students BaudienceCspotlights Dplatform18A.obviously BdesperatelyCappropriately Danxiously19A.booming BpleasingCawful Dpowerful20A.everything BsomethingCeverybody Dsomebody【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,通过讲述妹妹追求妄图的经历告诉我们:天赋专门重要

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