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1、博弈论耶鲁大学公开课第一次课电子版So this is Game Theory Economics 159.欢迎来到经济学159 博弈论If youre here for art history,如果你是来上艺术史的youre either in the wrong room or stay anyway,那你走错教室了 不过你不妨留下来maybe this is the right room; but this is Game Theory, okay. 没准你会喜欢这门课 这里是博弈论You should have four handouts; everyone should have f

2、our handouts. 你们每人都应该有四页讲义 人手一份There is a legal release form-里面有一张授权书well talk about it in a minute-about the videoing.是关于视频采集的 我们一会再说这个There is a syllabus, which is a preliminary, its also online. 有一张初步教学大纲 网站上也有And there are two games labeled Game 1 and Game 2.有两页分别印有游戏1和游戏2的传单Can I get you all to

3、 look at Game 1 and start thinking about it. 大家先浏览下游戏1 然后思考一下And while youre thinking about it, i am hoping you can multitask a bit. 你们一边思考一边听我说Ill describe a bit about the class我来简单介绍下这门课程and well get a bit of admin under our belts.还有这门课程的评分细则But please try and look at-somebodys not looking at it,请

4、大家看下游戏1 我知道有人没看because theyre using it as a fan here-他们用那张纸扇风呢So look at Game 1 and fill out that form for me, okay?快浏览下游戏1 然后填完 好吗So while youre filling that out, let me tell you a little你们一边写一边听我说bit about what were going to be doing here.我来简单地介绍一下这门课So what is Game Theory?什么是博弈论Game Theory is a m

5、ethod of studying strategic situations.博弈论研究策略形势So whats a strategic situation?那什么是策略形势呢Well lets start off with whats not a strategic situation.我们先看看什么不属于策略形势In your Economics - in your Intro Economics class in 115 or 110, 在你们经济学基础课115或者110中you saw some pretty good examples of situations that were

6、not strategic. 应该讲过一些不是策略形势的案例You saw firms working in perfect competition.比如说自由竞争企业Firms in perfect competition are price takers:这些企业是价格接受者they dont particularly have to worry about他们不必担心the actions of their competitors.他们的竞争对手的策略You also saw firms that were monopolists又比如说垄断企业and monopolists dont

7、have any competitors to worry about,垄断企业没有竞争对手so thats not a particularly strategic situation.所以这也不是策略形势Theyre not price takers but they take the demand curve.他们不是价格接受者 但面对需求曲线Is this looking familiar for some of you who can remember对于你们这些学过经济学115的来说doing 115 last year or maybe two years ago for som

8、e of you?这些听起来都不陌生吧Everything in between is strategic.介于这两种情况之间的就是策略形势So everything that constitutes imperfect competition也就是说 不完全竞争的情况is a strategic setting.就是策略形势Think about the motor industry, the motor car industry.比如汽车产业 在汽车产业里Ford has to worry about what GM is doing and what Toyota is doing, 福

9、特关注通用和丰田的决策and for the moment at least现在可能暂时what Chrysler is doing but perhaps not for long.还得关注克莱斯勒的决策So theres a small number of firms and their actions affect each other. 少数几家公司的决策会互相影响So for a literal definition of what strategic means:策略形势书面定义是its a setting where the outcomes that affect you de

10、pend on actions, 行为影响结果 然而结果不仅not just on your own actions, but on actions of others.取决于你的行为 还取决于其他人的行为All right, thats as much as Im going to say for preview right now. 好了 暂时就先介绍这么多Were going to come back and see plenty of this通过学习本学期的课程over the course of the next semester.你们会接触更多类似案例So what I want

11、 to do is get on to where this applies.下面我们讲讲博弈论适用于什么领域It obviously applies in Economics, but it also applies in politics, 显然适用于经济学 但也适用于政治学and in fact, this class will count as a Political Science class 实际上 对政治专业的同学来说if youre a Political Science major.它也算作政治课You should go check with the DUS in Poli

12、tical Science. It counts. 回去咨询下本科教学主管 确实算的Game Theory is very important in law these days.近年来博弈论在法学上也举足轻重So for those of you-for the half of you我估计你们多数人可能会去读法学院-that are going to end up in law school, this is pretty good training. 博弈论对你们来说是门不错的基础课Game Theory is also used in biology博弈论同样适用于生物学and tow

13、ards the middle of the semester在本学期期中的时候were actually going to see some examples of我们会探讨一下Game Theory as applied to evolution.博弈论应用于生物进化论的案例And not surprisingly, Game Theory applies to sport.而且毫不奇怪 博弈论适用于体育So lets talk about a bit of admin.我们接下来谈谈评分标准How are you doing on filling out those games?这两个游

14、戏你们填好了没有Everyone managing to multitask.每个人都要学会一心多用啊Filling in Game 1? Keep writing.还在填游戏1 好吧 继续填I want to get some admin out of the way我们继续讲评分标准and I want to start by getting out of the way不过我得先介绍一下what is obviously the elephant in the room.教室里的大家伙Some of you will have noticed that theres a camera c

15、rew here, okay. 有些人注意到了这几位摄像人员So as some of you probably know,可能你们已经知道了Yale is undergoing an open education project耶鲁大学正在开展一个教育项目and theyre videoing several classes,我们在录制一些课程的录像and the idea of this,这样做的目的是让is to make educational materials available beyond the walls of Yale. 耶鲁外的人也能享受到这些教学资源In fact,

16、on the web, internationally,课程将被发布到网络上so people in places, maybe places in the U.S.全球各地的人都能看到 比如美国人or places miles away, maybe in Timbuktu or whatever,或者更遥远的国度 像廷巴克图who find it difficult to get educational materials他们可能在当地大学from the local university or whatever,不容易得到这样的教育资源can watch certain lectures

17、 from Yale on the web.他们就可以到耶鲁网站观看这些视频Some of you would have been in classes that do that before.有些同学可能之前参加过这种课程Whats going to different about this class is that这门课的不同之处在于youre going to be participating in it.大家都要参与到课程中来The way we teach this class is were going to play games,课堂上我们通过做游戏来博弈were going

18、to have discussions, were going to talk among the class, 课上会有随堂讨论 课堂交流and youre going to be learning from each other,我们相互学习 这样看视频的学生and I want you to help people watching at home to be able to learn too. 也能收到良好的教学效果And that means youre going to be on film, at the very least on mike. 但同时这意味着你要被拍到视频中来

19、So hows that going to work?至少也会被录音 课程怎么拍摄呢Around the room are three T.A.S holding mikes.教室里有三位助教持有麦克风Let me show you where they are: one here, one here, and one here. 我来告诉大家助教坐在哪里When I ask for classroom discussions,当我们进行随堂讨论时Im going to have one of the T.A.S go to you with a microphone 我会请一位助教拿着麦克风

20、到你那much like in "Donahue" Or something. Okay.就想多纳休那样At certain times, youre going to be seen on film,有时候你会被拍摄到so the camera is actually going to come around and point in your direction. 此时摄像机会转到你所在的方向Now I really want this to happen.我希望大家多多配合I had to argue for this to happen, cause I reall

21、y feel that我来解释一下我的理由 我觉得this class isnt about me.这门课不应该仅仅由我来讲Im part of the class obviously,没错 我是课程的一部分but its about you teaching each other and participating.但你们也要参与到课堂中来But theres a catch, the catch is,但是这会有个条件that that means you have to sign that legal release form.你们都要签署授权书So youll see that you

22、 have in front of you a legal release form, 你们的面前应该有张授权书you have to be able to sign it, and what that says is that授权书的大概内容是we can use you being shown in class.允许我们把你拍摄进来Think of this as a bad hair day release form.大家考虑好 日后你要是在视频里All right, you cant sue Yale later if you had a bad hair day. 发现你糟糕的发型可

23、别起诉耶鲁大学For those of you who are on the run from the FBI,被FBI通缉的 签证失效的your Visa has run out, or youre sitting next to your ex-girlfriend, 还有前女友就坐在旁边的now would be a good time to put a paper bag over your head.赶快找个纸袋子把脸给蒙上All right, now just to get you used to the idea,还要说一下 每节课我们都会in every class were

24、going to have I think the same two people, 看到这两名工作人员so Jude is the cameraman; why dont you all wave to Jude.裘德是摄影师 大家跟裘德打个招呼This is Jude okay. And Wes is our audio guy: this is Wes.这位就是裘德 韦斯是录音师And I will try and remember not to我会尽量注意include Jude and Wes in the classroom discussions,不要让他们两位加入课堂讨论的bu

25、t you should be aware that theyre there.但是你们也要注意到他们的存在Now, if this is making you nervous,要是这令你很紧张if its any consolation, its making me very nervous.它会让我更紧张 这权当安慰了吧So, all right, well try and make this class我会尽量让work as smoothly as we can, allowing for this extra thing.课堂顺利地进行下去 还有一件事Let me just say,

26、 no ones making any money off this-让我说完 没有人会从中得到好处at least Im hoping these guys are being paid-虽然我也希望他们会得到酬劳but me and the T.A.S are not being paid.但至少我和助教们是没有酬劳的The aim of this, that I think is a good aim, its an educational project, 这完全出于好意 这是个教育项目and Im hoping youll help us with it.我也希望你们也能尽己所能把它

27、做好The one difference it is going to mean, is that还有希望大家都能相互理解一下at times I might hold some of the discussions for the class, 当我们举行课堂讨论的时候coming down into this part of the room, here,请你们靠前站出来一点to make it a little easier for Jude.这样便于裘德拍摄All right, how are we doing now on filling out those forms?言归正传 你

28、们填好了没Has everyone filled in their strategy for the first game?各位是否都填好第一个游戏了Not yet. Okay, lets go on doing a bit more admin.还没有 那我们多介绍下评分标准The thing you mostly care about im guessing, is the grades. 我猜你们最关心的应该是成绩了All right, so how is the grade going to work for this class? 那么这门课是怎么评分的呢30% of the cla

29、ss will be on problem sets,课堂作业占总分数的30%30% of the grade; 30% on the mid-term,期中考试占30%and 40% on the final; so 30/30/40.期末考试占40% 即30/30/40The mid-term will be held in class on October 17;期中考试在十月十七日that is also in your syllabus.教学大纲上也写了Please dont anybody tell me late -所以以后千万别跟我说any time after today y

30、ou didnt know when the mid-term你不知道什么时候期中考试was and therefore it clashes with 17 different things.然后还在考试那天安排大一堆事儿去做The mid-term is on October 17, which is a Wednesday, in class. 期中考试在十月十七号 周三随堂举行All right, the problem sets:关于课堂作业there will be roughly ten problem sets我应该会安排十次左右的课堂作业and Ill talk about

31、them more later on when I hand them out. 在留作业的时候我再细说The first one will go out on Monday but it will be due ten days later. 周一留第一份作业 十天之内交上来Roughly speaking theyll be every week.差不多每周都有课堂作业The grade distribution:有关分数的分布all right, so this is the rough grade distribution.我介绍下大体的分数的分布Roughly speaking, a sixth of the class are going to end up with As, 总体来说 六分之一的人会得到Aa sixth are going

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