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1、湖北省宜昌第一中学高中英语Unit3AHealthyLife导学案必修6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life 导学案阅读欣赏What We Still Dont Know About AIDS?In the 20 years since the first cases of AIDS are detected,scientists say they have learned more about this viral disease than any other.Yet Peter Piot,who directs the United Nations AIDS program,and

2、 Stefano Vella of Rome,president of the International AIDS Society,and other experts say reviewing unanswered questions could prove useful as a measure of progress for AIDS and other diseases.Among the important broader scientific questions that remain:1What route does HIV take after it enters the b

3、ody to destroy the immune system?When HIV is transmitted sexually,the virus must cross a tissue barrier to enter the body. How that happens is still unclear. The virus might invade directly or be carried by a series of different kinds of cells.2How does HIV destroy the immune system?Although HIV kil

4、ls the immune cells sent to kill the virus,there is widespread variation in the rate at which HIV infected people become ill with AIDS. So scientists ask:Can the elements of the immune system responsible for that variability be identified?If so,can they be used to stop progression to AIDS infected i

5、ndividuals and possibly prevent infection in the first place?3What is the most effective anti-HIV treatment?In theory,early treatment should offer the best chance of preserving immune function. But the new drugs do not completely eliminate(消除) HIV from the body so the medicines,which can have danger

6、ous side effects,will have to be taken for a lifetime and perhaps changed to combat resistance. The new policy is expected to recommend that treatment be deferred(推迟) until there are signs the immune system is weakening.4Is a vaccine possible?There is little question that an effective vaccine is cru

7、cial to controlling the disease. Yet only one has reached the stage of full testing,and there is wide controversy over the degree of protection it will provide. HIV strains that are transmitted in various areas of the world differ genetically. It is not known whether a vaccine derived from one type

8、of HIV will provide protection against other types.5In the absence of a vaccine,how can HIV be stopped?Without more incisive,focused behavioral research,prevention messages alone will not stop the global disease.科学家说,在第一批艾滋病例被发现以后的20年里,他们对这种病毒性疾病的了解,已超过其他任何一种病毒性疾病。但是,联合国艾滋病规划署的负责人彼得皮奥和国际艾滋病学会会长罗马的斯特



11、宣传是无法阻止这种全球性瘟疫的。Period I Vocabulary Study【自主预习】根据汉语意思及词性写出单词,然后借助工具书,结合学过的类似词汇,了解这些词的词性变化,并写出其正确形式。1. _ (n. & vt.) 滥用;虐待_ (vt.) 误用_ (a.) 有用的 _ (a.) 无用的_ (a.) 用过的2. _ (v.) 符合,适合,合身_ (a.) 健康的;适合的_ (a.) 不适合的 _ (n.)恰当;健康,健身3. _(n.)强调;压力_ (v.) 强调;使紧张_(a.)有压力的;紧张的_ (a.)感到压力的,紧张的4. _ (n. & a.) 青少年;青春期的_ (n

12、.) 青春期5. _ (vt.) 使沉溺,使上瘾_ (n.) 上瘾者 _ (a.) 入迷的,上瘾的_ (a.) 让人着迷的6. _ (v.) 使习惯于_ (a.) 习惯了的7. _ (v.) 撤退,收回,取(钱)_ (n.) 撤退,收回,取款8. _ (n.)结果;效力;影响;作用;效应_(a.)有效的,起作用的_(ad.)有效地,实际上_(n.)有效性9. _ (a.) 精神的,智力的_ (ad.) 精神上,智力上_(n.)心态,智力10. _ (n.) 规范,基准 _ (adj.) 正常的,标准的 _(a.)畸形的。异常的11._ (n.)呼吸,气息_ (v.)呼吸,低语_ (a.)气喘吁

13、吁的12. _ (a.) 坚强的,强壮的_ (ad.) 强烈地,坚强地 _ (n.) 力量,力气,长处_ (v.) 加强,巩固13. _ (v.) 下决心;解决_ (a.) 下定决心的 _ (a.) 决议,决心14. _ (a.) 绝望的;拼命的;不顾一切的;极度渴望的_ (ad.) 拼命地;绝望地 _ (n.) 绝望的境地_ (n.) 绝望15. _ (vt.) 使失望_ (n.) 失望,沮丧 _ (a.) 失望的,沮丧的_ (a.) 令人失望的16. _ (a.) 弱的,虚弱的_ (n.) 弱点,软弱,癖好 _ (ad.) 虚弱地,无力地_ (v.) 动摇,削弱,使变弱17. _ (n.)

14、 羞耻,羞愧;憾事_ (a.) 可耻的,不道德的 _ (a.) 无耻的,不要脸的_ (a.) 惭愧的,难为情的18. _ (v.) 判断,审判_ (n.) 法官,裁判 _ (n.) 看法;判断;判决19. _ (v.) 幸存;幸免于;比.活得长_ (n.) 幸存者,生还者 _ (a.) 继续存在的_ (n.) 幸存20._ (vt.) 使尴尬_ (n.) 尴尬,难堪 _ (a.) 尴尬的_ (a.) 令人尴尬的【重点词汇】1. abuse v.t. & n 【例句】 He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power.他因被控

15、腐败和滥用职权而被捕。 She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends. Before liberation, they were physically and emotionally abused in the jail. She suffered years of physical abuse.【归纳】1. 酗酒、嗜毒 _2. 虐待儿童 _ 3. 滥用职权 _【拓展】ab-为否定前缀,类似的还有abnormal【活用】(1) 滥用能源会给我们的子孙后代(offspring)带来可怕的未来。_(2) 根据最

16、新的法律,家长不允许虐待儿童。_2. stress n. 压力;重音;强调 v. 强调【例句】1. Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. 2. We worked on pronunciation, stress and intonation. 3. I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality. 4. She lays great stress on punctuality.她特别强调守时。 5. He str

17、essed the importance of a good education. 6. I must stress that everything Ive told you is strictly confidential. 7. It must be stressed that this disease is very rare. stressful adj.有压力的: She finds her new teaching job very stressful. 【归纳】1. 强调 _2. 必须强调的是 _【活用】1. She found her new job very _ (stres

18、s),so she was feeling very _ (stress) and tired. In other words,she was under great _ because of her _ (stress) new job.3. ban (-banned) v. 取缔 (forbid sth officially)Chemical weapons are banned internationally. a campaign to ban smoking in public places禁止做Shes been banned from leaving Greece while t

19、he allegations(指控) are investigated. He was banned from driving for six months.n. (on sth) 禁令; 禁止: (an official rule that says that sth is not allowed)The government put a ban on the import of alcohol 政府禁止酒类进口.Some places have lifted the ban on lighting firecrackers during the Spring Festival. 【归纳】1

20、. 取缔某事/做某事 _2. 禁止某人做 _3. 禁止 (n.) _4. 解除对的禁令 _【活用】(1)从去年6月份开始禁止超市无偿提供塑料袋。From last June offering plastic bags for free in supermarket (there)(2) 在英国许多公共场所禁止吸烟。 People in many public places in England. (ban v. ) 4. due adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的【例句】The teams success was largely due to her efforts. The project h

21、ad to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.Rose is due to start school in January. The bands first album is due for release later this month. Payment is due on 1 October. “到期的” (when a sum of money is due, it must be paid immediately)Have they been paid the money that is due to them?Our

22、thanks are due to the whole team. 我们要向全队致谢。【拓展】 短语 “因为” because of owing to thanks to as a result of on account oftherefore/thus ad. 因此 so conj. 因此 【归纳】(1). 由于,因为(2). 预定,预期(3). (欠款)到期(4). 应归于某人;应给予某人;应支付给某人【活用】(1) 由于这次全球性的金融危机,他被解雇了。He was fired the global financial crisis. (due)(2) 这次峰会(summit)将在一个

23、非洲国家举行。The summit in an African country. (due; hold) 5. addicted (adj.)【例句】She helped him fight against his drug addition. His son is addicted to reading detective novels. 【归纳】对有瘾 _影迷 _【拓展】addict n. 有瘾的人;入迷的人 drug addict/a video game addictaddition n. 瘾; 沉溺 addictive adj. 使人上瘾的;使人入迷的【活用】He liked pla

24、ying online games so much that it didnt take him long to become _(染上,上瘾) them. The _ (瘾) to games is taking over his life. So he is really a _.6. accustom v. 使习惯于【例句】He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life. He took his accustomed seat by the fire. 他坐在火炉旁他常坐的座位上. It is clear that caged

25、animals have been accustomed to living with animals.【归纳】1.使自己习惯于 _2. 习惯于 _【活用】 (1) 她的眼睛很快适应了黑暗。Her eyes quickly the dark. (accustomed)(2) 钥匙放在惯常的地方。The keys were in . (accustomed)(3) 我感觉到了每个人的紧张,并且他们习惯了被欺骗。I sensed that everyone was nervous and they were accustomed . (lie)7. effect n. 作用;效应;影响【例句】Th

26、e children were taught to distinguish between cause and effect.The new system will soon be put into effect. 新系统即将启用.The new seat-belt regulations came into effect last week. 新的安全带规定上周开始实施. The two systems are, in effect, identical.这两种制度实际上一模一样. The aspirins soon took effect. 服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了.The new law takes effect from tomorrow. 新法令明日起实行.Almost all conduct has some effect on other people. 几乎所有行为都对他人有一定影响。【归纳】 1. 因果 _2. (尤指法律规则等)实行, 实施 _3. 实际上; 事实上; 有效 _4. 生效; 实施; 实行; 起作用 _5. 对有影响 _6. 副作用 _

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