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1、非常实用的广交会口语集锦分析非常实用的广交会口语集锦30句应急口语1、 Would anyone like someth ing to drink before we beg in? 在我们正式开始前,大家喝点什么吧?一旦开始,当然就是 正式的了,这是中国人的习惯用语,翻译的时候别让它把你给卡住了。2、 We are ready. 我们准备好了。3、 I know I can count on you. 我知道我可以相信你。4、 Trust me.请相信我。5、 We are here to solve problems. 我们是来解决问题的6、 we ll come out from thi

2、s meeting as winners. 这次会谈的结果将是一个双赢。7、 I hope this meeting is productive. 我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。& I need more information. 我需要更多的信自9、 Not in the long run. 从长远来说并不是这样。10、 Let me explain to you why . 让我给你一个解释一下原因。11、 That s the basic problem.这是最基本的问题。12、 Let s compromise.让我们还是各退一步吧。13、 It depends on what you

3、 want. 那要视贵方的需要而定。14、 The Ion ger we wait ,the less likely we will come up with anything. 时间拖得越久,我 们成功的机会就越少。15、 Are you negotiable? 你还有商量的余地吗?16、 I m sure there is some room for negotiation. 我肯定还有商量的余地。17、 We have another plan. 我们还有一个计划。18、 Let s negotiate the price.让我们来讨论一下价格吧。19、 We could add it

4、to the agenda. 我们可以把它也列入议程。20、 Thanks for reminding us. 谢谢你的提醒。21、 Our position on the issue is very simple. 我们的意见很简单。情景分析1.情景模拟情景C: Im sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to p ush any sales if we buy it at this price. 很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。S

5、: well, if you take quality into consideration, you wont think our price is too high. 如果你考虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了。C: Lets meet each other half way. 那咱们就各让一步吧。C: Im sorry to say that your price has soared. Its almost 20% higher than last years. 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛长,比去年几乎高出 20% 。S: Thats because the price of raw

6、materials has gone up. 那是因为原材料的价格上涨了。C: I see. Thank you.我知道了,多谢。情景三S: How many do you intend to order? 这种产品你们想订多少?C: I want to order 900 dozen.我们想订 900 打。S: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.目前我们至多只能提供 600 打。情景四C: The next thing Id like to bring up for discussion is packing. 下面我想就包装

7、问题讨论一下。S: Please state your opinions about packing.请陈述你们的意见。C: All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers. 好,我们希望我们对包装的意见能传达到厂商。情景五C: You know, packing has a close bearing on sales.大家都知道,包装直接关系到产品的销售。S: Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buye

8、rs always pay great attention to packing. 是的,它也会影响我们产品的信誉,买主总是很注意包装。C: We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction. 我们希望新包装会使我们的顾客满意。情景六C: How are the shirts packed?衬衫怎样包装?S: Theyre packed in cardboard boxes. 它们用纸板箱包装。C: Im afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean tr

9、ansportation. 我担心远洋运输用纸板箱不够结实。情景七C: How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway or by sea? 你方将怎样发运货物,铁路还是海运?S: By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea trans portation.请海运发货,铁路运输费用太高,我们愿意走海运。C: Thats what we think. 我们正是这么想的。 情景八C: When can you effect shi

10、pment? Im terribly worried about late shipment. 你们什么时候能交货?我非常担心货物迟交。S: We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest. 我们最晚在今年十二月或明年初交货。C: Thats fine.那很好。 展会谈判英语是一个系统工程,需要系统的理论学习和长期的实践经验总结。而以上情景对话只是亚洲展会网小编觉得会对大家参展有所帮助的谈判英语对话。来之际能给大家带来些许帮助。二 实例学习1、在双方谈判的过程中,一定要注意倾听对方的发言,如果对对方的观点表

11、示了解,可以 说: I see what you mean. ( 我明白您的意思。 ) 如果表示赞成, 可以说: Thats a good idea.( 是个好主意。 ) 或者说: I agree with you. ( 我赞成。 ) 如果是有条件地接受,可以用 on the condition that 这个句型, We accept your proposal, on the condition that you order 20,000 units. ( 如果您订 2 万台,我们会接受您的建议。 )2、在与外商,尤其是欧美国家的商人谈判时,如果有不同意见,最好坦白地提出来而不要 拐弯抹角

12、,比如,表示无法赞同对方的意见时,可以说: I dont think thats a good idea. ( 我 不认为那是个好主意。 ) Frankly, we cant agree with your proposal. ( 坦白地讲,我无法同 意您的提案。 ) 如果是拒绝,可以说: Were not prepared to accept your proposal at this time.(我们这一次不准备接受你们的建议。 ) 有时, 还要讲明拒绝的理由, 如 To be quite honest, we dont believe this product will sell ver

13、y well in China. ( 说老实话,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖得好。 )3、谈判期间,由於言语沟通问题,出现误解也是在所难免的:可能是对方误解了你,也可 能是你误解了对方。 在这两种情况出现後, 你可以说: No, Im afraid you misunderstood me. What I was trying to say was.( 不,恐怕你误解了。我想说的是 )或者说:Oh, Im sorry,I misunderstood you. Then I go along with you. ( 哦,对不起,我误解你了。那样的话,我 同意你的观点。 ) 总之不管你说什么广交会

14、英语口语, 你最终的目的就是要促成一笔生意。 即使不成, 也要以 善意对待对方,也许你以后还有机会,生意不成人情在。以下部分广交会英语对话是模拟参展商与采购商的广交会英语情景对话, 本文所列英语对话由广交会英语专业人士提供,语言技巧非常精炼老到,希望对部分参展商有所帮助。如果你考三、情景对话 情景对话(一) : Im sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price. 很遗憾你们报的价格

15、太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方 实在难以推销well, if you take quality into consideration, you wont think our price is too high.虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了Lets meet each other half way. 那咱们就各让一步吧。Im sorry to say that your price has soared. Its almost 20% higher than last years. - 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛长,比去年几乎高出 20% 。Thats because the price

16、of raw materials has gone up. - 那是因为原材料的价格上涨了。I see. Thank you. - 我知道了,多谢。How many do you intend to order? - 这种产品你们想订多少 ? I want to order 900 dozen. -我们想订 900 打。The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen. - 目前我们至多只能提供 600 打。情景对话(二) :We have inspected the rice, and were surprised to know that

17、the weight is short. - 这些大米我们检验过了,重量不够,我们感到奇怪。We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight. - 我们出售商品是以装船重量为准,不是以卸货重量为准。 I see. 我知道了。情景对话(三) :The next thing Id like to bring up for discussion is packing. - 下面我想就包装问题讨论一下。Please state your opinions about packing. - 请陈述你们的意见。All right. We

18、 wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers. - 好,我们希望我们对包装的意见能传达到厂商。You know, packing has a close bearing on sales. - 大家都知道,包装直接关系到产品的销售。Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always pay great attention topacking.We wish the new packing will give our cl

19、ients satisfaction. - 我们希望新包装会使我们的顾客满意。情景对话(四) :How are the shirts packed? - 衬衫怎样包装 ?我担心远Theyre packed in cardboard boxes. - 它们用纸板箱包装。Im afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation. - 洋运输用纸板箱不够结实。From what Ive heard, youre already well up in shipping work. - 据我所知,你方对运输工

20、作很在行。Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world. - 是的,我们承揽去世界各地的货物运输。Do you do any chartering? - 你们租船吗 ?How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway or by sea? - 请海运发货,铁路运输费用太高,我们愿意走海运。By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation.Thats

21、what we think. - 我们正是这么想的。 广交会英语对话 广交会英语情景对话五:When can you effect shipment? Im terribly worried about late shipment. - 你们什么时候能交货 ?我非常担心货物迟交。We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest. - 我们最晚在今年十二月或明年初交货。 Thats fine. - 那很好。实用口语一、价格客人询价1.Will you please let us have an idea of

22、your price?2.Are the prices on the list firm offers?3.How about the price/ How much is this?我们报价4.This is our price list.5.We don t give any commission in general.6.What do you think of the payment terms?7.Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.8.I

23、n general, our prices are given on a FOB basis.9.We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.10.Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP?11.This is the price list, but it serves as a

24、guide line only. Is there anything particularly interested in?客人还价12.Is it possible that you lower the price a bit?13.Do you think you can possibly cut down your prices by 10%?14.Can you bring your price down a bit? Say $20 per dozen.15.It s too high; we have another offer for a similar one at much

25、lower price.16.But don t you think it s a little high?17.Your price is too high for us to accept.18.It would be very difficult for us to push any sales it at this price.19. If you can go a little lower, I d be able to give you an order on the spot.20.It is too much. Can you discount it?拒绝还价21.Our pr

26、ice is highly competitive./ this is the lowest possible price./Our price reasonable.22.Our price is competitive as compared with that in the international market.23.To tell you the truth, we have already quoted our lowest price.24.Ican assure you that our price if the most favorable. A trial will co

27、nvince you of my words.25.The price has been cut to the limit.26.I m sorry. It is our rock-bottom price.27.My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.28.While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can any further.接受还价29.Can we each make some concession?30.In

28、 order to conclude business, we are prepared to cut down our price by areis veryt reduce our price31.If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price.32.Buyer wish to buy cheap and sellers wish to sell dear. Everyone has an eye to his own benefit.33.The price of his commodity has rece

29、ntly been adjusted due to advance in cost.34.Considering our good relationship and future business, we give a 3% discount.二、订单客人询问最小单数量35.What s minimum quantity of an order of your goods? 询问订货数量36.How many do you intend to order?37.Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us?38.Whe

30、n can we expect your confirmation of the order?39.As our backlogs are increasing, please hasten the order.40.Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?41.We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. 客人回答订单数量2.The size o

31、f our order depends greatly on the prices.43.Well, if your order is large enough, we are ready to reduce our price by 2 percent.44.If you reduce your price by 5, we are going to order 1000sets.45.Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we accept it.46.This is a trial order; please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market. If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.47.We have decided to place an order for your electronic weighing scale.48.I d like to order 600 sets.49.We can t execute orders at your limits

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