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1、高二英语份月考试题及答案外研社高二九月份月考题时间_ 满分100分第卷一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. - Can I help you? - No. Thank you for _ to help, but I can manage it myself. A. proving B. supplying C. giving D. offering2. Teachers words and deeds always _ a great effect _ their students. A. have; on B. give; toC. make; on D. take; t

2、o3. Now I see you want to _ the position as you said just now. Could you please give me a brief _ your intention? A. apply for; account of B. react to; introduction about C. reply for; description of D. remind of; instruction about4. They have suggested that all the facts _ known to the public. A. m

3、ake B. are madeC. be made D. should make5. My cellphone requires _. It doesnt work now. A. mending B. to mend C. mended D. being mended6. These tickets are _ for 5 days only. A. favorite B. availableC. convenient D. familiar7. Peter differs _ his brother and sisters _ many ways. A. to , in B. with ,

4、 from C. from ,with D. from , in8. He _ his leg when he _ in a football match. A. broke, played B. was breaking, was playing C, broke, was playing D, was breaking, played9. Much notice has been _ the problems with the home-staying children in China. A. paid to B. kept onC. taken of D. made up10. He

5、made no response _ the plan, which is considered to be essential. A. to B. for C. on D. at11. I took it _ that he would be glad to accept my invitation, but he didnt at all. A. for sure B. for certain C. for granted D. for example12. Life is often _ voyage. A. comparing with B. compared to C. compar

6、ing to D. compared with13. Mike _ have stolen the money from the bank, _ he appeared to be rich overnight. A. cant, for B. might, for C. might, since D. cant , since14. She _ some French while travelling in Paris. A. picked up B. held up C. took up D. made up15. Having been out of work for a long ti

7、me, he had no money to _. A. live on B. depend on C. rest on D. base on二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Some people seem to be better at learning languages than others. They do not seem to be any 1 intelligent than others, 2 what makes language learning so much easier for them? 3 if we take a close look a

8、t these successful language learners, we may discover a few of the 4 which make language learning easier for them. First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book 5 the teacher. They 6 their own way to learn the language. 7 waiting for the teacher

9、to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good 8 who look for clues and form their own 9 . When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their 10 . 11 , successful language learners are learners with a 12 . They want to learn the language 13 t

10、hey are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary 14 to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn _15_ them. They find 16 easy to practise 17 the language regularly because they want to learn it. What kind of language learner are you? If

11、your language learning has been 18 successful, you might 19 try some of the things 20 above.16. A. more B. little C. less D. much17. A. but B. so C. and D. for18. A. Perhaps B. Therefore C. Even D. Only19. A. methodology B. tricks C. techniques D. tactics20. A. or B. and C. nor D. neither21. A. find

12、 B. decide C. discover D. look22. A. By B. While C. Apart from D.Instead of23. A. decider B. teacher C. learner D. guessors24. A. conclusion B. opinion C . decision D. thinking25.A. error B. wrong C. mistakes D. fail26.A. In conclusion B. In addition C. Generally speaking D. Usually27.A. purpose B.

13、guess C. mistake D. independence28.A. because B. which C.what D.while29.A. that C.for them D. to them30.A. by B. from C.for D. with31.A. that B. how C. when D. it32.A. using B. to use C. being used D. having used33.A. much B. less C. little D. no34.A. as well B. as better C. be well D. be bett

14、er35.A. decided B. outlined C. consisted D. concluded3、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AI had an unusual dream where,as an adult woman,I was trying to ride a child-sized tricycle (三轮车). I was in a race of some kind,and was trying to balance the awkward little tricycle down a narrow street. People were hangin

15、g out of their apartment windows screaming down at me,“Just give up,you fool! Youll never make it with that little bike. ” I kept telling them repeatedly,“All I have is this three-wheeled tricycle.” I kept tipping (倾斜) to the side,but I kept my balance and ignored the people who were making fun of m

16、e. Then at one point a man left his home and ran out into the middle of the street. “This bike will take forever at the speed youre going! ” He continued screaming words of discouragement right in my face. I replied,“I must push forward;I must get to the finish line! ”I held on as tightly as possibl

17、e and rode straight ahead with great determination. I had unshakable faith that I would make it! I also knew it didnt matter how long it would take,because I knew it was worth it. At that point,the dream came to an abrupt endI awoke and remembered the dream very clearly. I also remembered that the n

18、ight before I was feeling discouraged but now I felt happy and peaceful,and my spirit felt alive with hope. I think weve all been given small tricycles as adults,and we struggle to balance our lives down the dark,narrow streets of mortality (有限的生命). I now consider the tricycle to be my three wheels

19、of hope. The dream has given me courage and hope that I will finish the race inch by inch. I know I must never give up,but press forward always. 36. According to the passage,what dream did the writer have? A. She struggled to ride a little bike with three wheels. B. She competed in a bike race in th

20、e Olympic Games. C. She had a quarrel with a man who called her a fool. D. She was late for work as riding a child-sized bike. 37. Why did the man run out into the middle of the street? A. To show his support for the writer. B. To discourage the writer from riding. C. To enjoy the pleasure of riding

21、 himself. D. To compete with the writer in riding. 38. What did the writer learn from her dream? A. Keeping balance is important for a bike learner. B. The race will be finished inch by inch. C. Adults cant ride a child-sized bike. D. She must struggle on,however difficult life is. 39. The purpose o

22、f writing this passage is to _ . A. expect readers to have faith in themselves B. tell readers an unforgettable dream C. prove that dreams cant be believed D. explain why people have a dreamBSanta Fe, the capital of New Mexico, U.S.A., is in the central part of the state, on the Santa Fe River, whic

23、h flows into the Rio Grands 35 kilometres west of the city .More than two thousand metres above sea level, it lies in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains with the Ortiz Mountains to the southeast. Santa Fe was founded in 1609 by the Spanish(西班牙人) on an old Indian village . In 1680 the Indians seized the

24、place but only held it for twelve years before the Spanish retook it .The city remained under Spanish rule until Mexico won its independence (独立)in 1821. From then on it was a Mexican city until 1846 when it was taken over by U.S. troops. With a population of 48, 953, Santa Fe is now the second larg

25、est city in the state. Because of its sunny weather, rich history and surrounding mountains, it is a good place for holiday makers. Besides hunting and skating in the mountains people enjoy shopping in the Indian and Spanish shops, which brings a large income to the city every year. In summer there

26、is an international opera (歌剧) season when operas are shown in a partly-roofed, open-air theatre daily for people from all over the world.40. At present Santa Fe belongs to _. A. India B. Mexico C. Spain (西班牙) D. the United States41. Santa Fe was under the rule of the Mexicans in _. A. 1675 B. 1695

27、C. 1816 D. 183342. The people who held Santa Fe for the longest period in history were the _. A. Spanish B. Indians C. Mexicans D. Americans43. Which of the following are not the reasons why Santa Fe is a good place for holiday makers? A. Pleasant weather. B. colorful history C. opera shows D. the s

28、econd largest cityCHotdogs may be a favorite food in America but when it comes to eating them , the Japanese are the best on the earth . At the 2001 World Hotdog Eating Championships , Takeru Kobayashi ate 50 hotdogs in just 12 minutes to set a new world record ! Thats more than one hotdog every 15

29、seconds ! Hes been unbeaten in the competition since then .Whats even more amazing is that Takeru Kobayashi isnt a big fat person. Takeru is a thin , 131 pound , eating-machine who had to beat 19 other eaters from around the world . For being the world champion , Takeru Kobayashi won the championshi

30、p belt and most importantly a years supply of hotdogs ! Eating contest organizers say its very rare for someone to get hurt in one of these eating contests . But its still pretty easy to get injured by a hotdog . At a Toronto Blue Jays Baseball game , several fans were injured during a free hotdog h

31、and out . Hotdogs were fired into the crowd using an air cannon (大炮). But several of the hotdogs exploded when they landedflying ketchup , and pieces of sausage all over the hungry baseball fans ! 44How many at least did Takeru eat within a minute in the contest ? Amore than 3 Bmore than 2 Cmore than 4 Dmore than 545What did the word “unbeaten” in paragraph 1 mean ? Anever fight with others Balways fight with others Cnever be defeated by others Dalways be defeated by others 46According to the text , he got as the world champio

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