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本文(必修2 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines黑龙江省海林市朝鲜族中学届高三英语一轮复习题外研版.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

必修2 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines黑龙江省海林市朝鲜族中学届高三英语一轮复习题外研版.docx

1、必修2 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines黑龙江省海林市朝鲜族中学届高三英语一轮复习题外研版基础自测 (十一)必修2Module 5Newspapers and Magazines 姓名:时间:30分钟.阅读理解主题词数体裁新闻业的未来325说明文When people find out that I am a journalist, they often ask me: What do you think about the future of newspapers?I tell them that I think the future of communic

2、ations is moving online. People expect me to be fearful for the future of print. After all, in some peoples minds I wouldnt be able to build a career in journalism if it all moves online. However, strangely enough, Im actually comforted by the fact that online journalism is becoming usual. I am a bl

3、ogger who has always been able to find a home for my writing online.Since I began writing blogs, I have become aware of how many people you can reach with online writing. Compare this to the newspapers circulation base, and you will have a strong reason for online journalism.In her successful blog p

4、ost titled “The job I have spent the last year learning is not the one I will have”, author Jenny Surane states, “Print is an expensive product to love. And general managers, publishers and editors must now figure out a profitable way to get their news into readers heads.” She goes on to state that

5、people dont feel like picking up a newspaper now and would rather scroll(滚屏) through their Twitter feed, and get news from many different sources.If print is dying, then a new form of communicating information is being born. The need for information has not died. If anything, it has increased. What

6、has died, rather, is the way in which information is presented.Now more than ever, in this age of information, there is a desire for stories on the same topic from different points of view. The printing industry can keep pace with the need of providing a variety of sources, if it chooses to.Is the f

7、uture of print grim? Maybe. But is the future of journalism of communicating information to people grim as well? Definitely not.()1.According to Paragraph 2, the author feels .A.confident about the future of his careerB.worried about the future of printC.tired of being a newspaper journalistD.embarr

8、assed about online writing()2.What information is conveyed in Jennys blog post?A.Twitter is not very popular.B.It is hard to manage online journalism.C.Print still has its advantages.D.People have more choices to get information.()3.What does the underlined word “grim” in the last paragraph probably

9、 mean?A.Promising. B.Depressing.C.Unforgiving. D.Encouraging.()4.What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A.To explore the future of journalism.B.To analyse the cause of print decline.C.To explain the bright future of a journalist.D.To introduce a successful blog post about print.阅读七选五主题词数体裁绘

10、画的好处260说明文Do you ever draw? Most of us dont. The reason we usually leave drawing to the artists is that were not very good at it. Who wants to do anything theyre bad at? 1. Studies have found drawing has many benefits. Here are just a few reasons for picking up a pen or pencil of any kind.It pushes

11、you to be patient. Were used to things happening fast these days. Drawing is not fast. 2. Thats OK and as something comes together over time, youll be reminded of the value of patience. Drawing is an object lesson that not everything good comes quickly, which is an easy thing to forget.3. A few of m

12、y drawings are really kind of great. I can look at them with pride. But plenty of my little drawings are nonsense or unfinished. It doesnt matter. I still have the experience of drawing and the benefits that brings. Even if youre not naturally “good” at drawing, youll get better over time if you pra

13、ctise. 4. Your drawing doesnt have to mean anything or do anything useful. Sometimes you will even fail. No big deal.It makes memories stick. I draw in order to capture (捕获) moments from my life. Im not great at drawing, but thats not the point. Sometimes I draw the view from the window of my hotel

14、roomwhether its a great view or not. Remember, the idea is to capture the moment, not create a masterpiece. Other times I draw from my dinner table. 5. A.Take the pressure off. B.Its a good reminder that failure is OK.C.It is something that can show your talents.D.It takes time to create something i

15、nteresting.E.If you draw fast, you might ruin your drawing.F.But maybe we should rethink this assumption.G.These drawings can always bring me back to those moments.完形填空主题词数体裁戒指失而复得315记叙文I feel that I was blessed by an angel not long ago. I was out in town with my husband. We live in a 1 town. Becaus

16、e of the cold,my 2 shrunk,causing my anniversary ring to 3. I didnt notice this until we got home. I became 4 ill and ached all over. I thought my husband was going to have a heart attack.Although it is a material item, it is yet very 5. He went out and retraced our 6 to where we came back.I called

17、the stores we were in and no one 7 it in. I thought it was 8 for sure.Well,at around midnight last night,our dogs went mad. We have a sunroom 9 to our home.The door to that is usually 10. But that night, we left it unlocked.My all-terrain motor scooter(小型摩托车) was 11 out there.In its basket was a rin

18、g boxholding my ring!There was also a(n) 12 that told the story of this stranger 13 the ring and recognizing the work, as it is a piece made particularly. The person then went to the jewellers and 14about finding the ring. The jeweller is a friend of mine so she gave her my 15 and the town is so sma

19、ll,we are 16 to find.The stranger who found the ring 17 some ribbon(丝带) in the store in order to keep the ring around the finger when it is 18. And then she also left a gift card for us to take our family out to the movies as a Christmas gift. The note was 19 “Santas elf(小精灵)”. My friend is keeping

20、her lips 20 about whom it was.()1.A.modern B.smallC.big D.developed()2.A.ring B.handC.brain D.finger()3.A.fall off B.leave behindC.break down D.go away()4.A.firmly B.formallyC.identically D.physically()5.A.valuable B.challengingC.memorable D.beneficial()6.A.footprints B.stepsC.streets D.directions()

21、7.A.took B.pressedC.turned D.counted()8.A.gone B.stolenC.changed D.transformed()9.A.adapted D.held() B.abandonedC.closed D.locked()11.A.made B.parkedC.repaired D.destroyed()12.A.slogan B.advertisementC.note D.announcement()13.A.handling B.exploringC.finding D.chasing()14

22、.A.explained B.complainedC.wondered D.argued() number B.photoC.mailbox B.easyC.incredible D.complex()17.A.purchased B.toreC.sold D.borrowed()18.A.warm B.rainyC.foggy D.cold()19.A.called B.writtenC.signed D.noticed()20.A.tight B.paintedC.secret D.clear基础自测 (十一).【文章大意】

23、 本文是一篇说明文。作者从多角度探讨了新闻业的未来走向。1.A推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句“However, strangely enough, Im actually comforted by the fact that online journalism is becoming usual. I am a blogger who has always been able to find a home for my writing online.”可知,作者对自己事业的未来充满信心。故选A项。2.D推理判断题。根据第四段中“Print is an expensive product to

24、love. And general managers, publishers and editors must now figure outand would rather scroll(滚屏) through their Twitter feed, and get news from many different sources.”可知,人们有更多获得信息的选择,看印刷品是一种,滑动手机也是一种。据此推断,人们有更多的选择来获取信息。故选D项。3.B词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段“Is the future of print grim? Maybe. But is the future of

25、journalism of communicating information to people grim as well? Definitely not.”可知,第一句问的是关于印刷业的未来,回答说印刷业的未来可能是令人沮丧的;第二句问的是新闻传播业的未来,回答说新闻传播业的未来绝对不是令人沮丧的。but表示转折,表示前后两种回答持相反的态度。根据整篇文章的内容可知,只有B项depressing(令人沮丧的)符合文意。故选B项。4.A推理判断题。根据第一段“When people find out that I am a journalist, they often ask me: Wha

26、t do you think about the future of newspapers?”以及最后一段“Is the future of print grim? Maybe. But is the future of journalism of communicating information to people grim as well? Definitely not.”可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是探索新闻业的未来。故选A项。.【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了绘画的三个好处并呼吁人们拿起画笔捕捉生活中的美好瞬间。1.F空前内容阐明人们不愿意做自己不擅长的事情,而空格后则介绍绘

27、画会给人们带来很多好处,由此可以推断,空格处句子应该起过渡的作用。故选F。2.D空格前后内容都与时间有关,介绍绘画是需要时间的,不是很快就能做成的。其中not fast和over time与D项中takes time相呼应。故选D。3.B本段主要讲述人们时常会因为技巧不纯熟而画不出完美的画,这可以算是一种失败,但是没关系;本段的最后两句也告诉人们不要在意失败。由此推断出空处应该选B。4.A空后内容是作者在告诉人们他们的画可以没有意义或者没有用处,因此此处应是让人们在绘画时不要有压力。故选A。5.G空前内容介绍作者时常会通过画画来记录生活中的瞬间,所以这些画能够让作者想起之前的那些美好的瞬间。关

28、键词:moments。故选G。.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者不小心弄丢了戒指,捡到戒指的好心人找到了作者,将戒指放在她的车篮里并附上了一张写着找寻戒指主人的经过的便条。1.B根据最后一段的“the town is so small”可知,作者所在的城镇很小。modern现代的;small小的;big大的;developed发达的。2.D因为寒冷,手指收缩了戒指才会掉。ring戒指;hand手;brain大脑;finger 手指。3.A戒指从手指上脱落了。fall off脱落;leave behind留下;break down(机器等)出故障;go away 离开。4.D根据后文“

29、I thought my husband was going to have a heart attack.”可知,在发现戒指不见后,作者觉得丈夫的心脏病要发作了,这是身体上的反应,所以作者也应该是身体生病了,浑身疼痛。firmly坚定地;formally正式地;identically相同地;physically 身体上。5.C作者夫妇知道戒指不见之后,反应很大,这说明这枚戒指应该是很有纪念意义的。valuable 有价值的;challenging具有挑战性的; memorable值得纪念的;beneficial有益的。6.B作者的丈夫沿着他们之前走过的路寻找戒指。retrace ones s

30、teps意为“原路返回”。footprint脚印;step步子,步伐;street街道;direction方向。7.C根据“I called the stores we were in”可知,作者给他们之前去过的商店打了电话。作者打电话肯定是询问有没有人捡到戒指并将戒指上交。turn sth in 意为“上交,交还”。8.A根据前文“I called the stores we were in and no oneit in.”可知,作者给去过的商店打电话,但是没有人交还戒指。这时候作者认为她的戒指没了。sth be gone是固定用法,意为“某物不见了/消失了”。9.B作者的家里有一间日光室

31、。 be attached to此处意为“隶属于”。10.D根据后文“But that night, we left it unlocked.”可知,那天晚上,作者没锁日光室的门。作者平常都会把日光室的门锁上,但是那天晚上没锁。 open敞开的;abandoned被遗弃的;closed关闭的;lock锁着的。11.B作者的小摩托车停放在日光室里。12.C根据后文“The note wasSantas elf(小精灵).”可知,车篮里除了戒指,还有一张便条。slogan标语;advertisement广告;note便条;announcement公告。13.C这位好心人发现了作者的戒指。14.A那个人找到了宝石钟表匠,解释说她发现了一枚戒指。explain解释;complain抱怨;wonder想知道;argue争论。15.D根据“The jeweller is a friend of mine”可知,宝石钟表匠是作者的朋友,所以宝石钟表匠应该是告诉了那位好心人作者的名字。16.B根据“the town is so small

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