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1、学年七年级英语上册期中考试题7座号嘉峪关市第六中学2015-2016学年第一学期期中考试七年级英语试卷 命题人:武英姿题目听力 IX 总分得分听力部分(30分).听句子或对话,选择正确图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。(5分)( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )6. A. How do you do? B. Fine, thank you. C. Im five.( )7. A. Shes thirteen. B. She s a teacher. C. Her name is Jane.( )8. A. Yes, it is. B.

2、 Yes, they are. C. Yes, he is.( )9. A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Youre welcome.( )10. A. Im twelve. B. Im OK. C. Im from Beijing.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. 7312-8492. B. 7623-5849. C. 7381-5849.( )12. A. Class Seven. B. Class Four. C. Class Five.( )13. A. 12. B. 11. C. 13.(

3、 )14. A. An egg. B. A ruler. C. An eraser.( )15. A. China. B. England. C. Canada.听对话,补全对话中所缺单词。对话读两遍。(5分)W: Good 16 , Im Miss Brown. Im from 17 . Im your teacher. Whats your name, please?M: My name is 18 .W: How 19 are you?M: Im 20 years old.W: OK. Thanks.16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._.听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。短文读

4、三遍。(10分)NameLiu MeiEnglish name21. From22. Age23. Class24. Telephone number25. 笔试部分(120分)I. 词汇(10分)A ) 根据汉语提示完成单词,使句意完整。1. What_(颜色) is your ruler?2. _(这儿) is your pen. It is blue.3. Nice to _(见面) you.4. My_(最后的) name is Green.5. The football is_(在下面)the chair.B ) 根据首字母提示补全单词。6. This is a m_ of Chin

5、a. 7. I h _a new friend. 8. He lost h_ school ID card.9. My room is t .10. W are the erasers? In the pencil-box.II、情景会话与语法(共20小题,计20分)( )1. Are you Bob? _. Im Mark. A. Yes, I am. B. No, Im not. C. Yes, Im not. D. No, I am.( )2. _ is she? Shes my mother. A. Who B. What C. Where D. That( )3. Are _ you

6、r parents? A. this B. that C. those D. she( )4. Jim and Tim are good _. A. brother B. friend C. friends D. sister( )5. Is he your teacher? _. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt C. Yes, he is. D. No, this isnt.( )6. This is _ MP4. Yours is over there. A. my B. me C. I D. mine( )7. Your school bag is nice.

7、 _ A. Yes, it is B. Thank you C. Thats right. D. Oh, no.( )8. Is this your bike _ Marys? A. and B. or C. but D. of( )9. Ask the teacher _ your keys. A. to B. of C. for D. in( )10. We_ to the same school. A. goes B. go C. going D. gose( )11. Boys like playing _ basketball after school. A. a B. an C.

8、the D. /( )12. _ your cousin have a basketball? A. Is B. Are C. Do D. Does( )13. I _ TV on Sundays. A. look B. see C. watch D. read( )14. I like English. I think it is _. A. fun B. difficult C. boring D. interested( )15. Paul, do you have a basketball? _, I dont have one. A. Excuse B. Sorry C. Yes D

9、. Sure( )16. Four and five _ nine. A. is B. am C. are D. does( )17. _is your sister? Shes five. A. How B. How old C. What D. Why( )18. “世贸组织”的英文缩写是_ A. NBA B. CCTV C. WTO D. BBC( )19. The blue pen is mine. The red one is _. A. Helen B. Helens C. Helen D. Helens( )20. The photo of my family is _. A.

10、in the wall B. on the wall C. of the wall D. at the wallIII 请选择动词的适当形式填空。(5分)( )1. My brother and I _ in the same class. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 2. I _ English is easy, I like it. Athink Bsee Clook D. play( )3. You must _ your teacher for it. A. asks B. ask C. asking D. askes ( )4. My uncle isnt

11、 a doctor, but your uncle _. A. is B. are C. am D. does ( )5. How about _ soccer? A. play B. playing C.plays D. playesIV句型转换(10分) 1. That is her new watch. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ her new watch?2. Tina has five baseballs. (改为否定句) Tina _ _ five baseballs.3. This is an orange. (改为复数形式) _ are some _.4. He is Joh

12、n. (同义句) _ _ is John.5. The clock is on the wall. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the clock? V. 汉译英(10分) 1. 祝你过得愉快。_ a good _.2. 请给我拨打130396268。Please_ me _ 130396268.3. 让我们打乒乓球吧。_ _ pingpong.4. 你的主意听起来很好。Your idea _ _.5 .快点,我们迟到啦。_ _ , We are late.VI完形填空。(10分)Look at this boyHe is _1_ good friendHe is _2_ English bo

13、y_3_ name is Mike_4_ twelveHe is in Class OneMy _5_ is Li Tao_6_ a Chinese boyIm elevenIm _7_ Class One, Grade One, _8_This is our _9_Its No.5 High SchoolThis is our English 10_Her name is Li MeiWe love her very much.( ) 1Amy BI Cme Dyou( ) 2Aa Ban Cthe D/( ) 3Aher Bhis CHer DHis( ) 4AShe BShes CHe

14、DHes( ) 5Abook Bname Cbag Dmap( ) 6AI BIm CHe DHes( ) 7Aat Bto Cin D. ( ) 8Ato Btwo Ctoo D( ) 9Ateacher Bhome Cclass Dschool( ) 10Aschool Bteacher Chome DclassVII阅读理解 (40分) A阅读表格,判断下列句子的对错,对的用T,错的用FMasons Clothes Store(服装店)ClothesColor PriceSocksWhite , blue$ 4ShoesBlack$15SweaterRed, white$ 8T-shir

15、tRed, green, black$ 7CapBlack, red$ 6( )1. Black or yellow socks are $4.( )2. You can buy school bags in Masons Clothes Store. ( )3. You have six dollars. You can buy a red cap.( )4. You want to buy two sweaters. You need(需要) $16.( )5. You cant find the red T-shirt in Masons Clothes Store. BIm Dale.

16、 Im a green and yellow pencil case(铅笔盒). Whats this? Oh, its Helen, a pen. And thats Frank, a ruler. Helen is black and Frank is blue. Whats this in English? Its a jacket, a white jacket. Its name is Alice. What color is the key? Oh, its black.( ) 6. Dale is a _. A. pen B. pencil case C. ruler( ) 7.

17、 The pencil case is _. A. green and yellow B. yellow C. green( ) 8. The ruler is _ and the jacket is _. A. white; blue B. black; white C. blue; white( ) 9. The _ and the _ are black. A. pen; jacket B. key; pen C. jacket; key( ) 10. The jacket is _. A. Frank B. Alice C. HelenC My name is Frank White

18、. Im fifteen years old. I was born(出生) on May 13th, 1996. Mike is my good friend. His birthday is on May 15th. He is only 13 years old now. Every year on May 14th, we have a birthday party together in our school. We often have a pop concert(音乐会) . I play the guitar. He plays the drum. Many friends c

19、ome to our party. We are very happy.( )11. Franks birthday is on _. A. May13th B. May14 th. C. May 15 th . D. May 16 th.( )12.Mike was born on _.A. May 13 th, 1998. B. May 15 th , 1998. C. May 14 th,1996. D. May 16 th , 1996.( )13. _ on May 14 th. A. Franks birthday is B. Mikes birthdayC. They have

20、a basketball game. D. They have a birthday party.( )14. Mike is _ years old. A. 13 B. 14 C. 15 D. 16( )15. What does Frank play on the concert? A. The drum B. The guitar C. Games D. We dont know.D 阅读短文,根据其内容完成下列各题。Hi, my good friends! My name is Sasha. I have a nice family. Please come and meet my m

21、other, father ,(1)_, and me. This is my mother, Michelle Obama. She is very tall. She is a kind woman. She is in bed at 9:30. And (2)she likes running in the morning. Look at the big man. (3) 他是我的爸爸。His name is Barack Obama. He was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He is 1.86 meters tall. He is the

22、first black president(总统) in the USA. Basketball is his favorite sport. This is my sister, Malia. (4) she, twelve, is , old, years. She takes soccer , dance, piano and tennis courses(课程). This is me. I learn gymnastics(体操), tap (踢踏舞), piano and tennis16. 在(1)处填入一个适当的单词 Please come and meet my mother

23、, father ,(1)_, and me.17. 把划线句子译成汉语。(2)she likes running in the morning. 18. 把划线句子(3)译成英语。(3) 他是我的爸爸 19. 把(4)处的单词连成句子。 (4) she, twelve, is , old, years. 20. 给短文拟定一个题目。 _VIII 补全对话。 (5 分) Grace: I am looking for my phone.Frank: Ok. _? Tony Smith?Grace: No,_.Frank: _?Grace: G-R-A-C-E.Frank: Ok, _.Grac

24、e: Thank you very much.Frank: _. A. How do you spell your first name?B. Here you are.C. Whats your name?D. My names Grace Smith.E. Youre welcome. IX、书面表达(10分) 请以“My Room”为题写一篇小短文,字数不少于30词。短文开头和部分提示词已给出,可以自己发挥. 提示词:sofa, computer, chair, books, bed, in, on. Have a look at my room. It is small but bea

25、utiful. 七年级英语试卷答案1.听力:1-5 CACBA 6-10 BCABC 11-15 BCACC 16-20 morning England Li Ming Old 13 21-25 Jane China 17 2 690025352. 笔试部分:词汇: 1-5 color Here meet last under 6-10 map have his tidy Where单项选择;1-5 BACCC 6-10 ABBCB 11-15 DDCAB 16-20 ABCBB动词考查;1-5 CABAB句型转换;1. Is that 2. Doesnt have 3. These oranges 4. His name 5. Where is汉译英; 1. Have day 2. Call at 3. Lets play 4. Sounds good 5. Come on完型填空;1-5 ABDDB 6-10 BCCDB阅读理解;1-5 FFTTF 6-10 BACBB 11-15 ABDAB 16-20 sister 她喜欢早晨跑步。He is my father. She is twelve years old. My family补全对话; CDABE书面表达; 略。

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