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国际商务函电写作与实践 翻译 胡进平等.docx

1、国际商务函电写作与实践 翻译 胡进平等国际商务函电写作与实践 翻译 胡进平等UNIT2 1.我们十分荣幸地从伦敦分公司得知你们是各种女士皮包出口商。We are very honored to from London branch learned that you are all kinds of ladies purse exporters.2.很荣幸从贵国大使馆得知,你公司生产并出口各种夹克,对此我们希望贵方能寄送商品目录和最新价目表。Very honored to your embassy from that you company manufacture and export vari

2、ous kinds of jacket, which we hope you can send us your catalogue and the latest price list.3.我们非常感谢你们6月8 日的来信。同样我们也希望能在电子产品方面开展长期合作,我们认为这样对双方都大有好处。We thank you very much for your letter of June 8. Also we also hope to in the electronic products in long-term cooperation, we think this is good for bo

3、th sides.4.弗里曼有限公司已将贵公司作为中国棉布的一位预期买主介绍给我们。Freeman Co., LTD. Has your company as the Chinese cotton a prospective buyers introduced to us.5.我们是一家专门经营轻工业产品的中国公司。我方借此机会与你方建立互惠互利的贸易关系。We are a specialized business light industrial products company in China. We take this opportunity to establish with you

4、 mutually beneficial business relationship.6.为便于贵方了解我方产品,我们随函附寄一份最新目录。希望你方客户能从中发现感兴趣的产品。To facilitate your information about our products, we are enclosing herewith a copy of our latest catalogue. Hope your customer can find the product of interest.7.获悉贵公司是中国手工艺产品的进口商,因此在下冒昧地写信给您,以求增进友谊、促进业务。We have

5、 learned that you are importers of Chinese handicraft products, so the next take the liberty to write to you, in order to enhance friendship, promote the business.8.很高兴在网上看到贵公司网页及公司介绍。对于你们希望进一步拓展海外业务地构思,我们颇感兴趣,比你想询问一下你们在选择海外合作伙伴方面有何要求以及有何营销规划。Very glad to see your web pages on the Internet and compa

6、ny information. You hope to further expand overseas business idea, were favorably impressed, than you want to ask about your choice in overseas partners are there any requirements and for what marketing planning.Unit3 1.希望贵公司能寄给我方一份附有插图的商品目录,捎带列明详细价格和付款条件。I hope you will send us a copy of the illust

7、rated catalogue and price list detailed lots and terms of payment.2.我们对你们的床单很感兴趣,希望你们能寄给我们各种颜色床单的最新价格单。We give to you is very interested in sheets, hope you can send us all sorts of color sheets of the latest price list.3.我们在中国日报上看到贵方所登的广告。如能寄给我们贵方不锈钢餐具的最新价目表,我们将不胜感激。We in the China Daily on see you

8、 the ads. If you can send us your latest price list of stainless steel tableware, we will be appreciated.4.一旦贵方的报价具有竞争力并能为我方客户所接受,我们将向你方大量订购。Once your quotation is competitive and we can accept by customers, we will place a substantial order with you.5.我们已收到来自日本客户的一份询盘,需购进标题项下的食糖,合计18公吨。We have rece

9、ived from Japan a customer enquiries, need to purchase captioned sugar, total 18 mt.6.如碰巧你们不能供应所确定切指定的货物,敬请你方与此规格指标最为相近的产品提供报价。As happened to you cant supply the goods as determined cut specified, please you party, and this specification index of a similar offer most products.7.我们过去通常从美国进口程控机床,但现在转而

10、向其他国家购买。如你方能满足我方所订货的数量,我们将改由你方全面供货。We used program-controlled machine imports from the United States, but now turn to other countries to buy. If you can meet our the quantity of your order, we will be debited to your overall supply.8.我们已看到贵公司在最近一期电视世界上所登的广告,很感兴趣请相依介绍你们产品的规格、价格、包装等情况。We already see y

11、our company in a recent issue of the TV world on the advertising, very interested please introduce you of the specifications of the products together, price, packing, etc.Unit4 1.感谢贵方对我产品的关爱,现以特快专递寄去我公司最新的产品目录和价目表。Thank you for your love of the product to me, is to send an express mail to my company

12、s latest product catalogue and a price list.2.贵公司8月12日询价信收悉,谢谢。现按贵公司所需皮鞋数量报价如下。our company on 12 August inquiry letter dated, thank you. According to your company is needed for the price of number of leather shoes.3.接受你们当前报价意味着我们将承担巨大亏损更不用谈利润了。Accept your offer means that we will take the responsibi

13、lity for the big losses not to speak more profit.4.如果该价格可为你方所接受请即来电,以便我方确认。If the price for you, please accept party calls, for our confirmation. 5.兹报实盘如下,以我方时间8月15日星期五中午12时之前答复为准。We offer you firm offer as follows, subject to our time on August 15, at 12:00 noon on Friday before reaching.6.贵公司22日寄来

14、的插图目录很完美但所列付款条件不符合我方贸易惯例。our company 22 to send illustrations directory is perfect but payment conditions do not conform to our trade practices.7.随函附上根据你方8月28日询价单所开出的报价单,期待你方确认。Enclosed is according to your inquiry sheet, August 28, the terms of quotations, looking forward to your confirmation.8.如能把

15、订货数量增加到每月300吨,我方可以将价格降到你方客户所能接受的水平。If the order quantity can increase to 300 tons per month, we can reduce our price to your customer can be acceptable level.Unit5 1.感谢来函及随附样品,我们对你们的商品价格和质量均感到满意,并十分高兴地寄回已填写好的订单。Thank you for your letter and the attached samples, we to you the prices of the goods and

16、 quality all feel satisfied, and very happy to send back to already order form.2.谢谢贵公司第345号求购床单和枕头套的订单。我们愿按有关条件接受你方这一订单,并尽快安排发运。Thanks for your company to buy no. 345 sheets and pillow order. We may accept your party according to the conditions of this order, and arrange shipment as soon as possible

17、.3.我公司已认真考虑你方5月5日对我方羊毛内衣报价的还盘,但十分遗憾,我公司无法接受。My company has carefully consider your party May 5 to our woollen underwear offer counter-offer, but very sorry, my company cant accept it.4.兹写信确认我方今晨所发电子邮件,欲够你方这期夏季商品目录中所列的以下商品。This is to confirm that we have this morning to write E-mail to your this issu

18、e of the summer is listed in the catalogue of the following goods.5.我们正殷切地等候你方尽早开出相关信用证,收到后我们将立即安排装运。We are eagerly waiting for your open the relative l/c as soon as possible, we will immediately after the receipt of arrange shipment.6.依照我们促进业务的愿望,我们已接受你方有关50吨羊毛的报盘。According to promote the business

19、we wish, we have accepted your order of about 50 tons wool offer.7.现随我方第4567号售货合同一式两份,请查收。如审查无误,请会签并退回我方一份以备存档。Now with our sales contract no. 4567 in duplicate, please check it. Such as examination and correct, please sign and return one copy for our file to prepare for.8.今附上我方已签妥的第hn687号够货合同,情查阅和会

20、签,并尽快寄回一份以供我方备存。Today we have sign attached the first hn687 enough goods, contract, the feeling of access and sign and return one copy to us as soon as possible for our keeping.Unit6 1.第304号信用证于11月30日在受益人所在地生效,除非另有规定。L/c no. 304 on November 30, in beneficiarys place to take effect, unless otherwise

21、stipulated.2.有一点我们必须指出,英国以外所有的银行费用将会借记你方账户。This we must point out, all bank charges outside Britain will debit your account.3.我们的付款方式未保兑的、不可撤销的、按发票金额开立的见票即付的信用证。Our payment is not a confirmed, irrevocable, the invoice amount of open a sight draft letter of credit.4.遵照你方要求,我们破例同意按照即期付款交单方式交货,但下不为例。om

22、ply with your request, we make an exception to the payment by d/p at sight delivery way, but dont do it again.5.兹写信通知贵方,我行已通过伦敦威斯敏斯渣打银行开立以你公司为受益人的不可撤销信用证,金额为30000英镑,有效期截至11月30日。This is to writing to inform you that we already through the London veith sensitive, standard chartered bank to open a cred

23、it in your company as the beneficiary irrevocable letter of credit, amount for 30000 pounds, as valid on November 30.6.为了避免随后修改信用证,请务必注意信用证的规定与合同条款完全一致。In order to avoid subsequent amendments l/c, please be sure to pay attention to the provisions of the l/c is the same with the terms of the contract

24、.7.如你方信用证能在7月10日前开到我处,我们将尽最大努力在下月初安排装运你们的订货。If your l/c before July 10 in open to my place, we will do our best to arrange shipment at the beginning of your order.8.我可以十分坦诚地说,你的建议不可接受。折衷而言,我方建议40%的款项以电汇方式支付,其余部分不可撤销的90天信用证支付。I can be quite honestly, your suggestion is not acceptable. Compromise is c

25、oncerned, we suggest that 40% of the payment by telegraphic transfer payment, and the rest of the irrevocable l/c 90 days.Unit7 1.我们猜想以上错误皆为笔误,希望你方立即作出必要的修改,以便我方及时装运。We guess above all is wrong mistake, we hope you will make necessary change immediately, so as to enable us to ship the goods in time.

26、2.兹提及我方6月10日去电要求将第SG9041号信用证中船期及有效期分别至7月5日及7月20日。然而至今仍无回音。We refer to our June 10 days to electricity requirements will first SG9041 the validity of your l/c no. And respectively to July 5 and July 20,. Yet there has been no response.3.我们不能用信用证付款,因为在向银行递交的票据中有太多差错。We cant payment by l/c, because in

27、the paper submitted to the bank has too many mistakes.4.因为没有直达船开往你方客户所指定的港口,所以特请贵方安排将信用证中“禁止转船”条款删除。Because there is no direct steamer to your customer designated ports, so, please you will arrange the l/c no transshipment clause deleted.5.如你们发现信用证开立申请书中有任何条款与合同不符,请速告知我方,以避免不必要的信用证修改。If you find the

28、 l/c to open any clause in the application form with the contract, please inform us we, in order to avoid unnecessary the l/c amendment.6.货物备妥待运已有相当一段时间,请你方尽快修改信用证,以便我们能在规定时间内交货。The goods ready for shipment for quite some time, asks you to amend the l/c as soon as possible, so that we can in time de

29、livery.7.我们不能一直为你方保留此批货物,除非你方信用证修改通知书能在本周末送达我方。We cant have been to your keep the goods, unless your l/c no.7754 can reach us in this weekend.8.该信用证本应于上月底开到我方,但遗憾的是,直到现在尚未收到你方任何有关消息。The l/c should be opened in the last month to us, but unfortunately, until now you have not received any relevant info

30、rmation.Unit9 1.我们一般按1989年元月1日中国人民保险公司的海洋运输货物保险条款向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。We usually according to January 1, 1989 the peoples insurance company of China of the ocean Marine cargo clauses of the peoples insurance company of China to insure against all risks.2.假如你们需要按照协会货物保险条款投保,我们也乐于照办,但如两者保费有所不同,其差额应由你方承担。If

31、you need according to institute cargo clauses, protect, we will be glad to do it, but as both premium is different, the difference should be for your account.3.如系CIF条款,卖方应负责投保销售确认书中所规定的全部险别,并支付保险费。若发生货损,你方可在货到30天内向当地保险公司提出索赔。我们相信他们会迅速予以办理。If the department CIF terms, the seller shall be responsible

32、for insurance as stipulated in the sales confirmation of all kinds of risks, and pay insurance premium. If the damage happened, you may, within 30 days in order to local insurance company to put forward the claim. We believe that they will quickly be processed.4.买方希望将货物投保延至内陆城市的要求可以接受,但额外的保险费应有由买方支付。The buyer will be extended to the goods against inland city requirements can be accepted, but the extra premium should be paid by buyer.5.保险费率随保险范围而定,如需增

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